The New Wineskin for a New Era

GLORY CULTURE Season 3 Episode 3

Embark on a journey with Teryn and  David Yancey, as we navigate the dynamics and the essential shifts happening in this new season. Witness the transformation as we shed the 'old wineskin' of the previous movement, calling believers to recenter on the gospel's core truths, love deeply within our communities, and foster prophetic voices close to home. Together, they discuss the challenges that arose during the previous movement, recognizing the line between ministering to the Lord versus to men, and recommit ourselves to laying a strong foundation in our Christian life and fellowship.

In this episode, we also wade into the profound concept of the cloud of witnesses.  Sharing personal experiences as well as cautioning against the pursuit of spiritual encounters driven by ambition, using Saul's story as a stark reminder of the consequences.  Their discussion underscores the importance of moving with the Holy Spirit through changing spiritual seasons and not getting trapped in the outdated religious practices that can stifle growth, paralleling Israel's extended sojourn in Egypt.

Finally, David and Teryn confront the reality that our spiritual paths may diverge from those we've walked with, a testament to the unique, God-crafted journey each of us must undertake. This poignant message of maturity reminds us of the different plans the Lord has for each person and invites you to join in renewing your commitment to individual growth and community transformation. Tune in to discover how to harness your spiritual gifts in this new era, and share in the encouragement to step boldly into the future.

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Speaker 1:

You're listening to the Glory Culture Podcast Show. To learn more about the ministry, head on over to glorycultureintlcom and click. Now. Here's your host, david Yancey. Hey guys, it is the Glory Culture Podcast Show, and I am David Yancey, and with me today is my wife, taryn.

Speaker 2:

Hello, hello.

Speaker 1:

And it's been a little while since we've been on here. But it's a new season, it's a new day, so what have you been thinking?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, God is definitely doing a new thing and I'm like super excited to share everything that's been going on. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

So I think it's obvious that the whole body of Christ has been in a little bit of a season and the Lord is changing. Things are changing right now. I'll just put it like that. How would you want to say Things are changing right now? I'll just put it like that.

Speaker 2:

How would you want to say? I would say that the Lord is just recalibrating some things, changing some things up. The old things like really are passing away and God is like fashioning this new thing in the body of Christ.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I really think, like okay, we want to talk about old wineskin, new wineskin, and you know, like, oh, this is what the Lord's doing, this is the new thing.

Speaker 1:

And I really, really think that the new wineskin quote unquote new wineskin that existed from about 2017 to about 2022, I would say has become the old wineskin and the Lord is not in it anymore.

Speaker 1:

There's been a grace, a transitional period for a lot of the things that were booming in the body of Christ, and I really believe that the moves that were taking place from I'm just estimating 17 to 22, the moves that were taking place, the thing that had the favor and the oil just dripping off of them, that God is trying to transition a new thing.

Speaker 1:

And I really believe the last two years there's been a grace for transition, but there's been a huge resistance for people being willing to transition. And it's really interesting because I really feel like, you know, in that time period, everybody was like new wineskin, new wineskin, new wineskin, pounding the table with oh, the old things have passed away. New wineskin, new wineskin pounding the table with no, the old things have passed away. And it's so funny, as I think that thing is now become the old wineskin and and the people that were so passionate about abandoning the old thing are clinging to this with a white knuckle grip, and that is, I believe, the growing pain that many have been dealing with for the last year to year and a half.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, no, definitely. You know, for a long time people were preaching like you can't attach the old to the new or else it's going to rip and split open, and that was the thing for quite a while. You can't sew on the new wine skin to the old wine skin or it's going to rip. We're past that point now, like we are past that point, and it's either we have either you run with the new thing or you're the old thing, and there is no mixture. And what I really think the Lord is doing right now is taking us back to the simplicity of the gospel loving one another, cultivating community, prophetic communities and doing things like in your own town, in cities, like it's the small things that are having a big impact right now.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, local building. Now, I've used a lot of generic language on this, so let me get a little more specific. There was a huge outbreak of the prophetic and it's not like it went anywhere or went away. The prophetic has always been there. But there was this huge magnifying glass upon the prophetic movement from 2017 and really up until about 2022. And don't misconceive or misrepresent my words here the prophetic is not going anywhere. God isn't abandoning the prophetic. He never is abandoned. The prophetic that the prophets have been around since, uh, abraham, you know. So let's, let's not allow that to be misrepresented. Um, but there was this huge explosion in the prophetic in America in the West, but very heavily in America and the Lord was all over it. And I'm not suggesting that the Lord has abandoned that. What I'm saying is there was a time and a purpose and now the Lord has gotten our attention, brought people's attention back to the prophetic, to the importance of the prophetic, to the importance of honoring the word of the Lord, receiving the word of the Lord, seeking for the word of the Lord not just through a vessel, but for yourself, really, because what the prophetic is is confirmation and it's the spirit of prophecy, is a testimony of Jesus. So all prophecy is going to point you to the Lord's will for your life right.

Speaker 1:

I believe that window there was a huge explosion in development of the prophetic and now I think you hit it on the head with it is coming back to the simplicity and, my goodness, the fruit of the spirit. Because one thing that came from this prophetic movement was a lot of I'm just going to go out there and risk ticking people off A lot of character issues. I believe that many people grew and you know I'm not showing dishonor, we're not going to mention anybody specifically, because I think this was a broad thing that happened. It was a lot of ministries exploded was a broad thing that happened. It was a lot of ministries exploded and what happened was ministering to an audience of one kind of lost its focus, and I'm not saying that people weren't serving the Lord or anything like that, but I believe there's a huge difference between ministering unto the Lord and ministering unto men, and ministering unto men is not of itself evil. In fact, we are supposed to minister unto men secondarily to first ministering unto the Lord. And I think that you know there was a lot of wonderful things that happened and it was all the Lord's will and there's no mistake.

Speaker 1:

I don't believe that this is like a correcting riding the ship. I think this is the Lord saying wonderful, all right, let's move to the next thing. And people have been struggling to move away from that. People have been struggling to move away from building this just nonstop machine that's in a new city every week, and I believe the Lord's hand was on that for a while and I don't believe that's what he's doing right now. Now I'm not saying that conferences are going to go away or the traveling is going to go away, but there was such a grace period upon that for the masses, and now I believe that that has dwindled down to away from the masses, down to those specifically graced for that.

Speaker 2:

Right, yeah, definitely, I think I think the Lord had to correct some things in the big ministry machine and really because I think, even though we're all in love with Jesus, right why? I sure hope so. If you are standing on a platform, I sure hope you love Jesus. But I think he was actually checking the motives of hearts within the past few years and it's like, do you love this platform more than you love me?

Speaker 2:

and the Lord asked me, like I was sitting in a conference and under some a general, and the Lord actually spoke to me and as I was writing down this prophetic word he was giving me, he asked me, like, just wanted me to think about, like, do you love dreams and visions more than you love me? And then he said because most people do, and I had to check my own heart and be like, wow, do I love those encounters more than Jesus, the person? Do I love those encounters more than God and Holy Spirit? Like, am I craving that more than I'm actually craving? Like just him? And so of course I. I, if I never had a dream or vision again, like that's okay with me, because I know like I love jesus and I would give that all the way just to have just his presence and just just jesus, and I don't.

Speaker 2:

I think the lord was checking a lot of motives of the heart and we have seen some ministries stop and we've seen some excel and I really feel like it's just coming back to that simple gospel of like, do you really love me? And when it gets hard, are your eyes going to keep like focusing on me, or are you going to keep get your eyes off me and sink?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And we saw that happen.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and for the record, like, if you follow this ministry, you should know this already. If you're tuning in for the first time or you're just checking us out, maybe you don't know us all that well. We are very much for encounters. We are very much for signs, wonders, miracles. We are all for dreams, visions, trances, everything that the Bible has right. But that is a secondary. Those things are developed out of pure intimacy with the Lord. Of course, there are going to be times when you're going to have your Saul in Damascus and a divinely orchestrated encounter right when you weren't expecting it, you weren't seeing it, it came out of nowhere and God just expecting it. You weren't seeing it, it came out of nowhere and God just revealed himself.

Speaker 1:

But the majority of the time, all of these things come from living the Psalm 91 lifestyle under the shadow of the Almighty, seeking his face in a lifestyle of prayer. Right, and I agree 100% with what you said. So many people bred that lifestyle. They bred intimacy with the Lord. You said so many people bred that lifestyle. They bred intimacy with the lord and all these encounters started happening, which is wonderful and the lord is blessing us with that. But then people fell in love with the encounter, more they, more than they fell in love with his presence right and even fell in love with having angelic encounters more than you know.

Speaker 1:

Holy spirit right, and angelic encounters are wonderful and they're god orchestrated, but people, I think, transitioned in away from seeking a space, more or less just seeking the supernatural, simply so they could turn around and tell the story about it right, keeping it between Jesus and them.

Speaker 2:

You know what the Lord did in secret a lot of the times, or what he does do in secret a lot of the times is supposed to stay a secret, and I feel like in the prophetic we have seen those who just seek so they can say something, just so they can have another Facebook post just seek so they can say something, just so they can have another Facebook post, and so you can really tell, like you can really tell when somebody puts something out, when the Lord releases something through them.

Speaker 2:

there is a wind on it. There is a language to it, and you know that was orchestrated by the Lord to be shared to the masses, to the people, to their sphere of influence. And you know cause. Everybody has a voice and we're all saying something all at the same time. So we need to have an ear to really truly hear. We need discernment to know who is speaking from the heart of the Lord and so, yeah, I think, um, what, how do I put this?

Speaker 1:

um, the lord is bringing us back into the simplicity of just being completely and fully in love with them. Do I believe that, uh, encounters will continue? Absolutely? Do I believe angelic visitations are going to continue? Absolutely?

Speaker 2:

Even more so.

Speaker 1:

But I believe that God is bringing back the plumb line of hey, you know, you know we're going to get back to that place, that secret place of just you and I, and just like the marriage chambers, there are things that go on in the marriage chambers that aren't meant to be shared Right, and the same goes with the Lord. Now, there are things that God is going to prompt you to share. There are things that happen, especially in the lifestyle of a prophet, where you go through something so that you will be able to turn around and share it. But I believe we're seeing the fruit of so many people that have just been seeking I'll just even say the truth here seeking cloud of witness encounters. I believe in cloud of witnesses. You believe in cloud of witnesses Full blow.

Speaker 1:

I've had encounters. We've both had encounters with the cloud of witnesses. You believe in cloud of witnesses Full blow. I've had encounters. We've both had encounters with the cloud of witnesses. I've been preaching twice now, because it just recently happened to me a few weeks ago, twice now where a member of the cloud of witnesses was standing on the platform with me.

Speaker 2:

With other people confirming yes Without you saying it.

Speaker 1:

Not just me turn around and being like, oh, so-and-so's here, somebody, I saw them and someone else texted me and said I'm watching the live stream and this person is standing there with you. So confirmation, somebody from across the nation texting me. But but okay, we don't seek that out. That's what Saul did. He sought Samuel through a medium, witchcraft, demonic Cloud of witness encounters are sovereign. The Lord dictates it by His will, not by your.

Speaker 1:

Hmm, I think I'm going to go have breakfast with Moses. Or I think I'm going to go talk to Oral Roberts, like, okay, you're going to find someone that looks like him and it's a devil. But when the Lord divinely orchestrates, hey, in this dream I was visited by so-and-so and they had a message or something of that nature Great. But I think what we've seen I say all that to lay the biblical foundation for cloud of witnesses is sanctified when it's through God's direction. But what we've seen I say all that to lay the biblical foundation for cloud of witnesses is sanctified when it's through God's direction. But what we've seen the last couple of years is people that have fallen in love with cloud of witness encounters and now they're just quote, unquote, going into the realm of spirit to meet with someone, and that is not sovereign, that is not holy, that is not righteous.

Speaker 2:

Right, and I would say a lot of the times they're not encountering that person but a fallen thing taking on that person.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you're probably. You're probably face to face with the following.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

That is shapeshifted into that person's image. Now that's, I know that's kind of a heavy message, especially if you're not familiar with our ministry, but the Bible backs up so many of these supernatural encounters. But one thing that is consistent is the Lord is the door. Jesus said I am the door, and those that go up and through a different way are thieves and robbers. That's not talking about heaven, that's talking about all the supernatural things. Right? That's not talking about heaven. That's talking about all the supernatural things, right? Um? So anyways, to get back to what I was the way, the topic of this conversation is the changing of seasons and the changing of of um, where the lord is going. I believe that there were some things that had to be addressed by the Lord, but also I think it's a natural change Because religion loves to stick around under an old decree.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to try and do my best to avoid preaching here, but just one example, and there's many examples in the Bible. But I believe religion is not doing the wrong thing. Religion is doing an old thing and never stopping. Egypt is known by everyone and every theologian out there that it is a type and a shadow of sin and bondage. Right, but before it was sin and bondage, egypt was a place of salvation. Joseph went to Egypt and brought Israel there and saved them from the famine. Right what happened? They stayed too long. They stayed in an old decree. They stayed well past it until they were enslaved, and that's what religion is.

Speaker 1:

And so I believe we are on the cusp, the cutting edge for the last two years of a change, and I believe so many people have been under a thick, heavy warfare and oppression. For the last, however many months I believe people are really have been struggling with depression and struggling with even suicidal thoughts and tendencies, but it's not your natural circumstances. I believe what you're feeling is the birthing pains and God is saying okay, there was a grace for this transition. The grace is lifting because I expect you to fully step in it, and I think we're at a tilting catalyst point right now where you're going to step into the new thing or you're going to fall into the old wineskin and you're going to get in a rut and it's going to take a catalyst to launch you out of that.

Speaker 2:

But I think that's where the warfare is coming in. You're at this fork in the road, well, or you're almost at a finish line of the old thing and the enemy is trying to hold you back in that old thing when really you're meant to step over that threshold into the new. And so there's this warfare that's trying to get you so bogged down that you, like you're losing your fire. Not that you haven't fallen out of love with god, but it's like man, I'm just, I'm a little burnt out, I'm a little not as on fire as I was, even though I know I'm supposed to be.

Speaker 2:

And there's this tension happening in in between these two spaces and it's like you're even questioning, like, your identity, your purpose, purpose on the earth, things like that, because the enemy is so afraid of what's coming and so he's coming after the people just to keep them in the old thing, because God is moving in this new way, or we're on the cusp of this new thing. And I'm not talking about revival and I'm not talking about all that, I'm just talking about the way that the Lord is going to be doing things.

Speaker 1:

Yes, the grace and favor and the anointing. I think we saw the grace, the favor, the anointing was upon. You know the conference circuit.

Speaker 2:

That was amazing, and it was amazing.

Speaker 1:

And people, people love to slam that they're like oh, another conference hopper. Well, if the only thing in your city is a dead, religious, backwards, unfruitful, pharisaical system, then heck yeah, continue to conference, hop, Praise God, you're hungry enough to go find it. You're hungry enough to go see it. Don't let somebody slam you for that right. But then it turned from chasing the Holy Ghost to more like a rodeo. We're going to show up, we're going to see how long the move lasts and we're all going to applaud at the end. And we're all going to applaud at the end. You know, and there's a real fine line between pursuance and familiarity. There's a reason why Jacob was not able to identify Leah from Rachel in the tent on the wedding night. Why? Because they're so closely related that it takes that if you don't have foresight, all you have is hindsight.

Speaker 1:

Right, and I'm going to do my best to not preach here, because Leah is the religious system and Rachel is your first love. Jesus is your first love. Jesus is your first love. The religious system and familiarity is how we fall into familiarity with old things. But I really believe that God has been transitioning us for two years and so many of us have struggled in this transitional time, uh and but we're. We're on a new dawn, a new day is dawning right.

Speaker 1:

So let's give everyone some keys on how to embrace the new, step into the new and overcome this warfare that they may be, experiencing I believe that one of the first keys that god is unlocking right now in this season community and I'm not talking about potluck christianese churchianity I'm in a community of believers that are just real people, real people that that love Jesus and they're real with one another, like the church of Antioch, and the church of Antioch was filled with diversity and it was also filled with like-minded believers. I believe that the Lord is building locally. The conference circuit was going around the nation sowing seeds of impartation for many years and, like I said, I don't believe conferences are over. I think the masses were doing conferences and the Lord was on it. Now I think conferences are strategic alone.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Before it was like the Lord's grace was on it anywhere, anytime, any place, with anyone, and his favor was on it. And now it's pulled back to strategic only.

Speaker 2:

But I think that period of time the Lord was like impartation, impartation, impartation getting everybody filled up with impartation, experiences experiencing his glory. And now it's like impartation, impartation, impartation, getting everybody filled up with impartation, experiences experiencing his glory. And now it's like okay, you've been given all this impartation, all these keys, what are you doing with them? And now it's time to like go and do.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I believe the local building and I'm not talking about church building, I mean like apostolic building, community house churches, networks of inner city networks, getting out of the church building, going into the city not to preach but to exist as a Christ imager I believe that that impartation for all those years was key. Now we're being held accountable for the impartation we've received. Are you going to do something with it, just like Jesus in the parable with the talents? Are you going to bury it in a field or are you going to double the return on it? And I believe that's where we're at.

Speaker 2:

Right, and I just want you right now you know everyone listening think about the things that the Lord has put on your heart. Think about what kind of impartations you have received over the years. Think about all the prophetic words you have received. Remind the Lord of those things, but examine your own heart of what am I doing with these? How can I be the hands and feet of jesus? How can I now go and do and steward what I have been given? Because it is time of action.

Speaker 2:

We, as the body of christ, we can no longer just sit on the pews every Sunday, sit in every conference and meeting and that, and then go back to life just the way that it is. When you have received such a transformation in those meetings. So like, why are we not sharing that transformation with others? Um, you know the great commission. So we must be going and doing, but not just doing out of works, but being led.

Speaker 2:

You're pursuing the heart of Jesus and he's pursuing your heart, and so you're going to be led by the Holy Spirit to go out and do and take action as the Lord leads you, and it's it's really time to step up, and it's it's really time to step up like we can't sit back because the enemy's army is is planning in and raging behind the scenes and either we're going to sit back and lose some freedom or we are going to arise and we're going to shine in a really dark time in all the nations. When things are going on and, you know, we can take back what the enemy has stolen, we can rise up as the, the warrior bride of christ and like have an impact on this earth amen yeah and I believe the key right now is getting back to your first love, is getting back to the basics of the gospel.

Speaker 1:

We have gone, gone through deep revelation after deep revelation and I love that stuff, I absolutely love it. I honor it. God has entrusted me to carry it. But the simplicity of the gospel and this is the one thing I want to close with but this is really, I believe, so important for everyone, especially leaders, but for everyone to get back to the fruit of the spirit. What kind of fruit are you bearing? What kind of fruit is your ministry bearing? I just can't get past this.

Speaker 1:

I heard a minister on a live broadcast chewed somebody out in the comment section and he said I don't have time for kindness. I'm an apostle. You don't know the things that I deal with. I don't have time to be kind and I understand a little bit of what he's saying. Like, people really don't understand the things that apostles and prophets go through, the things that we have to handle in the realm of the spirit or in warfare, and blah, blah, blah, yada, yada, yada. However, kindness is a fruit of the spirit and that is not just for the little dumb sheep, it's for everyone. And, by the way, you're not dumb sheep. That was a very cynical way of how I feel about those comments that were made that, basically, this person was announcing. Don't you know how much better I am than you guys? I don't need to have the fruit of the spirit. That's for you, dum-dums. That's how I took that statement and it wasn't directed towards me and I know this person and I'm not going to go anywhere with that, but that really bothered me.

Speaker 1:

Get back to the fruit of the Spirit. The fruit of the Spirit should dictate all of your actions and all of your interactions, all of them. I don't care if they didn't provide you with excellent service at Denny's. Would you talk to the Lord like that? Because that's His imager that's serving your table. I don't care if society says that you're entitled to be upset because your soup wasn't hot.

Speaker 1:

What does the fruit of the Spirit dictate? That's what's going to separate those that are walking with the Lord and those that are just, you know, well-hearsed in Christianity. We got to walk like the Lord. And, by the way, jesus is not Buddha. Jesus is not some Passover roll over and take it hippie that most of the church wants to make him out to be. He's a fierce lover and a fierce defender and a fierce savior, but he treats people with respect. He treats people with kindness. He don't play around with devils, and we've done the opposite in the church. We've played nice with devils. We're going to counsel that devil out of you. Oh, we're just going to love that little devil right out of you. No, you're not. We're rude to people and we're sweet to the devil and we got to flip the script on that. And so my biggest key for you right now returning to your first love and living a life that bears the fruit of the spirit.

Speaker 2:

Right and getting in the word.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, get back to the word, the basics of the word. The basics. I love the meat of the word, but there is also something to be said about the basics of the word and just how free the love of God is. Amen.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, so good, so good. I hope you all enjoyed listening today. So good, so good. I hope you all enjoyed listening today. And yeah, just think about what's been going on in your life things that you've been facing and you know.

Speaker 2:

Take it to the Lord. Yeah, take it to the Lord. Think about the impartations, ask the Lord to show you what your next move is in this season, and actually ask the Lord to ask you who you are supposed to be aligned with this season of life, cause alignment is so key, right now, that's that's another huge key.

Speaker 1:

So where you're where he's taking you, he's not taking all your friends with you. That's not a bad word. That's not a cut people off and burn bridges word, but it is a mature word. You're not going to get to take everyone with you where the Lord has you, and that's not because they stink or you stink or anything. You don't know what the Lord has for them. He may have a different destination for them. It's all for your good and for their good. Yeah, so thank you for tuning in. Share this with somebody. I know it's gonna be a blessing. I believe this is a now cutting edge word for this time in the body of Christ. Go ahead and hop on over to our website to check out more about us, and we would love to hear from you. Let us know what you think. It's always nice to hear. So God bless you guys. Take care.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, havea great day.

Speaker 1:

Bye, bye.

Speaker 2:
