Embracing Divine Power: Miracles, Spiritual Warfare, and Prophetic Destiny

GLORY CULTURE Season 3 Episode 5

How do we navigate life's uncertainties while staying anchored in God's eternal love and sovereignty? Join us on a spiritually enriching journey as we explore God's supreme power over every challenge, illness, and false doctrine. We promise you'll walk away with a deeper hunger for God's presence and a renewed understanding of His meticulous care for creation, especially in these tense times.

Discover the transformative power of communion and the anointing for miracles that each believer carries. By partaking in communion, we connect with God's presence and access the miracles available through Jesus' sacrifice. We'll share how every believer, not just pastors or leaders, is anointed to preach, perform miracles, and experience the extraordinary power of Jesus' blood and flesh. Get ready to raise your expectancy for divine intervention as we pull on the Holy Spirit's anointing for miraculous works.

Our discussion also delves into the necessity of awakening the church from spiritual slumber, boldly proclaiming the gospel amidst societal challenges, and recognizing demonic influences in modern movements. Learn about the power of spiritual warfare, honoring God's glory, and stepping into your prophetic destiny. Through testimonies and prophetic words, we invite you to embrace your divine calling and experience miraculous healings and breakthroughs. Don't miss the powerful prayers, prophetic declarations, and the invigorating call to deeper intimacy with God.

Speaker 1:

with the power of your holy forever.

Speaker 2:

Jesus is the kingdom. Yes, jesus, yours is the kingdom. God, yours is the glory forever and ever. Amen. Jesus, yours is the kingdom, yours is the glory, forever and ever and ever and ever, without end.

Speaker 2:

God, you reign, you reign. Your name is above every name. Your name is above every name. Your name is above cancer. Your name is above depression. Your name is above disease. Your name is above every demonic oppression. Your name is above every mountain we are facing.

Speaker 2:

God, your name reigns supreme over every other false god, every other false god in this region. Your name reigns supreme over Dagon in this region. God, your name reigns supreme over Jezebel in this region. God, your name reigns supreme over cessationism and false doctrine in this region. In Jesus' mighty name, thank you, jesus, you are King of kings, you are Lord of lords. In Jesus' mighty name, thank you, jesus. You are King of kings, you are Lord of lords. There is none like you, god, and we thank you for your presence here today. We thank you for your glory, we thank you for the miracles, we thank you for the realm of your spirit, God, invading this place today.

Speaker 2:

God, let us not leave the same here tonight. Let us not leave the same God Placing us a deeper hunger for your presence, god. How is it, god, that you formed the stars? You know them by name. You know every hair on our head. You formed the planets, the galaxies, and you uphold everything with your spoken word, your breath, your rock breath, god. Everything is held together by you, god. Everything is held together by you by your love, god, just because you love us. How is it that you, god, could create all of that? Yet you chose to create man and love us just as you love your son Jesus, god. Let us get a fresh revelation of that tonight that you love us just like you love your son, jesus. You are loved. You are loved without end, and you may feel like you came here tonight and you've been questioning your self-worth.

Speaker 2:

You've been questioning, you have self-doubt, you don't know what you're going to do in this next season of life because, as the body of Christ, we are in transition right now and so many of you, the enemy is getting in your head saying what are you going to do? How are you going to pay for that? The election is coming up. There's fear running rampant of what the United States is going to look like, but God has a plan. Let me tell you, god has a plan. It doesn't matter that darkness is trying to rise its head again. Let me tell you, the kingdom of light reigns supreme and there's nothing that God cannot do. God is still on the throne, no matter what. He's still on the throne of your heart. So I thank you, lord. I thank you, lord, for giving us a fresh revelation. Lord, I thank you for the impartation tonight, impartation of the revelation of a fresh love, the love that came from his side, thank you, jesus. The love from the blood of Jesus that was poured out for humanity.

Speaker 2:

So, right now, I just want to take communion. If you don't have communion, I want you to raise your hand. Okay, they're coming around, they're going to pass it out. We're going to take communion not from a religious stance. This isn't a once a month type of thing. Let me tell you, you can take communion every single day, and that will offend the religious, but this isn't about a religious tradition. This is about living in his presence. This is about unity with the spirit of God. This is about getting a fresh revelation every day of what you have access to as a son and daughter of the King. Thank you, jesus.

Speaker 2:

We don't have to wait till heaven to access heaven's provision. We don't have to wait until heaven to access heaven's provision. We don't have to wait until heaven to access his glory. We don't have to wait until heaven to receive our miracle. Why? Because his blood was poured out. His side was torn. That gave us access back to the Father. That was an invitation. The blood was an invitation for us to go in and seek his face.

Speaker 2:

I don't do communion from the point of the cross because Jesus is no longer on that cross. He's alive, he's living, he's working miracles, he's still moving like he just did, but now it's through us and you have been anointed. Let me tell you I'm going to be careful with this Jesus. So many times I've seen pastors, and God bless them. They're doing their best, but the pastors lead you unto themselves that they have all the answers and they have the message and they carry the healing and they never commission you to go out and be the hands and feet of Jesus in your own city and your own nation and the nations of the world.

Speaker 2:

You are anointed to preach not just the pastor, not just me, not the person on stage. You are anointed to preach with signs, wonders and miracles. Why? Because Jesus said greater things you shall do. It is through your hands. You can heal the sick, you can pull the paralytic out of wheelchairs, you can put your hands on blind eyes and they will open.

Speaker 2:

Do not let the devil tell you that you do not carry miracles, that those things don't happen in your life, that you cannot preach the gospel. That is a lie from the pit of hell. And you know why. You can do it Because Jesus' flesh was torn open for you. He was bruised and beaten. Why? So we can be victorious over the enemy. You, he, was bruised and beaten. Why? So we can be victorious over the enemy.

Speaker 2:

So I thank you, jesus, for your blood, your blood that carries every answer to everything we ever want to know. Lord, I thank you that your blood is living, it is alive. By the blood, we are healed by the blood, the cancer is gone. By the blood the demons flee. At his name, we love you, jesus, and we are so thankful for the blood. We thank you that you are no longer on that cross, and every time we partake of your blood, we are becoming one with you, in unity to walk as you walked upon this earth. Every time we take communion, we transform more into your image, and thank you, lord, for your flesh that tore open the veil back into heaven so that we can ascend and be with you and have access with you now on earth. So I thank you, god, you can partake of the blood, you can partake of the flesh, and I just want you to think about the reality of being transformed into his image, into his likeness. In Jesus' mighty name.

Speaker 1:

There's just something about the blood of Jesus.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, Lord, for your blood. And let me tell you there is a coming fresh revelation of the blood of Jesus coming to the body of Christ. We're going to understand what it means on a greater level and there are going to be wild signs, wild wonders and wild miracles because of that revelation that's going to be released to the body of Christ. It's such an exciting time to be alive.

Speaker 2:

Don't let the devil out of you, and I don't give the devil my platform, but let me tell you I have faced many things in my life where I just want to punch him in the teeth, and I do every single day by standing up here because I shouldn't be up here. So I am going to now invite my husband up to share something the Lord has put on his heart and I want, let me tell you, I want you to pull on the anointing of the Holy Spirit. I want you to pull on the anointing because when you expect something from God and you are pulling on that mantle, on the anointing, God will do something. Raise your expectancy to be set free, to be healed, whatever you are in need of today. So why don't we give a warm welcome to my husband? You can come up.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Anybody come expecting tonight? Oh, maybe you guys are asleep.

Speaker 2:

Is anybody awake in here? Did?

Speaker 3:

anybody come expecting of the Holy Ghost tonight? All right, at least three or four of you, that's good. That's good, amen. Well, I honor my wife and what she carries and one of these months we're just going to have to make her stay up here the whole time. Would anybody enjoy that? I know I would. She blesses me and she's an amazing anointed prophet of the Lord. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the Elijah list, my wife's been featured on the Elijah list several times with prophetic words over the nation, over the times and seasons, and she's just a blessing. And yeah, we love you and we need to have you stick around up here, amen. Well, look at your neighbor and say I'm awake. Oh, all right. First of all, first wake up Now. Look at your neighbor and say I'm awake, and look at your other neighbor and say I came to get some tonight, amen.

Speaker 3:

How many of you are contending for a miracle in your life? All right, good Praise God. Well, the good news is we serve the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the miracle working God, who has not changed his ways at all, but is still the God of Paul, it's still the God of Peter, it's still the God of the book of Acts. Right, and the glory of God is invading the earth, especially where it's honored. Right, and the glory of God is invading the earth, especially where it's honored. Let me tell you the number one way to not see the glory in your life is not to honor the glory, and for how many more of us? Last month? Handful, all right, a lot of people didn't come back. Praise God, bless them.

Speaker 3:

We talked about the glory last month, and how many were blessed by that? Yeah, we need more teaching on the glory. We use it. You know, glory revival these are things that have become buzzwords in the church, but people don't understand them. So last month, if you were here though I know that was a blessing to you we talked about the three dimensions of the glory of God. If you weren't here and you want to find out, go find us on YouTube. You can watch it there. It'd be a blessing to you. But we need teaching. We need sound teaching about the depths. We don't need more five-point sermons on how to live your best life now. We need depth to the revelation of Jesus Christ. Right, we need depths of, we need fire. People are asleep, the church is asleep. I mean, how many know?

Speaker 3:

that there is a religion that is rising and growing in the world, called LGBTQ. It's a religion. Has anybody seen the opening ceremonies today in Paris? It's sickening. It is sickening. It is a worship display of this demonic spirit that is wreaking havoc and the church is asleep because we're too afraid of being quote controversial. But how many know that the Lord is raising up truth tellers and truth telling is not? I can't wait. I'm licking my chops so I can give my opinion. Truth tellers are giving the unadulterated gospel, the unadulterated report from heaven on what God is speaking in the earth right now Maybe somebody over here will get it An unadulterated report of what God is speaking over the society, over the nations, over the world. Amen. We need some truth tellers. We need, we need.

Speaker 3:

The prophets have been in the cave for far too long. The prophets have been in the cave. Let me tell you something about this evil broad called Jezebel. That was a literal person, an evil woman. But how many know that that spirit, it doesn't just brood over women? Far too long we've allowed the spirit of religion to demonize women, especially in the association with Jezebel, and keep the anointed mouths out of the pulpit over a context, a contextually inerrant understanding of something that was written in the Bible. But Jezebel drove the prophets into the cave. Let me tell you something. I've heard this the prophets into the cave. Let me tell you something. I've heard this. If you've been with us before, you've probably heard this, or if you follow our ministry, because this is just a testimony of truth.

Speaker 3:

I've heard so many preachers make light of Elijah going to the cave, like, oh, he felt sorry for himself. Oh, elijah was like Lord, take me now. And oh, he was just pity partying. Let me tell you something about a Jezebel attack. It is no laughing matter, it's not a joke, it is so serious. Elijah, the prophet that rained down fire at his spoken word that stopped the heavens and his spoken word retreated. Begged God to take him home. Heaven to his spoken word retreated. Begged God to take him home.

Speaker 3:

The spirit of Jezebel seeks to silence, isolate, depress and release the spirit of suicide upon the voices that God has anointed. Oh, I feel the Holy Ghost on this tonight. Maybe, I don't know. Is anybody doing OK tonight? Yeah, does anybody want to receive from heaven?

Speaker 3:

I learned a long time ago not to prepare. My preparation is a lifestyle of prayer, because when you prepare a five-point sermon, you completely erase the Holy Ghost from it. You've taken the move of the Spirit out. You've dammed up the river and said, no, don't flow. You're going to interrupt my notes. I spent all week working on this Lord. I'm not against people that prepare, but I believe preparation is in a lifestyle of intimacy with the Lord, and we don't we I mean the spirit of religion hates this stuff. There's a reason why religion hates prophets and they want to tell you they're not around. First of all, prophets cast out devils. Now, casting out of devils is every believer can do that. Every believer can cast out a devil. But the lifestyle of a prophet they'll manifest just by getting near us. And that's no joke. You should get up here and talk about going to Lowe's somebody oh, my goodness, nine months pregnant and this person just starts manifesting.

Speaker 2:

And didn't they?

Speaker 3:

pick up a shovel or something, just by being in your presence. But the spirit of religion I feel like we get stuck on this so much because it's got such a death grip in this valley the spirit of religion hates the fivefold ministry, hates those that are called to the prophetic, hates the apostolic, because the prophetic and the apostolic drive it out just by simply being present, because the mantle carries such an oil and an anointing that drives out demonic spirits. And how many of you know that the prophets have been in the caves? So many people don't even realize that they've been called to the prophetic. I promise you you're not lonely, you're just called to the prophetic.

Speaker 3:

That inherent loneliness, let me tell you, man, the lifestyle of a prophet. It is not for the faint of heart. That's why many are called, few are chosen. The ones that are chosen are the ones that have submitted to it. And there's so many people they don't even realize it. Because, number one, we lack prophetic voices of equipping, we lack teaching, we lack impartation. But God is raising up a remnant of voices that are coming out of the cave. Amen. We want the calling of Elijah without going through the walk of Elijah. His mantle is not for rent and you can't steal it. You're given it and there comes a territory and a fire of purification that comes along with it that causes many to bow out, and that's not a shameful thing because it is intense. So if you've got that call in your life and you feel like you gave up, you walked away, you've had enough, like God isn't upset with you, he's with you, he has mercy upon you. But for anybody that has wondered like maybe I feel like I've got a prophetic call in my life or I have dreams and visions and things come to pass and all that, there's a really awesome thing that we were a part of last week. We were in a live broadcast studio in Orange County. I mean, you know Dr Ben Lim yeah, dr Ben Lim, he's amazing, he's a brother, he's just a. What a blessing he's been to my life and our ministry.

Speaker 3:

But he invited us to be a part of a prophetic panel with Natasha Hinn, who's very amazing. How many of you know, natasha Hinn she's the daughter of Benny Hinn was there. There was a couple other voices. We had an African prophet and he carried that very unique African oil which I love. I picked up a prayer impartation in Africa. Sometimes you got to go the places that where the oil is flowing in order to pick up an impartation. I know sometimes we don't like to get in the car or get on a plane and take off just for something that seems so insignificant, but the hungry go amen. But this, it was a really powerful prophetic uh panel and the questions were so simple. It was such a simple list of questions but I feel like it was so powerful and had and and it'd be a blessing to you, especially if you're like man. There's just something different. I don't know, uh, you know, are you interested in the prophetic? It's very, very powerful. I felt like we were all in complete unity. It was great. So go check that out on Pastor Ben's YouTube channel. He has it on there and I'm not sure where else you can find it, but I know you can find it on there and so I know it'll be a blessing in your life.

Speaker 3:

I just got back from Canada a couple of days ago and I was ministering up in Canada over the weekend and boy it is. It's, it's eyeopening just to see different. We love going to the nations, but just the differences in the different places and the different things, and one thing that I always hear is people talk about the principality over the region, but you don't often hear people talk about the angel over the region. We like to work against the enemy, but why aren't we working with God's heavenly host? Amen, oh, I think maybe one or two of you got that. We got to be less devil focused, less devil conscious and more heavenly minded, because you know what you put your mind to will manifest.

Speaker 3:

When Stephen was being stoned, he began to speak about all of God's deliverance. He goes all the way back to Abraham and he talks about Egypt and the deliverance and salvation, and he continues going down the path of all the things that God has done. He saved us from this, he saved us from that. My God does these miracles, my God does these signs and these wonders and as he's continuing to talk, the Bible says he manifested the face of an angel, because what you focus on when you're under pressure will begin to manifest even in your countenance. The heavens were ripped wide open. He had visions of Christ standing next to the father and manifested the face of an angel. What have you been putting your focus to? What have you been speaking out of your own mouth. What is the testimony or the word curse that you've spoken over your own life?

Speaker 1:

Are we doing okay?

Speaker 3:

tonight. Yeah, because I'm preaching better than you're shouting. I'm just saying I'm preaching a lot better than you're shouting tonight. Come on, somebody say amen, hallelujah. Are we excited about Jesus? Because, my God, we need to learn to get undignified. I promise you you're not going to carry the things that you say you want to carry until we get undignified before the Lord. Who cares what you look like? My goodness, you guys are going to bring the shambok out of me tonight Because I'm trying to pull it out of you.

Speaker 3:

Listen, I was in an island nation last year, down in the South Pacific, and things were. It wasn't a very good day. It wasn't a very good day. It wasn't a very good day and, uh, we were getting kind of drug around a little bit against our will. I was getting ready to preach, uh, we just landed in the at this Island, the don't ever fly jet starts, the worst company on the planet. They charge us $700 for our bags each way. Uh, I mean, it just is a god-awful experience. But how many of we had a prophetic word to go to this nation? Right? So we go anyways and we look for the glory.

Speaker 3:

We don't talk about what the warfare was like. Who cares what the warfare was like, what was the glory like, but I'm in this very bad mood. I'm wearing sunglasses in the house. I don't want to talk to anybody. I like to wear sunglasses indoors because people leave you alone, because they usually just assume you're nuts. And a long time ago I quit caring what people think about me and I like to be. I like to be, you know, left alone. But I was getting a little irritated. So I'm sitting there in this person's house with sunglasses on. I'm like don't talk to me, leave me alone. This person's house with sunglasses on. I'm like don't talk to me, leave me alone. Anyways, they drag us out to this. What was explained to us as a natural spring hot springs. It's the coolest thing.

Speaker 3:

We're like okay, all right, I need to be in prayer before I'm going to preach. But okay, whatever we show up, and it's like a public swimming pool. It feels like it's getting worse and worse and worse. Well, there's a? Um, a worship leader that was going to be paired up with this that night, and I'm like dude, don't, don't look at me, don't talk to me, I just want to get out of here. I need to go be with the Lord. Um, you know there's a lot more to it than that, but I was like you know, I need to get out of here. I want to go with the Lord. I'm going to preach tonight.

Speaker 3:

I believe in the Lord for big, mighty things. I need to be. I need to be in the presence. I need to get out of here. I need to get out of here and so I'm like stone faced, ticked off. You know, because we're people too Right.

Speaker 3:

People treat profits like a magic eight ball or a slot machine. Let me tell you so I'm like stone faced, not not in the mood for it. And this guy with a pure heart just starts asking questions and he just starts pulling on the mantle and revelation just starts flowing and bubbling up out of me. Here I am, I'm not thinking about the Lord, thinking about how blessed I am to be in this public swimming pool or toilet, however you want to look at it. I'm like, not in a great mood. But this guy, he just starts asking questions and what he's doing in the realm of the Spirit is he's pulling on the mantle, he's pulling on the Lord, and this just begins to well up on the inside of me and begins to pour out and we wound up talking for like two hours and we touched some really some depth, meaty substances in the word and I wasn't in the head space.

Speaker 3:

But when you begin to get in the spirit and pull with your spirit, now we've got to stop pulling with our intellect. We're offended at the word of God because our intellect can't handle it. If you were here last month, we talked a little bit about the parable of the sower and how the stony ground is the realm of your brain. You cannot receive that seed when you process it with your brain. You've got to receive it with your spirit. It may be over your head, but that seed has been planted and God is faithful To cause it to sprout, Produce a crop and fruit begin to come from it, amen. So how many are here to receive tonight? Hallelujah, praise God. At least two thirds of you guys want to receive tonight. That's a great percentage. Praise God, Hallelujah.

Speaker 3:

We say we're hungry. We say we're hungry but nobody's willing to get undignified before the Lord. I bet you, if we went down to New Orleans and we went to the Caesar Dome, there's a lot of people getting undignified before a football team. I'll fight you to be there at the 50-yard line. But when it comes to the presence of God, it's like well, this is how I spend time with Jesus Not that that's wrong, but there are other depths and levels that we've not even tapped into. So don't say you're hungry unless you're going to bring it.

Speaker 3:

You know, I got a big appetite and I want to consume this whole thing. I want to consume all the mysteries. I want to consume, consume, consume, consume, be filled with the word of God to where I can't. I just can't contain it anymore. I can't contain it. Everybody I encounter, everyone I come up to. There's just something leaking off of me Just by being in proximity. There's an impartation. You know, charles Finney, how many of you heard of Charles Finney? Praise God, three of you have heard of Charles Finney. Fiery, fiery, fiery, fiery revivalist from the 1800s, 1700s, 1800s. And he got on a train and he got and he sat down. And the person sitting across from you know, people don't like we're all on our phones now. Before then it used to be like newspapers and books, like we've all never talked to each other, right, there's this guy sitting across from and Charles Finney walks in and he sits down and this guy just falls on his knees and he says I don't know who you are, but there's something about you.

Speaker 3:

I've got to confess my sins because he carried the fear of the Lord oozing off of his shoulders the mantle that was upon Finney just carried that creative realm that caused others to. Not that they were feeling self-worthless, not that they were feeling judged, not that they were feeling like they had to confess their sins out of whatever they were thinking. It was the proximity to the Holy Ghost that was upon them when the glory entered the room. Anything that is not glorious has to exit, and it was exiting out of them via their mouths and all they could do was repent just because he walked in the room. I mean, you know, john G Lake, praise God. At least a third of you, I promise. If you want to know revival history, keep coming, coming, because we're not going to allow anyone that runs with us to be word deficient or revival history deficient, not because we're trying to repeat an old thing, but because, by sowing honor into what was previously done, to what was previously done, you are prophesying to the new wineskin that's going to birth out of you reaping the harvest in a greater measure because we stand on the shoulders of past revivalists. We're not trying to repeat Azusa Street. We're picking up an impartation through a seat of honor so that the next move would be birthed through us, and it's going to look absolutely nothing like the previous move. That is the pattern of religion is going back and trying to hit repeat. God's not there anymore. He was there, it was mighty, it was powerful, but he didn't stay there. The church stayed there. We're 10 years behind everything. We're 10 years behind everything and everything that's new we cast stones at. Back in the 1940s, when they first invented air conditioners, they weren't allowed in most churches because they said that's of the world. Now we have people updating their Facebook as to in a relationship with their AC, but once upon a time. Well, that's, that's evil, that's that's worldly. Why? Because the spirit of religion wants to keep you in Egypt. The spirit of religion will take yesterday's salvation and keep you there until you're enslaved. Because the famine in the land. Joseph was sent to Egypt. What happened? It was a place of salvation for a time, but when you operate under an old decree, you wind up getting enslaved and now you're in need of another deliverance. We've got to get delivered from yesterday. We've got to get delivered from reaching back to the past and wanting to stay there, sowing seeds of honor to the past, however prophesied to your future. So for those of you you don't know who you know like, okay, john G Lake is where we left off at.

Speaker 3:

A lot of you are familiar with John G Lake, right? My wife and I are actually ordained underneath John G Lake, Not like the local chapter where somebody decided to pick it up, like his ministry that he passed to his daughter and his granddaughter. My wife and I are and I are licensed under that. So I'm very, very big on revivalists and John G Lake had a revelation of Christ within that other people didn't have, which is why he went to South Africa in the midst of an actual pandemic, not a scam-demic, an actual pandemic where people were getting blue on it click and they were wiped out. And he went over there and he said put it in my hand and watch it under a microscope. And it died in his hand because he said I carry Jesus Christ in me.

Speaker 3:

John G Lake would wake up every day, walk and look himself in the eye and say hello, god. How many of us would throw stones at that. He was looking at God on the inside of him and had the boldness to not give a flip and said, looked on the inside of himself and said, hello, lord, speaking to the living Christ on the inside of himself. And said, hello, lord, speaking to the living Christ on the inside of him. If anybody admitted that today, we got to take him out back and put him on the gallows. Because don't you know, don't you know? God does the miracles, not man, although the Bible says the miracles happen through the hands of Paul.

Speaker 3:

We've allowed, and a lot of you are feeling uncomfortable right now. You're welcome. There's an impartation for freedom tonight. Your hands are miracle working hands. You just don't have a revelation of it yet. God wants to release His glory through you. You don't have to be called to the fivefold. The fivefold is a portion of the body, it's not the entire body, it's the governmental portion. There needs to be honor, there needs to be proper honor to the fivefold.

Speaker 3:

People don't want to hear that either. They really don't. They want to say oh, here comes another narcissist that's in the pulpit saying I'm better than you. No, no, it's not better than it's proper order. But the glory of God wants to come through everybody. The gifts of the spirit are for every believer. Prophecy is for every believer.

Speaker 3:

We've just watered it down so much that we think that prophecy and the gifts of the spirit are for every believer. Prophecy is for every believer. We've just watered it down so much that we think that prophecy and the ministry of the prophet are the same thing, when they're not even not even in the same realm. And that's not what we're going to preach on tonight. So I'm going to stop with that, but I'm receiving something tonight. You guys really, if you weren't here last month, go back and watch that, because we dive into the three dimensions of the glory of God and it's so important to understand, because if you're going to work with the glory and you're going to unleash the glory, you have to have a little bit of an idea of what it is. Now God will work through you when you don't know it. But we got to show ourselves approved, right? Amen, hallelujah, good word. Thank you, that was awesome.

Speaker 1:

Call me Lord.

Speaker 3:

One of these months we're going to teach on tongues. I could write an entire book on tongues. It is. Oh. Let me tell you that the devil hates tongues. There's a reason why so many are against it. Nobody comes against something that's powerless. Nobody comes against things that are powerless because it's a waste of time. Amen. The Bible talks about depths of revelation. When Jesus is on the route to, I forget the end destination. But they take this little detour in Samaria. Are you guys familiar with that? John, chapter 4. They're on their way, they're like we should go this way. And Jesus is like, no, we're going to cut through here. And they're like, oh, you want to go through Samaria Because?

Speaker 2:

there was like this divide?

Speaker 3:

right, there was this divide between the Jews and the Samaritans. Jesus goes, he sits down in a well, the disciples take off in a town. Jesus encounters this woman. She is known as in the Bible, she's known as a Syrophoenician. In church history she's known as Saint Bothanite. And just a second, I'm going to try not to squirrel this and be like, oh, there's a squirrel, there's a squirrel, and then never come back to it. Praise God. Jesus begins to speak with her right. So he's already talking to a Samaritan Strike, one. He's talking to a woman Strike two.

Speaker 3:

He's talking to a Samaritan woman, somebody send him to the gallows. Right, you guys know you should know the story. But here, you guys know you should know the story. But here's where I'm getting at. The disciples come back and they're like whoa, somebody get him something to eat. Obviously his blood sugar is low. He doesn't realize what he's doing. He's about to go comatose. Somebody get him some food and Jesus replies I have meat.

Speaker 3:

A lot of the modern translations say food, but the actual word is broma, which means meat. He said I have meat. That you do not know of my meat is to do the will of the Father. The word meat there is the same word Paul uses when he says I have to feed you milk because you can't handle meat. It's a word representing revelation and the word for to see or that you do not know of, which literally translates to see means to see spiritually. So what Jesus said to them was I have revelation, that your eyes have not been opened up to you yet, and my revelation is knowing and doing what he's doing. We need a depth of revelation. Paul writes I can't give it to you because you can't handle it. I got to give you milk. Okay, there's a difference between watering down the message and giving the appropriate, needed thing, the appropriate thing you would not give. I love filet. I love filet, but I wouldn't give it to a one-year-old because it's not appropriate, right? So we're praying that God is releasing Well, he's always releasing the appropriate. We're praying to partner with the appropriate revelation that God wants to convey. We've got to get into new depths, new depths.

Speaker 3:

Jesus found the disciples. He says hey, I'm going to borrow your boat. They're on the shore right. He preaches from the boat. The crowd leaves. What does he do? He pushes out further into the depths and begins to teach them greater things. He will take you wherever you're at, commandeer your ship and take you into deeper waters. How many are excited about going on the journey out into the depths? Hallelujah, praise God. The glory of God wants to come through you. How do we open these realms of glory? Well, first of all, we have got to mind our own gates.

Speaker 3:

People say all the time like brother, I'm spirit-filled, I pray in the Holy Ghost, I believe all the things, but I'm still attacked, or I'm still struggling with this, or I'm still addicted to that, or I just can't seem to. Okay, do you want to know. The number one reason why that's happening in your life is because the doorpost of your gate has not been kept whole. This isn't a condemnation. This is a correction for future.

Speaker 3:

Holiness, your eyes are a gate. Your ears are a gate. Your mouth is a gate, your hands, your feet, your nose. The Bible talks about the fragrance of heaven. We've had supernatural fragrances. I know some of the signs and wonders are probably like you've never heard anything like that before. It's okay. It's heaven coming into our realm, to where it's actually causing physical manifestations to testify of the glory. We've been in meetings where there's supernatural fragrances going around the whole room, because your nose is even a gate. The Bible says taste and see. Not just your words are a gate, but even the things that you bring in.

Speaker 3:

Now we're not going to get into dichotomy. And oh, but the Lord made all things holy. Yes, he did, yes, he did. But are we minding? Are we watching all of the gates? What are you consuming?

Speaker 3:

And I'm not talking about food. What about your phone? What about television, cnn? Let's not even get into fake news. All of it's fake, both sides.

Speaker 3:

To divide a house divided, it's a biblical principle. A house divided, they're all full of it. They don't actually believe what they're saying. Cnn, those people, let me tell you a secret, they're not actually that liberal. They're being paid to be that liberal. Fox News those people aren't conservative, they're being paid to act like that. We need truth tellers. They're all full of it Because the devil's running rampant.

Speaker 3:

Why is the devil running rampant? Because the church gave him permission to. I don't want to be accused of being political. Well, I haven't found a prophet yet in this book that shied away from government, that shied away from truth, that shied away from calling wickedness wicked. So why should I? But you see, god turns evil things for good. Look at the unity that's been released in this nation since the failed assassination attempt on Trump. I don't care where you sit on the aisle on that. That was demonic and that was a divine intervention. You can get mad at me all you want, don't care. This rising religion in the world, lgbtq. Where did Kamala Harris announce her presidency yesterday? At the RuPaul drag show. I was in Vancouver this last week. Trans flags on every light post in the whole city.

Speaker 3:

It's a religion and it's demonic. Mind your eyes. What are you watching? What are you consuming on your phone, on your television, on the radio, what's coming into your ears?

Speaker 3:

Because this is the by applying the blood of the lamb over the doorpost of all of your gates is where the spirit of death will not be allowed to touch you. And that's not just physical death, that's spiritual death, it's the death on your destiny, the death to your calling, the death to your dream life. God wants to speak to you in the night, the death of the things that you speak over yourself. Every one of these gates has to be purified through the blood of the Lamb and the word of your testimony. How do they overcome purified through the blood of the Lamb and the word of your testimony? How do they overcome them? Through the blood of the Lamb, the word of their testimony. You guys familiar with that, revelation 12, 11. They overcame him.

Speaker 3:

How many overcomers do we have in this room? How many people should have been dead by now by all things in the world, but you're still here. I would think if that was you, you'd be a little more excited about that. How many people did the enemy try to take out, but you're still here in this place? Because, my God, he can't touch what God's anointed unless you give him permission. What are the things that you've spoken over yourself? Well, you know I'm probably going to get sick. Well, guess what you are? Because you just prophesied over yourself. Well, you know, there's a lot of good candidates for that promotion. It'll probably go to little Johnny. Yeah, it probably will, because you just prophesied it over yourself.

Speaker 3:

Every once in a while we fall backwards against our own word, curse into the blessing, but that's because he's merciful. Your mouth's a gate. Who should ascend the hill of the Lord? How many of you know that? How many are familiar with that? Let's just go there. Psalm 24. Because we're in a time of ascension right now.

Speaker 3:

I preached a really good, strong message in Canada on Sunday night. You should all go find it online about living out of order. You're a triune being, just like your father is. He's a triune being. You're a body, soul, spirit. A lot of people like to talk about how the soulish realm is not good. The flesh is evil. He doesn't give you evil things. There's a proper order. We've been living out of order. As he draws near and you begin to feel like this hellacious oppression, it's because your flesh has been leading and your flesh contains memory cells that your spirit doesn't. You've been forgiven, it's been wiped away, it's out of your book for eternity. It doesn't exist, according to him. But when you live according to the flesh, there's memory cells in your flesh that bring things up and as you draw near to him, it starts to bring it up and it's this hellacious oppression that shouldn't actually be there. If you just lived in proper order, you guys should go back and listen to it.

Speaker 1:

It'll bless you.

Speaker 3:

Amen, I'm excited about it, but we're in a time of ascension. The earth is the Lord's and all its fullness. Hallelujah, that's good. Right there, the world and those who dwell therein say that's me. That's me, for he has founded it upon the seas and established it upon the waters.

Speaker 3:

Who may ascend into the hill of the Lord, not up the hill into how many want to get baptized into the mountain of God? Got microphones biting each other here. Who may ascend? We've got microphones biting each other here. Who may ascend into the hill of the Lord? Or who may stand in his holy place? He who has clean hands? That's a gate and pure heart, that's a renewed mind. He who has not lifted up his soul to an idol, mind will, emotions.

Speaker 3:

I think all of us are guilty of lifting up our soul to an idol, because there's an idol over America, over the entire world, called Baal, whose chief priestess was also Jezebel. I'm not going to preach on that tonight because that's not where the Lord's going, but you should come back in here sometime. A lot of times people think that sacrificing to an idol is like this official, formal event where we're going to set up this little carved image and we're going to be like I bless you, I praise you, I worship you, when actually it's more or less you're feeding that thing with your attention, with your heart, with your soul. An idol can be anything. Pets can be an idol. An idol can be anything. Pets can be an idol. If we had people that would talk to the Lord with the same intimacy they talk to their chihuahua, we'd be in a better place as a body of Christ. But you shouldn't talk to cats because they're of the devil.

Speaker 3:

Kidding kind of. He who has a clean hands and a pure heart, who has not lifted his soul to an idol Nor sworn deceitfully, he shall receive blessing from the Lord. How many want to be blessed? How many want to be blessed? How many want to be blessed? I feel like that's basic new believer.

Speaker 3:

On Tuesday night 6 pm, christian 101 kind of stuff. Like Lord, I want your blessing. We got to graduate from the milk. We need the meat, right and righteousness from the God of his salvation. This is Jacob, the generation of those who seek him, who seek your face.

Speaker 3:

Listen to this. Lift up your head, o you gates. You are a gate, gates, you are a gate. You are a gateway that he wants to come into. Be lifted up, you everlasting doors. What have we opened up our gates and our doors to? Because let me tell you who is this king of glory. Lift up your head, o ye gates.

Speaker 3:

I'm not reading out of King James, I was out of habit. It says you gates, but I said you gates. Praise God. Lift up your head, o you gates, and be lifted up everlasting doors, and the king of glory shall come in. I mean, I'm preaching way better than you're shouting. The king of glory wants to come in. You are the gate, you are the door.

Speaker 3:

We have not minded our gates. We have not minded our doors. Where have you put your hands? They're a gate. Where have you put your feet? What have you allowed through your eyes? Because the king of glory wants to come in. He knocks, he's waiting. Have we opened or are we too preoccupied? Who is the king of glory? The Lord, strong and mighty, the mighty in battle.

Speaker 3:

Lift up your heads. Oh, you gate. Lift up your everlasting doors. Are you an everlasting door? Because that speaks of the time of eternity. Are you an everlasting door? Are you a perishing door? And the king of glory, shall Somebody say, shall the king of glory shall come in. Who is the king of glory? The Lord of hosts, he is the king of glory. How many are ready for a visitation, ready for a habitation, ready for the king of glory to inhabit? You See, the Bible says let's go back to John, chapter four. He says I give you water that you may never thirst again. It bubbles up, it's the Holy Ghost and it wants to flow out of you. What the Lord wants to put in you has to come out of you. There's kingdom economic principles that violate all logic.

Speaker 3:

If you're in need, you give. We don't like that. When you receive, you pour it out. There's only one way to get an increase in revelation, to get an increase in glory, to get an increase in impartation, and that is to pour out what you've been trusted with. You have a need, so You've been given abundance, so more.

Speaker 3:

When you receive revelation, go share it. You've received the gospel, you know. You don't have to be a five-fold evangelist to go to the nations and share the gospel. You meet people every day and you don't have to be weird about it. You don't have to be weird. Now, what's funny is we have a definition of weird. We don't understand weird. Wait until the Holy Ghost pours out. You get a room of 100 burning ones, not spectators, but burning ones. It'll look weird, but it's completely sanctified and holy.

Speaker 3:

I mean, oh, we need, we need that Korean hunger, my goodness. My favorite place, oh well, no, it's Cuba. Cuba is my favorite place to preach because, oh man, there's something about the persecuted Christians, the ones that you know, like in China, when this is all they've got, that's it, but they're willing to die for it, or we're embarrassed to walk down the street holding a Bible because somebody might ask us a question. We're embarrassed or afraid to walk around in public with a Bible where in China they'll die for this. They'll die for this because they understand the depths and revelation that this is a manifestation of Christ in written form. But we need that Korean hunger. The church I just preached at in Vancouver was a Korean church and I was like, yes, that's awesome. I didn't know when I was first going. I went with my good friend, apostle Ben Lim, and I didn't know there was a Korean church until we were like in Rau. I love that Because I mean, you know South Korea is 90% Christian nation.

Speaker 3:

Did you guys know that Back in the 1950s it was 97% Buddhist, 3% Christian. Do you know how that changed? Within less than 10 years, one man, his wife and his mother-in-law started praying in their living room dr j david young he cho. How many have heard of david dr young he cho? How many know that? Uh, my wife and I were not living here and my wife got to visit that room that Young-E Cho was praying in and the Lord visited her, showed up in the room and said to come back here for a raising of prophetic remnant in an apostolic equipping. That is, that is One man, his wife and his mother-in-law. Within 10 years, 97% of his country became 90% Christian Prayer.

Speaker 3:

Prayer, actual prayer, not Western prayer. We need to teach on the nine realms of prayer, but you got to be hungry. You can't be spectator. It won't do you any good when you try to receive it in a stony ground. You've got to receive it in the good soil. I picked up, like I said, I picked up an impartation for prayer in Africa. It would freak you guys out.

Speaker 3:

I love the way Africans pray. Oh man, there was that TV show. I can never forget this. My wife's watching this stupid show like 90 Day Fiance or something like that, or one of the ones where they show up and marry each other before they even date Whatever, where they show up and marry each other before they even date Whatever. It's like a Southern Baptist preacher and he marries an African girl whose dad has a huge church in Africa Best thing ever, best thing ever. They go to Africa to meet her parents and they're like okay, men of God, go ahead and bless the food. And so he's like thank you, jesus for this day, thank you, lord for this food, you know, and he's like you know, jesus' name, amen. And the dad is sitting there like what is this? He's an African preacher, he's like Father. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ, we thank you for the food that you have brought us for today.

Speaker 3:

That's prayer, man. That's still the first stage of prayer. I'm telling you, I picked up an impartation of prayer in Africa. Some of y'all need to come to Africa with us and then you'll learn how to pray, but it was the best thing ever. He probably even folded a napkin and put it in his collar, you know, because that's the Western way. Powerless, that's the powerless way. Thank you, jesus, for this food and for being an awesome dude In your name. Amen, that's the Western way, that's the ear-tickling way, that's the watered-down, no-threat-to-the-kingdom-of-darkness way.

Speaker 3:

You don't want any spiritual warfare. Live like that. The devil won't waste time with you. Why You're not a threat? You're not a threat. But when you've got a call in your life, you naturally attract things, even if you're not walking in the calling, because the devil is more aware of your prophetic destiny.

Speaker 3:

Some of you wonder why you're walking up against like you're going up a mountain all the time. Let me tell you this though Without a mountain, how are you supposed to use your faith? Without a mountain, how are you going to? What are you going? Without a mountain, how are you going to? What are you going to use your faith to move. What are you going to move if there is no mountain? The kingdom wants to come through you.

Speaker 3:

Catherine Coleman said in order to enter the kingdom of God, you first must enter yourself. There's a mantle on your life. It may not be a five-fold mantle. Who cares? There's no such thing as a weak mantle. There's no such thing as a stinking, insignificant mantle. There's no such thing as anything that is partnership with God. That is insignificant. You may not be called the pastor of church Great, neither am I, that's. The only function we understand in this region is pastoring a local flock, and I'm not mocking that, because that is a needed position in the five-fold government of God. People don't like the way I preach Well, I'm not a pastor, but you know my pastor doesn. The way I preach Well, I'm not a pastor, but you know my pastor doesn't talk like that. Well, I'm not a pastor. I'm sorry, but do you think Ezekiel walked around thinking like hmm, what?

Speaker 1:

are the locals like around here?

Speaker 3:

No, he just went and had visions of God and then he prophesied and the impartation flowed out of him, naturally. You think Paul walked into a region and was like we've got to respect the religious devils in this town. No, he carried a regional authority and if you think everything that he did was wrapped up in his epistles, it's not. But what we have been given is a blueprint of where to start. Allow your mind to be offended. We need real discernment. Discernment is not emotionalism and it is not preference and it is not bias. Never seen that before. That's the devil. No, that's your emotions. We need teaching on discernment. You know, a few years ago, several years ago now, the Save Mark Center hosted a conference and there were some power-packed ministers in there. One of my favorites, corey Russell, was there, and there were some power-packed ministers in there. One of my favorites, corey Russell, was there. But one of the biggest generals of the faith in the last 40 years was there and the place emptied out and the comment section online was like devil. I have discernment and I'm discerning. I'm testing her spirit and that's not of the Lord, because they'd never seen anything like what she carried before. I mean, you know, heidi Baker. I mean love. Heidi Baker. She's amazing. You know the Save Mark Center emptied out when she took the stage.

Speaker 3:

Talk about invoking a curse on a region you must honor, you must honor, you must honor. You don't have to like them and you don't have to agree with them, but when the fruit of the Holy Ghost and the mantle of God is upon their life, you have to honor it. We've got to be vessels of honor, we've got to mind our gates, we have to make room that the king of glory may come in. And I'm here to tell you tonight sometimes the warfare we attract is not because you're doing anything right or wrong, but it's because of an unrealized call in your life. And as long as it's unrealized you stay in a dormant status and you're no threat. But I'm here to tell you every single one of you is created to be a threat. Because the Bible says Jesus is the light of the world. But Jesus said you are the light of the world. And we also know through the book of John that light naturally dominates darkness and the darkness cannot comprehend the light. Jesus said that's you, say that's me. Jesus said that's you. So without effort, you dominate darkness. That sickness in your body does not have permission to be there. Those addictions that you've been dealing with, those strands, those cords, those puppet strings that have been attached to your life, they don't have permission to stay there. We cut those by the mighty name of Jesus. How many came for a healing tonight? A miracle, business miracle. Whether you realize it or not. What we're doing is we're building the faith in the room. We're building the capacity to contain, to hold, to host the glory, and then the Spirit of God comes in the room and he just begins to flow.

Speaker 3:

The importance of worship why do we do worship the way we do worship? Because it's for you to position yourself in a personal encounter with Jesus. I'm done with karaoke worship. If they turned off the music, would you still be worshiping? Or did your favorite song turn off? And I'm not here to make you feel bad about yourself. I'm trying to open up another realm for you to step into. It's all about personal encounter, face to face. Do you hunger enough? We say we're professionals at saying the right Christianese. We're professionals at saying amen, brother. We're professionals at saying things like well, you know, god is good all the time and all the time.

Speaker 3:

God is good. Oh, I got this issue. What do I do? Oh, seek his face, brother. Oh yeah, that's a great idea, but we don't even know what that means. It's repeat, it's auto. What about actual spiritual hunger? What about actual depths, substance, glory? We just got a testimony tonight from last month Somebody that I called the word of knowledge out she came up and got prayed for, had a heart issue, went to the doctor. It's gone Now. I think that's worth getting a little more excited about. I hope you came for a miracle tonight. I hope you came for a healing. We had back in March a girl with a giant tumor that shrank in the meeting in front of everybody. How many of you were here for that? I feel the fire of the Holy Ghost. Right now We've had notable miracles. Why am I telling you that? Because you better come expecting. In Canada this weekend we had somebody that was hobbling around and prayed for them and their leg grew out.

Speaker 3:

Equal to the other one. Well, brother, brother, I've never heard of that before. Well, you just heard of it now. And all glory to the holy ghost. I don't know about the oil and the gold. Well, I'll tell you what heaven is going to invade the room, and if it bothers you, you're free to go. But I'll take every manifestation of heaven, I'll take it all and listen. There's a lot of people that I love and respect that are not open to that stuff. That's the number one way to make sure that that realm stays shut off. Honor, honor, honor, honor, honor, hallelujah. Why don't you come tell your testimony? How many are releasing miracle-working faith tonight? Miracle-working expectancy the King of Glory might come in. This one's a lot harder than yours was.

Speaker 2:

Should we switch mics? Go ahead, okay, thank you Jesus. Wow, I love miracles. Yeah, not just because I get to see a miracle, because I know that is proof that my Jesus is alive, that he walked out of that grave and ascended, and I get to see him still work miracles, just like the apostles and disciples got to see.

Speaker 2:

And you know what, when there is a call upon your life, the enemy wants to come in to steal, kill and destroy everything in your life, that sickness you've been battling. Let me tell you, I feel like this needs to be addressed In this region, whether you know it or not, there are witches that are aware of who you are. When there is a call upon your life, even by you moving in to that neighborhood, the spirit realm is aware and their familiar spirits will alert them that a person of light, jesus Christ, just moved into that neighborhood. That puts a target on your back, and I'm not telling you that to scare you, but the enemy knows who you are and there are witches that will hex, vex and curse you because of the call upon your life and maybe that sickness, or that issue, or the, even that financial, that financial issue you've been dealing with. Oh, my Lord, I feel the Holy Ghost on this, because I'm telling you there are witches that have been cursing you in this region. There's no coincidence in the kingdom of heaven. Why am I telling you this? Because quite a few years ago how many years ago now, 2018? Okay, that time in my life was such a blur, let me tell you. Let me tell you 2015,. Suddenly, out of nowhere, the Lord told us to move into a new neighborhood.

Speaker 2:

Okay, all of a sudden, I get an unexplainable, incurable disease. I went to doctor after doctor after doctor. Nobody could tell me what was wrong with me. All the while, I am crying because the pain is so excruciating that it was driving me to be almost suicidal. Let me tell you, it felt like my bones wanted to explode, that not even morphine could touch the pain, and it felt like I had an elephant sitting on my chest where I was paralyzed, couldn't move. Even if I wanted to get up, I couldn't.

Speaker 2:

I live like this for quite a few years. Okay, I couldn't even take care of my own kids. I couldn't even hold a glass of water. I had no strength in my body. It hurt to hold a fork. I couldn't. Let me tell you. I told the Lord either take this from me or kill me. I cannot live like this anymore. I felt like a prisoner in my own body. It was torturous. I cried out for years God, heal me. God, heal me, do something. Why aren't you doing something? And you know what.

Speaker 2:

The Lord took me into a supernatural encounter. As I'm crying out, before I tell you the encounter, I want to tell you that my daughter had come to me and said mommy, an angel just walked through the wall and touched you and healed you. You're gonna be healed. That's the only hope I had to hold on to be healed. That's the only hope I had to hold on to. Her angelic encounter, her angelic vision gave me the hope to hold on to that. One day I could walk again. I couldn't do ministry. Let me tell you, the pain was so excruciating I didn't even want to pray. That's how much the enemy hated me. He still does. I could tell you many testimony. He just tried to kill me in South Korea. I shouldn't be alive right now. I literally was dying in South Korea. That's a different story. So, jesus, I'm telling you tonight if you need a healing, if you need that curse broken off you. We're going to break it off of you.

Speaker 2:

So what was my supernatural encounter? This is a huge gold nugget that I'm going to tell you on how to get your healing, how to get that breakthrough. The lord actually took me into the realm of the spirit, and I'm not talking about a dream or a vision. He took me up into the realm of the spirit, into a pitch black room, and I said God, I can't see what you're trying to show me. Turn on the light. Why am I here? It was like a black voided space. I knew I was somewhere in a heavenly realm. He said I give you the authority to speak to the darkness and tell the light to turn on, so you can see. I gave you the authority to speak to the darkness. He then. So I stood there and I said I command the light in this room, I command the darkness to go. And you know what? Instantly, I command the light in this room, I command the darkness to go. And you know what? Instantly, I was in a huge garden and the Lord showed me that each flower represented humanity and I was supposed to speak to them and tell them how to get their breakthrough, how to speak to the darkness that revelation gave me, or God gave me that revelation of how powerful your words are. So maybe you've been begging God to do something. God say no, I gave you the authority to speak to that sickness and command it to go. So after that, I'm telling you this for a reason.

Speaker 2:

After that, the Lord showed me that I had been cursed by a witch. And that unexplainable, incurable disease. Let me tell you every single specialist I went to, specialist after specialist, they all looked me in the eye and said I don't know what's wrong with you, but I can no longer help you. I left every doctor's office crying because nobody would help me, because they said there's nothing wrong with you. And then I heard another prophet say doctors can't explain the supernatural, doctors can't diagnose the supernatural.

Speaker 2:

So that unexplainable thing you've been going through that fatigue, all of that, headaches, migraines, joint pain Let me tell you, I bind it right now in the name of Jesus. I bind it and I break it off of you right now, in the name of Jesus. No witch in the Central Valley is going to touch any one of you. In Jesus' mighty name, we haven't come to play tonight. No hex, becks or curse shall touch your household in Jesus' mighty name.

Speaker 2:

So I want you to expect God to do something tonight. There are miracles in the atmosphere I actually see right now. There's like seeds falling, seeds of miracles. You must grab a hold of them by faith, because your miracle is here, that healing is here. Those migraines got to go. The demonic torment right now has to go.

Speaker 2:

In Jesus' mighty name, we take authority over every demonic spirit in here tormenting your mind. In Jesus' mighty name, I just speak the fire of God over your mind right now. In Jesus name, I command you to go. Every one devil, one devil in Jesus name, every sickness, every cancer cell. I bind you for the glory, the glory, your presence. Lord, I thank you for the angelic presence here tonight, moving among our midst, bringing us our healing, holy Spirit. Lord, I thank you for walking through the crowd and touching each and every person. Lord, I thank you for the revelation that we are healed by your stripes. We are healed, god, if you can pray in the Holy Ghost, we are just going to flow with the Holy Spirit right now.

Speaker 2:

So why did I tell you this? I would not be standing here today if it wasn't for that revelation and my miraculous healing of an incurable disease, I wouldn't even be walking right now. You know the very first thing I did when I got here. I went to another nation, I stepped foot and you know what? I got activated in miracles and I started believing God because I had been healed. And so now I would feel and now I'm healing everybody Blind eyes were opening. Instant.

Speaker 2:

The level started walking. The low started walking. Why? Because I had a revelation that my God does the impossible. My God is not a weak God. So every time I take the mic I'm slapping the devil across the face that I can even walk up here. Come on, that's good. And when you get your healing tonight, I want you to go out and I want you to lay hands on somebody else, because that is your impartation and that is your activation. Thank you, jesus. I want you to stir up your faith. Right now, I actually see a pool of healing opening up through the angelic, right now, in Jesus' mighty name.

Speaker 1:

Hallelujah Jesus.

Speaker 3:

Hallelujah, jesus. Stay right there in that vein of faith, come on. Do you need a miracle? Do you need healing? Because Jesus is in the room tonight. The miracle working God is in the room tonight.

Speaker 3:

Hallelujah, hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah I was in prayer and I heard the Lord speak several things to me and I'm just going to call them all out at once.

Speaker 3:

I'm going to call them all out at once and if that's you, I want you to come up. Hallelujah, hallelujah. Are you in a vein of faith? Tonight, I saw somebody that you've had, like a business partner, turn on you. You've had an arrow shot in your back, you've had something. Go sour. And if that's you in a moment, I want you to come up.

Speaker 3:

I saw another person, hallelujah, another person. You've been having issues. You've been having health issues. You've been having health issues. You've been having. Help me, lord. You've been having difficulty hearing. You've had difficulty walking. You've had problems with your feet. God is going to touch you tonight. Thank you, jesus.

Speaker 3:

There's another person. You've been having a lot of nightmares. You've been having bad dreams. You've been waking up Cold sweats, fear. I want you to come forward. I'm going to pray for you tonight. God is going to break these things off of you tonight. Hallelujah, hallelujah.

Speaker 3:

There's another person that you're contending for a miracle. In your family there's a division, there's a split in your family and God is going to repair that. God is going to repair that Sleep paralysis. Somebody's been dealing with sleep paralysis. I want you to come up. Somebody's been. You've had difficulty breathing in the night. God is going to break that off of you, hallelujah.

Speaker 3:

Hallelujah, there's somebody in here. You've had issues in your right ankle. God is going to make that right tonight. If any of these are you, I just want you to come forward because there's a corporate anointing tonight. We're just going to release the healing power of the Holy Spirit. Hallelujah, there's several people in here. It's unexplained. Your finances are disappearing. We're going to break the curse off of you tonight. It's like there's a hole. You've even said there's a hole in the account and it's been pouring out. Whoever that is? I want you to come up. I I can actually hear your conversation. There's a hole. It's disappearing. Where's it going? I can't explain it. We're going to break that curse off of you tonight. Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah. Just come up, come all the way up here. Come all the way up here. If you're responding to anything, I want you to come all the way up here, Hallelujah. Thank you, father, hallelujah, hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

Oh, shabbat, he's in here, hallelujah.

Speaker 3:

Hallelujah oh Shabbat, Fire of God.

Speaker 1:

Jesus, my name, touch Jesus, my name, jesus, my name, right there, jesus, my name, jesus, my name. Hallelujah, hallelujah, yep, jesus, jesus, jesus, jesus, jesus, jesus, jesus, jesus, Jesus, jesus, jesus Jesus, hallelujah, hallelujah, jesus. Thank you, jesus Jesus, thank you, jesus. Actually, I have a word for you tonight.

Speaker 3:

The Lord is going to touch you, but also I see like an explosion of financial breakthrough over you. I see expansion coming. In fact, I hear Isaiah 54, expand the tent, expand, expand, expand, expand, expand. God is going to visit you in dreams and give you blueprints for new things, things that you don't understand yet, things that you know. There's something there. It's churning. There's something. There's something. I can't process it. I can't process it yet Up here, but God is going to release this to you, especially in the night, and you're going to get blueprints.

Speaker 3:

Just like the Bible says, you go up to the mountain and you get the blueprint from the mountain. God's going to take you up into the mountain. Does that make sense to you? Yeah, yeah, because there's expansion coming. Yeah, in fact, the Lord says you want more. He's going to begin to reveal to you more. There's more depths, there's more to walking with God.

Speaker 3:

You've known about God, but you want to know who he is. God is inviting you onto the walk. The garden walks, the garden walks. God is bringing you into a realm of walking, in the same way that Enoch walked with him. I release that over you tonight In the mighty name of Jesus. Father, god, thank you for touching there. It is right there, carabadosa. Thank you, father, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. Fire of God upon you tonight. In Jesus' mighty name, rosh Abba, rosh Abba, rosh Abba, rosh Abba, rosh Abba, rosh Abba, rosh Abba, rosh Abba, rosh Abba, father, thank you, thank you for your daughter there's, yeah, hallelujah.

Speaker 3:

God's not only going to touch you tonight, but he's going to begin to release miracles through your hands. That's going to have release miracles through your hands. Yeah, you want more. You want more. You want more. These hands are going to be used to. Yeah, you're going to lay hands on the sick and they're going to get better. You're going to lay hands on the sick. You're going to lay hands on the dead, yeah, and God is actually going to use you to minister to people that have walked through hard things.

Speaker 3:

I see you speaking to young women that have made mistakes, that have gone through. I see you being given a specific voice to speak in the young women that have had abortions, and God is going to use you as a vessel of light and glory to bring healing to the inside of them. Father, I thank you for the fire of God coming upon her tonight. Lord, I thank you for the oil of the Holy Ghost coming upon her life, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Hallelujah. Thank you, father, thank you Father, thank you, father, jesus, let the wind of God come over you tonight In the mighty name of. Come over you tonight In the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Jesus, jesus, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, hallelujah. Dismantling, dismantling every lie, dismantling every lie, pulling out these whispers in your ears In Jesus' mighty name, hallelujah, hallelujah. Thank you, jesus, sir, I want to pray for you Right here.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, Is that all right, I want you to just step right up here.

Speaker 3:

I want to pray for you. Thank you, father. Thank you, father. You have an appointment with the Lord. God is going to visit you and the Lord, jesus Christ, is going to reveal himself to you in a way that you've never, ever, experienced before. The manifest presence of God is going to come all over you and it's going to change you and you'll never be the same. Jesus is speaking into you right now. Yeah, yeah, yeah, father, I thank you. He's speaking to you right now. Yeah, yeah, yeah, father, I thank you. He's speaking to you right now. Yeah, right there, from the top of your head to the soles of your feet. Let that oil of intimacy, the honey of heaven, come upon this young man tonight. Lord, I thank you for blessing your son. I thank you for visitations, lord, I thank you for angelic visitations and activity, a new direction. I hear divine turnaround in Jesus' name. I hear divine turnaround. There's going to be a 180 in your life.

Speaker 3:

I see branching out and there's a 180. And God's going to touch your family. Yeah, lord, he's repairing things. Thank you, father, for new revelation of the goodness of God In Jesus' mighty name. Jesus' name Hallelujah, hallelujah. This couple in the back. I want to pray for you both. Is that all right? You guys are together. Will you come up here? Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah. Just make your way, just right there. Hallelujah, what's your name? My name is Allison, allison. What's your name? Patrick, patrick. Father, thank you for Allison and Patrick. Thank you, lord. Thank you for the immense love that they have for you, god, that they love to yeah yeah, yeah, I see you Just a worshiper.

Speaker 3:

A worshiper, yeah, lord, I thank you for the love of God dripping upon you anew, anew, anew, a new revelation of his heart. Lord, I thank you that she's going to manifest your heart. You've got the mantle of an intercessor. You've got the mantle of an intercessor. In fact, you're even going to feel it be placed upon you right now, like fire coming upon your shoulders. God is going to give you the gift of tears for the nations. God is giving you the gift of tears for the nations. Thank you, father, for the mantle of the intercessor that you are going to go before the throne with utterances only made by the Holy Ghost. God is going to give you yeah, you got to go by a map and God is going to give you nations to lay your hands on. You're going to oil up your hands and lay it over the nation and you're just going to intercede for the peoples, and God is going to manifest his heart through your prayers. Thank you, father, god, jesus, thank you, father, and I thank you for hands to build that. You're a builder. You're a builder in the spirit. Thank you, father, god, that, yeah, a father's heart, a father's heart and a builder. I see god putting tools in your hands. I see your hands. You're going to carry tools and you're going to build, and the lord is going to establish what he wants to do through you. God is going to give you a divine knowing on the inside. You're not going to know how, where or why it came, but're not going to know how, where or why it came, but you're going to know what to do, and God is going to give you a people. He's going to give you a people that you're going to build up, that you're going to invest in, that you're going to raise. God is establishing something through you. That's my son, patrick, and I'm establishing through him. Patrick is my builder. Yeah, I thank you, father. I see that there's a helmet coming upon you. There's a helmet and it's to shield your mind. It's to shield your mind and the warfare in your mind is coming to an end.

Speaker 3:

In Jesus' mighty name, jesus, thank you Lord, thank you Lord, thank you, thank you Lord, thank you Lord, thank you, thank you Lord, thank you, lord. Jesus, my name, jesus, my name, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah. Father, thank you for the angelic activity here tonight. Thank you, jesus. So I want to pray for you. Is that okay? Come up here. Hallelujah, lord, hallelujah, come over here. There's just like an orb of light. What's your name? Bruce Lord? I want to pray for you.

Speaker 3:

What's going on with this Car accident? How long ago, 2017? Are you able to walk? No, what's the injury? Spinal? What did you say? Your name was Bruce, father.

Speaker 3:

I thank you for Bruce. I see an orb of light just hovering over the top of you. Father, I thank you for Bruce Lord, I thank you for healing and restoring all things. God, I thank you. You're the top of you, father. I thank you for Bruce Lord. I thank you for healing and restoring all things. God, I thank you. You're the God of Lord. We worship you and we praise you in Jesus' mighty name.

Speaker 3:

Lord, I thank you for returning sensations, lord. I thank you for returning sensations, god, lord, that you would pour out your Spirit, your heavenly healing power, lord, the virtue of God coming into his body tonight. Father, I thank you for the call on Bruce's life, lord, I thank you for your son, for your son, lord, that you would touch, touch, touch in Jesus' mighty name. Touch in Jesus' mighty name. Do you feel anything different? Do you feel anything different. I command life into these legs in Jesus' mighty name. Do you feel anything different? Do you feel anything different? Oh, Shabbat hafizikia, I command life into these legs in Jesus' mighty name. I command light into this man.

Speaker 3:

In Jesus' mighty name, lord, we speak health and wholeness. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ, do you normally have any sensation whatsoever? No, can you feel anything? No, because I believe that the Lord highlighted you for a reason. Father, we thank you right now, in the mighty name of Jesus, for your healing virtue into his body. Father, I thank you for Bruce. Lord, I thank you for his sweet spirit. Lord, I thank you for the sweet spirit that he carries on the inside of him. Lord, I thank you for the sweet spirit that he carries on the inside of him. Lord, we just speak. We speak life. We speak life. We speak life and wholeness. In the mighty name of Jesus, lord, release your healing power over Bruce tonight. In Jesus' mighty name, in Jesus' mighty name, do you feel anything different at all? Try to will your feet just a little bit. Come on, I know the Lord highlighted you for a reason. God is going to touch you. God is going to touch you, father. Father, in the mighty name of Jesus, come on, just pray in the Holy Ghost right now. In Jesus mighty name, in the mighty name of Jesus, the true spirit of life over you. In Jesus' mighty name, in the mighty name of Jesus, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, we speak life into you. In Jesus' mighty name, do you feel anything? Anything at all? Do you feel lighter? Do you feel anything spiritually? Just continue to pray, continue to pray, continue to pray, continue to pray, continue to pray. Where's the cutoff? Is it right there? You feel anything underneath there? No, no.

Speaker 3:

In 2019, a person came to a crusade that we were at and we prayed and we prayed, and we prayed and we prayed, and after a couple of hours, they began to like move one toe. They came back the next night and we prayed and we prayed and we prayed, and nothing shifted. By the fourth night of the crusade, that person came walking up on the stage. Come on, jesus highlighted you, bruce. Jesus highlighted you. He's beginning to work in you. Nobody laid hands on that woman. We prayed night one. We prayed night two. We didn't see her. Night three, nobody touched her In her sleep. She woke up and walked.

Speaker 3:

Come on, he is the father of hope, the king of glory. Thank you, father, for highlighting Baruch's Lord. Thank you for releasing healing virtue into his body. Thank you that his life will be a sign and a wonder. Father, I thank you. Release it right now. The fire of God upon you. In Jesus' mighty name, in Jesus' mighty name, in Jesus' mighty name, in Jesus' mighty name, jesus, you feel anything different? Not a single thing. Father, I thank you for doing a work. Thank you, jesus. Thank you Jesus. Thank you Jesus. Just pray with them, just pray with them, just pray with them. Hallelujah, jesus, jesus, jesus, come on, we're not. The Lord isn't finished. Thank you, lord Jesus. Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

Hallelujah, hallelujah. What's going on? Well, I was thinking about, you know well, my neighbor he's been there maybe seven or eight years Ernie Donner Christmas touch they would hold. I mean they actually had not just costumes. I mean they actually had not just costumes, they were like me or something. So from that time out, you know, they would sit outside and just sit there. But they're very quiet, they don't come home, you know very quiet. So I've been having a lot of issues. They've been there. I mean I have like five, six things going on.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you know my scalp my hair, my hands. I've had that. So you feel like that there's been something assigned to you, but now it's so many I've broken out all in the past. I just went to Stanford. They don't know yet what's going on. That's something different from the other camp, but it's just so many things. Yeah Well, I want to pray for you today. Yeah, I always had a feeling. Yeah Well, they're powerless. In the blood of Jesus.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 3:

So we break that off for you. Lift your hands. Thank you, father, for divine healing, thank you for health, thank you for wellness. Lord, we cancel every assignment, we cancel every witchcraft thing spoken. We break every curse, every arrow, lord, every harassing spirit, every spirit of infirmity. Jesus, my God, jesus, my God, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah.

Speaker 3:

If you need a touch from heaven, if you want a baptism of fire, I want you to come up here. We're going to lay hands on everybody that's hungry for the Spirit of God. If you're hungry for a fresh touch, I hear all the time well, brother, I went to the Toronto blessing and I got rocked Well, praise God. But what about today? I went to Pensacola and I got rocked at Brownsville. Well, praise God. What about today? If you need a fresh touch or a baptism, if you've never received the baptism of fire, I want you to come forward Right now, quickly, quickly, all the way up, all the way up, all the way up, all the way up, all the way up. Come on, I want you to pray with me. Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah.

Speaker 3:

Father, I thank you for a fresh baptism of fire In the mighty name of Jesus. Lord, I thank you for a fresh baptism of fire. In the mighty name of Jesus, lord, I thank you for touching your people. Lord, I thank you for your healing power. Lord, I thank you right now, for your eternal word that your promises are yes and amen. Lord, I thank you for the wind of the spirit the Acts 2 wind of the spirit that would come and invade and mark them to never be the same. In Jesus' mighty name, jesus, jesus, hallelujah, fresh fire. Baptism of the Holy Ghost. Jesus, my name, jesus, my name, fire of God.

Speaker 1:

Fire of God upon you, jesus. Fire of God. Fire of God upon you, jesus, jesus, jesus, jesus, jesus, jesus, jesus, jesus, my name Jesus, my name Jesus, my name Jesus, my name Jesus, my name yeah, thank you, father, for touching touch, jesus touch.

Speaker 3:

Thank you, lord Jesus fullness family, thank you.

Speaker 1:

Jesus Touch. Thank you, lord Jesus, wholeness Family. Thank you, father God, thank you Jesus. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, jesus, my name, jesus, my name, is that forward?

Speaker 1:

That's okay. Yeah, yeah, right there, Thank you.

Speaker 3:

Father, lord, the hunger, the thirst. Be filled, be filled, be filled, jesus, be filled, jesus, my name, jesus, my name, jesus, my name.

Speaker 1:

Son Jesus. Let me step right over here to you.

Speaker 3:

Thank you, Jesus. Jesus, we dispense with every life spoken over your life in Jesus' name. Every word that may come against you, break it. Jesus, mighty name, father, thank you for a new identity Jesus, jesus, jesus, jesus.

Speaker 1:

Jesus, jesus, jesus, jesus Jesus. Hallelujah, lord, lord, I thank you for rejuvenation Jesus, my man, jesus, jesus, jesus, hallelujah, lord Jesus, jesus, jesus, jesus, yep, yeah, more, more, more, more Jesus.

Speaker 3:

Jesus Yep, more, more, more, more, more, more More.

Speaker 1:

Jesus, chakara, jesus, hallelujah. Fire of God upon you, jesus, jesus, jesus, fire of God upon you, jesus, my Jesus, my Jesus, my Jesus, my Jesus, my Jesus, my Jesus, my Jesus, my Jesus, my Jesus, my Jesus, my Jesus, my Jesus, my Jesus, my Jesus, my Jesus, my Jesus, my Jesus, my Jesus, my Jesus, my Jesus, my Jesus, my Jesus, my.

Speaker 3:

Jesus, my, there it is, increase, Increase, yep, right there, hallelujah, yep, right there. Jesus, jesus, jesus, break every bond, every bond broken in Jesus' mighty name. Jesus, come out of the prison cell. You've been bought and paid for. You belong, you belong, you belong, you belong to him. Jesus, jesus, jesus, jesus.

Speaker 1:

There's a mantle on your life.

Speaker 3:

There's a heavenly mantle and a high calling upon you to preach the word, to go into the nations. God is sending you into the nations. I see influence over the nations, over your life. God is giving you the mantle of the evangelist. He's going to give you the gift of prophecy. He's going to give you the gift of prophecy. He's going to give you the gift of words, of knowledge, the gift of faith imparted into your spirit.

Speaker 2:

God has called you as an evangelist, as a five-fold evangelist.

Speaker 3:

He's going to bring it. He's going to bring it. You're not going to have to worry about the funding. He's bringing the funding. And you're going to step out and you're going to touch the nations. God is sending you to the nations. God is sending you. I see even South Korea. You're going to have influence. I see Indonesia, lord. I see Singapore. I see Malaysia, thailand. God is sending you, god is sending you. God is sending you. You're going to cross cultural lines. You're going to cross cultural lines. You've got to call in Asia and you're going to cross cultural lines. In Jesus' mighty name, in Jesus' mighty name, hallelujah oh carabao.

Speaker 3:

I want to bless your son. I bless. I feel the fire of God. I feel the fire of God. I feel the fire of God. The fire of God is over you. God is inviting you in Job 29. Job 29.

Speaker 3:

When the candle of the Lord was over my head and I walked in intimacy with God and he shared His secrets with me. These are the words of Job. God is inviting you in. The candle of the Lord is going to be over your head. God is bringing you into a place of revelation and intimacy. He wants to teach you, he wants to walk with you. He wants to share secrets with you. God, yeah, yeah, I feel it. You feel the heat. I feel the fire of God over you right now.

Speaker 3:

Thank you, Father, for sealing that over his life. I release that upon you in Jesus, Jesus mighty name. Lord, I thank you for Bruce. Lord, I thank you for the call on his life. I thank you for the testimony that is going to shake boundaries. That's going to shake. It's going to shake and destroy the camp of the enemy. Lord, I thank you for the testimony of his life In Jesus' mighty name. In Jesus' mighty name, Lord, I thank you for peace in his mind Peace, peace, peace, peace in the mighty name of Jesus Christ Father. Thank you In Jesus' mighty name of Jesus Christ Father thank you, hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

Jesus, jesus, jesus, jesus, blessed Lord, blessed, lord, jesus, jesus, hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah. I'm shocked, I'm out of this Hallelujah, jesus, jesus, jesus.

Speaker 2:

Jesus, we honor you. Holy Spirit, we honor you. God, we honor you. We honor you.

Speaker 1:

Jesus, jesus.

Speaker 2:

Lord, we thank you for what you're doing and continuing to do the work within us. Thank you, lord, for this atmosphere of your presence. God, let the Lord continue to minister to you. But how many of you know, when there's an atmosphere like this, there is a realm that is opened up with unlimited possibilities. When you raise your faith to expect something from God, the Lord is going to meet you at the level of your hunger. And when there's realms opened up like this and there's healings taking place, when there's things being broken off and the angels are moving throughout, being broken off and the angels are moving throughout. There are angels in this room right now who are actually scribe angels sent from heaven documenting every healing, every miracle, every work that's being done in your heart. Everything's written in your book. It is such a special moment and how many you know that when you receive something from the lord, we must honor him and give back to him in that realm, because in the glory there's multiplication. When you sow a seed of faith, god is going to multiply and grow that seed. And sometimes we sow out of thankfulness, sometimes we sow out of faith. But let me tell you, in this type of atmosphere, when you give into the glory, god is going to multiply it. I've seen it time and time and time and time again, time and time again.

Speaker 2:

There was a time in our life when we were called to move back here to California and I was at a meeting with Joshua Mills. I don't know if you're familiar with Joshua Mills, but the financial blessing upon his life is insane, and so I was listening intently like man how is this guy's just exploding with favor? And he told this story that they started out on like blow up mattresses, with nothing, believing God for more. So they sowed a seed into the glory and they are where they are today because of that. And when I heard that testimony and he told it, you know in detail, and it was incredible, even just the little they didn't even have any money and he would just so a dollar and God would multiply that dollar or give them food. And so as we were preparing to move back here, thinking, my God, the California prices are insane. Lord, you're going to have to do a miracle. I listened to that testimony of Joshua Mills and he said we sowed $1,000 for our miracle house and they, miraculously, that was what the Lord told him. Okay, so what did I do by faith? I grabbed a hold of that word because we were believing for the same exact thing Joshua Mills did years ago.

Speaker 2:

I was like God, if you can do a financial miracle in his life like that, no matter what it is, he was believing for a house. You may be believing for your pg&e bill okay, maybe some of you don't have enough money for groceries. Let me tell you, when you sow into this, this realm, god does something. Because of your obedience. Let me tell you, I sowed a seed for a miracle house and we had an impossible situation and I can tell you time and time again, every time we were up against something huge, we sowed a seed, even if it was a dime, a penny. If you are believing for something in your life, let me tell you honor God, sow a seed and he just wants to multiply it. Why? Because he is that good.

Speaker 2:

I had a dream one time where I asked another very known prophet in the dream, god, what is your greatest? Or I said, what is the greatest miracle you have ever seen to this prophet in my dream and he looked at me and he said, without a doubt, the miracle of the loaves and fishes, and that struck me as so odd. God, why is the greatest miracle that can be done loaves and fishes? Because God takes your nothing and multiplies it and feeds thousands and gives you exactly what you need. If he can take care of the birds and nature and everything, how much more is he going to take care of you? Don't leave this atmosphere without even just sowing something, because God wants to multiply it and bless you.

Speaker 2:

We've had testimonies of where people sow in to the ministry and their finances have doubled. They are blessed when you come along something that is alive. Your finances are alive, your life is alive, your health becomes better. I'm telling you, it drips from the head down and I'm not just saying this to say it. This is something we live, this is something we walk out by faith and I want to make this clear. You're not sowing into my personal life. You're not sowing into David's personal life. You're not sowing into David's personal life. You are sowing into the nations, the souls of people.

Speaker 2:

We go into tribal villages, we do missions, 100% of everything that is sown in these born. Let me tell you what your money has done Okay. In these glory nights. Let me tell you what your money has done. Okay, I know David has told the story where we were able to collect enough money to put in a well for the persecuted, where children were killed. But let me tell you something else we haven't said. Maybe in a glory night we briefly brought it up. We brought in a man from Pakistan who is our crusade coordinator and that night, as they were being persecuted, the Taliban had went in and were stealing two little girls, teenage girls. They were stealing women and they were going to take them as slaves. This little girl was probably a teenage girl, was hiding out in the bushes and Farfrazz came to us and said we need money to rescue this girl. The Taliban is going to take her. So in one glory night we raised enough money. We actually rescued her from the Taliban and put her up, hid her into a hotel where she was safe.

Speaker 2:

That is the kind of things we are doing. We want to multiply the kingdom. We want to be the hands and feet of Jesus. We want to go in and feed villages of starving children, which we have done that have never even had a real meal in their life. They're literally starving to death, dying in the mom's arms. I have seen children hundreds I'm going to cry. I have seen children hundreds I'm going to cry. Hundreds of children line up for the first meal they've ever had in their life that didn't consist of this corn maze stuff which is literally nutrient deficient and they're starving to death. Line up for a meal like it was Christmas morning and one little kid in this tribal village drops its meal in the dirt and it hurries up and scoops it all with the sand back in the bowl and continues to eat it, because that's the only thing they've ever had and even though it was covered in dirt, they were so thankful.

Speaker 2:

That is what it's like to be the hands and feet of Jesus, and I encourage you that you can do it too. So if you would like to sow into the missions, into the nations, we want to take a team to Africa next year so that you can see it firsthand. We want to activate you. We want you to be the hands and feet of Jesus. We want you to see the starving babies and do something about it. I could tell testimony after testimony of what God has done and what God has laid on our heart to do in the nations, and we want you to be a part of it with us. We cannot do it without you. Whether you go or whether you sow, you reap the same exact reward. But we sure hope you can go with us. So if you would like to sow into this atmosphere, believe in God for a miracle, then you can raise your hand. There's envelopes on the seat and you can sew if you'd like to.

Speaker 2:

On another note, announcements. Oh Jesus man, I just feel such compassion and love for humanity right now. God wants every tongue and every tribe to hear about him and we can't do it without businessmen who want to partner. We are looking for business people to fund the missions, fund the kingdom, not so that we can stand up here on a platform, no, so we can all go out and be the hands and feet of Jesus. We are also looking for volunteers to come alongside us and to help us during glory night, if you feel cold in your heart, to serve. We're coming to that place where we are expanding and we're going to see what God wants to do in the Central Valley here. And we're also looking for prophetic musicians Emphasis on the prophetic. If you know how to flow in the Holy Ghost and you are talented musically, we are looking to form a prophetic company of minstrels. So if that is you, you are a business person that wants to partner. You want to serve either musically or in other ways. You can email the ministry info at glorycultureintl or check it out on the website, or come up to us and let us know. We'll get your information somehow. Yeah, I hope you are super blessed. We have resources in the back.

Speaker 2:

For those of you who are new, david has written two books. I highly encourage you to pick them up. One is Seeking His Face. It is a blueprint on how to cultivate intimacy with the Lord. It is a roadmap and it's not complicated, fabulous beginning book. And if you want something that is more mature, you're ready to move on to the next step. He has mantles of glory, which dives deep. I think he says hold on tight. To what chapter is it? Hold on, hold on tight. You can plow through, you know, get through chapter two and then I think it's smooth sailing after that. And then I wrote a children's book called I Can Dream. It's for little dreamers. You've probably heard the story why. But those resources are in the back, um, so you can head over to david and check those out. And is there anything else? Oh, david will sign the books and I hope you are excited about the nations.

Speaker 2:

I hope you are excited about what God is doing in the Central Valley. I hope you're excited about finding your tribe of the prophetic, as prophets, we cannot run alone. We cannot run alone. So you are welcome here. You're not alone. You have people that love you here and we hope you come back and be on the lookout on the website or Eventbrite for the next Glory Culture. But I hope you have an amazing, blessed night.

Speaker 2:

Is there something else you want to say? No, okay, and so I'm just going to pray this out. Lord, I thank you for tonight. I thank you for every miracle, everything that you did. God, we honor you, holy spirit. Lord, we just thank you. We thank you. We thank you. I just declare the blood of Jesus over each and every person leaving here tonight that they would have a sweet sleep in Jesus name. Restful sleep, lord, I thank you for dreams and visions in the night and a renewed fire and hunger in their hearts. God, what I pray? I had your protection over each and every one of them and we just seal right now what Jesus did, holy Spirit, what you did in Jesus' mighty name. Amen Be blessed. You are dismissed.