Greystone Conversations

An Anatomy of the Soul: The Human Person in the Psalms

Greystone Theological Institute

How should we understand the psalmists who teach that God tests the kidneys and the heart? Who make much of our eyes, ears, and more, in an overtly spiritual and theological way? What is the anatomy of the soul according to the Psalms, which, it has been said, provides an organ recital of the ways of God’s relationship with people?

Today’s episode is quite different from our usual offerings. Last month Greystone enjoyed a special time of fellowship, of new and renewed friendships, and of prayer and encouragement in the context of a long-overdue Greystone support event. On this joyous occasion, we reviewed various ways in which the Lord has so conspicuously and movingly blessed Greystone’s work in the last two years, despite the pandemic context in which our work, and everyone else’s, has needed to be rethought and redeployed.

We also spent some time listening to various people in the Greystone network who wanted to share how the Institute has proven to be a key part of their own work, ministries, even their lives. (You can see the videos of these testimonials at our website.) Truly it was, and still is, humbling yet exciting to learn from friends, students, and fellow scholars in the growing Greystone network of specific ways Greystone is helping to provide important resources and direction for the Reformed tradition and ministry throughout the world.

We also enjoyed a terrific concert from New Song, the choral group of Geneva College, and a stimulating, edifying talk by Dr. Byron Curtis, a professor of biblical studies at Geneva and Fellow of Old Testament at Greystone. Dr. Curtis explored the often bewildering yet wonderfully rich anthropological imagery of the psalms, and the reasons they are important for us to hear well. His lecture was very well received and, combined with the exquisite food and wine and song, ensured a time of great joy and celebration.

With that encouragement, and facing new opportunities for service to the Church, this support event was organized to help marshal the resources of God’s people in support of these endeavors. And we are profoundly grateful for how the Lord blessed Greystone that night. However, we also learned of many who wanted to attend but were unable to do so, and this started a conversation about how to provide an opportunity for our global network to give in support of Greystone. Today’s podcast episode is the recording of Dr. Curtis’ talk given at our support event, and we would like to ask you to listen, to enjoy it, and to regard it as our appeal to you to consider becoming a regular supporter of Greystone. One-time or monthly gifts of any amount are absolutely key to our work, and we depend quite heavily on your partnership. Would you consider going to today, maybe even right now, and giving the equivalent of maybe one cup of coffee, or one paperback book, or more, to help Greystone forward? We are truly grateful for you and for your support in this way.