Solutions 4 Turf by AQUA-AID Solutions
Solutions4Turf Podcast series by AQUA-AID Solutions highlights the innovative technologies used by turfgrass managers to solve their turf and ornamental challenges. Join us each episode to hear solutions from turfgrass industry and managers.
Solutions 4 Turf by AQUA-AID Solutions
Beck's Turf and the Imants ShockWave Xtreme
AQUA-AID Solutions
Season 2
Episode 15
Wayne Bassett co-owner of Beck's Turf in Tuskegee, AL talks about their incorporation the Imants ShockWave Xtreme.
Imants invented the ShockWave in the late seventies with the goal of providing some form of tillage while leaving the top surface undisturbed. The target market was mainly for fine turf on sports fields and golf courses. As a world leader in rotary spaders, Imants took step towards designing a machine like a rotary spader but with slicing knives instead of digging blades. After some intense development, a new machine was born. It was astonishing to see what impact this new design had on soil decompaction.
Learn more about the ShockWave Xtreme - https://www.aquaaidsolutions.com/cultural-solutions/imants-shockwave-xtreme/