Fighting Terror

Eye on Antisemitism: Antisemitism among right-wing extremists in Germany

Lucinda Creighton

In today’s third episode of CEP’s Eye on Antisemitism series, Lucinda will delve into how antisemitism manifests among right-wing extremists in Germany with guest Marina Chernivsky. How does the growth of right-wing political movements in Germany influence the prevalence of antisemitic sentiments? Are there any connections between antisemitism and broader issues like nationalism, xenophobia, or Islamophobia? What kind of support or resources do mental health professionals need to effectively combat antisemitism?

Marina is the initiator and director of the Competence Center for Prevention and Empowerment, which is supported by the Central Welfare Board of Jews in Germany. She also founded and directs the Counselling Centre for Antisemitic Violence and Discrimination (OFEK), a Germany-based non-profit organisation and counselling centre specialised in antisemitic violence and discrimination.