Building a Legacy and Answering Prayers: Lessons from Hannah's Story

GLORY CULTURE Season 2 Episode 10

Ever felt like your prayers weren't getting answered? That your dreams were too big, too audacious to be fulfilled? Together with Teryn, we explore the story of Hannah from the Bible, shedding light on how a persistent and intimate relationship with God can lead to unimaginable outcomes. Drawing parallels from the Biblical tale, we underline the significance of a close relationship with God, which not only paves the way for answered prayers but also unlocks the door to a grand vision and enduring legacy.

Big dreams invite big challenges, and the journey to legacy isn't always smooth. There may be naysayers and adversity, just as Hannah faced mockery from Panina. But, as Teryn ardently points out, having faith and recognizing God as our shield equips us to boldly embrace the vision bestowed upon us. This episode's conversation is a warm invitation to nurture a trust-based, love-filled relationship with God, to dream audaciously, and to remember that in the face of challenges, God is always in our corner. So, gear up to dive into this stirring discussion and prepare to step into the boundless possibilities that God has in store for you.

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You can also find David on Instagram :  @david.yancey_
Teryn on Instagram: @TerynYancey

Speaker 1:

You're listening to the Glory Culture podcast show. To learn more about the ministry, head on over to glorycultureintlcom and click. Now. Here's your host, david Yancey. Hey, this is the Glory Culture podcast show. Wherever you are, however, you're listening. Thank you for tuning in today.

Speaker 1:

Well, today I've got a special guest with me. Hey guys, what is up? This is your girl, taryn, and David's wife, and we all know the mastermind behind this podcast. He's the voice, and I put in my hard work for this, but today you're getting the raw and uncut, maybe a little unfiltered podcast today. How does that feel for you? I have no idea what we're doing. So, but that's the best thing about it People like are so rehearsed and so fake and if you know me at all, I don't like fake, so let's dive into this. Today. I think he's absolutely scared. Well, I don't know what we're doing. That's the beauty of it. Which is finished a two hour Zoom call where I preached for 90 something minutes of it, so right, so he's all podcasted out, basically. So go ahead. So here I am. This is super, not professional. This is Hangout Time. Yeah, so in the partner group you were talking about, how did this become me interviewing you? I don't know. Okay, so in the partner group you were talking about Samuel. I want to touch on this again. You're talking about Samuel being birthed from Hannah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and as he was talking about that in our little Zoom sesh, the Lord began to speak to me just really about Hannah. Now I know I've posted about Hannah on Instagram, this whole thing about how all Hannah wanted was a baby, but the Lord saw it more than that. Hannah was birthing a nation, and so when Hannah was dreaming small, like oh Lord, I just want a baby, and crying out, the Lord's like you're crying out through intimacy, but I have so much more for you Like you need to dream bigger, you need to cast the vision bigger. So what does the Lord give Hannah? The Lord gives Hannah a baby who is a seer, who has a vision, and through that, what are you making that face? For what face? It's podcast. Nobody's seen my face.

Speaker 1:

So what the Lord was sharing with me was that through Hannah, things are birthed through intimacy and through intimacy there's a legacy. You see, panina was this other chick who was birthing all these sons and really just putting it in Hannah's face Like I birthed all these sons. You don't even have a son. But you know what? Because what did Hannah do? Hannah didn't fight flesh to flesh. I mean, she could have straight up, went and like, punched the chick and been like you know and this is the South side edition of the gospel of the Bible I mean, but honestly, what did she do when she was facing all that ridicule? Panina is making fun of her. She ran to the Lord. She didn't deal with it in the natural. She ran to the Lord and she saw his face and through intimacy, a son was birthed. Through intimacy, a nation was birthed, and how many of you know that intimacy births vision? Panina had no intimacy, so she got no legacy, because none of Panina's kids were mentioned in the Bible.

Speaker 1:

But Hannah birthed a legacy through intimacy, and that's something super important to remember. There's things that you're believing for and you've been believing for for a long time, and this is your reminder to like just seek his face. Don't seek the thing that you're wanting. Don't put that above the Lord. Don't make the thing that you want an idol in your life. Yes, we have faith for things. Yes, we believe for things, but don't make that thing the only thing you seek the Lord for. The Lord will bless you through intimacy and you don't even have to ask He'll. He'll give you the desires of your heart, just through prayer, through fasting, just through worshiping. Can't worshiping Him like telling him he's beautiful, asking him like Lord, how do you feel today? Build that relationship? That's what Moses did, you know, and I believe the Lord is bringing us back to One, the word, the word of God. He's bringing us back to the actual Bible and having that biblical foundation, but to he's bringing us back to Vision, because the Bible says where there is no vision, people will perish. So, lord, we need a fresh of vision for this hour, right now, a fresh prophetic vision to carry out what you Like want to do in this earth, lord, because the Lord is doing a new thing. But if we aren't spending time with God, how are we gonna know what that new thing is? If we're not spending time, there's gonna be no fresh revelation. Revelation is like thoughts of God that he lets us in to hear. It's going behind the veil to as to For things to be revealed to us, how many, you know. You can't see behind a curtain. Let you go behind it.

Speaker 1:

So, intimacy with the Lord's, you know, just talking to him. He's gonna Let you in on his secrets. Like I know that I'm not gonna tell my secrets to just any random person. I have to have a relationship with you. I have to have that foundation of I can trust you because you've been there. I Love you, because you've been there through the thick, through the thin, no matter what I did, no matter what you did. We still love each other and I trust you enough to share you with my secrets because I know you're not gonna break my heart or I know you're not gonna let me down. You know and that that's the kind of relationship we need to be cultivating with the Lord. Like we have to learn how to trust him and he you. Like we have to earn his trust. Like he's not gonna give us this big, huge revelation that we, our character, can't even handle. Like he has to know that he can trust us with what he gives us. So what? Nothing? You're doing good. You're doing good. Keep going. I know I'm doing good.

Speaker 1:

Usually I do my own podcast and so I just take it. You know, run with it full force. But I just wanna encourage you today in this short little podcast. I just wanna remind you that you may be believing for something small. You may even be believing for enough money to pay rent. You may be believing for a new car you may be believing for to go on a mission trip.

Speaker 1:

And the Lord is saying like I want you to dream bigger. I have so much more for you. Dream bigger. And how many of you know that when you do spend time with the Lord, like anything is possible in your mind, like you can take on the mind of Christ and you know like you get pumped up, you're worshiping, you're feeling really close with God. It's like man, I could conquer the world, I can slay any giant. Lord, whatever you ask me send me, I will do it.

Speaker 1:

And then what happens after that? The enemy starts throwing stuff at you to get you to back down, cause the enemy is like man. They just got a revelation of what they're capable of and now I'm gonna put it to the test to see if they really know who they are, their identity in Christ. But the Lord is saying dream bigger. And God has your back through anything that the enemy throws at you. He's got your back. He is your shield. You are hidden under his wings Psalm 91.

Speaker 1:

So in this hour, dream big. There's so much more that God has for us. We barely even begin to scrape the surface. So in Jesus name, lord, I ask that you put a fresh fire in their belly, god, for them to run after you full force, to spend time with you, to be in your presence, god, to hear the word of the Lord and to get the fresh vision I just speak, a fresh wind of the spirit over you in Jesus name, and that everything that the Lord has spoken over your life will come to pass in Jesus mighty name. So if you've been blessed by this podcast, I just wanna encourage you that there's gonna be more coming out, hopefully at least twice a month. Right now, our schedule is pretty packed. We have glory night coming up, so if you're in California, come on out, hang out with us and, yeah, we'll see you next time.