Pay to Play

Ep. 5- Julian Hernandez

Kyle Jones Season 1 Episode 5

Julian enjoys numerous solo, chamber, and orchestral engagements across the U.S. He
currently serves as clarinetist with Houston-based wind quintet, WindSync. He
previously served as principal clarinetist of the Fayetteville Symphony from 2014-2016
and performs regularly with the Charleston Symphony (SC). He has performed with the
Lansing Symphony, Waco Symphony, Mid-Texas Symphony, and the Akropolis Reed
Quintet. Festival appearances include: New York String Orchestra Seminar (NYSOS),
Youth Orchestra of the Americas (YOA), and Texas Music Festivals. He is a graduate of
the Youth Orchestra of the Americas’ Global Leaders Training program that aims to
build social music programs in the most remote and dynamic parts of the world.
Through Global Leaders, Julian has had the privilege to present masterclasses and
build educational residences in the Dominican Republic, Haiti, Jamaica, and Suriname’s
Nationale Volksmuziekschool. As a full-time chamber musician with WindSync, he has
had the privilege to travel the world performing recitals and giving master classes at
venus such as: Carnegie Hall, Ravinia Music Festival, and the Grand Teton Music
Festival. When not obsessing over chamber music, Julian can be found teaching indoor
spin or rowing classes or binging on Netflix TV shows. Julian attended Baylor
University, the University of Michigan, and the Eastman School of Music. His primary
teachers include: Dr. Richard Shanley, Alan Olson, Dan Gilbert, and Kenneth Grant.