RO&Ming with Lil
RO&Ming with Lil
13 Toddling with CVI - Luka, Heidi and Bronwen
Today we meet Bronwen Scott and Heidi Zec. Bronwen is an independent Orientation and Mobility Specialist and Heidi is the mother of Luka, a delightful two year old with cortical visual impairment. They have worked together with Luka for the past 18 months to help develop his functional vision in the context of daily routines. This year Bronwen and Heidi have joined forces to create the CVI Community Australia. This online group connects and supports parents and professionals who are navigating the world of CVI. Heidi and Bronwen remind us that CVI is different to ordinary low vision. It is tricky to simulate, but in CVI we have that rare opportunity to be part of developing a child’s vision and preventing avoidable blindness. We have a lot to learn about CVI, and we need to start as soon as possible.