Health In Europe

EPI at 50: Unpacking the Past, Present, and Future of Global Immunization

World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe Season 6 Episode 2

This week marks the 50th anniversary of the WHO's Expanded Programme on Immunization,  now known as the Essential Programme on Immunization, or EPI. This initiative has been a driving force behind the quest for fair access to life-saving vaccines for every child, irrespective of their geographical or socioeconomic circumstances.  

Over the past half-century, EPI has played a crucial role in shaping our battle against preventable diseases. But this is not a self-congratulatory episode, celebrating EPI’s triumphs. We will also examine the persistent challenges of inequitable vaccine access, growing skepticism towards immunization, and the future of global health collaboration. We are going to dissect successes, confront the hurdles, and question what's next for this vital global health programme.

Find out more: 50th anniversary of the Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI) (