REALMS OF GLORY: The Glory of God Unveiled

GLORY CULTURE Season 3 Episode 4

Feel called to boldness and divine transformation? This episode is a must-listen as we boldly explore the challenges and rewards of embracing your faith. You will hear powerful testimonies of miraculous healings and understand the roles of apostles and prophets in ushering in God's presence. We emphasize the necessity of prophetic ministry and the fivefold ministry within the church, all while encouraging believers to live a life reflective of heaven's atmosphere, drawing from Psalm 84 and the concept of "glory culture."

Lastly, dive into the depths of anointing, faith, and the glory realms. You will be inspired to pursue a deeper covenant relationship with God through heartfelt prayers, personal prophetic insights, and awe-inspiring testimonies. Explore the dimensions of faith, from little faith to perfect faith, and the different realms of anointing, including priestly, prophetic, and kingly. Witness the transformative power of His glory and learn to reject outdated religious practices. This episode promises practical insights and spiritual encouragement that will ignite your passion for a closer walk with God. 

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if you did not get any of the communion elements, just lift your hands right now. We're going to come around and bring that to you. As we're getting that passed around, I just want you to. Really we need to change our minds on the way and the fashion in which we do communion, because it's actually one of the most supernatural things that we can do Oftentimes. I love what Kenneth Hagen used to say if you're looking for the spectacular, you'll miss the supernatural, and Jesus told us through Peter in 2 Peter, that we are partakers of the divine nature and how many of you know?

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that there are a lot of ways to partake of the divine nature, but this is like the most super simple entrance into the gates of heaven through the supernatural gate of partaking of his flesh and blood. He did not say when he offended all of the crowds, he did not say that you know, we're going to pretend like this is kind of like my, my flesh and we're going to pretend like we're going to symbolize this is my blood. He said you must eat my flesh, you must drink my blood and many people turned away that never followed him again over this state of affairs, this offense that they took. But how many of you know the Bible also says that blessed are they that are not offended because of him. This is one of the most supernatural things you can do and if you I know there's a lot of new faces here tonight If you followed our ministry a lot I like to talk about the DNA and the destiny scroll that is written upon the DNA.

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And so when we partake of the divine nature of Christ, when we take the elements, you are participating by consuming. The record of all the history of Christ, which we know from the book of John, was in the beginning of the beginnings, of the beginnings of all the beginnings of time, eternity, kairos. Before there was anything, there was the sun, and when we eat of his flesh and drink of his blood, we are participating, we are partaking, we are engaging, we are consuming that scroll that records everything that he's ever done. You know the Bible says in the beginning the word was the word and the word was with God and the word was God. But you know the word that is translated with. There is no Bible translation in English that does it correct justice, because that word actually is cross, which literally means face to face. In the beginning of all beginnings, jesus was face to face with the father. When you eat of his flesh and drink of his blood, you are eating part of that testimony of what it's like to be face to face with Yahweh, which is your intended design, your intended state. You were not made for anything less than cross with Father, face to face.

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I would love to just go into the realms of Kairos and eternity and before the foundation of the world and all this, but we're going to stay on track with what the Lord is doing and where the spirit is moving tonight. So tonight, I want you to abandon all traditional thinking, abandon all and dismantle all religious establishment thinking that would attempt to shackle, arrest, decompose, eradicate all supernatural elements of taking communion. Lord, I thank you for wiping that slate clean, for destroying and dismantling all of the lies of religion and tradition, that what we do is merely symbolic, that what we do is merely traditional. Maybe you do it the first Sunday of the month. Corporately, that's great, that's not wrong. But what about every single day? What about every single day? What about every single day? And there's times when, when the Lord in my life, he's called me into a place of more dedicated prayer, where I'll take communion up to three times a day.

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And we're not turning it into the new chapter of religion under a new guise, like, oh, I'm going to do this today because it's what I do daily, why? Well, just because that's what somebody told me to do. No, there's an invitation to intimacy, to face-to-face, that cross posture with the Father, where he'll bring you into that. He'll invite you, he'll woo you. Song of Solomon come away with me into the cloud-filled chambers. Not another religious duty, not another enslavement to ritual. So, if you have yours ready, let's take the flesh of Jesus One of these times.

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We need to just get into the history of communion throughout the centuries About how manifestations of actual flesh on the tray Stuff that offends Western Christianity. I don't know about that, brother. What is that? In scripture it's his body and it usually manifests for those who are willing to believe and offends everybody else that's not willing to believe. I want the fullness of god. I want every offensive sign we like to say. We're for signs, wonders and miracles, and when they show up, we're offended by them because, well, that's not the wonder I asked for. Well, good God, who put you in charge? I'm sorry, prophets, come a little heavy, but when you drink the new wine, it puts a new level of boldness in your. You'll know who's been with the Lord based on boldness. You'll know who's drinking the wine based on boldness. On boldness. You'll know who's drinking the wine based on boldness. And we're in a town where you almost have to be ashamed. If you're called to the fivefold, that isn't pastor or evangelist, because if they oh, what are you?

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called to, you're a pastor. Not that there's nothing. I mean, pastor's a fivefold right. But my God, if you tell them that you're called in the apostolic or as a prophet, let the eye rolling begin, let the laughter begin and then, oh, how cute. Why? Because we tolerated it, because we cultivated it, because cessationism has a death grip on this region.

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We all play a part in the dismantling by reclaiming what is ours, by reclaiming eating the DNA scroll of Christ drinking his blood and say God, offend every ounce of religion in my DNA, replace my DNA with yours, replace my DNA with yours. You know the Bible says you're a new creation. There's two words in the Bible for new, or in the Greek. I'm sorry, there's two words in the Greek, one is new like possessive new, like I've never had this phone before, I've never had this water bottle before. It's new to me. It's a possessive new.

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And then there is a prototype never existed in the history of all things new. And which one do you think you are when you become baptized in the Holy Ghost and in your new creation, it's a prototype, it's never existed before, because you go through a DNA transformation and every time you take communion, every time you partake of his divine nature, you're reinforcing that transformation. So tonight, father, I thank you for the power of the Holy Ghost. Lord, I thank you for changing these elements from a mere traditional supply and into the manifest body of Jesus Christ and the blood that was spilled. That covers every sin, every sin ever committed, covered by your blood. Tonight we eat of that flesh and we drink of your blood. Hallelujah.

Speaker 2:

Hallelujah, hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

Hallelujah, bring the lights up. How many feel the presence of God in here tonight? Yeah, amen, maybe just me. That's all right, I'll take all the presence. If you guys don't want it, I'll take it. I felt the presence of God. It's fiery in this place. You know what? How many felt the fire? Like you think it's hot because of the weather outside? You should go check the thermostats. It's not hot. It's the manifest fire of God in this place.

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Hallelujah, you don't have faith for it? I'll take it. I'll take your portion. If there's any portions left tonight, I'm going to walk through the place and pick up all the portions of impartation. I mean, you know we need to be hungry people, hungry people, we like to say we're hungry. A lot of people like to say we're hungry. A lot of people like to say they're hungry. And let me establish this first, for if you're new, there's a little bit of an impartation for boldness on me, and so I don't come with problems, I come with solutions. I don't come with mere griping, I come with prophetic solutions. Amen.

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But for those of you who are unaware of us, or maybe you're already freaked out, praise God, we're going to dismantle that religious shackle off your life. Hallelujah, because he's a living God. He's a living God and I don't care what PhD so-and-so said. Brother Beavis and Bishop Butthead have said too much about Jesus being dead, not speaking, not moving in signs, wonders and miracles. Too many people have had a platform to go out and say, well, maybe the miracles worked through the hands of Paul, but that all stopped. And I mean you know that's, that's demonic lie.

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The Bible talks about a doctrine of demons, and if it tells you that he doesn't do anything, there's your cue right there that you're listening or under the influence of a doctrine of demons. I mean, the devil does not want to be cast out. So what's he going to do? He's going to fill the theological mouths. You know, most theologians aren't even born again, right? They're just academic scholars that study something and then put out articles. Jesus, we're going after some cows tonight. It's going to be yeah, no, devils are allowed around. No, you know, that's why the enemy hates prophets, because prophets cast out devils.

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But how many of you know that casting out devils is for every believer? You don't have to be a five-fold believer, you don't have to be called to the five-fold. And let me just go ahead and say being called to the five-fold does not elevate you above anybody else. It just means that you're a government official in the kingdom of heaven, but you're all citizens of the kingdom of heaven. Maybe I'm the only one getting it tonight. That was a good word, thank you, that was really good. And there's no shame in not being called to the fivefold, and there's certainly no shame in being called as an apostle or a prophet, no matter what the church down the street wants you to think. Come on, you want to know why.

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They said nothing good comes out of Nazareth. They said nothing good comes out of it. You know what they say about Fresno nationwide, why? Well, yeah, it's hot. It's hot because hell's been allowed to reign in the church around here and listen.

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If you're a pastor or a ministry leader, I'm not attacking you tonight. I promise we're coming after the devil. We're coming after the devil and there's no accusation against man, there's accusation against the devil. People like to, and we're not devil conscious by any means. I don't give the devil my. He doesn't get this. He's going to go find his own microphone.

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I don't like it when people talk about well, you know the principalities of the region. What about the angels of the region. Well, we're fighting this devil of the region, but why aren't you working with the angel of the region? Well, I just don't know how to do that. Well, get in prayer, get in prayer. The fact that they show up in the meeting should say you don't have to do anything. Snap your fingers, dance around, go ask his name. The fact that he's revealed himself and you see him in the meeting. He's there to work and you just keep doing what you're doing because he's partnering with you and there's nothing you have to do out of effort to try and go and partner with him. So this is a nice introduction.

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Hi, I'm david. Uh, my wife and I, as she said earlier, we are um co-founders of glory culture international ministries. We are not pastors, we are not a church, but we have been given a mandate to apostolically train, equip and raise up a remnant in this area. We're not here to dismantle any other ministry. We're here to dismantle the kingdom of darkness, which is already defeated, and to raise up a remnant. Who have an idea and just a slight clue of who they actually are?

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In the Lord, the signs, wonders and miracles come from your hands. Lift up your hands into this atmosphere right now and just get an impartation for that in your hands Now. I want you to look at your hands. Look at your hands right now and say these hands provide miracles. You know, the Bible says that the miracles came through the hands of Paul. But in America, if you say a miracle came through your hands, you'll get chastised, beaten, strung up. No, that was the Lord. Well, who do you think lives on the inside of you? Who do you think is trying to be released through you? But we can't release what we will not allow out of a cage.

Speaker 2:

Come on.

Speaker 1:

You cannot release something that you have bound, strung up, tied, handcuffed and left for complete abandonment and forgottenness. You have a new DNA. Your hands are miracle working hands. Prophecy is for every believer. The issue is we have no teaching on the prophetic that is in depth at all. And so people and this is not a slam, this is not a hey, I'm five hold and you're not, not at all but we have people that, because they prophesy, they think that they are the ministry of the prophet, and those are two completely different things, and that's why we have confusion and messes. So, for all of you, I just can't help myself. I start preaching.

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Hi, I'm David, so we are Glory Culture International Ministry. We're an international prophetic ministry and for those of you who are unfamiliar with like crusades, like Reinhard Bonn, um, daniel Kalinda, who's recently taken over right Heart's ministry, since his passing in December of 19,. Uh, billy Graham, what he would do in America, it's kind of like that, but all over, well, anywhere, anywhere. But see the fact that evangelists are called to the entire world. We're prophetic ministry and we have to be only extremely careful to only go where we're called, because not every calling has the same sphere of influence. So we need more teaching on the actual fivefold and the ministry of helps and all the other things. That is, for every believer. The gifts of the Spirit for every believer, the gifts of the Spirit, the charismaton, which is the Greek word, that's where we get charismatic. Those are the gifts of spirit for every believer, all nine gifts for every believer. The Ephesians 4, doma gifts are for the government of God, those who have been called in the government of God, who are not better than anyone else. They have just been given a different mandate with a higher standard. I promise you you don't want to function in a standard you're not called to.

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David could not wear Saul's armor. Now, this is controversial. People are like when I say it I don't really care. David would have won the battle in Saul's armor because he was anointed to do it and because he fought the battle in the place of prayer in the shepherd's field before he ever took the battle. But he would have spent the rest of his life trying to function in something that didn't fit him.

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And that's what we've done to the modern day church. We have not raised up sons and daughters with a tailored fit. We've misfathered, we have mismothered, we have tried to apply a blanket, eliminated two of the fivefold and pretended like it's not there. You know, the Bible says that the church is founded upon the foundation of the prophets and the apostles. So when you remove the foundation that's why we have a million churches that are a mile wide and an inch deep because there's no foundation and hear me out here, I'm not against the other five or the other three at all it takes all. The Bible says the body is a whole body, like, oh, just because the hand says I can't see, is it not part of the body? Hopefully you know the scripture. It takes a whole body Like, oh, just because the hand says I can't see, is it not part of the body? Or, you know I mean, hopefully you know the scripture it takes the whole thing. But what we are here to is to raise up, train, equip in the gifts of the spirit. You're all miracle workers, every one of you, and it's not just so that we can teach you about it.

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Part of being crusade evangelists is we take teams with us and we are glory culture. Glory is a buzzword. Glory is something that we say. We put it on coffee mugs and t-shirts and sweatshirts and whatnot, but we don't actually know what the glory is. That's what we're going to talk about tonight. Tonight we're going to break down what is the glory. But we are glory culture because we are called to live in a culture of glory, and I love Psalm 84. The Lord has actually put it on our hearts. We are believing God. For this is so crazy. We could do so much monumental things across the nations and in this city If we could get the Lord has put it on our hearts to raise up or not to raise up, but to receive 100 people that would be willing to sow $84 a month and I'm not taking up an offering, so don't get upset with me 100 people that would sow $84 a month into this vision. We could do four major events across the globe, including in this city, annually Just 100 people that would be willing to partner in that matter. Or we could take 10,000 people that would give $8. But either way, that's what it is why? Because we want to establish the culture of glory in the earth In Psalms 84, psalm 84 is all about the glory.

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How lovely is your tabernacle, o Lord of hosts. My soul longs, yes, even faints, for the courts of the Lord. How many know that? This is talking about the atmosphere of heaven, right? So tonight we're going to break down the glory, but before we go any further, is anybody actually happy to be here tonight? Yes, amen, hallelujah. I'm going to try and peel back and be a little lighter. I know I can get intense. You haven't seen anything, though my wife gets intense. When we were in New Zealand last year I think they were all in shock, but then they all hit the floor and the glory came into the room.

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It's amazing what just a little bit of hunger, just a little bit of hunger, will do Spiritual hunger. We say we're hungry, we say I'm so hungry, I'm so hungry, but we're not actually hungry. It's like when you make, your kids will come up and they'll say I'm so hungry, I'm so hungry, I'm starving, I'm starving, I'm withering away, I'm starving and I'm so hungry, I'm so hungry, I'm starving, I'm starving, I'm withering away, I'm starving. And then you make them this food and you slave over the grill and you get all the stuff together, you put your heart and soul in it and you hand it to them. They say, well, I'm not hungry for that. Right, that's what we've done with the Lord. Oh God, I'm so hungry. Go preach the gospel. I'm not hungry for that. Go pray for that person in the wheelchair with expectancy that they're going to get up. I'm not hungry for that.

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How about seek my face? We don't even really know what that means. That's what led to this being born. I grew up in the Pentecostal church, heard my entire life. It's Christianese. God is good all the time. All the time, god is good. How are you, brother? Oh, overcoming obstacles and all this other stuff that we're just programmed to spit out. I've got this major issue. What do I do? Oh, seek his face, brother. Okay, yeah, that sounds good. What does that mean? What does that mean? What does that mean? What does it actually mean to seek his face? So, the Lord. I had a radical encounter with the Lord in a meeting not all that dissimilar from this, and then the Lord surrounded me with people in my life who showed and demonstrated exactly what it means to seek his face.

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And how many of you know that you can actually have face-to-face encounters with the Lord? And I'm not talking about, like, just the dream life. I'm talking about getting caught up in the realm of the spirit, face to face with Jesus Christ, all those things that religion has taught you, that is after death. Did you know that? If that is the solution, death is your deliverer. Death is your deliverer. Maybe nobody caught that. If every promise, every prophetic promise, everything that the Bible lists, all the myriads of angels in the throne room and the encounters and the visitations and everything that John went through oh, maybe that was just for that time Everything that John saw, everything that Daniel saw, everything that Elijah saw?

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These guys are either full of it or there's a vein that is open in a posture of prayer. It's so funny. We hate prophets now. They hated prophets then. The prophets just didn't get a flip. They were sawed in half and then, after they're dead, now we love them. Why? Because religion always celebrates dead things. Once they're gone, they're dead. That really was a man of God. Wow, his ministry was actually pretty powerful. Everything he said came to pass. Well, what happened when he was alive? Well, we don't celebrate things until they're dead. That's the religious way. Oh, we don't celebrate things until they're dead. That's the religious way. People that spent and dedicated their entire life to studying scriptures crucified Jesus. What's the message on that? Are we to replace the scriptures? No, read it in the Holy Ghost. Smith Wigglesworth, powerful ministry. Most people in this region don't know who he is. That's why I love the itinerant circuit, because everywhere I go, you mention all these names Jack Cope, william Branham.

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Allen Schambach. You start listing the names and everybody's hooping and hollering and jumping and running and screaming and you come here and they're like who, oral Roberts? No, the university, right, but we're changing that. We're bringing solutions. You can't hang around us and not know who revivalists are, because I'm going to teach you about them. Not because we're going to revisit what happened in the past, but we're going to glean from it honor it, receive an impartation from it and in the past, but we're going to glean from it honor it, receive an impartation from it and manifest it in the now.

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I remember why I was known. I'm all over the place. Introduction hi um. So what we do is we want to raise people up from all over the place, everywhere.

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Last year I had the opportunity something that has been on my heart for just years and years I got to minister in the underground church in Cuba and it was like a miracle to even really get to go in there. It's not as closed off as it used to be, like I could really play that up and be like oh, they smuggled me in in a crate, in a sea train, on a ship, and no, like, no, all you got to do is really go to Canada and fly in from Toronto and you'll be fine. But actually I got in through Miami. So, praise God, I did want to fish and they said good luck finding a boat because they all went to Florida True story, they have no boats anymore but I went to the underground church. Why? Because I want to take the culture of God's kingdom everywhere on the earth. You know, those people in Cuba were so hungry. Oh, I wish we had that here. I wish we had that here. I mean so hungry, so hungry, peeling them off the ceiling. Hungry For the gospel, not starvation. Hungry, hungry for the supernatural. Whether they celebrate the generals of the faith today, instead of hate them, they honor these men of God instead of hate them until they're dead. Maldonado, hinn, copeland, they honor and therefore they receive. We need that culture here. We want to raise up people and I'll take them from anywhere.

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I've been on a team in Africa where we had nine nations on the team. I've been on a crusade team where we had nine nations on the team. I've been on a crusade team where one person didn't even speak English. She was just there for the impartation and she was praying for people in her own native tongue, Didn't know what we were doing.

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We took her to the church on the Sunday and she's from South Korea. She doesn't speak a lick of English. She's just there, just happy to be there, and just you know doing this, and we go to start praying for people. It's like, oh, we're praying, I know how to do that. And she just starts laying hands and just people are biting the dust because there's a spiritual hunger there. She don't even need to know what's going on. Oh, the crowd's going, we're going this way, all right, oh, they're laying hands. I guess it's time to lay hands, and the power of God just manifests through her hands.

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We want to take teams from Fresno, but if no one signs up from Fresno, I'll take them from everywhere else. That's good. You want to see miracles through your own hands is how you. This is how you begin to walk in it, because you go under the umbrella of a ministry that walks in it. It manifests through your own hands and through intimacy with the lord. You steward it for yourself. That's how we got started.

Speaker 1:

Uh, uh, morris cerillo. Anybody know morris cerillo? Morris cerillo was taking teams into the nation, just like that, and his team was just breaking out in miracles, right Signs and wonders. And Morris Cirillo said okay, the crusade's over, I'm leaving. And they were like well, we're not leaving, we're staying because everybody we touch the blinder. You know they never cultivated their own oil. They had no anointing on their own, they were under his anointing. When Morris left, not a single thing happened. They stayed for two weeks. Not a single person they prayed for was healed. So what am I explaining to you? You can operate under an anointing, but you need to get your own Instead of an anointing. You've got to get the anointing, and there's nothing wrong with operating under an anointing. That's how I started. That's how my wife started. The first person we ever prayed for in the nations ever was this blind not blind deaf, mute little girl. My wife laid hands on her and she began saying the name of Jesus in her tongue Instantly. I wish somebody would get excited about the Lord still moving.

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I mean like excited, excited. She started speaking and all she kept saying was Yesu, Yesu, yesu, yesu Yesu. What was she? 19? Young girl. Yeah, well, it was just. It was five years ago, a couple days ago.

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How many of you actually want to see that happen? Not stand back and watch the anointed man of God Like there are no badges and ranks when you're out doing the gospel of Jesus? Jesus sent out the 70. He didn't put a pecking order and say these guys are going to be the 12 later. So the other 58 of you? You like? Bow down. Okay, nobody overstep when this one speaks. Y'all shut up, you'll get your turn.

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I didn't do that. Maybe, I don't know. There's something I have to address. I just don't know what that is. Hallelujah, praise God.

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So we're Glory Culture International. We're really nice people. We are nice. It's just the man, the new wine. It makes you bold.

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And I hate religion. You know, religion is a demon. It's not the Holy Spirit, it's a fallen spirit. Religion is a devil. Jesus didn't come to say man, you guys screwed up religion. I'm going to show you the best one. This is the best version of what you guys got going. No, he went up to them and he said brood of vipers, your father the devil. He didn't say that to the lost, he loved the crud out of them. So I love you all. You're all nice, I'm nice, we're all nice. I'm just. I love Jesus and I've seen too much and I can't go back. I've seen too much to let anybody come near me and buy into the junk. It'll steal your destiny, it will steal your joy. Nobody's happy. That's in religion. That's why they can't wait to get on Facebook and tear everything down. Get on Facebook and tear everything down. It's cannibalism. It's cannibalism. You know. It's a laughingstock to the lost. Why would we want to be a part of that club?

Speaker 1:

If I make one mistake, they all pounce like a wolf. So, hi, uh, yeah, I'm going to be going to uh two nations in africa in a couple of months. Tara, my wife might be going to one, it's not for sure yet and and hopefully this is scouting out to lead to uh something next year. And if you want to see signs and wonders through your own hands which should be every one of you, because you're all a new creation reality believer if, if you weren't, you would have left by now or you'd be on the floor slithering and we'd get you free. There's no shame in that. Freedom is what he paid for. We're not going to TikTok it. We're not going to interview the devil. What's your name? I am the devil, come on. That's stupid. That's foolishness. This is for the glory on. That's stupid. That's foolishness. This is for the glory. This is not for the devil. He wants his own platform. Let him pay for it. He can go pay his own bill. I'm not going to build for the devil.

Speaker 1:

So we do have a few products out back this, if you want this, is a navigation compass for you into intimacy with the Lord. It is a testimony not me telling my testimony, but it's all testimonial related of intimacy and face-to-face encounters with the Lord. This will challenge the crud out of you. This is about spiritual garments. It is filled with revelation. It's been endorsed. It comes on to some heavy stuff, but it's been endorsed by some huge ministers. I couldn't believe.

Speaker 1:

They said, yes, that's in the back, and then my wife also. This is a dream book. You may think this is for children only. It is not for children. There's even a dream book dictionary in the back. But one of our children came home from school and the Clovis Unified teacher this was not her opinion, this was the curriculum from the state of California told him that if you remember your dreams from last night, you are weird, you're not supposed to and it's not natural and dreams mean nothing. That is a satanic lie. So tick off. Mommy went and made this. She did the whole thing, including the illustration, by herself. She did this whole thing and it's really awesome and it's all about dreaming with Jesus. So these are in the back and my wife's a rock star and she'll sign it for you and you hang on to it and it'll be worth something.

Speaker 1:

So, anyways, how many are actually familiar with the glory? I mean raise a. I mean, raise a hand, raise a hand. Um, different question raise a hand for this, in no shame whatsoever. How many don't actually really know what the glory is? You guys are brilliant, you guys are awesome. Well, we're going to talk about it anyways. How about that? The glory is not something that is just like we give you glory and you know, like we win, a sports team wins a championship and they stand up there in all their glory. That's not the glory of God.

Speaker 1:

So there is a scripture that Jesus he tells and is a parable. It's recorded in three gospels. I don't remember which one I was going to read it from, so there's Mark. We'll just do Mark then. Mark 4. Mark, chapter 4. Parable of the sower. How many are familiar with the parable of the sower? That's like a basic New Believers class on Tuesdays 6 pm, kind of a parable, right? Everybody's familiar with the parable of the sower, right? Well, hopefully we're familiar with all of them. You know, jesus told 70 parables, just like he sent out the 70, and it has everything to do with the Sanhedrin, because Sanhedrin was 70. That's why 70 went up the mountain with Moses. You guys are ready for that stuff? It has everything to do with Job and the compromise and why Joshua, the high priest in the book of Zechariah, was standing there and got his garments changed.

Speaker 2:

Oh, she goes, I'm thankful for that.

Speaker 1:

That's the fun stuff. I love that stuff. Tell me, you know, jesus redeemed everything. That's why he sent out the 70. He redeemed the fallen. Amen, hallelujah, praise God. I enjoyed that.

Speaker 1:

The parable of the sower Jesus talks. Listen, behold, a sower went out to sow and it happened as he sowed that some seed fell by the wayside. The birds of the air came and devoured it. Some fell on the ground where it did not have much earth and immediately sprang up because it had no depth of the earth, and so on and so forth. You guys know this, right?

Speaker 1:

Okay, first of all, when I preach, I'm not preaching from an intellect. You, I'm not preaching from an intellect. You may not understand what that means, but I'm preaching spirit to spirit. Jesus always taught spirit to spirit. When we teach out of intellect and we try to impress people or we try to show theological superiority and all that stuff you're preaching on the solar sperm, the solar sperm is an evil. God gave you a soul. He doesn't give you anything. That's evil. But how many know? You can operate out of your own desire. Operate out of your own desire. So when you try to comprehend things with your brain which is not your soul, which is not your spirit, which is not your inner man. That's the stony ground. The good soil is a pure heart. When I teach, I'm not teaching out of the solace from. I'm teaching spirit to spirit. And the best thing that you can take away from that is it doesn't matter if you didn't comprehend it tonight. There's a seed deposited in your spirit, in the good soil, that one was for free. That's not even what we're talking about tonight.

Speaker 1:

Jesus said he explains it to them. You know, they pull them aside. They're like lord, what does that mean? He said really, really, you don't know what that means. Uh, well, he's probably nicer than that. But he said okay, it's been given to you the revelation. They have eyes to see, but you know they don't have eyes to see. They have ears but they don't hear. But you guys have been granted the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven. And he explains to them about the 30, the 60 and and the 100 fold.

Speaker 1:

Okay, these are the three realms. God does everything in threes. Right, everybody say three. God creates everything in his image. He's a triune God. You're a triune creation. You're a body, soul, spirit. We are spirit-first. That's what happened in the garden.

Speaker 1:

Adam exalted the soul over the spirit. The spirit is meant to be in dominion over the soul. That's what happened in the garden. Adam exalted the soul over the spirit. The spirit is meant to be in dominion over the soul. That's why Jesus said I lay down my soul, the word for my life. I lay down my psuche, my soul. He didn't say I lay down my bios. He didn't say I lay down my zoe. He said I lay down my psuche. Jesus crucified the soul on the cross so that your spirit man can now take dominion again. Jesus crucified the soul on the cross so that your spirit man can now take dominion again. Amen, anybody following me? Okay, so 30, 60, 100.

Speaker 1:

The 30-fold realm is the realm of faith. I love faith. Faith is a currency in the earthly dimension. The glory is currency in the heavens. You know, are you following? There are three realms of faith. God does everything in threes and we're going to get to the glory. But we have to lay the foundation of the 3600 before we can just go full blown 100. And part of manifesting the 100 is waiting upon the Lord. So we're going to take our time and develop and wait upon the Lord. You know, the Bible says those who wait upon the Lord.

Speaker 1:

A lot of us like to grab that scripture and say I claim this. I will run and not grow faint. I will Everything but wait. I will everything but wait. I claim the rest of the clause. I'm hungry, but not for that.

Speaker 1:

The first time I got caught up in the realm of the spirit and I saw the Lord face to face, I waited eight hours After spending weeks in prayer. I waited eight hours in my bed until all of a sudden, just like the words of Evan Roberts in the Welsh revival, all of a sudden I wasn't in my bed anymore. That's how the Welsh revival started. When are we going to get people that are hungry enough to do that again? And we're not going to go back and hit repeat, because if you go back and hit repeat, you're doing nothing different than religion, going back to a dead past movement and trying to hit duplicate. And if the Lord's not there, somebody will duplicate it, and it's not the Lord. Uh-oh, indeed there's a spirit there, but it ain't the Holy Spirit. Religion is not doing something evil, religion is doing something past its expiration date Egypt, we can all say, theologically speaking, egypt is sin, pharaoh's the devil, and it's not wrong.

Speaker 1:

But what was Egypt before that? It was salvation. Joseph was sent to Egypt and the whole tribes, all the tribes of Israel, came to Egypt for salvation. What happened? They stayed too long. They operated under an old decree, they were enslaved. That should scream religion. You stay, you're in something that you're not supposed to be anymore. Oh, I can't move on from this brother. The Lord told me to do this. Yeah, 400 years ago. What's he saying for today? Oh, we can't move on yet. The Lord gave me this dream. Yeah, but you're stuck man. Oh, it's okay. And the next thing you know, you're in bondage.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So there's three realms of faith, and faith is wonderful. I am all for faith. Faith is like the greatest thing we have in this dimension, in this realm, this earthly realm that we live in the physical and the natural. There are three realms of faith Little faith, which Jesus said to them O ye of little faith. Little faith is the faith that you're born with. It's the measure you're given, just like every muscle in your body. If you do not grow it, every member of this life has been given a measure of faith. You had faith that that chair would not fall. You have faith in the doctor. It doesn't mean that little faith is evil. It means little faith is underdeveloped. This is the natural faith we possessed to trust into anything at all the government, insurance plans, healthcare systems not evil, but your faith is in everything but God.

Speaker 1:

Then there is great faith. Somebody say great faith. Does anybody in here have great faith? Yes, we have one person with great faith. That's awesome. I like interaction. That's why. So help Somebody, help me, help me, somebody help me who has great faith here.

Speaker 1:

Hallelujah, praise god matthew, 8, verse 10, 15, verses 21 to 28. This faith believes in god, trusts in his words and his power presents itself to him to receive, by faith, what it needs. The centurion said Jesus, don't even bother yourself, man, you say the word. And Jesus said what? This man's got? Great faith, he's got great faith. I haven't even come across faith like this in the whole nation. This dude is great. Faith is currency.

Speaker 1:

Hebrews, chapter 11. You find the generals of the faith who manifested something that wasn't even available in that time in their present. Enoch manifested eternal life in the present. How by faith. Faith is wonderful. There is a third dimension of faith, called perfect faith, which is also known as the faith of the Son or the faith of God. This is when you actually begin to operate on His faith. So that's the 30-fold realm. You plant a seed in faith. You're going to get the 30-fold return. Then there's the next realm, which is called the anointing realm. This is the gifts. These are the things that the Lord gives you without repentance. You know, back in the movement of Branham and Jack Coe and AA Allen and Oral Roberts and all the Tent Revivalists, a lot of people didn't believe any of that stuff.

Speaker 1:

They said it was a bunch of hogwash, just like nothing changes. Just like today, right? Well, there was somebody that set up a false crusade to try and poke fun. This is a true story. And they got up there and they preached and they were acting stupid, ridiculous and just imitating. They had no prayer life, no intimacy with the Lord and they're just up there doing it because they're going to prove when I release the miracles, nothing's going to happen. You know what happened? Miracles popped everywhere, all over the field. People were getting touched. The guy releasing it was mocking and didn't even believe in it.

Speaker 1:

But there's an anointing realm when the gospel is preached. The anointing comes. And let's not also discount the faith of the people. They could care less if what this guy was saying was a bunch of junk. They heard a gospel message, they had their faith stirred and the anointing hit the field and the miracles popped up. Even the guy said I can't explain any of it. I can't explain any of it. I can't remember his name. It's in a book. It's in a book by John Crowder called the New Mystics and it is one of the best, the best books out there on church history. So the dimensions of the anointing. Are you guys doing okay? Are you guys actually enjoying this? Because we could just go into something else. If you're enjoying this, just wave at me right now. Okay, good Praise God. The rest of you? I apologize. We're going down this path anyways.

Speaker 1:

The Old Testament had three anointings and if you've ever studied the life of David, you're already aware of all three. You've got the priestly anointing, the kingly anointing and the prophet's anointing, and David walked in all three. The anointing of the prophets you'll find in 1 Kings 19, psalm 105, isaiah 11, 1 Corinthians 14. Kings you'll find 1 Kings 19, psalm 105, isaiah 11, 1 Corinthians 14. Kings you'll find 1 Samuel 16, 3, 13, 2 Samuel 2, 1 Kings 1, 1 Chronicles 11. The anointing prepared them to take their position and do their job. It also activated the mantle over their life and made them effective in it. The anointings priestly, prophetic and kingly are still available. Nothing has passed, except for all the stuff that Jesus destroyed, like the kingdom of darkness. You're only a citizen if you choose it. So the three distinctive expressions of the anointing are the outpouring Exodus 29,.

Speaker 1:

Seven take the anointing oil and anoint him by pouring it on his head Joel 2, 29. I will pour out my spirit. How many want an outpouring? Are you hungry for an outpouring tonight? Because, whether you realize it or not, there's a feather. Turn right there, glory realms there's already glory realms, whether you realize it or not. We're waiting upon the Lord right now.

Speaker 1:

This is the kind of stuff that ticks people off, and I love it. I love it. I love it. I want every sign and every wonder. God, fill their mouths with gold teeth tonight. I want it all. Offend every religious devil there is. You want to not see signs and wonders? Don't honor them. I don't care if the feather is that size right there or it's the size of the sanctuary. You honor it, you get an increase. You so honor, you receive increase. I don't even care if feathers bother you. I'll take all the feathers that come near you. There's angels in the room. I don't know if the AC kicked on, but I feel like Jesus.

Speaker 1:

You know, a few weeks ago there was an event at City Hall, and how many of you know Ross Johnston? You may know Ross Johnston. Yeah, he's a good dude. We were just with him this last weekend as well. He was doing a salvation call, but he's not doing it the church conventional way. He's really reaching the lost with it. And the wind it was like 105, and the wind just started across the whole field and people might say, oh, that's cool. The wind's kicking up, that's angelic activity, that's the streams of heaven invading the field, the atmosphere testifies.

Speaker 1:

I'm excited for the day when the church starts to. The rocks will cry out, the trees will cry out, the church will cry, but maybe not cry out, say, oh, brother David, now we're just searching for signs. No, we're not searching for signs. I could tell you yeah, we're just going to stay on track. Praise God, you look for a sign, you're going to find a sign. It's confirmation bias, but when the Lord drops something in your spirit, man, no matter if it's foolishness to the world, he's speaking to you through something, and when he manifests it, it's because the glory realm is coming into the room.

Speaker 1:

We're about to get drunk. Just talking about this Hallelujah, for some of you you're like what's drunk in the Spirit? Well, maybe you shouldn't drink so much wine and instead partake in the Spirit and you'll get hammered. You know, this is what's so funny. This is so funny. You want to know Jesus, you want to know the key to having face-to-face encounters with the Lord. Get drunk in the Spirit, my God, and that is a foreign concept to people. There's probably at least five or seven or 20 of you in here. That's like I don't even know what this guy's saying tonight. That's okay, I'm waiting upon the Lord and I'm going to get hammered and I'm going to have a face-to-face encounter with Him.

Speaker 1:

The dream realm man. Let's just rip that veil wide open. You know another reason why we eat his flesh and drink his blood his flesh was the veil, and when his side was tore open, so was the veil. He took on everything, including the barrier. The second realm of the anointing is the smearing. I can see you guys are all excited for the glory, so we're going to kind of accelerate here. The third realm of the anointing is the rubbing and the word the basis for this Hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

Psalm 45 is the Somebody. Just tip your head back and take a drink of this presence. Hallelujah. In fact, we're just going to do oh boy. I want you to take a cup right now. In fact, we're just going to do oh boy.

Speaker 2:

I want you to take a cup right now.

Speaker 1:

If you've been around, maybe you kind of know what this is, and if you haven't, god bless you. You're going to get. Well, you're either going to hate it or you're going to love it. If it's a red cup, like a red solo cup, I want you to throw it in the trash because we're kings, right? So you're going to grab your goblet and you're going to dip that goblet in the wine of His presence that's in the room. Have a drink. I don't care if I'm getting drunk alone, but am I the only one I don't care Is'm getting drunk alone, but am I the only one? I don't care?

Speaker 1:

Is anybody feeling this just intoxicating presence of the Spirit? You know there's freedom in the joy. That's why religion hates the joy so much. You can come to the altar weeping, but if you come drunk there it's angry. David got so hammered in the spirit he danced his clothes off in front of the kingdom and his wife hated him for it and she was barren, because hating and coming against the joy costs you your fruit.

Speaker 1:

Why do we have so much fruitless churches? Because we've abolished the second fruit of the spirit. Joy is the first fruit after love, and the fruit of the spirit. Joy is the first fruit after love, and the fruit of the Spirit is His nature. He's pouring out Himself. Those fruit are the product of His own seeds in your life, and joy is number two. Hallelujah, the rubbing. This is why people don't like the anointing, because it is a deep rubbing. The word is mashach and it means to irritate the flesh. Because you want the anointing, you have to irritate the crud out of the flesh Because you got to get it underneath that layer. You have to go beyond the layer. We've got to go beyond a complacency. There's a lot of places that embrace the prophetic at the patty cake level and listen. If that's the level you're at, I celebrate it, praise God, but that's not your destination. You've got to get your GPS fixed because they're so much deeper.

Speaker 1:

We celebrate everything Every gift of prophecy, every gift of the Spirit.

Speaker 1:

But, there are massive amounts of fruit that have not been produced because we have nobody that's willing to take up the teaching mantle. But, like I said, I come with solutions. The anointing allows us to wade in the river of God and flow in the supernatural. But then there's another higher realm. You see, the anointing will produce a 60-fold crop. There's a higher realm called the glory realm. You know, anybody know Ruth Ward Heflin. Okay, that's good, we got a couple more. We're going to fix that. Now You're all going to know who Ruth Ward Heflin was.

Speaker 1:

Ruth Ward Heflin, she passed away not that long ago, maybe 20 years ago, but she used to say something all the time. All the time. It gets quoted in every charismatic book, from the East Coast to the West Coast. And that is so true. Actually, I think it's in both of my books. That's how good it is. I endorse it. You praise until the spirit of my books. That's how good it is. I endorse it. You praise until the spirit of worship comes, then you worship until the glory comes, and then you stand in the glory.

Speaker 1:

You know, that her life was marked with ridiculous signs and wonders, miracles. Life was marked with ridiculous signs and wonders, miracles, the stuff that Peter walked in when the episkiatso, which is the overshadowing, which is the same word for the impregnation of Mary, which is the same word for the glory cloud on the top of the Mount of Transfiguration, the episkiatso comes when you stand in the glory and then you begin to carry it Because, glory carriers, while it makes a very awesome coffee cup hashtag and that's not wrong in and of itself, but it is not stop at a cool hashtag, it's not merch, it's a mandate and we need more people to actually carry the glory.

Speaker 2:

How do I carry?

Speaker 1:

the glory. Well, we're going to get to that. Well, let's talk about the glory we're going to talk about, and then I think the Lord's just going to rip, just going to rip the veil on the supernatural tonight. I hope you came hungry, I hope you came expected, Are you guys? Okay, I know it's teaching. Some people don't come for the teaching, but we need the teaching, we need the prophetic teaching. And I don't water things down. I understand that we have to feed people appropriate things. If you gave a steak to a baby it would hurt them. But we don't water things down, we just want to give the appropriate measure. God is the glory. The glory is God. There are three realms of the glory and each one is distinctly different. And I believe when Moses said God, show me your glory. And he said I can't If I do it'll kill you.

Speaker 1:

That's because it was a threefold glory all in one, because many times God reveals an individual glory all the time, but the threefold glory. He had to shield his face. He had to shield his face but actually what happened? The Bible says that he put his face in the cleft of the rock. We can get into that. Who is the rock? We could get into that. Who is the rock? Jesus is the rock. What's the cleft in the rock? Song of Solomon, 2.14. Oh my God, in the cleft of the rock, under the secret stairs of the sky. What are the secret stairs? Is anybody familiar with Jacob and his dream and the latter? I wonder if it's all related. I wonder if this is God took Moses's face and slammed it into the cleft of the rock until he appeared on the Mount of Transfiguration.

Speaker 1:

Because in the glory there is no time. In the glory, you transcend time. In the glory, you transcend time. That's for another night. That's for another night. The glory is the essence of God, his manifestation, his impartation, his character, his nature, his provisions, his majesty, his weightiness, his power. When he enters the room, his cloud fills the atmosphere. How many of you guys came to our first glory night? A little over a year ago, how many of you saw the manifestation of the glory cloud? Everything that is not glorious has to leave the room. When the cloud comes, sickness, disease, addiction, orphan identity everything that isn't glorious has to leave the room. Whether you chase it down after you leave is up to you to leave the room. Whether you chase it down after you leave is up to you.

Speaker 1:

2 Chronicles 5, 13 and 14 in the message. I love the message translation for this. There, a billowing cloud filled the temple of God. The priests couldn't even carry out their duties because of the cloud the glory of God that filled the temple. Can I read you a few verses? These are visions of the glory.

Speaker 1:

You guys doing okay. Is anybody ready to go? You can be honest. I'm not going to mad at you. Okay, everybody doing okay. Look at your neighbor and say I'm okay, all right, and listen. I feel like I need to say this because this is going to help your life. It's okay to not agree with somebody. You can still run with them. It's the truth. You want to know. The number one thing to steal an impartation Offense. The number one thing to steal impartation is offense. Some of you should delete that post on Facebook coming against Benny Hinn. Now I'm just kidding you guys are. Yeah, I know you guys didn't do that. You don't have to agree with everything. Look at the fruit, look at the glory.

Speaker 1:

In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord, high and exalted, seated on a throne, and the train of His robe filled the temple. Above Him were seraphim, each with six wings. Two wings they covered their faces, two wings they covered their feet, and with two they were flying. And they were calling to one another saying Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty. The earth is filled with his glory. And at the sound of their voices, the doorsteps and thresholds shook and the temple was filled with smoke. Shoo, anybody want to have a vision like that? I saw the Lord and it filled the temple with the smoke of His presence.

Speaker 2:

Man. Thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, jesus. Ezekiel 10, 4. Oh, by the way, for your reference, that was Isaiah 6, 1 through 4. Ezekiel 10, 4. And the glory of the Lord went up from the cherub to the threshold of the house and the house was filled with a cloud and the court was filled with the brightness of the glory of the house, and the house was filled with a cloud and the court was filled with the brightness of the glory of the Lord. Ezekiel 44.4. Then he brought me by way of the north gate to the front of the temple and I looked and behold, the glory of the Lord filled the temple and I fell on my face. And for anybody that wants a scripture reference because they're, uh, they like to um, come against slain in the spirit, there it is. When the glory comes in the room, you bite the dust. You guys handle one more. Okay, daniel, oh, I love the book of Daniel. As I looked, the thrones were set in place. I mean, you know, thrones are actually a classification of angel. I'm going to teach an angel school eventually, I know. I've said that like nine times.

Speaker 1:

The ancient of days took his seat. His clothing was white as snow. The hair of his head was like white as wool. His throne was flaming with fire and its wheels were all ablaze. A river of fire was flowing coming out from before him. Thousands upon thousands attended him, ten thousand times. Ten thousand stood before him and the court was seated and the books were opened. How many want to go into prayer and get caught up like that? Because it's available, it's available, it's available, it's available, it's available. If these dudes could do it in an inferior covenant with a veil present, how much are we not walking in? That's not an indictment, that's an exposure. You're all invited.

Speaker 1:

The Bible says John heard the voice and then what he turned and looked. We've done really well at hearing and we're awful at turning and looking. The three dimensions of the glory oh, by the way, christ, within the hope of glory that is the foundation of all new creation. Reality, the hope of all glory is already in you. Three dimensions of the glory each contains an aspect of him. When they all come together, it reveals the fullness. Three dimensions of the glory Each contains an aspect of him. When they all come together, it reveals the fullness. The first dimension is doxa. Somebody say doxa.

Speaker 1:

Doxa is the Greek word for glory. When we read in the Bible where it says we go from glory to glory. That's from doxa to doxa. What is doxa? I'm glad you asked that's from doxa to doxa. What is doxa? I'm glad you asked that's a great question.

Speaker 1:

Doxa is honor, renown or splendor. It's His majestic nature, it's His kingliness Matthew 25, 31,. When the Son of man comes in His glory, doxa, and all the angels with Him, he will sit on His glorious throne. The Doxa glory speaks of an exalted state. When you go into prayer, you are taken. You think you're exalting God. God is exalting you because he's taking you from one exalted state to another, to another. How could that be? Because Christ is within. We are not good at accepting his point of view of our lives. He looks at you and he sees himself in you. The doxa reveals the excellency and kingship of jesus christ. Second corinthians 3 18 says we go from glory to glory. The spirit is moving from one level of splendor to another, a higher dimension, into new realms. He is exalting us as we exalt him. This glory is not one that you necessarily feel tangibly. It's a nature revealed to you. It's an understanding, a revelation, a new aspect of his nature.

Speaker 2:

Does that make?

Speaker 1:

sense, anybody confused with that. It's not like, ooh, the presence of God is here, the glory is here. It is when your spirit is struck with an understanding of his kingship. The second dimension is Shekinah. Somebody say Shekinah, wow, that was awesome.

Speaker 1:

Shekinah means dwelling or settling. It's the visible glory of God. It's the visibleness of his glory. The Shekinah was the cloud by day and the fire by night. Exodus 40, 34 to 38. The Shekinah glory is also seen in the thrones and robes in Isaiah, chapter 6. And also in Jeremiah 17, 12. Ezekiel 8, 4 says and there before me was the glory of God, as in the vision I had seen in the pain in the plane. Jesus said for where two or three are gathered in my name, I am with them. He settles with us in his Shekinah. The glory traveled. They built the tent, the tabernacles of meeting. The glory cloud came and it went with them. It was a traveling glory.

Speaker 1:

The third dimension is the kavod, which means heaviness or weight. This is the realm of the weighty presence of God. Sometimes he administers a little bit when you just feel the presence of God, and then there's times you can get pinned to the floor and unable to move. This is where you lift your hands into the realm and you can just feel that oil in the atmosphere. This is where you receive your hands into the realm and you can just feel that oil in the atmosphere. This is where you receive impartation. You begin to feel the weight of God instead of the weight of the world.

Speaker 1:

The Lord spoke to Moses and he said I'm going to come to you in a dense cloud, so the people will hear me speaking with you. It's a realm of revelation. We're not only pinned down under his glory, but we receive fresh revelation and understanding. God will unlock the scriptures or speak with you with precision, psalm 91. We have every aspect of the glory in all the visions we see angelic activity, worship, protection, manifestation of his presence. If you were to study out psalm 91, he who dwells in the secret place which is the meeting, you have your own secret place with him.

Speaker 1:

There's not another like it. Where the Lord meets with me is not where he's going to meet with you, will abide under the shadow, the overshadowing, the episkiatso, the cloud of the Almighty. How many want to receive fresh revelation from heaven directly into your spirit? Are you guys doing okay? Is anybody not doing okay? Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord when we step into the glory. This is where things begin to manifest. This is where the presence, this is where the manifestations come from.

Speaker 1:

Supernatural oil begins to pour from people's hands, which we have. At the last glory night, we had a couple of people manifest oil in their hands, offend every religious devil. Do it, do it, do it, do it, do it, lord. Gold dust begins to come. I wish we could have recorded the meetings in Cuba, which we couldn't for many different reasons, but they were so hungry, they pulled on the anointing so hard. We had people miraculously lose weight because the Lord was removing the spirit of heaviness off of their life and every time he does something, he wants to demonstrate it with a physical manifestation. We had people get covered in glory.

Speaker 1:

I want you, just right now, just to begin to pull on the anointing. Just begin to pull and believe that you're going to receive impartation. In fact, there's an atmospheric glory I want you to lift your hands into. Just begin to pray right now in your spiritual language. Holy Spirit, fill the room. Lord, I thank you for your presence. I thank you for your angels. Lord, I thank you for your glory. God, I thank you for the fire to ignite in each one of these people.

Speaker 2:

Everybody under the sound of my voice. Lord, I pray that the fire of God would ignite in their belly.

Speaker 1:

I can't get it for you. You've got to release your faith. You've got to reach up into the anointing. You've got to receive it in the glory. Come on, there's no striving in the glory. The priests were unable to move or carry out any of their duties, because when you come into the glory, you come into a new measure of rest. The anointing in the gifting realm requires something out of you, but when the glory comes, you're unable to do anything because the glory manifests itself and handles everything of its own accord.

Speaker 2:

I'd like to pray for you. I'd like to pray for you. Will you come up here? Hallelujah, hallelujah, yeah, right there, right, there, right there Praise God.

Speaker 1:

Will you come up here?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Hallelujah. Yeah, right there, right there, right there. Praise God. Thank you, father. Thank you, father. I see you have dreams. You have dreams and the Lord wants to restore. You used to dream and you haven't been having dreams. Is that right? Yeah, yeah, yeah, I see the Lord opening your eyes in the night season. Yeah, just lift up your hands right there. Yeah, I see Lord. I thank you for this woman, father. I bless this woman. I thank you for revealing deep and secret things in the night. God, I thank you for even God. I thank you for even like a multicolor, a technicolor dream coming like a dream mantle, a technicolor dream mantle coming to you. I had visions before.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

God's going to restore things. Amen, amen. In fact, there's something that you've been believing for, you've been asking the Lord for.

Speaker 2:

You've been asking the Lord for something, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

And I hear the Lord say that he's going to do it. And in fact I hear the Lord say did you think I didn't know? Did you think I didn't hear? Did you think I wouldn't do it?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I see it. There's an angel next to you that's just pouring oil on your head right now. Yeah, yeah, thank you, lord. In fact it's, it's like a golden oil. It's a. It's a golden oil. What you think you lost in the past, did it not? It didn't, it didn't, it't, it's not. God is restoring. God is restoring. He's restoring everything, and what you thought was gone, what you thought was left behind in the 90s, what you thought was gone before, god is redoing it. God is bringing it back full measure. Does that make sense to you?

Speaker 2:

yes, yeah yeah, well, I see, well, I see the Lord.

Speaker 1:

He's touching you right now, in fact.

Speaker 2:

yeah, yes, yeah, hallelujah, you're so right on. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah.

Speaker 1:

And the Lord's restoring dignity. Yeah, I see the Lord restoring dignity and honor when you've been dishonored, god has cried with you. Where there was dishonor, the Lord, his heart broke and there was never a time when he didn't see you and there was never a time when he didn't hear you and there was never a time when he wasn't next to you. Father, I thank you for this. I thank you for her life right now, jesus.

Speaker 2:

Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah. I want to pray for the two of you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I want you both to come up here. I want you to to come up here, I want you to come right over here. Yeah, yeah, right there, there's a glory portal open, right here. Yeah, do you feel that presence, that manifest presence?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, hallelujah. What's your name, david David. Hallelujah. What's your name, david David Heather, there's a miracle ministry, call on your life.

Speaker 1:

There's a miracle ministry, call on your life and God is going to disconnect every. In fact, I see these arrows that have been placed in your back of accusation, of word curses, of people speaking against you. I see, I see that there's even been things that have caused you to doubt prophetic words, things that have caused you to doubt destiny.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And yeah, I just. There's a key. I don't know how well you enjoy the supernatural, but there's a key in my hand right now and I'm unlocking this cage. That's on your mind. And we're going to break that off and we're going to dismantle in Jesus' mighty name. Your mind's going to be free, your mind is going to be free, and I pray right now. Yeah, hallelujah, jesus. There's a scroll being deposited in your spirit tonight. There's a scroll being deposited in your spirit tonight. Hallelujah, destiny.

Speaker 1:

Jesus, jesus, you're going to actually operate and speak out of a new dimension. There's an intimacy that the Lord is just waiting and waiting, and waiting. And you know, and you know, and you've been there before, and there's been earthly circumstances that have caused you to exit, it caused you to burn out accusation, uh, dramatic garbage, and and you've laid things down. But God is saying he's restoring absolutely everything. In fact, I see a new mantle. I see a new mantle. There's, there's, there's, there's a green mantle coming upon your life. There's a green mantle and there's favor attached to it.

Speaker 1:

In fact, god is restoring, hallelujah, what you thought was lost, what you thought was gone, what you gave up, what you flushed down the drain, what you said, yeah, yeah, yeah, that was spoken then, that was then, that was then. God is bringing that back because nothing is lost. You, you are the coin in luke 15 and the holy ghost is looking for you. You were never not his coin, you were just outside of his presence and I thank you, lord, for healing in these hands, miracles in these hands. Thank you, father God, for pregnation of signs and wonders and miracles. In fact, I see that your mouth has been wired shut. You have something to say and you haven't said it. There's been resistance. We remove that from you tonight, in Jesus' mighty name. In Jesus' mighty name.

Speaker 2:

Jesus' mighty name.

Speaker 1:

Father, I thank you for oil, for fresh oil, for fresh oil, for the psalmist oil. Father, I thank you for the psalmist oil. Yeah, father, I thank you for the psalmist oil yeah.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, jesus, for that psalmist oil that even oppression has to go at the frequency of heaven that's released in the sound of praise, in the sound of worship, in the sound of music. Thank you, father God, that these hands carry the oil of the psalmist, that the spirit of heaviness has to go in Jesus' mighty name. Jesus' mighty name, jesus' mighty name. Father, I bless their marriage. Just take hands, just the two of you. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, no, stay in that vein. Yeah, the Lord's on you, the Lord's on you, the Lord's on you, the Lord's on you.

Speaker 1:

Father, I bless their marriage, father, I bless this covenant union. Father God, I thank you for a refreshing wind. Refreshing wind, refreshing wind, father God, and spiritual hunger. Spiritual hunger, Lord, between the two of them, not individually, between the two of them, lord, that two of them, not individually, between the two of them. Lord that that would return, that there would be a hunger, a shared hunger, father god, that they would be a blazed individual, but that they would be able to set off field on fire together, in jesus mighty name.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, lord, jesus, jesus, hallelujah, just just, you're receiving right there, you guys are, whether you feel it or not, you're in a glory portal and you just stay right there as long as you need to, as long as the Lord is ministering to you, jesus, hey dude, I want to pray for you. Come on up here.

Speaker 2:

Come on.

Speaker 1:

Come on over here.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like right there.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, what's your?

Speaker 2:

name Chris. Chris, have I ever met you before, chris? I think so. Yeah, all right.

Speaker 1:

Just lift your hands. I just see the Lord on you tonight.

Speaker 2:

I see the Lord on you. Thank you, Father.

Speaker 1:

Lord, I thank you for a new heart, restoring, renewing Lord, removing hurt out of you. Father, I just speak wholeness to his spirit tonight, wholeness, lord.

Speaker 2:

Wholeness, complete wholeness, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Hallelujah, I hear the Lord say that you're going to begin to hear his voice. You think you've heard, but you're actually going to begin to hear his voice. Father, I thank you for healing in the heart. Healing in the heart in.

Speaker 2:

Jesus' name.

Speaker 1:

Father, I thank you that you've marked his life that he's not like others. You don't have to be anybody but yourself. You don't have to try to be anybody but yourself. God is on your life. God is on your life, hallelujah, hallelujah.

Speaker 2:

Father. I bless him right now. Jesus, my dear Hallelujah, hallelujah, dear Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, I want to pray for you. Can I pray for you? Is that okay? You can just stay right there. Right there, what's your name? Hi, nice to meet you. Have I met you before? No, I hope you're not scared.

Speaker 1:

Okay, good, because the Lord is good and he loves you. Actually, I just see that there's just an enormous amount of identity God wants to release upon you of how much you mean to him, how much you are actually loved. You know it here, but he's installing it in here and he's breaking off every fear and every lie. In fact, break those voices out of your ear right now. Father, I thank you for a fresh wave of the love of Jesus. He's going to wrap his arms around you tonight.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, jesus. You have no idea just how loved you are that, the God of the universe. You know it in your head. You've heard the scriptures. You've heard the preacher. He knows how many hairs on your. You're going to receive a revelation of it. You're going to go from here to in here.

Speaker 2:

Jesus, father, I thank you, father, I thank you.

Speaker 1:

Another fresh wave, another fresh wave, a fresh wave, a fresh wave of love, identity, identity.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, jesus, jesus Jesus.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah. I want to pray for you two. Are you guys together?

Speaker 1:

You're friends. Okay, I'll pray for you individually. I want you to come over here, yeah.

Speaker 2:

What's your name, sir Toby? Okay, I'll pray for you individually. I want you to come over here. Yeah, what's your name, sir Toby Toby?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, thank you, father, for Toby I just see, like like there's honey upon your life. Your life is a sweet fragrance to the Lord and you're going to actually begin to now. The Bible says to taste and see, taste and see, taste and see. I see just like honey coming over your life. You know the Lord, you've been with the Lord, but you're going to taste and see a new dimension of God. Father, I thank you for the honey of heaven, the honey of heaven coming over him, that sweet, thick, viscous intimacy with the Holy Ghost.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Jesus mighty name, father, I thank you, I thank you. I thank you for his life, lord. I thank you for Toby. I thank you for Toby, Father, I thank you for that sweet, sweet intimacy with the Holy Spirit In Jesus' mighty name, jesus' mighty name.

Speaker 2:

All right, let's pray for you. What's your name? I'm Anita, anita.

Speaker 1:

All right, anita, do you need a healing?

Speaker 2:

I do yeah.

Speaker 1:

No, I see that you believe the Lord's going to touch you. I know Well yeah there's an angel standing over your shoulder.

Speaker 2:

I believe the Lord is going to touch you. I know Well. Yeah, there's an angel standing over your shoulder.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, Lord. Lord, I thank you for healing. I thank you for divine healing. Lord, I thank you for divine healing.

Speaker 2:

Father, I thank you. Jesus, jesus, yeah, he's about to touch you right now.

Speaker 1:

Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, yeah you feel the to touch you right now. Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, yeah, you feel the fire of God coming upon you. Fire of God upon you right now, in Jesus' mighty name. Fire of God upon you, jesus, jesus, fire of God, touch Healing in your body right now. We command healing in your body right now. In the mighty name of Jesus, father, I thank you for new body parts. I thank you, lord, for complete restoration, new cells. In Jesus' mighty name, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, is there somebody in here that's been dealing with kidney issues?

Speaker 2:

Because the Lord is going to touch you and heal you.

Speaker 1:

I mean you need to come up. Yeah, come on.

Speaker 2:

Come on Jesus, just right there, right there.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, be healed, be healed in Jesus' Right there. Yeah, yeah, be healed.

Speaker 2:

Be healed in Jesus' mighty name.

Speaker 1:

Jesus, there's someone else here that you're having cardiac or heart issues. The Lord's going to touch you and heal you right now. Who is that? Yeah, come up here. Come up here.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, right there, no, no. Right there, stop, yep Jesus, no Right there, stop, yep.

Speaker 1:

Jesus, jesus mighty name. Father, I thank you for a new heart. I thank you for a new heart in Jesus' mighty name. All things new, all things new in Jesus' name. Hallelujah. Jesus name you. In the back, there's an angel standing behind you. I want you to stand up right where you're at yeah right there, hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

I thank you for dismantling every hesitation, dismantling and completely demolishing all inhibitation, all things that inhibit you from stepping forward, like you already know you need to. Does that make sense to you? Because I see it. You need to step forward and you already know you need to. Does that make sense to you? Because I see it. You need to step forward and you keep creeping backwards out of fear. We break that off of you tonight in Jesus' name. Break that off of you tonight. Jesus, fire of God upon your life. Jesus mighty name. Your fear has to go. Jesus mighty name, your fear has to go. Every voice that tells you anything contrary to the spirit of God has to go right now. In Jesus mighty name, we break. In Jesus mighty name, step forward and go hallelujah, hallelujah and go.

Speaker 2:

Hallelujah, hallelujah. I want to pray for you. I want to pray for you. Is that okay? Yeah, come on over here. What's your name? Niteria? What is it, niteria?

Speaker 1:

Niteria, have I ever seen you before?

Speaker 2:

No, oh, I'm so glad you're here. I hope you've enjoyed it. The Lord wants to touch you tonight with a fresh oh Jesus, I see a fresh anointing, I see a fresh anointing, Job 29.6,.

Speaker 1:

the rock that poured streams of oil, rivers of oil. Lord, I thank you for the rivers of oil coming upon her life. A fresh anointing God has given you a gift.

Speaker 2:

God has given you a gift.

Speaker 1:

God has given you the gift of intercession. There is an intercession that is going to birth out of your mouth, out of your spirit. God has given you a call and a mantle for intercession. The gift of tongues is going to come out of you. People think that praying in tongues is the gift of tongues, but you're going to experience the gift of tongues when the manifestation is going to flow out of your belly. Yeah, father, I thank you for vision, strategic vision, lord, eyes to see, ears to hear and a mouth to release. Lord, I thank you that the rivers of oil are going to pour out of her life. Father, I thank you for the water that she would never thirst, but instead it will bubble forth. It will bubble forth, it will flow out in the mighty name of Jesus, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Speaker 2:

Fire of God upon you, jesus.

Speaker 1:

Hallelujah Drink more, drink more, drink more, drink more. You already know Drink more.

Speaker 2:

Yep. Merlot Fresh wine Merlot, merlot, merlot Fresh wine Merlot, merlot, jesus, jesus, jesus, jesus, jesus Jesus, hallelujah, hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

Hallelujah. I just feel like there's a healing anointing. If you need healing in your body, I want you to come forward right now. Listen, there's no shame, there's no condemnation. Nobody's going to tweet that so-and-so needed a healing. If you need a healing in your body, you need to come get your healing.

Speaker 2:

Hallelujah, hallelujah Luke take this to the side, don't spill it. Sha-ra-bo-do-sha-ka, hallelujah, just step forward, just get up, right there, right there, hallelujah. Bless you, bless you, bless you.

Speaker 1:

I'll just come up to the front Everybody. If you're coming forward to be touched by the Lord for healing, I want you to come and just fill this whole row. Shoo. There's a fire of God. I feel that healing anointing. Right now there is a heat, an atmospheric heat. The fire of God is going to burn out sickness. The fire of God is going to burn out tendonitis. The fire of God is going to burn out carpal tunnels. Hearing is going to be restored. Vision is going to be restored. I see digestive problems are going to be dissolved. In Jesus' mighty name.

Speaker 2:

Hallelujah, hallelujah, name Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, fire of God upon you right now. Fire of God upon you. Hallelujah, hallelujah, fire of God upon you. Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, jesus, jesus, jesus, hallelujah, hallelujah. Thank you, father, jesus. Hallelujah Sure.

Speaker 1:

Jesus, my name, jesus. Hallelujah, fire of God upon you. Jesus my name. Fire of God, fire of God Jesus.

Speaker 2:

Jesus Jesus, mighty name. Jesus Jesus, mighty name. Jesus Jesus, name, jesus Jesus. Hallelujah Jesus, mighty name.

Speaker 1:

Hallelujah Jesus, mighty name touch fire of God, burn it out, every bit of it in Jesus name, fire of God, hallelujah, hallelujah.

Speaker 2:

I want to pray for you. Yeah, I want to pray for you. Hallelujah, hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

I hear the Lord inviting you into a covenant relationship with him. Yeah, yeah, the Lord wants to bring you into covenant relationship, bonds that cannot be broken. There's an invitation, there's a door open. It's time to look and see. You've heard, you've heard, you've believed, you've released faith. It's time to turn and see. It's time to step into the glory, it's time to step into that higher dimension level, and God is inviting you there. In fact, I see the Lord even breaking things off of your wrists, things that have held you before like shackles, things like chains, things in your mind, things in your eyes. God is inviting you into covenant eyes with him. Protect your eyes. Yeah, father, I thank you for dismantling every single earthly establishment, every single cord snapped, broken, cut by the Holy Ghost Jesus.

Speaker 2:

Jesus, jesus, hallelujah. Thank you, lord.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, lord, thank you lord, thank you, lord. Father, we thank you for every move of the spirit. Lord, I thank you for the impartation of the glory realm. I thank you for healings. Lord, I thank you for signs and wonders and miracles. Father, I thank you for your glory rose opening over this place and over the city, this valley, this state and this nation. God, over this globe. In the mighty name of Jesus, there is no time or distance in the realm of the spirit. Father, we thank you that sending your angels Every family member that was meant to be here tonight. Father, we thank you for sending your angels, minister, to them. Get them in their sleep, get them, lord. Thank you, father. Lord, we love you, we bless you, we bless you. We love you, we bless you, we bless you, we bless you, we bless you. Holy Spirit, we bless you. Lord, before you go, before we do anything else, I want you to just check yourself.

Speaker 1:

There was one lady I prayed for up here and I saw gold on her face. I want you to check yourself. Yeah, you, you had gold across your forehead. And check yourself. Yeah, you, in the you, you had gold across your forehead and your cheek. Yeah, yeah, there was gold particles. The Lord releases his glory on his people and it's one of it's a magnificent thing. People want to get in their minds and say where's that in the Bible? Have you never read about the temple of God? Gold is a sign of? In the temple was a gradation of holiness, and his temple is now you and there is all he does, things in signs and in wonders and things that baffle us. And you, actually, you had some gold around your face, and so I want you to check yourself. If you've got something, I want you to show it to me, because it's amazing. We honor everything.

Speaker 2:

Wow. Thank you Lord.

Speaker 1:

If you want to receive this kind of thing, you honor this kind of. I don't care if it's a speck or if it's raining out of the AC ducts, you honor it the same. Hallelujah, Amen. Before we go, how many enjoyed tonight? Yes, you don't have to give me a complimentary, it's okay. Yes, how many enjoy the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords and the presence of the Holy Ghost? Hallelujah, Before we go, I do want to give you an opportunity to sow into the ministry. There should have been an envelope on your seat. If you did not have one, we will get one to you. But how many know it's always good to sow, especially in the glory, when the glory realm is open. You're not sowing into regular soil, You're sowing into the glory. Therefore, you reap out of the glory. So if you need a pen, wave at me. If you need an envelope, Girls, you want to get the buckets. Everything goes towards souls, winning souls, feeding orphans, clothing those without it, digging wells.

Speaker 1:

We went into Pakistan. For those of you you know you've been with us. You're probably tired of the story, but I never get tired of it because God provided. We went to Pakistan. We went into a village, that was. We spent 17 hours in the car in a dirt road and they received the gospel, not because somebody showed up from America with a story, but because sign owners. Miracles broke out. Well, they got persecuted and their water was cut off by the landowners, because it's actually called the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Their water was cut off and in one glory night everybody sowed enough to actually pour into that village and we got them a well. We got the report After we got back. They had been persecuted for accepting Jesus. Children were dying, People were sick, they had to drink the water that the animals were using the bathroom in. That's all they had access to. Many people had died and in one glory night we raised enough money to actually send our people in and make a dig them a well. We have video of it. If we had the video system up, I'd show it to you. But that's what you're sowing into.

Speaker 1:

You know one of the most heartbreaking things I mean not heartbreaking, it was joyful and heartbreaking as we went into a village in Northwest Africa and these people lived out in the water huts in the water, because it was. They were in the town where slavery began in Kootenai, Benin, and for generations. They knew if you stepped on the land you were going to get taken, thrown on a ship and sold. So these people, here we are, 250 years later. They're still living out in the water and huts because they're afraid they're going to get taken.

Speaker 1:

Well, we went in there and we fed them and there was like most of them have like one pair of clothes, if that and the babies is diapers, that's it, and it's like a cloth and my. I'm sure you saw my little one dancing around here when we went. She was only one, maybe two, and I took all of her clothes that she had grown out of and we actually got to put. We got to put her clothes on these little kids. They had nothing, Nothing First shirt they'd ever worn in their life and it's got the logo that I'm used to seeing my baby wear, you know, once or twice a week, covered in spaghetti sauce, and we washed it.

Speaker 1:

But that's what you're sowing into with this ministry. We're not taking this so we can hit the road and get the red carpet treatment in the next city. Screw that. Who freaking cares? Seriously, I mean, I preached to thirty thousand and I'm going to do it again. I've been on the big stage. I'm going to do it again.

Speaker 1:

It's not sinful, but that's not what I'm doing this for. That is what bankrolls the unseen stuff. Right and praise God, the glory realm's open. People are touched. The edification of the church is part of the prophetic mandate. I'm for that, I'm for that. I'm for edifying the body. That's what we're doing tonight. Right, but that's not why we exist. We exist to be Christ in the nations. Christ means anointing. You've been given the anointing of Christ. He already said everything I did. You're going to do so. When you sow into glory culture international, you are not sowing into the next red carpet treatment.

Speaker 1:

So I can rub elbows with the who's who of the charismatic zoo. I know most of them. They're nice people. I'm not against them. I know a lot of them. They're great, they love the Lord. That's not why we're in ministry. We're not in ministry to rub elbows. We're in ministry to dig wells, feed orphans. The last orphanage I went to there was 1,300 kids and they lived in the dirt outside the gate. We're talking two and three years old taking care of themselves, and it was Friday when we fed them, and they know that the feeding program is closed on Saturday, Sunday. So we're talking about three-year-olds coming with little containers and portioning out their little meal to last the whole weekend.

Speaker 1:

At three years old they're rationing for the weekend because they know it's Friday and I'm not going to eat again for a few days. These are the places we go. This is the places where we're taking teams. When you sow into glory culture, you're sowing into that Feeding programs, clothing, digging wells, preaching the gospel in the nations, in the unwanted territories, and also into raising a remnant in the city, in your backyard, in your soil. Like I said, I have some really awesome, incredibly powerful friends that I want to bring here and release impartation. So you're sowing into that the nations and your own city. If you have something you'd like to sow, the girls are going to come around with the buckets. Do you have anything you want to add? I want to thank you for being here, but next, but next events, oh yeah, um, next events. If you follow us, we'll be on a prophetic panel in a couple of weeks with Ben Lim.

Speaker 2:

How many?

Speaker 1:

enjoyed when we brought Ben Lim last time. How many were here for that? How many know who Ben Lim is? Yeah, awesome, uh, dr Ben is one of Benny and spiritual sons. He's a dear friend of mine. I met him in South Korea when we were on a conference ticket together and we're going to be on a prophetic panel in a couple of weeks with him, natasha Hinn, pastor Benny's daughter, and after that I'm going to Canada. You guys can follow along. I think it's going to be live stream. I don't know, I'll share it. And then what's after that? Glory Night in July I'm going to Africa, but that's later.

Speaker 1:

It's in Orange County. It's a live broadcast studio We'll be in. Both of us will be on the panel and we'll be talking prophetically about what's going on right now and what else. I'll be in Canada and then, when I get back, you might be going to Africa to scout out a nation for a crusade. How many excited to be on a crusade team? All right, we got two, praise God. That's more than last month. I think I scare right.

Speaker 1:

We got two Praise God. That's more than the last month. I think I scared people. That's good. Elijah scared everybody, samuel scared Saul, anything else.

Speaker 1:

I'm really grateful for you guys coming out. I know that time is the most valuable thing you have and I'm still taking it up right now as we speak. Thank you for being here, thank you for taking time. We are grateful for you and we hope to see you again.

Speaker 1:

I realize that part of the prophetic ministry is people come and then never come back, and that's okay. There's impartation. It'll manifest either now or in 20 years, but the seed's been planted, and never underestimate a planted seed, because God will get you in the best way possible. Be on the lookout for the next Glory Night, hopefully. Hopefully we can have it here again. I, like this Fire of God is here. We'll have to have you guys squeeze in a little more, because then there'll be an impartation of hunger and you guys will go crazy, like we need to go Cuba crazy. I mean, you know what Shigonoth is. Maybe we'll teach on that next time. Habakkuk 3.1 Shigonoth is to rave in the spirit, to absolutely rave. What do you think David was doing in front of the ark? He wasn't. It was an absolute rave. What do you think David was doing in?

Speaker 2:

front of the ark. He wasn't.

Speaker 1:

It was an absolute rave fest in the spirit. Thank you for being here. Anything else I missed, you always remind me on the way home. God bless you guys. Please go into prayer. This is the gold nugget, and actually I learned this from Benny Hinn. We all prepare in prayer before an event, but the most important time is to debrief in prayer afterwards, because we feel like we're riding a high. I was in the spirit. I don't really need to pray right now. I don't really need to read the Bible right now, and it's not inherently backslidden in and of itself, but you're missing the opportunity of an invitation to take where you were and go even further. So I encourage you all get on your faces Fast sleep.

Speaker 1:

That is a lost art in the body of Christ. Fast sleep. Who's thinking cares? You'll get more tomorrow. I'm serious. Major revivals, prophets of the Bible. Jesus got up before the sun. Fast sleep, sleep from 10 to 2, wake up. Pray in tongues till 5 am. Go to sleep. I guarantee you you'll encounter the Lord in a massive impartation dream. That's how it works and it's not methodology. We can make anything methodology, we can make anything religious, but spiritual hunger trumps religion. Amen, all right, god bless you guys Consider yourselves free. You're not being held here against your will anymore. God bless you all.