Surface Reality
Surface Reality is an anime podcasted hosted by John and Julie Hill covering all corners of anime and freaker entertainment, with no deep discussion whatsoever and only focusing on cool action scenes.
Surface Reality
SR001: Welcome to the S.R.P. (Frieren: Beyond Journey's End, Welcome to the N.H.K.)
After four months of reflection and finding ourselves, the world's only Anime-adjacent podcast is back, baby. This week we talk about where the hell we've been, our favorite anime Vanderpump Rules, the little we remember about Spy X Family: Code White after seeing it in the midst of being massively depressed, how the Olympics are very anime coded this year, whether or not the new Nic Cage cool role stunt film Long legs is any good, we finally finished Welcome to the N.H.K. and deem whether or not it's worthy of its Freaker Reality reputation, and finally the hottest anime of the 2023-2024 season Frieren: Beyond Journey's End. Follow us on Instagram @SurfaceReality, email us at whydopeoplelikeanime@gmail.com