Spirited Word

Let Love Live Week 1 1John 1:1-4

Adrian Kitson

We are beginning a little journey these next several weeks. We are openning up that little letter of 1 John from which our home text for 2023 comes. 

Let us love each for love comes from God.      1 John 4:7

We have shortened this home text to ‘Let Love Live’. We are doing a week-by-week deep dive into this letter to hear what the Spirit says to each of us and us as a whole Body about Letting Love Live in our lives. Lord knows, we all need more love as does our community.

We are praying that as we engage in listening to what the Spirit says in 1 John, we are renewed in our trust in the Lord and how much each of us are love by him in Jesus. We know that his love drives out all fears and gives renewed sense of how his love is better than life itself and worth giving your life to.