Indigo Vybes!

Say Nothing Negative for 24 Hours!

May 15, 2023
Say Nothing Negative for 24 Hours!
Indigo Vybes!
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Indigo Vybes!
Say Nothing Negative for 24 Hours!
May 15, 2023

In this episode I am challenging you to change the way you think and speak for the next 24 hours. We all want happy and satisfying lives but if we closely examine our thoughts and the words that we use when speaking to and about others, we will soon realise  just how much negative energy we generate in our own lives and allow to circulate in the world around us. When faced with life’s challenges, our conditioned behaviour and automatic responses tend to be more negative than positive.We all know what negative energy feels like. It can come from other people, our surroundings and our own mindset.Negative energy can leave us both mentally and physically exhausted.The effect of both thinking and speaking negatively is pretty far reaching and pollutes all levels of our life experience.
The 2 main effects of thinking and speaking negatively are:

  1. The impact on your mood and outlook on life 
  2. The impact on your ability to achieve goals 

Other effects of being negative are: 

  • It affects the way people see you and can be damaging to your relationships and friendships.
  • Its damaging to your health on all levels.
  • It lowers your self esteem and confidence.
  • It makes you feel drained.
  • It just generally makes you unattractive.

Benefits of  eliminating negative thoughts and speech

  • More fulfilling relationships and stronger connections to people.
  • Better mental and physical  health and more stable mental well being.
  • Lower levels of anxiety and depression.
  • Will make you more attractive to others and place you in a better position to attract better opportunities for yourself

Habits that will help us to avoid thinking and speaking negatively:

  • Avoid getting too involved in matters that don’t concern you. 
  • Practice speaking and thinking positively.
  • Stay focused on your goals.
  • Focus on  the present moment.
  • Focus on finding practical solutions to challenging situations.
  • Become aware when you find yourself veering towards saying or thinking anything negative and command yourself to stop

When you’re  consistently positive  – Life just  seems to flow a whole lot better and you may feel a higher sense of purpose, peace, hope and meaning. You may find that you’re able to manifest your desires more and also make better sense of your life experiences. 

 Our thoughts and words  have a powerful frequency and carry an energy which has the effect of altering our reality and what we experience in life.

So with this in mind, we owe it to ourselves to be more mindful about our thoughts and spoken word in order to manifest our desired reality more effortlessly.

So here’s my challenge for you:

Over the next 24 hours observe yourself very closely and try to catch yourself every time you’re about to say or think  something negative.  When you find yourself veering towards saying or thinking something negative ,  dont beat yourself up but simply notice it and stop. Your new level of self  awareness is where the  vital changes will  begin to take place.

Try this challenge for 24 hours or even 3 days and see what a difference it makes in your life. I am confident that if we can all get in the habit of doing this, that in time it will simply become a way of life.   

Good Luck with it!

Come find me at:
Hope to connect with you very soon. until then do stay positive and focused 

Antonia xxxx

Show Notes

In this episode I am challenging you to change the way you think and speak for the next 24 hours. We all want happy and satisfying lives but if we closely examine our thoughts and the words that we use when speaking to and about others, we will soon realise  just how much negative energy we generate in our own lives and allow to circulate in the world around us. When faced with life’s challenges, our conditioned behaviour and automatic responses tend to be more negative than positive.We all know what negative energy feels like. It can come from other people, our surroundings and our own mindset.Negative energy can leave us both mentally and physically exhausted.The effect of both thinking and speaking negatively is pretty far reaching and pollutes all levels of our life experience.
The 2 main effects of thinking and speaking negatively are:

  1. The impact on your mood and outlook on life 
  2. The impact on your ability to achieve goals 

Other effects of being negative are: 

  • It affects the way people see you and can be damaging to your relationships and friendships.
  • Its damaging to your health on all levels.
  • It lowers your self esteem and confidence.
  • It makes you feel drained.
  • It just generally makes you unattractive.

Benefits of  eliminating negative thoughts and speech

  • More fulfilling relationships and stronger connections to people.
  • Better mental and physical  health and more stable mental well being.
  • Lower levels of anxiety and depression.
  • Will make you more attractive to others and place you in a better position to attract better opportunities for yourself

Habits that will help us to avoid thinking and speaking negatively:

  • Avoid getting too involved in matters that don’t concern you. 
  • Practice speaking and thinking positively.
  • Stay focused on your goals.
  • Focus on  the present moment.
  • Focus on finding practical solutions to challenging situations.
  • Become aware when you find yourself veering towards saying or thinking anything negative and command yourself to stop

When you’re  consistently positive  – Life just  seems to flow a whole lot better and you may feel a higher sense of purpose, peace, hope and meaning. You may find that you’re able to manifest your desires more and also make better sense of your life experiences. 

 Our thoughts and words  have a powerful frequency and carry an energy which has the effect of altering our reality and what we experience in life.

So with this in mind, we owe it to ourselves to be more mindful about our thoughts and spoken word in order to manifest our desired reality more effortlessly.

So here’s my challenge for you:

Over the next 24 hours observe yourself very closely and try to catch yourself every time you’re about to say or think  something negative.  When you find yourself veering towards saying or thinking something negative ,  dont beat yourself up but simply notice it and stop. Your new level of self  awareness is where the  vital changes will  begin to take place.

Try this challenge for 24 hours or even 3 days and see what a difference it makes in your life. I am confident that if we can all get in the habit of doing this, that in time it will simply become a way of life.   

Good Luck with it!

Come find me at:
Hope to connect with you very soon. until then do stay positive and focused 

Antonia xxxx