World War COVID Guerre mondiale: From WeaponWorld to PeaceWorld; Learner, begin... De la terre en armes au monde paisible ; Apprenti, débute

Ode to Truth

February 29, 2024 mark Season 12 Episode 2375


Le pire imbécile se croit le plus sage- apprentimarcv
Ne traitez personne d'imbécile – Jésus

The greatest fool thinks himself wisest - learnermarkv
Call no man a fool. Jesus


Poems, mine and theirs


Inspired by Raghavan Iyer’s

The Moral and Political Thought of Mahatma Gandhi 


Our love accepts reproach.

Our love answers to no one but us. 

Our love bears equally indifference, ridicule, abuse, repression, respect and reverence.

Our love bears Truth, bares Truth. 

Our love calls us into the mortal pitfalls of politics. 

Our love can err but never fail. 

Our love cannot be cruel. 

Our love cannot be gainsaid. 

Our love cannot coerce or be coerced. 

Our love cannot do harm. 

Our love cannot lose or lose us. 

Our love corrects. 

Our love craves the mothers’ milk of pure religion. 

Our love demands that we know ourselves. 

Our love disgraces us by our own errors. 

Our love faces the consequences. 

Our love has all the time in the world. 

Our love improves. 

Our love increases with the observance of truth. 

Our love is better than us. 

Our love is consistent. 

Our love is infinitely brave. 

Our love is neither public nor private. 

Our love is our obligation. 

Our love is our religion. 

Our love is passionately celibate. 

Our love is perfectible. 

Our love is spontaneous. 

Our love is stronger than hate, than our hate. 

Our love is the Holy Spirit: human conscience.

Our love is the still, small voice. 

Our love is the truth. 

Our love is the world. 

Our love knows soul force. 

Our love loves our opponents. 

Our love loves self-sacrifice and self-suffering. 

Our love loves the climb, not the unattainable summit. 

Our love makes us act, not tarry. 

Our love makes us fear our mistakes, nothing else. 

Our love makes us humble. 

Our love makes us want to help others. 

Our love makes us want to suffer. 

Our love obeys every good law. 

Our love sends our judge, jailer and assassin. 

Our love tolerates no cowardice. 

Our love tolerates no evil. 

Our love turns us into heroes. 

Our love waxes and wanes, never stagnates.

Our love’s burden is featherweight. 

Our love’s fight or flight becomes “Stay and suffer by my side.” 

Our love’s martyrdom is bliss. 

Our love’s only betrayal is our weakness. 

Our lovers answer only to themselves. 

Our lovers are among the beaten and the scorned. 

Our lovers are anyone and everyone. 

Our lovers are blessed by God. 

Our lovers are born disciplinarians, instinctive law-abiders. 

Our lovers are calm and wise. 

Our lovers are clutchers-after-truth. 

Our lovers are consumed and consummated. 

Our lovers are fearless. 

Our lovers are gloriously ordinary. 

Our lovers are God. 

Our lovers are harmless, blameless. 

Our lovers are in the crowd and in the cave. 

Our lovers are kinsmen and strangers, young and old, man and woman, friend and foe alike. 

Our lovers are moral. 

Our lovers are neither moralists nor legalists. 

Our lovers are never without our love. 

Our lovers are noble. 

Our lovers are non-violent. 

Our lovers are not creatures of habit. 

Our lovers are our family. 

Our lovers are our opponents. 

Our lovers are our strength. 

Our lovers are ours. 

Our lovers are owed everything. 

Our lovers are passionate, total. 

Our lovers are perfect as they are. 

Our lovers are rebels, not rulers. 

Our lovers are revolutionaries. 

Our lovers are saintly politicians. 

Our lovers are self-freed in the art of action. 

Our lovers are self-governing. 

Our lovers are selfless. 

Our lovers are the few. 

Our lovers are the meanest creatures. 

Our lovers are the other. 

Our lovers are to die for.

Our lovers are to die laughing with. 

Our lovers are too perfect to be. 

Our lovers attract more lovers. 

Our lovers believe the individual sacrosanct. 

Our lovers bring us delight and peace during utmost turmoil. 

Our lovers can only be respected or pitied. 

Our lovers cannot be coerced. 

Our lovers cannot be harmed except by misunderstanding. 

Our lovers cannot be State or Nation. 

Our lovers cannot bear a grudge. 

Our lovers cannot coerce. 

Our lovers cannot do harm. 

Our lovers cannot go wrong. 

Our lovers cannot harm us. 

Our lovers cannot lie. 

Our lovers carefully consider the consequences.

Our lovers comfort the oppressor and the oppressed alike. 

Our lovers compel their enemies’ admiration. 

Our lovers cooperate with those who won’t. 

Our lovers demand correction. 

Our lovers demand our very lives. 

Our lovers demand purification, penitence, and non-cooperation with evil. 

Our lovers despise apathy. 

Our lovers do no harm. 

Our lovers do not come to us in fear. 

Our lovers do not oppress. 

Our lovers don’t care about majority rule. 

Our lovers don’t worry about consequences. 

Our lovers emerge from our opponents through our suffering. 

Our lovers exemplify truth and non-Violence. 

Our lovers expect the highest discipline. 

Our lovers experiment playfully. 

Our lovers express love through love. 

Our lovers fight by enduring injury upon themselves. 

Our lovers grant their opponents the same rights they claim. 

Our lovers hate indiscipline and chaosism. 

Our lovers have been every prophet. 

Our lovers heal and cure. 

Our lovers heed the inner voice.

Our lovers hope for better. 

Our lovers in prison, we must go to prison. 

Our lovers keep faith in goodness.

Our lovers keep us company in the hole. 

Our lovers know guilt, not shame. 

Our lovers know pure sincerity. 

Our lovers know right from wrong. 

Our lovers leave us no alternative but love. 

Our lovers leave us sleepless at night. 

Our lovers love conscience. 

Our lovers love justice. 

Our lovers love our vows. 

Our lovers love prayer. 

Our lovers love the underdog. 

Our lovers love us as themselves. 

Our lovers love us like God. 

Our lovers make fasting a feast. 

Our lovers make no exceptions. 

Our lovers make other interests trivial. 

Our lovers make personal gain worthless. 

Our lovers make up the only law. 

Our lovers make us fearless. 

Our lovers make us like unto nothing. 

Our lovers make us powerless without them. 

Our lovers make us strong in love. 

Our lovers make us weak. 

Our lovers may not be harassed. 

Our lovers may not be hurt. 

Our lovers may not be quietly watched being hurt. 

Our lovers may only be loved. 

Our lovers merit total sacrifice. 

Our lovers must be pursued, not shunned. 

Our lovers must be seduced. 

Our lovers need bring us no other advantage. 

Our lovers never retaliate. 

Our lovers obey every good thing. 

Our lovers obey their beloved. 

Our lovers obey their jailers’ slightest rule in good conscience. 

Our lovers offer matchless weapons of truth. 

Our lovers overcome shame with perfectibility. 

Our lovers practice detachment in intense concentration. 

Our lovers practice self-effort to become self-aware. 

Our lovers prize absolute truth over relative truth. 

Our lovers produce honor. 

Our lovers purify us. 

Our lovers reserve the strongest remedies as a last resort. 

Our lovers seduce the loveless. 

Our lovers seek peace within themselves. 

Our lovers self-rule. 

Our lovers shall be many. 

Our lovers shield us as we harm ourselves. 

Our lovers shield us from raging crowds. 

Our lovers shower us with mercy. 

Our lovers smash bad laws. 

Our lovers take tremendous risks. 

Our lovers teach us everything. 

Our lovers trust those who don’t. 

Our lovers turn us into lunatics. 

Our lovers undergo trials and observe principles. 

Our lovers voice their innermost convictions. 

Our lovers we cannot harm. 

Our lovers we must imitate. 

Our lovers, ever courteous and thoughtful. 

Our lovers, failing, lack imagination. 

Our lovers, free to choose, pick selflessness. 

Our lovers, loveless, are full of law. 

Our lovers, loveless, are powerless. 

Our lovers, loveless, feel shame. 

Our lovers, loveless, must be seduced. 

Our lovers’ acts are those of heroes. 

Our lovers’ acts may be judged right or wrong. 

Our lovers’ attitudes must be perfected. 

Our lovers’ capital is character. 

Our lovers’ ends are inevitable. 

Our lovers’ enemies cannot be surrendered to. 

Our lovers’ enlightenment is more important than our happiness. 

Our lovers’ fellow feeling is godly. 

Our lovers’ Good is better than any Best. 

Our lovers’ happiness is more important than our lives. 

Our lovers’ love is painstaking. 

Our lovers’ love is purchased with our suffering. 

Our lovers’ lovelessness must be changed. 

Our lovers’ means are everything — ends, instinctive. 

Our lovers’ separation kills us. 

Our lovers’ sleeping conscience reawakens.


Our love, birdsong and heartbreak sunsets.

Our love, the sun, the moon and the stars!

Our love, Linda.

Our love, your art and mine, together.


Everything is due to our lovers and due them.

Our love song to the Universe is the Our Father recited alone.  


We are real people, 

Alive in God because we love, 

Not just animals baying at an empty world.  

Peace management rests on Satyagraha and the fine art of verifaction.  

Study them as if the survival of humanity depended on it.