World War COVID Guerre mondiale: From WeaponWorld to PeaceWorld; Learner, begin... De la terre en armes au monde paisible ; Apprenti, débute


March 15, 2024 mark Season 13 Episode 3170

Street litter may be fit for the hell paths of WeaponWorld, but not the New Jerusalem of PeaceWorld. Litter control should be a sidewalk sport; it’s recycling, child’s play.


Le pire imbécile se croit le plus sage- apprentimarcv
Ne traitez personne d'imbécile – Jésus

The greatest fool thinks himself wisest - learnermarkv
Call no man a fool. Jesus

From WeaponWorld to PeaceWorld
Learner, begin


No hands.


Kick trash off the sidewalk and onto the street.


Cigarette butts, filters and empty packs, glass, pebbles, cardboard, clothing, anything white, metallic, plastic, paper, and inorganic: ONE POINT EACH.


Organics: leaves, animals (dead or alive), grass, soil, spittle, droppings, oil spots, wet spots, water puddles, snow and ice: ZERO POINTS.


Bright orange peels or smelly ones of melons and each of its seeds: ONE POINT.


Kick trash onto the brick border along the curb just short of the street: ONE POINT EACH.


Foot strikes on the same target while airborne: ONE POINT EACH.


Same kick, multiple targets towards street: ONE POINT EACH.

SK, MT onto street: ONE POINT EACH.

Onto curbstone: ONE POINT EACH.


Into the street during high winds: ONE POINT.


Kick target into a trash receptacle: ONE POINT.


Your score is cumulative.


Competition by yards of sidewalk swept per unit time.


Or alternating kick passes by different competitors from an agreed starting point to the street.  One item per competitor, unless it’s worth TWO POINTS or more; then the same competitor starts kicking the next item.


MINUS ONE POINT for kicking an object into a crack in the sidewalk.


MINUS ONE POINT for unsportsmanlike behavior or using hands (game over).


ONE POINT, once per game, for making spectators laugh and/or applaud.



ONE POINT, once per target if you're a real clown.


PERMITTED CHEAT: A twig may be used to tease one or more targets from cracks in the sidewalk that cannot be reached by shoe toes.  Do not count footsteps to do this task.  ZERO POINTS.


If some piece of litter perturbs you beyond enduring, pick it up by hand and take it to a trash barrel.  Wash your hands after.  ZERO POINTS.


Elegant simplifications of these rules are welcome.  Children should sum up the score in their head (the more complicated the calculation they tolerate, the better) and kick litter to the curb.


Sociopaths rejoice in fouling or killing everything they touch, if allowed. The conscientious cleanse and heal, and, even more rewardingly, restore to a natural state; whether or not they are allowed by prevailing psychopaths. We must turn this cosmic dance into an everyday game, at least for the children. 
