World War COVID Guerre mondiale: From WeaponWorld to PeaceWorld; Learner, begin... De la terre en armes au monde paisible ; Apprenti, débute


January 09, 2024 mark Season 10 Episode 80

“We are confronted with the fierce urgency of now.” Quotation from Martin Luther King. Invitation to read and translate Learner.


Le pire imbécile se croit le plus sage- apprentimarcv
Ne traitez personne d'imbécile – Jésus

The greatest fool thinks himself wisest - learnermarkv
Call no man a fool. Jesus

From WeaponWorld to PeaceWorld
Learner, begin


If every Learner on WeaponWorld cast off misgivings
And worked to the same plan, we could build PeaceWorld in one generation.


Many good ideas have been stolen from us and thrown away. This rather long book gathers them up. I would rather multi-media specialists had adorned it with images as handsome as stained glass, (like the beautiful ones in the Reader’s Digest Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary) and a soundtrack of minus zero Kelvin adagios to match, also an animated video, Learner, begin. Ah, well, projects beyond my talent for lack of adequate help. Where did all my spontaneous Learner assistants disappear?

 From your favorite book, to the Bill of Rights, to a Space Shuttle Service Manual, a text won’t take wing until many people make it their own. Until then, it is just a string of empty symbols and they, a huddle of dreamers. Whether to launch liberty, liftoff – or PeaceWorld, for that matter – many people must study the same basic text, give voice to it and make it happen.

No text is perfect; so you’ll have to sift through mounds of raw ore to come across nuggets worth showing off to your friends, such that they join the cause. 

Here, I may be encouraging your reading chore, or mine of endless rewrites.

A revolutionary text is like a new tool. At first, it will seem to fall short in your virgin mind, the way an unwieldy tool might fail in your novice hands. Only meticulous examination will make it work for you. Be patient. I assure you; your patience will be rewarded. You Learners I’ve waited for so impatiently, here is what you so patiently awaited. 

Those who crave PeaceWorld more than fear it must rally ‘round a central text. This one, or another? I’ve found no other like it. Learner may just be the posthumous draft of some better scheme, or a mere sketch for ambivalent dissidents to ignore to death. I hope that's not the case.

To draw something big from Learner, we will have to familiarize ourselves with its tenets by debating them. For or against in majority, no matter; sharing the same ideals and vocabulary, that matters. Until such time, we’re just miming futile daydreams to each other. 

Look around you. The world sickens worse every day. It lacks the healing balm of untold voices preaching PeaceWorld and their shared effort to make it happen.

Don’t hear Learner with your inner voice alone, but with the massed roar of allied Learners. Without their input, this text is moot, no matter what message it intends to convey. With their help, the ideals of PeaceWorld will evolve from wishful thinking into down-to-earth common sense. The creative anarchy of Learners will have to overcome the sterile cowardice of current institutions. 

I sent this message to you on the Internet, the way Erasmus used the shiny new printing press to transmit his. Learner idealist, I’m letting you echo my dream, the way Erasmus used Middle Age humanists to proclaim his. 

What I ask from my brilliant readers overseas, is that you find a favorite chapter of Learner, translate it into your mother tongue, broadcast it on the Internet for free, and tell me about it. You and I have prepared for this task all our lives.

I did not write this text, nor did you seek it, just to stoke the WeaponWorld Jive Drive, distract you from your Learner responsibilities, and reassure you that weapons elites should make every vital decision without your input. That has never been sane policy. Learners will include everyone’s valid input, naturally.

The secret formula for PeaceWorld? All those on Earth, elites and proletarians alike endowed with a healthy moral conscience, must cooperate as Learners to put an end to the chaos international cliques of psychopath warmongers have stirred up among us since history began, and reward them more for peace from now on, than for war.

In pursuit of why not, how, and what to expect from PeaceWorld, Learners, rally here!
