Anna Anderson | The Warrior Journals

The Warrior Journals | Episode 8| James Powell

Anna Anderson

Today I talk to James Powell- a coach, advocate and activist for the Queer Community; his mission moving forward is to build a community based on Self Love, Inclusion, Mental and Spiritual Health for ALL people. James believes in the power of healing when we own and share our stories.

James is currently building his community through his podcast "This Little Light of Mine", where he shares his story of spiritual abuse, religious trauma,sexual abuse and addiction.

He wants to stop the abuse that still happens to this day to the LGBTQ community, and children in religious communities.

When we know better, we have a responsibility to BE better.

You can reach out to James on

The Warrior Journals with Anna Anderson.

Hitting a low point in her life, after ticking all the boxes of what she "should" do to be a success in the traditional way, Anna heard a faint but insistent inner voice counselling her that there was a better way, and that she had so much more to offer the world.

Turned out that voice was telling the Truth, and Anna has now turned her life around and is now a female empowerment coach, being a guiding light for woman, and helping them avoid the pitfalls she encountered along the way.

She passionately believes that "The darkness is where the light comes in", and heady that that statement may be her message is grounded, practical, down to earth, not to mention vibrant and fun!

In this podcast, you will hear stories of incredible turnarounds, negatives turned into incredible positives, and of course Anna's wisdom and coaching expertise shining through.

Reach out to her - perhaps you have a story to share!