A Fight Worth Fighting: A Marriage and Family Podcast

How to be the Man your Family Needs, How Divorce feels from a Child's Perspective

A Marriage and Family Podcast By Amanda Borrego Season 2 Episode 30

You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry.” James 1:19

Have past hurst and marriage struggles caused you to put up your guard and protect yourself? With each hurt we put up our guards a little more and a little more, this can cause us to become bitter and resentful-without really realizing it. When we become overly protective of ourselves, as to not get hurt we can show up very selfishly. It becomes hard to serve, or to really even love our spouse. When we have had so many hurts and hangups it is hard to see clearly how selfish we have really become.

Listen to this weeks episode for ideas on how to break through that selfishness and start serving your spouse.

"Both my wife and I came from parents who divorced and broken families. So we came into our marriage committing that divorce would never be on the table and that we would do whatever we could to prevent our children from going through what we had to endure as children of divorce. We decided that divorce would never be an option." - Dan Yeazel

Have you resolved that divorce is not an option? Or do you live in constant fear that your marriage may one day end? Resolving that you are in it to stay can create space for you and your spouse to feel reassured and safe enough to put in the real work that is needed to have a lasting marriage. Our guest Dan Yeazel shares how as a child of divorce, and despite the struggles and crisis that they faced, resolved to do whatever it takes to stay married and shares that because of the hard work, commitment, and sticking it out though the hard times "wakes up every morning thanking God for his wife."

Check out our website,  and get the 7 Marriage Challenges to start Creating Miracles in your Marriage today!

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About this podcast: I recorded our first episode in the middle of what could have turned into a big, ugly fight over a cardboard box. Yes. Really. 

I am not here to give you advice because trust me- I do not have it all figured out! There have been many days where we have wondered if our marriage is going to make it. 

On this podcast we will seek the advice from husbands and wives whose marriages have stood the test of time and I ask them one question: Was there ever a time you wanted to call it quits, separate, or get a divorce? If so, how did you make it through it?

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Books mentioned: (if you are interested in purchasing please use these links as I will receive a small commission to help keep this podcast going)

How to Win Friends and Influence People
A Complaint Free World
The Magic 

We love you and want to remind you that God is for you and for your marriage and family!

Thanks for joining us for all things husband and wife life, relationship goals, marriage advice,  and stepmom help!