RO&Ming with Lil
ROaMing with Lil is for people who do their best work on street corners – orientation and mobility specialists, guide dog mobility instructors and people with low vision or blindness. It provides a forum for people to learn more about functional vision, orientation and mobility from an Australian perspective. The first season is focusing on tele-practice, and functional assessment, using the VROOM and OMO tools with clients.
RO&Ming with Lil
28 Learning life skills at blind and mainstream schools - Joe
Lil Deverell
Season 1
Episode 28
Joe Stephen is a blind software developer from Adelaide, now living in Tasmania. He has written an article reflecting on his experience starting at a blind primary school, then moving into mainstream secondary schools, before completing a Bachelor of Science (Computer Studies) at Flinders University. Joe suggests we need both specialist and mainstream education options. But if blind schools are a thing of the past, then we need to find other ways for blind kids to build life skills so they can transition more smoothly into adulthood.