Awakening Together, Relaxing into Happiness with William Cooper, Master of Theology, Licensed Professional Counselor
Experience Awakening....Relaxing into your Being and, therefore, Happiness. William earned a 4 year on campus Master of Theology from Harding Theological Seminary. He was a Unity board president and, later, a Oneness trainer. In 1994 he went into private practice as a Licensed Psychotherapist. He has been to India 14 times averaging 3 months per visit to explore awakening with gurus and awakened beings. Also Bhutan, Brazil, etc. This series explores the hows of awakening and experiencing the flow of your Being, (love, peace, happiness, fulfillment and joy). A practical blending of East and West. Meditation, yoga and Energy meet psychotherapy and awakened Beings...and beyond All. For more info and writings on the subject, www.williamecooper.wordpress.com
Awakening Together, Relaxing into Happiness with William Cooper, Master of Theology, Licensed Professional Counselor
142 Thawing Your Frozen Radiance - part 1
Your Being is pure Radiant Light just as powerful as any guru. Why doesn't it feel that way? Most of us have taken a vast portion of our light and siphoned it off by creating repressed problems, attitudes, and delusions. We are Awareness and all Awareness is love, peace, and joy. Just as we can freeze life giving water into a destructive shape such as a frozen ice knife, we can freeze Awareness into problems. How? We focus our destructive attitudes into free flowing Awareness and freeze it into an thought emotion object that hurts us and others. Ice unfreezes when it emits its cold and melts. A psychological object melts when it emits it's attitude.
These podcasts are here to support your personal path of awakening whatever that might be. I feel they are most powerful when listened to in sequence from podcast one forward because each is built on the last. Though they, also, all stand on their own. If anything does not resonate, please disregard it and follow your heart.
These podcasts are here to support your personal path of awakening whatever that might be. I feel they are most powerful when listened to in sequence from podcast one forward because each is built on the last. Though they, also, all stand on their own. If anything does not resonate, please disregard it and follow your heart. All my podcasts and website are free. Enjoy!
Though I am a psychotherapist, and these podcasts are offered to be spiritually helpful, they are not psychotherapy. If psychotherapy is ever needed, please reach out to a psychotherapist.
www.williamecooper.wordpress.com for more support. You may, especially, enjoy the short contemplations and the resource page which gives you some supportive material.
Hello, this is William Cooper. Welcome to Awakening Together, Relaxing into Happiness. I trust you're doing well this week. Somebody wrote me recently and asked, how do they know that the blocks inside of them are truly melting when they do their practice? And I want to address that in this podcast. Have you ever been around an awakened being? Their light is so clear and so bright. It's breathtaking. And then have you wondered, well, we have the same being as they do. My being is the same as their being. It's all one. How come I don't feel the same light pouring out of me? How come I don't feel the same power pouring out of me? What's going on? It is true that your being is every bit as bright as the brightest guru. And the qualities of your being are everything you're looking for. Peace, love, well-being, radiance, joy, happiness, every good thing is what you already are. You don't even have to look for it. You are it. Well, how come that's not my experience? I'll tell you why that bright radiance. Consider yourself much like a light bulb and your radiant light is shining a very bright bulb, but that light gets siphoned off. We cover it up with blocks that we've formed. We've turned that light into blocks and we've covered ourselves up and we've twisted some of our light off into one direction and some off into the other, kind of like a kaleidoscope. And we've segmented our light. We've diffused our light. We've distracted ourselves from our light. So after a time, not a whole lot gets through. Yet our energy field is still very powerful. You can feel your energy field right now by sitting still and just feeling what you feel. Some of the power is flowing as peace, some as love, some as wellbeing, some as joy, and some has been twisted into deep problems or anxieties or hurts or fears or angers or grudges or unforgivenesses or so many different things. And some of these problems are quite intense. They carry a lot of energy. That's our energy field. The difference between me and the most powerful guru is simply that my energy field has been diverted and twisted into problems and blocks. And so I'm using up this powerful energy that I am. I'm using it for things that don't feel good. Let me give you an analogy. Life-giving water is flowing. It is life-giving nourishing and healing, but it can be frozen into the shape of a sharp object like a knife. And you could take that ice knife and stab somebody. You could kill somebody. It's the same water, but it's been frozen into a shape that hurts. Well, awareness, the ground of all being can also be frozen into objects. How does it freeze? Well, if we concentrate with our willpower and with a strong attitude, we can freeze our consciousness into an object, into a shape, into something that hurts or helps. For instance, we can hallucinate. We can take consciousness and hallucinate a thought. If we put strong attitude in it, this thought emotion complex can be a grudge and we can hold that grudge forever. It can be an unforgiveness. It can be an old trauma. It could be PTSD. It could be depression. It could be anxiety. We can freeze consciousness, just like you could freeze water into the shape of a knife. We can freeze consciousness with our attitude into the shape of a harmful pointed edge that we push down deep inside of us because we don't want to feel it. And maybe we don't know how to handle it. So we repress it. And now it's inside of us, this object that we have constructed and that object continues to exist inside of us until we deconstruct it. Well, how do we deconstruct it and let it turn back into our bright light, into our radiance, into peace, free-flowing wellbeing and joy and happiness? How do we let it come back into a free-flowing, nourishing, healthy light that is coming from our being rather than twisting it into a harmful shape? Well, let's go back to the ice knife. When we put that knife made of ice in the warmth of the sun, it melts and it turns back into life-giving water. In the same way, we can let the problems that we've made by freezing our consciousness into harmful shapes and problems, we can let that melt. How do we let it melt? Well, we put it into the warmth of our awareness. We just let it come to the surface and let it exude its energy, let it unwind and begin to melt. You can tell it's melting. And now we're back to the email that I got. How do I know that my blocks are melting? You can tell that they're melting when they exude the energy that froze them in the first place. How do I create things from consciousness? Remember, I take willpower and attitude and I focus it on consciousness and I freeze it into a shape. So with focus and willpower, I can freeze it into a problem. If I inject it with say anger or with hurt or with some kind of trauma or fear or anxiety, something like that, I can focus and create this thought emotion, which has sharp edges and is now inside of me. So I often will repress it and it stays with me until I let it come to the surface, be in the light of my awareness. So it's there. And then I let it exude what it's frozen with, which is anger, fear, hurt, whatever it might be that attitude. So you'll feel very uncomfortable because it takes a lot of anger to put into consciousness, to turn it into a vivid grudge or something that you want to repress or unforgiveness or a strong attitude hurt might turn into depression or anxiety could turn into phobias. And these are big things that I put a lot of energy in, just like you put a lot of cold into water. And if you held that ice knife in your hand, as it emanated, it's cold and began to melt in your hand, your hand would feel it. It's cold. Ow, that hurts. Well, the psychological ice that comes out of me, the consciousness that I've frozen into a shape when it comes up and it starts to melt, ow, it hurts. It exudes anger or hurt or fear or anxiety. That's the equivalent of the coldness that froze the water, the anxiety, hurt, fear, anger. That's the coldness that freezes the consciousness into a sharp shape called a problem or something that's hurting me and others, something that's siphoning off my natural brilliant aura that normally would clearly flow with bright light of love, joy, wellness, peace, all the qualities of my being. Now it's just turned into a frozen object. Everything in existence is made of consciousness. Everything is made of love, peace, and wellbeing. It's just been put into various shapes. And on a creative level, I can freeze some of this consciousness and create things out of it, including this pain that we're talking about. So how do I know that these blocks are melting? They exude hurt. Ow, that hurts. They exude anger. They exude fear. So I let them come to the surface and I feel my aura, my radiance. And my radiance is, as we discussed earlier, part of it's free flowing because of the previous work I've done, or I haven't frozen all of my being into hurt things. So some of my being flows naturally and some is frozen into problems. I'm a mixture. Well, as the problems melt, I can feel that intensity, that anger being released. That's how I know it's melting. Just like ice exudes coldness. When you hold it, you can feel it's going to melt because it's releasing the coldness. That's freezing it in place. Well, consciousness, as it releases its anger, as it releases its anxiety, that's a sign that it's melting. The problem is often we don't want to feel this hurt that's coming out of the frozen consciousness. So we repress it and keep it frozen, or we distract ourselves and keep it frozen, or we do a number of other things and keep it frozen. But if we relax and just let these problems come to the surface, perhaps one at a time, perhaps a number of them, we'll feel pain and we'll feel them exuding what they're frozen with hurt, fear, and anger. And as we feel that, that is our aura. It's just been frozen into painful shapes and blocks as well as love, peace, and wellbeing, which is free flowing, like free flowing water mixed with ice. But as the ice melts, as the problems melt, they melt back into water or back into consciousness. And my bright light gets brighter and brighter and brighter until just like a guru, you're a bright light. So problems are simply your lovely consciousness frozen into sharp edges, using your willpower, focus, and embedding a deep attitude within your consciousness to freeze it into an object. It's pretty easy. Just let them come to the surface and melt. If you're going through life and something big happens, say somebody cut you off in traffic or hit your car or all sorts of things that could happen in life that normally would be traumatic. If you don't freeze that trauma into an object and stick it in to your body, it will just flow through your body and it won't become yet another frozen object to be repressed on top of the pile. So for instance, if somebody cuts you off in traffic and it's very dangerous and you have a natural reaction to that, if you just feel that reaction and let it flow, even though it's very uncomfortable and you might naturally become angry or fearful or some other kind of emotion and a very strong way, if you don't inject it inside of you, but just let it flow through your body, you feel it, it will dissipate in a while and it will be gone and you won't have turned it into an object. So as you go through life itself, you don't need to add more objects inside of you. And at the same time, if any life event happens, which triggers an old object from the past to come to the surface, like somebody looks at you funny and it reminds you of somebody else whom you have a grudge with and that grudge comes up to the surface, you get triggered. Well, let it begin to melt. You'll feel all of the anger and the frustration and perhaps the hurt, whatever was embedded in that grudge, you'll feel it melt out and turn back into consciousness. I don't want to say that that's going to be a quick thing. It might take a while. And some of it might melt today and some tomorrow and some the next day and some next month, and there might be breaks in between. Maybe you don't want to do it all at once. It's too much. And that's fine too. So, you know, your blocks are melting when you feel them. They exude what's keeping them frozen. They exude hurt, fear, anger, frustration, anything like that. I would like to add that we are multidimensional beings and on different levels of reality, when we approach a problem, perhaps we need different approaches. So sometimes therapy is a good approach. Other times yoga, other times spiritual processes, other times you might just need to take a break. At other times, you might need a philosophical approach, or maybe it's a combination of all the above or other things I haven't even mentioned. If you'd like a little deeper discussion on this topic, the next podcast, we're going to cover the same topic a little more deeply. If you'd like even more depth, this whole series of podcasts covers the house of awakening and why things are the way they are, at least from my perspective. And you can weigh that up against your experience. If something doesn't resonate, then disregard it. And if it does, well, then it's something to consider. These podcasts are most powerful because each is built on the podcast that comes before to listen to them in order, starting with podcast number one and working your way forward. Though, as you see with this podcast, each podcast stands on its own as well. Okay. I trust this podcast has been helpful. And I look forward to talking to you next time. Take care. Bye.