Spirited Word

Let Love Live Week 7 1John 4:7-21

Adrian Kitson

We are still working our way through the words of the Apostle john in his little letter of love to his people under pressure. 

Today we get o what many might see as the core message John is wanting to encourage his people with as they live their lives in this new beginning for God’s creation which began the day that death died under the resurrection life of Jesus the Messiah.

Our home text for the year has been

7 Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God.

This text is right here today, in its full context. We might need to pause to have a good listen to it because I suspect we mostly mis-hear it. We might hear it as just anther word of demand, or more expectation, or more reason to despair because we know we just cannot fulfil it enough: we struggle to love eve though we know love comes from God!

Rest assured, this word is not more overwhelming expectation or impossible task for you who have been ‘brin of God’ and given his Spirit! This word is doable and needed and we are involved with Jesus in it. 

John knows the mis-hearing and moves to allay our fears of punishment to be replaces by the letting love live in our day, in our homes, our families, our work places and community. He says it is essential business for us and for the community in which we have been placed. 

May your fears be allayed so you can know love, receive love, and do love so they can see love and maybe finally know the love of God.