Greystone Conversations

Workmanship of Risk vs. Workmanship of Certainty

Greystone Theological Institute

In today’s episode of Greystone Conversations, we return to our conversation regarding craftsmanship and workmanship, and consider today the special significance of David Pye to our overall interest in this series. This is the second episode in our five part series, and today we want to consider the very definition of craftsmanship and the larger discussion that that has long been a part of and which bears—in increasingly relevant ways—upon how we think about theological education, about ministry in the church, about relationships generally and to one another, and our relationship to God's world.

For today’s Greystone Conversations episode, Dr. Mark A. Garcia is joined by Mr. Michael Sacasas and Mr. Joshua Klein, both fellows at Greystone who will be instrumental in the apprenticeship mode of Greystone new Mechanical Arts Program