Surface Reality
Surface Reality is an anime podcasted hosted by John and Julie Hill covering all corners of anime and freaker entertainment, with no deep discussion whatsoever and only focusing on cool action scenes.
Surface Reality
SR003: Which Way, Western Weeb? (X-Men 97, Darling in the Franxx)
Follow us on Instagram - @surfacereality
THIS WEEK! Keep this one away from the kids. We open things up talking about Megan Thee Stallion's ascension to America's most visible weeb, our trip to NYC's anime capital of Flushing, Queens, John's reaction to seeing Phantom of the Opera for the first time, saying what you like with your chest, Julie gets through another arc in Chainsaw Man, whether or not it's okay to read ahead in the manga if you're watching the anime, our recap of the shockingly great X-Men 97, how Batman Caped Crusader missed the mark, why weird sex stuff is inherent to X-Men, and the weird sex stuff of Darling in the Franxx.