Can Women Preach?

GLORY CULTURE Season 3 Episode 2

When David and I exchanged vows 18 years ago, we promised to tackle life's big questions together. Little did we know, one of those would be the heated debate on whether women can or should preach. In our latest podcast episode, we unravel this complex issue, blending our personal experiences with a deep dive into biblical history and theology. We confront the controversial scriptures and challenge the status quo that has silenced women in many religious communities. As we share our perspectives, we hope to ignite a conversation that honors both masculine and feminine voices in church leadership.

Have you ever wondered about the women of the Bible who stood as prophets and leaders? We spotlight these often overlooked figures and explore the cultural contexts of their time, bringing to light the significant roles women have played—and can continue to play—in shaping the Christian faith. Our journey through the scriptures reveals not just past heroines like Huldah and Deborah, but also the present-day need to empower all believers to step into their destinies. We extend a special invitation to those new to their faith, encouraging them to seek out life-giving voices and engage with the scriptures to discover their own divine purpose.

Wrapping up this impassioned episode, we get personal about the inequalities we've faced as a couple in ministry. The sting of bias and stereotypes isn't just theory for us—it's a lived reality that fuels our drive for change. By sharing our stories, we hope to affirm the greatness within each person and the importance of embracing one's calling, regardless of gender. Join us in envisioning a church that champions a powerful and transformative movement, one that supports women across the globe in fulfilling their potential within God's expansive and inclusive plan.

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Speaker 1:

Hey guys and welcome back to my channel. I'm Taryn Yancey and today we have the one and only my boo. What's your name? This is David Yancey, and today we are having a totally candid conversation. I can't, I can't. I'm going to talk about the hottest topic right now. Oh boy, can women preach Now I know?

Speaker 2:

what I think.

Speaker 1:

Well, I know it's true, yeah, and today we're going to be speaking truth on that topic and because I know there's lots of ladies out there who have something to say in a good way.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to be talking about the most important topic in my life, which is a mind bending spirit and machismo spirit, and an idiotic spirit likes to shut that down, right?

Speaker 1:

So today we're going to be talking about can women preach? And if you haven't already hit the subscribe button, hit the little bell and you will be notified when either I go to the next video. So, um, today is a good day.

Speaker 2:

It's a good day in the Lord, and Well, you just kind of drop this on me. I don't have anything prepared.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I don't have anything.

Speaker 2:

No, no, I don't even have the scripture cited that people can textually abuse to shut women up.

Speaker 1:

Okay, first of all, I want to say we have been married. Our wedding anniversary will be married for 18 years. So talk about we can talk about this as a married couple, because we are a man and woman coming together to do the Lord's will and um, and we have two different perspectives. Yeah, yeah and um.

Speaker 2:

I think it's pretty easy to say that we both have an unity yeah, it doesn't matter Like we both equally have voices and when you say two different perspectives, don't paint the picture that it's because you're four women preachers.

Speaker 1:

Oh no, no, no, no, no, no. Two different perspectives of the world, as a man, as a woman?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and on this, topic like yeah, it's yeah a precious demon. Preach it brother.

Speaker 2:

I tell you what makes me angry. It makes me angry when I scroll social media and I see women posting attacking against women. It makes me mad and angry, like especially if they actually come after another woman and name them my name and say sit down and shut up in the back, where you belong. And it's like my Lord, not only are you shackled and in chains, but you are celebrating your shackles and trying to spread them on to other people. And, of course, this machismo spirit that's running around the church. It cites verses with absolutely no depth of knowledge of what is going on and what is referenced, and I don't wanna get too deep into that because I don't have anything prepared. You just kind of dropped this on me.

Speaker 2:

Right but what are you looking at, machismo?

Speaker 1:

I'm looking up the definition of machismo so I know exactly. I mean, I know what it means, but I like really wanna know the definition. Ooh, so in the Oxford dictionary what is this, the Oxford dictionary? I don't know in the dictionary it says it's a noun and strong or aggressive masculine pride. So when I think of machismo I think of Gaston from Bell.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, from Beauty and the Beast. I mean yeah, sorry from Beauty and the Beast. And first of all let me say, before all these accusations come out I am not anti-masculinity and the masculinity is not toxic?

Speaker 1:

No, no, it's not.

Speaker 2:

We've got a demon running around in society trying to demasculate so that it can advance Right Because yeah, can the real man please stand up?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Anyways, we're gonna go all over the place here if we're not careful. Masculinity is not toxic and neither is femininity in its own right, and it absolutely has a place in the church and in the pulpit. And it's just crazy to me. No, people don't read their Bibles. And what's so funny is they would use that argument against me. They would say you know, read your Bible there. You didn't see where it says I do not permit a woman to.

Speaker 2:

Okay, you have never read your Bible with understanding. You've never read your Bible with any relevance to anything other than bedtime story time. Well, it said this in plain, black and white, and that's the fullness, as if there's nothing beyond the sentence that has been labeled down on the tissue paper in that little ink right there. That's the whole extent of all of it, and it's a leadership problem. The church is asleep, the church is in a coma for crying out loud, and the people that perpetrate this whole women have no voice. And they should, you know, like let's just talk about what was done about five or six years ago with the whole go, sit down and go. What was it? Go home.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, what was that he?

Speaker 2:

came after a particular woman and not a fan, but she was not doing anything wrong there and he said go home. You're a woman, shut up, go home. Can I just say I apologize for such a ridiculous machismo spirit that is just running rampant in this. I'm better than you. My role is different than your role. Her role is different than mine. I cannot fulfill her role. She cannot fulfill my role. We are separated. We are created equally yet different.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

But to say that women have no voice, by God's design, you are a fool and an idiot and I'm sorry you want me to talk about it. I'm just gonna talk about it.

Speaker 1:

Oh, no, no, no, I'm not laughing at that, because I wanted to say something she thinks.

Speaker 2:

I'm excessively harsh and it's like if somebody were to point at the sky and say that's not blue, that's purple. Like at first it's gonna be like okay, and then after a minute and it's gonna get old and it's like, hey, moron, it's not purple. Shut up, right.

Speaker 1:

That's where I've gotten to this topic. No, no, no, I'm the same way. It makes me very sad for the women, and especially women in ministry and being a ministry wife, just like we're just as anointed as the man and yeah.

Speaker 2:

I know there's gonna be people that are gonna say they're just gonna quote scriptures and they have nothing to say because they're intellectually dead. But all they're gonna do is copy and paste the scripture and say proved your own right here. And they have absolutely no idea why Paul addressed what he was addressing. They have no idea what Timothy was going through as a leader. They couldn't even tell you anything about what temple prostitution was. They couldn't tell you anything about religious ceremonial prostitution and how. None of that is currently in, by and large, in the mainstream church. None of that is going on right now. These were specific cultural things being addressed.

Speaker 2:

I don't permit because and although it doesn't sit there, paul didn't think hmm, in 2000 years from now, we're gonna have a bunch of stupid idiots. These Calvinists, these cessationists, these anti-women people are gonna go well. He didn't specifically say right now, for today. He figured that people were smarter than that. Now I'm getting off on a tangent. I'm just gonna cost you followers. Sorry, I have a hard time not saying truth. We need truth tellers and I can be corrected and I can concede that I've been wrong on something. But are you kidding me right now that Jesus has created women less than men and it's like oh yeah, you've got a mantle in your life, but you better go sit up and shut up. Sit down in the back and shut up. Okay, it's mintern, you serve a God that's like that, because that's not the God of the Bible.

Speaker 2:

Let's put some understanding to these scriptures. If you don't know anything about temple prostitution, then you shouldn't be talking about what Paul was addressing, because you absolutely know nothing of the culture, you know nothing of the town and the city that Timothy was in building. You have no understanding of any of that stuff. Then you've obviously put no effort other than taking this and going line by line. When they were bringing out the money which had been brought into the house of the Lord, he'll chia. The priest found the book of the law of the Lord given by Moses. That's the extent of your understanding. Then You're not in a place to tell somebody to sit down and shut up. If that's the extent of your understanding of this divine word of God, this infallible word of God, then you're in no place to tell somebody they have no voice and then, as God's will, for them to have no voice.

Speaker 1:

Right, well, right here you read that I highlighted this like quite a while ago when I opened up my Bible today to do this live. Like this fell open to here in second chronicles this is 34, oh, I just wanna show you like, hold up, is that high? Let's play her name hold up. You probably can't even see because, like, but as the Holy, the prophetess, speaks, oh dang like God allowed a woman one to be a prophet, and yes, there are women prophets.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And to oh look, the prophetess spoke, spoke the word of the Lord. So right there in scripture. And you can't say like, oh, that's Old Testament, because God did not do away with prophets and it doesn't matter if you're a man or a woman like Absolutely. People are given a voice.

Speaker 2:

They're women and a fossils, and it's in the New Testament. It's funny how that doesn't get brought up.

Speaker 2:

Oh that's also the same people that say that there are no apostles today are the ones that say that there's no women. And it's no coincidence, because we have explicitly written prophet female, apostle female, evangelist female. And so, of course, they wanna dismantle the existence of God's government, which God's church government, god's body government, is the five fold ministry. Of course we wanna remove certain things for today, as if, oh, it just magically disappeared. There's a church around the corner from here and it's okay, I'm gonna drive. There is a church around the corner, not too far from us, and it's a redone building. I thought, okay, I'm gonna check out their website. I was driving by and I'm like oh that looks not dead religious.

Speaker 2:

It looks it's gotta make over. Let's just go. So I go to the website and a first thing I look at is what we believe, and immediately I go and find are these cessationists? And it says while the Bible does not explicitly say that the gifts of the spirit are not for today, we discourage these gifts. In fact, we encourage our people of a more excellent way to just love one another and we do not want to see any of the gifts of the spirit in operation in our church.

Speaker 1:

Wow and.

Speaker 2:

The gifts of the. What Spirit we do not want the spirit of God in our church.

Speaker 1:

Wow Okay.

Speaker 2:

And that's an example right Of the same spirit that has infected people. To tell women go home, go to the back and shut up.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And it's a spirit Like gosh. That's one thing. Social media can be a wonderful tool, but what I hate is the level of just cannibalism and dishonor that's on Facebook and in Instagram and all of the platforms. I hate it when I see women told to shut up and sit down and I especially hate it when I see women telling other women to shut up and sit down because it's like you're in your, you're shackled to a mindset and you're against self, when you realize it or not.

Speaker 1:

Right. We shouldn't be like women to women. We shouldn't be turning on each other saying, you know, shut up, sit down. We should be championing one another. And I'm not talking about like feminism and you know all that, because I hate to break it to you, but we cannot live life without men. We need men in our life. We need their protection. Like the Lord set up family this way as the man head of the household and not as a dominating. You know the missive.

Speaker 2:

The worldly feminism is just as bad of a spirit, you know, and that the worldly feminism is absolutely evil and rotten to its core, just like the religious spirit that would tell women you're worthless is is rotten to the core.

Speaker 1:

Right, yeah, so we need men and we need women to be who we were created to be, so that we can advance the kingdom of God as God designed it, both those two genders.

Speaker 2:

Well, I think that there's a Deborah Mantle coming back to the church. No absolutely, and for those of you who are Bible illiterate, deborah was a leader as a prophet and a judge over the entire nation, and so I just think it's so funny when we have people say, oh yeah, a woman could lead the whole nation, but she better not be caught preaching Like are you?

Speaker 1:

flipping, getting me Right.

Speaker 2:

And, like I said before, if you just hop in on this is all tied to a complete illiteracy in scripture and understanding of cultural, surrounding and current events that were going on that were being addressed.

Speaker 1:

Right. And for those of you, I know a lot of my followers are new in their walk with Christ. And so, just so you know, like women, you have a destiny, you have a purpose and like, read the Bible for yourself and get to know Jesus and who he says you are.

Speaker 2:

And you need to have voices in your life that are uplifting, and I'm not talking about this false definition of love, you know, listen, there are standards there, but but and there's a time to be quiet and sit down, there is for men and women.

Speaker 2:

You're you're whether you're a man or woman has, no, has no impact on that. There is a time to be quiet. There's a time to be fed milk, to mature, to begin to grow, and then we go from milk to meat and then you get to get to your own voice, right. So there's a time where you should two ears, one mouth, right Listen twice as much as you just be, but to say that because you are not a man, you have to sit down and shut up, that's absurd.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Then God created you not equal.

Speaker 1:

Right and that is a lie from the pit of hell.

Speaker 2:

Exactly, exactly. And you know there's going to be people that accuse. Right, who cares, who cares. You know what Satan means. Satan means the accuser. It's not a proper name, Like his birth certificate says oh, say, that's an interesting name. I haven't heard that one yet, like that's not a proper name. Satan's the accuser, and it's just so funny how cannibalistic and accusation, which is the nature of Satan, runs rampant through the church. So anytime somebody wants to unlock someone else's identity, unlock their destiny, speak life.

Speaker 2:

Here comes the accuser. That's the nature of Satan. Right, get to know the heart, the root and the intent of a scripture.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And I'm not a person to say that the Bible has to evolve to the culture. So anybody that wants to say you know I talked about not having cultural relevance to what they were going through. No, no, no, no, no. I'm not suggesting the Bible transforms according to Western culture, absolutely not. I'm saying that the writer was addressing something that was a current event Still applicable to today, but not in the fact that the literal word is literally a rule. The thing being addressed was the rule Paul was addressing temple prostitution and religious ceremonial prostitution.

Speaker 1:

Right. So with that, I want to say it is time for the esters and the deboras to arise in this hour, not as a feminine feminist movement in the church, but, yes, as a kingdom movement to advance the kingdom. We are carrying something so powerful on the inside of us. We have destinies and we have voices and we have a message in that message. Like that is your message to carry. And God, when he knit you together, he knit you together the way that you are, the way that you dress, the way that you speak, the things that you like. He did that for a reason because he is creating a message within you.

Speaker 1:

Everything that you go through in life. It creates who you are, not in the way that how would I explain that? It adds the things that you learn in the lessons that you learn from the things that you go to. You don't get your identity from the things that you go through, but you're going to learn. You're going to learn lessons and you're going to speak wisdom from those lessons and help others who are experiencing what you were experiencing Like man. Can you imagine if the world would allow women to rise to their full potential and cast out demons and heal the sick and invite them to speak. Places and like man.

Speaker 2:

If that were to happen, we wouldn't have this demonic agenda of worldly feminism.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

The church has caused a problem where women feel oppressed by society and held down and held back. And I'm not a victim mentality type of person. I don't like people to carry a victim mentality. I want you to get the proper healing which is in the blood of Jesus. I'm not against you, I'm for your freedom, I'm for your deliverance, I'm for your liberty. But to walk around with a victim mindset is not the Lord's will for your life. But the church has created that through the religious spirit, anti-woman spirit, which has then fueled an alternative uprising known as the feminism movement or whatever, and it's wicked.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Worldly. Feminism is wicked. It's anti-nuclear family, it's anti-God. Now, of course it's crept into the church. So they'll say how could this be anti-God? We're Christian feminists, like, just like. Eliminating women is not right. Making women idols and worshiping and putting men down in the same position is not right. We are created equal. We are different. Different does not mean unequal.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

There are things that you are good at that I wish I was good at and I'll probably never be good at, you know, and vice versa.

Speaker 1:

Same as these. Yeah, yeah, yeah, just really, really. If God didn't want women to speak, why would he give them a voice Like, why would he put a vocal box in them If he didn't want us to speak and he didn't want us to proclaim and declare the word of the Lord and have something to say? Or why would he position even Esther, where he did to save a nation, absolutely If he didn't want to use women, then it wouldn't be in the Bible.

Speaker 2:

Here's a highly controversial statement. Sorry, I'm going to cost you a bunch of people followers. The book of Hebrews was likely written by a woman. That's also another reason why there's no name on the authorship.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And I know some people get rage angry I said likely. The author is unknown, but of the suspected authors are Phoebe, priscilla. Of course Paul is suspected. But Paul wrote a lot of letters. Not all of them made it into the Bible and he always greeted in his own name and then talked about who wrote with their physical hand on his behalf. But there's a lot of people that believe that one of these apostolic women, one of these prophetic women who were part of the church government, wrote the book of Hebrews. And before you try to kill me, in the comments I said likely because it's not known.

Speaker 1:

But that's amazing. Like, that really is amazing, yeah. Yeah, it's time, like ladies, it's time for the mama bears to arise to protect the children from what society is trying to indoctrinate them with. Like I know I have a lot of like there's a lot of people who watch from all over the world, so we're not just talking about the American church, we're talking about the world as a whole and women voices. You know, we literally have people who watch from all around the world.

Speaker 2:

We've ministered in countries where women are second class citizens.

Speaker 1:

Right, and that's a whole other story. And so we're talking about the American women and the American women going into those nations and not not being seen as equal. That's really something, and so when you've experienced that, it puts into a whole another perspective of like man how much the enemy wants to silence women.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like absolutely, because women have a voice and what is extremely powerful in the women, in the feminine voice is in her is intercession.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And if the Lord once has given you a plan of intercession or a blueprint of intercession of your life, the number one thing the enemy is gonna do is try to steal your voice. And and I'm not saying that it because you are a woman, you are just an intercessor and or an intercessor at all. Maybe that's not what the Lord called you to, but I think, by and large, the majority of intercessors are women and the the look at how many successful people, even in the secular arena, hollywood, entertainment industry there's just this crazy favor on their life and they're so good at what they do. And what's what do they always say? Well, I have a praying grandmother, and right now we're seeing the first generation that is really been without the praying grandmother and praying mamas and you see the product of that.

Speaker 2:

You see some of these Little brats walking around with money. Yeah you know, Definitely but what I wanted to say is that Women make up the majority of intercessors. Of course the enemy is gonna try and shut your mouth and of course he's gonna try and manipulate scripture to do it. You think he has any new tactics? Jesus, the Bible said, as the scriptures say, turn these bread, the stones, into bread. What is he trying to do? Twist scripture to prove a demonic point right.

Speaker 2:

You think the enemy is smart enough to come up with new tactics? The things that he brought to the Lord in the wilderness is the same tactic he's got today right, I know, I get.

Speaker 1:

I get a lot of hate in comments, more so on Facebook over the past. You know so many years. But man, it's like your woman, shut up your woman, women can't be preachers. And then they, these guys, throw all their scripture at me. I'm like, yeah, no, I'm sorry, that's not what the Lord says about me. Yeah, and the enemy will never get me to a shut up and proclaim the word of the Lord and you have to be so Confident of who you are in Christ. For when the enemy throws those daggers at you and throw, you know since, those heirs towards you, it's like no, no, no, the Lord is my shield and and he protects me. And that stuff just flies off me like water on a duck's back, like bro, no, I know who I am and your demons talking, so I.

Speaker 2:

Can't read your comments because I'll get too mad. I don't care if you take shots at me. You know it's like well, you're the loser that stopped it to to say something. I see stuff on blind every day that I don't like. You know what I do. I keep scrolling and I don't put anything at all. So when people hate on me, it's, it's funny, it's like thank you for helping my algorithm because the more comments I get, the more reach I get right. So Thank you for your, for your, your loser mentality boosting my algorithm and it's no big deal. But my Goodness, if there's a comment on your page or on my friend's page, is that makes that sends me over them? Yeah, I can't. I can't look in those moments because I get protected.

Speaker 1:

No, I just. I just get them with kindness and it's called the Lord is the Lord will have my justice.

Speaker 2:

Yes, absolutely.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so I just like oh wow, you took the time to say something to me. Thank you so much. God bless you. God bless you, um.

Speaker 2:

I think I've done enough to cost you followers today.

Speaker 1:

No, I am just like super excited for what God is doing right now. He's doing a new thing, and with that new thing is the women voices rising up.

Speaker 2:

That's a no word. Yeah, no, it is a no word.

Speaker 1:

It is a now word. God is a raising up women in the most unlikely Places that are going to spearhead some movements in these coming days. And, man, they have tenacity, they are tough, they know who they are and and man, god is raising up women like it's going to be incredible to see who God brings to the forefront to, like I said, spearhead these new moves of God and like I'm not talking about moves of God as in um teacup, women's studies and you know right Crumpets and whatever, like women.

Speaker 1:

Let me just say right now, let let me be spit in the truth you do not have to be confined to a women's bible study group. You can preach to the masses, you can speak to the men. You don't have to have a women's ministry. Yeah, even if you're a ministry wife, you are. You don't have to fit in that box, like, be free to be you and say what you need to say, and you know you don't have to start a women's bible study group and you know, have tea party time, you don't. You don't? You were created for more than that and I'm not dumbing that down. I'm saying you know what's the greatness that is on the inside of you? Now go and do something worthy of that.

Speaker 2:

Yep, absolutely, um, I. It's just so irritating to me when, when, like, uh, we're together and so like, oh, you guys are in ministry, and they'll say something like oh, I'm the preacher. I'm like, oh, do you do? Like a women's group? Like, first of all, women's groups can be powerful. But when they're making that suggestion, they're thinking it's like tea time with little, with little kelly. Like Did you hear that verse? We're Proverbs 31 women.

Speaker 1:

Like Like y'all are more than Proverbs. 31 women.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like you are a Proverbs 31 woman, but you're also a throat slashing steak driving judge of israel.

Speaker 2:

We'd be driving tentpakes, man yeah you know, and that's in, that's in judges. You know the book that you skip over, go read it. Um, you know, jesus was found by mary first. She ran, she found him first. Why? Because, uh, there's too many, I don't want to go out path. I'm gonna cost you too, we followers, more than have already cost you, probably. But but seriously, the women in ministry does not mean freaking tea time on tuesday and uh, tell them how people treat you when you travel with me. They booked me to preach and I bring you along. How do they treat you?

Speaker 1:

Oh man, you're spilling secrets now. Um, I have noticed.

Speaker 2:

You get ticked.

Speaker 1:

Okay. Because there's a whole anger inside of me the way that people treat women in ministry. It's we come together, we are invited together amazing, amazing, so thankful, so grateful for the opportunity. And I'm not talking about the, the pastors, treating us like this. It it is just a mindset of the church. Yes, it's the people, not the pastors but although it can be, the pastors. And so I will Okay, prayer line. Prayer line.

Speaker 2:

They think I'm legit and you're cutesy.

Speaker 1:

And I'm not a cutie cutesy pastor's wife who's gonna sit down and shut up on the front row right. Like that is not me so and I'm not being disrespectful or anything, but I know who I am and like I know the Lord Will give me something to say. But I have noticed your firebrand.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's where you like. They come Tuesdays right.

Speaker 1:

But if Say, we call people up for prayer, everybody will go to your line, because the mindset of the church is the man is more anointed, then the woman and I'd be like, well, I can pray too, I can, I can. You know, you want a miracle, the Lord can use me too. Yeah, and so Seen that a lot in the Western church. Now the churches in different nations are completely different. They want it all.

Speaker 2:

They want it all supernatural. They're not gonna stop you mid-prayer and be like, first of all, where did you go to seminary?

Speaker 1:

before right like good, right, but Like man, if the church could only realize like, like I said, but you're treated lesser than, yes, I am. You're treated less and I and I will never Be silent for the ministry wives and just sit down and shut up. And this is just the way that it is. No, it doesn't have to be like that. Why are we treated less than we're, less anointed, we don't have anything to say, everybody looks to the guy and we are completely ignored in green rooms and Booktables.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but I do want to say like, just because you're married to a minister doesn't mean that you have to be in ministry.

Speaker 1:

Right, you gotta be called both ways.

Speaker 2:

I Can think of at least three right now off the top of my head, where I know the. I know the woman. She's a minister and I have no idea what her husband's name is, and I don't want to say that because it be is actually a ministry. Now I yeah, I just looked at table on him. But Just because your husband is a minister doesn't mean that you have to be ministry caliber, and vice versa. Just because your wife is a minister doesn't mean that you have to get up there and try and pretend like you are as well. We're both called as ministers.

Speaker 2:

She's treated less than oh look, the mom has her hands full. That makes me mad it does.

Speaker 1:

Because let me tell you, ladies, you're not just a mom. Mom is not your identity, like, yes, it's one facet, it's one calling mothering is a ministry. It is, but if you are called tomorrow, you are not just mom, you're all the things God says you are yeah, which can include apostle, prophet, pastor, teacher, goodness if you are a willing vessel to be used by God, god is gonna use you. Yeah, doesn't matter what a one of the two genders that you are.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, one of the two.

Speaker 1:

I that's what I said one of the two, the only two, because we be spitting the truth.

Speaker 2:

I am, I'm ten thousand followers lost no, no no, so many, to tell the truth. There, there's a time and place and in telling it in love Versus telling it in hate and harshness.

Speaker 1:

Right and we can get worked up and you know a lot of people are worked up, but, in all honesty, it's because there are so many people, men and women, that I see such greatness in and they will never live up to their potential Because one, the enemy has come after their identity, and that could be gender identity or mindset identity of you know, oh, I'm an orphan, I'm, I'm less than I. You know all these mindset identities and then the enemy is trying to go after other types of identities and, like man, if you could only see what I see in you, that you are destined for greatness, created with a purpose, for such a time as this, and that's not just as in some corny cliche. You know, ester 414, no, literally, you are created, you were created and set into this timeline on Purpose for now and the people there are people waiting on you to step up into what you're called to do, so that their lives can be changed. There's a ripple effect in the kingdom of God and if somebody doesn't do it, god will ask the next person to do it, or sometimes not at all, and that doesn't even get fulfilled on this earth. So it's time to arise and shine with the glory of God that's within you, coming out of you, to help transform the world on earth as it is in heaven.

Speaker 1:

So super excited. We are living in such amazing times all over the world, all over the world, and it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter what's going on in your country right now. God is, is on the throne, he is and he's gonna be using the people who are willing vessels in this hour. Yeah, yeah. So, mr Yancey, do you have any closing statements?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you can. You can take all my invitations and go for each. Someone, relax for a while. And little do they know they're biting off more than they chew with you I. Yeah you do a good job at shocking people. I'm not good, you're trying to, but because the annoying thing hits. Yeah it's powerful.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's all Jesus.

Speaker 2:

Well, the expectations and built that you're gonna walk around like Bless you instead. You know, sister just your shadow falls on them and they go. You know nuts? They get healed or they manifest in the devil's miracles All dim signs. Praise God way, this isn't no smorgasbord where we pick and choose, like, hmm, I don't want the gold dust because that Offends me, I'll take the other blind eyes like no, we'll take them all.

Speaker 1:

I wanted all Jesus all of it all of it, all of it.

Speaker 2:

We honor every sign, we honor every wonder.

Speaker 1:

We healing. So it's time to step up, ladies. Yeah, not to dominate and overshadow the men, but to take your, your rightful position. Yeah, that's all it is, you're not taking anything that isn't yours.

Speaker 1:

Right, because a king reigns and a queen reigns. So you need to step up into that queen position because the king is gonna do what he's gonna do. So he's gonna do what he needs to do to rule and reign, and then I'm gonna be Co-ceded with Christ as well and rule and reign from that position, also as a queen. So it's time to rise and shine. So, if you haven't all ready, hit the subscribe button. So thankful you are here. We're gonna be doing this ever so often. I post videos weekly. I want to encourage you to be all that you can be and know this. Not the US Army, but literally Stop. Step into your destiny, like you were created for so much more. Fall in love with Jesus. Fall in love with Jesus. Get back into his word the door is on the floor. Seek his face, hear his voice and and you won't regret it. Like man, god is so good. But yeah, we will be seeing you next time. Thank you so much for hanging out and I hope to see you next time.

Speaker 2:
