Why 90% Of Businesses Fail and How to Scale Up with Nick Bradley
Profit First for Real Estate Investors
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Profit First for Real Estate Investors
Why 90% Of Businesses Fail and How to Scale Up with Nick Bradley
Apr 13, 2022
David Richter

Investing in real estate can be fruitful, but dealing with it alone can be challenging and highly risky. Real estate is a tricky business that requires knowledge, talent, organization, networking, and perseverance. It also takes a little savvy to succeed in this highly competitive arena. If you want to scale your way up, you must remember to keep the end goal in mind.

But what does that necessarily mean? Don't worry because real estate rockstar Nick Bradley will get to the bottom of that. Nick is in the show today to teach us how to network, organize and run a business that works without us. Join our talk by clicking on that play button! 

Key Takeaways for this Episode:

[4:23] Networking with high net-worth individuals 

[6:27] How important it is for people to have that network, and when should they start building that high-level network?

[6:4]  The six reasons why your business will never hit eight figures

[8:32] How do real estate investors keep the end goal in mind?

[11:10] You need to know your need and want number

[16:15] You have to scale to sale

[19:11] The three principles to in driving your business: Clear end game, Scaling fast and build value, Exit rich

[24:30] How did Profit First situate in his line of business?

[27:20] Start with the good habits as early as possible

Quotable Quotes:


[0:21] “People who don’t have a strong foundation of their finances from the beginning end up with a problem as they start to scale.”

[9:30] “When you get something that is not optimized, and it needs to be to get the outcome that you want.”

[12:45] “When you exit yourself from the business, and the business still runs, and you own it, you have freedom from that, but you don’t have to be there.”


Scale Up with Nick Bradley Podcast- https://open.spotify.com/show/3zWRNth6fPJc8rKdXgOZEH?si=_SdjZntfSH2P3hF-GQCj9g 

Traction by Gino Wickman- https://www.eosworldwide.com/traction-book 

Nick’s Facebook page: https://scaleup.vip/FB 

Nick’s LinkedIn: https://scaleup.vip/LI 

Nick's Instagram: https://scaleup.vip/IG 

Tired of living deal to deal? 

If you are a real estate investor or business owner who is tired of living deal to deal, and want to double your profits, head over here to book your no-obligation discovery call with me. Either myself or someone from my team will hop on a short call with you to get clear on your business goals, remove any obstacles holding you back, and map out a game plan to help you finally start keeping more of the money you work so hard to make. - David