The Causey Consulting Podcast

You Can Buy Anyone

Welcome to the Causey Consulting Podcast. You can find us online anytime at And now, here's your host, Sara Causey.

Hello, Hello, and thanks for tuning in. In today's episode, I want to talk about how you can buy anyone use whatever nomenclature whatever title suits you, economists, experts, scientists, academics, politicians, et cetera, et cetera. It seems these days, everyone, and anyone has a price tag. It's not about examining the evidence, evaluating the data, and then coming to a conclusion, based on where that evidence and where that data leads you. No, no, no, no, no, you silly goose. That's not how it's done anymore. It's all about formulating the conclusion. What is the belief that we want to push on John and Jane Q Public, you do that first. Then you work backwards. And you hire whoever, whatever Talking Heads, whatever people you can push out in the media to sell the unwashed masses on your agenda. That is how it's done. On Friday, April 12, over on the con-sara-cy theories blog, I published the blog post, you can buy anyone. And I was inspired in particular to do that by an article that was written on medium by Jared a bra titled JP Morgan bribed professors to endorse a private central bank and Americans have been debt slaves ever since. He's been doing this series titled This Week In Money. And on this particular blog post we read March 31 1913. Death of J. Pierpont Morgan banker, JP Morgan founded one of the world's most powerful banks and had extraordinary political influence in the US. I would say that's an understatement. The National Citizens League funded by millions of dollars from Morgan and a few other major bankers financed respected university professors to endorse the concept of creating a private slash corporate Central Bank, which became the Federal Reserve Bank, created by the 1913 Federal Reserve Act. Morgan's men were among the small number of architects of the private slash corporate Federal Reserve in quote. I don't think that's a coincidence, do you? On my blog post, I write, as I've warned many times before, you can buy anyone to say anything, economist, professors, politicians, so called experts. If you're listening to talking heads that contradict basic common sense and information you can easily observe for yourself, God help you. I hope he does, because you're gonna need it. I also quote briefly from my crossover episode that I recorded about the documentary Money For Nothing inside the Federal Reserve. I'll play a clip for you now. So we learn now about the panic of 1907. Before the Fed, we didn't have a government backed bank or a government bank, the banking system was very fragmented, and panics would happen, banks would fail, bank runs ensued, but banks would lack enough currency to pay out their the people that were demanding their money, banks would close. And in my personal note, I've written were told it was like monkey see monkey do, like people would see other people panicking and going to the bank, so they too would panic and the panic would spread. There was no lender of last resort for bailouts. Well, I mean, should there be should you have a lender of last resort for bailouts? If you're doing things in a way that's aboveboard, and rational? Why do you need a central bank as a quote, lender of last resort for bailouts? I find that very, very suspicious and strange. So another commentator Richard Silla tells us that Americans are saying, gee, other countries with central banks are not having so many financial crises. So why are we? Ah, I don't know about that. I mean, I grant you was not alive in 1907. Sometimes I feel like I'm as old as the clay out here in the soil, but I was not alive and well in 1907. But I'm gonna you know, highly doubt that John and Jane Q Public at that time, were going around clamoring for a central bank and looking at like Bank of England and the Reichsbank in Germany saying, you know, golly, gosh, gee bang whiz. I wish we had that hear. And that's that's literally his argument. The Brits have Bank of England Germans have the Reichsbank. Something has to be done. God, of course, reading again from my own blog post, we're supposed to think that whatever is good for the fat cats and the power brokers will also be good for us too. And hay. Experts agree that it's all good. So why shouldn't we go along with it? Well, for one thing, a lot of these jackals are paid to say whatever their corporate masters tell them to. I read now from the post economist say that I published over on the job market journal. Economists can say anything they want or more accurately, whatever their corporate sponsors, tell them to say. And if they are wildly incorrect, zero consequences. You have to be so very careful who you listen to, and for what reason. But, but these people claim to be experts. Yeah. And I read now from Ted Sorensen's book, Kennedy, that his assumption of responsibility was not merely a political device or a constitutional obligation. He felt it strongly, sincerely, and repeated it as we want. How can I've been so far off base? He asked himself out loud, all my life, I've known better than to depend on the experts. How could I have been so stupid to let them go ahead? Ted Sorensen on JFKs reaction after the disastrous Bay of Pigs invasion, experts have no problems leading other people off a cliff. Even history shows us this is true. I reiterate again, you have to be very careful who you listen to. and for what reason. As I have also said before, whenever I hear from someone, they send me an email or a social media message, they say that they've recently discovered my blog, or they've gotten turned on to this podcast. If they say, I had no idea the job market was in shambles, or I knew that it was but I couldn't understand why the gaslighting in the media, I like to ask the question, Who were you listening to before? Where were you getting your information? How do you typically consume news? Very often, people are either tuned completely out, they're not paying attention at all. You In fairness to the argument, we'll always have people who feel like I don't give a crap about what's happening in the job market if I'm not on the job market. Unfortunately, those are the same people that get steamrolled by layoffs, company closures, et cetera. And then they stand there with a blank expression on their face. I can't believe this happened to me. I had no idea. I thought we still had a 3.9% unemployment rate churning and burn and doing great and it's like, well, you know, the onus is on you. To look out for yourself, corporate America is not going to. And there are little idiots sock puppets out in the mainstream media are not going to you have to know these things for yourself. So you have some people that they just don't pay attention period. Some people listen to influencers and the hot air and hopium crowd on social media. And a few will listen to the nightly news. Oh, well, I mean, I heard little snippets. So I'd be cooking dinner and I would hear we've gotten less than 4% unemployment, right? Bang up jobs report. People are doing great. I mean, I guess I've just thought it was real. Yeah, about that. Ignorance is not bliss. It's one thing to get into this. Peter McWilliams state of mind. How he says you can't afford the luxury of a negative thought. The Power of Positive Thinking is important. And as I recorded in a previous episode, once you've gotten to that place of serenity and stillness, were you legit? No. All I can do I've done. I can't afford to build an underground bunker like Mark Zuckerberg, I can't hoard gold, like the central bankers. I don't have 50 to 60 to 80 to 100 years worth of canned goods and freeze dried food that alas through a nuclear winter. I just don't have these things. All I can do I've done. There's no reason to beat yourself up about that and stress out and feel lesser than when you've done all that you can legit do. Hey, you're gonna have to just put your faith in whatever, whether that's a higher power, your higher self, fate, the universe, Source Energy, whatever you believe in. When you've gotten to that point, you've done all that you can do and it's a wrap. However, I think there are plenty of people who I want to be careful how I say This, you know, I feel like, in so many ways American culture has been mollycoddled. In fact, there was a book a good book about the coddling of the American mind. We're just soft. And in a lot of cases, lazy. Yeah, I'll say it. I'll put it out there lazy. People will say, Well, yeah, I feel like I've done all that I can do, I'm not gonna worry about it, I'm just gonna take it one day at a time and be very devil may care. I feel like there is a time and place for having that kind of devil may care attitude and your business, especially if you are highly type A, if you're high strung, and you're in that category of person, that's going to drive yourself into an early grave, because you're constantly stressing and you're angry and your teeth are always gritted. And the type of person that drives the car with a white knuckled grip on the steering wheel, yeah, you could definitely use a dose of that type B personality style, it is about arriving to some kind of healthy balance in your life not being stressed out. And over the top all the time, but also not being so mellow that you just don't give a damn about anything. Either way, you can wind up getting in trouble. I think particularly when it comes to the job market news stories about the job market the reality that you can buy anyone to say anything in modernity, you need to wise up about who you're listening to. and for what reason, and I don't give a damn if they've got an audience of millions and millions of people. And oh, they've got an Ivy League degree and they have a major TV show. And I thought this person was legit, wrong answer, wrong answer. Sometimes when we get in this space of, I need an underground bunker. I need a cache of precious metals that I can barter with I need to be ready for Armageddon tomorrow. It leads to a state of overwhelm. And we know that John and Jane Q Public are not going to be able to afford and to do those things. And in turn that makes it easier to give up to simply say, Well, no, I can't afford to have a Hawaiian bunker like Mark Zuckerberg, I can't afford to hoard gold like the central bankers are doing. I guess the hell with it, I won't do anything. I'll just hope everything works out. And you know, maybe I'll be alright, at the end of the day. Can you get into good physical shape? Can you get into good mental shape? How are you feeling spiritually? Like whether you believe in a higher power or not? How do you feel about you? Do you wake up in the morning feeling ready to take on the day? Or do you feel like hard boiled dog poop? is about getting your mind right getting your body right? garbage in garbage out if you're just listening to these idiots that are telling you whatever hot air and hopium that the power brokers want you to believe that's problematic, in my opinion. If you've got a terrible diet, where you're just eating fast food and drinking soda pops all day long, that's also problematic. In my opinion, I don't feel like that's a good dietary practice. So no, you may not be able to afford an underground bunker filled with gold and enough canned goods to feed an army for the next 50 years. But is there something you could do? Taking an extra walk or going on an extra bike ride cutting out some of the stuff that's Ultra processed and fast food and soda pops that you know are not good for you? Are there things that you can do to give yourself the best shot possible in the event of an sh TF situation? Something like that might not ever even happen within our lifetime. I don't know. I'm not a psychic. I'm not Nostradamus. I can't sit here and make all of these predictions and be completely firm. At least not in that regard. I do feel like you're we're going to we're going to see more trouble with banks. Jerome Powell has already said so. He's already said this time around, it won't be too big to fail. It'll be small and medium regional banks. I think you should pay attention to that. We could very easily have more lockdowns and shutdowns, we don't know what's getting ready to happen with the bird. What's gonna what's going to transpire there maybe nothing. Maybe it's just fear mongering or maybe they're getting ready to unleash the next and tell everybody to stay at home. Just the other day I watched a video on this is John Williams channel where he predicted that yes, we're going to have another round of and it's going to cripple the economy again, and it's going to get rid of even more small to medium businesses. And I think we have a trend here. I think what we will see is the decimation not Overnight, okay, let's let's don't get into this all or nothing thinking not overnight. But we will over the course of time see a decimation of small to medium businesses, the mom and pop shops, the type of small little organizations that have really been thought of as the backbone of the American economy, they're going away, then you'll also have the death of small to medium regional banks. There's a reason think about it. There's a reason why they want to hurt everybody into major corporations, they want to hurt everybody into major banks. And then if you're like, I don't want to work or for some reason I can't work at one of these conglomerates, then you're just going to have to freelance and carry your own benefits. There's a reason why they're doing all of this. I don't see things in the in the short term, I do not see things improving for the job market. I don't see things improving for the economy. And as I said the last time around, it doesn't matter to me, senile old man, Orange Man doesn't matter six, one half a dozen in the other. I don't think that John and Jane Q Public are going to really benefit either way. I understand that. That sounds cynical, it sounds sour and dour again it you have to be careful, and intentional and strategic about who you are listening to and for what reason. When we think back to what Jared Brock said in 1913. They just paid academics and professors to be like, Yay, we need a central bank. Right? Sure. Of course we do. And then look at the mess. over 100 years of these feast famine boom bust QE que te yo yo dieting cycles that have turned the economy into bullshit. And then, any time there's even the Vegas hint of maybe unburdening ourselves from that system, no, knew that's not going to be allowed to happen. Not even almost the amount of control that they have, and you're talking about unelected officials. We didn't choose these jackals, but they reign over us and they had a hell of a lot of control. They can have anybody trot out in the media, whether you're talking about academics, professors, economists, blah, blah, blah, and tell us how great everything is. It's up to you. Whether you want to believe that or not. You have the capability of thinking critically of doing your own research of looking around, and seeing that what they're saying doesn't make sense for what you actually experience in your day to day life. But when it comes to the job market, guys, ignorance is not bliss. Please understand what the job market overall is doing. Understand the company that you're working for. Or if you are self employed, what's the health of your business? What's the health of your industry? Are you on the razor's edge of being replaced by AI? Do you have a skill set that's probably well insulated in a recession? Or you don't, you need to understand these things. Instead of burying your head in the sand and saying, Well, it's too scary to think about. It's uncomfortable. It makes me feel nervous. Drag it out into the light of day and really look at it honestly. It seems like the more that we try to stuff a hairy, ugly, spooky monster into the closet. The worst that gets drag that little beastie out into the cold light of day and let's look at it. Let's see, where do I stand, and then start formulating plan B, plan C, Plan D, so that in the event of a job loss, accompany closure, your own business goes belly up, you're going to be able to revert back to a plan. You're not going to be standing there with a blank expression on your face and your hands empty saying My God, I don't know what I'm going to do next. But I hope this works out. That happened to a lot of people during the great recession. The high unemployment rate people calling all the time I'll do anything. I'll be the janitor. I'll sweep the floors, whatever you need. Nope, we don't have anything but thanks anyway. Please, if at all possible, try to avoid that scenario in your own life. This is an area where an ounce of prevention is probably worth about 20 pounds of cure. Stay safe, stay sane, and I will see you in the next episode.


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