Theater of the Imagination

Series 2, Episode 17: Havin' a Talk With God: Mama

Peter Link Season 2 Episode 17

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This series, Havin’ A Talk With God, is a preview of a new Podcast Musical set to premiere in September 2022.

Get to know Thyme Quinn — and through the course of her conversations with her good ol’ pal, God, eavesdrop on the prayers of a most complex character searching for Truth in her daily struggle to understand  her own complexities – complexities that we all struggle with daily.

We’ll be presentin’ this weekly, an’ doncha worry none, each episode won’t take ya’ more ‘an 5 or 6 minutes a shot.  Along the way we promise lots a’ food for thought, a lotta laughs, an’ even a revelation or two regardin’ your own life.

Try it. He’s a different kinda God. He talks back … in plain English.

Scattershot Symphony is presented by Watchfire Music 

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Havin’ A Talk With God
A Podcast Series
E17 Mama


Top a’ the mornin’ to ya’, God.


Well, you’re sounding very British this morning, Thyme.


Quite honestly, I donno what I am. I’m tryin’ ta be somethin’ I’m not, but I donno even what I’m not.


Come again?


Well, you know what I mean …


I do?


Well, yeah, here I am, livin’ out here on the prairie in this ol’ ramshackle house mostly by myself, don’t even know ma’ own Pa. He been gone most a’ ma’ life leavin’ me ta’ take care of a woman who ain’t even half here more than half the time.


Ah, Mama … Ah yes, Maybelle Quinn.  I was wondering when we might get around to talkin’ about your mama. Sounds like you’re reaching a point of frustration.


You can say that again.


I won’t.


Oh c’mon God, that’s jus’ an expression.


Well, be careful what you’re expressing. Right now you’re feeling frustrated and I am feelin’ for ya’ Thyme.  I understand.  You carry quite a load takin’ such good care of that good woman.


Well, you know in all this time she’s never said a word … hardly a peep has come outa her mouth in all these years since Daddy left. Sometimes I hear her moanin’ in her bed at night, but it’s jus’ the sorriest a’ sounds spillin’ outa her. Breaks ma’ heart. She been settin’ there by that front window all this time waitin’ fer him ta’ c’mon home like he left yesterday … instead a’ seventeen years ago.


I know. She’s as lost as any of my favorite children. Just having the hardest time figuring things out.


Can’t you do anything ta’ help her?


No, she doesn’t want to hear a word from me. It's as if she has just given up on the whole subject of words.


Well, she listens to me. I tell her when ta’ eat an’ when ta’ go ta’ sleep an’ when ta’ pray an’ when ta’ go ta’ the bathroom an’ she’s, thank God, capable a’ doin’ all that stuff, so I know she ain’t comatose, but she’s mostly hardly there.


Mostly hardly, huh?


Well, you know what I mean.


Yes I do,  Thyme. Yes I do.


Ya’ think she gonna be this way forever?


I guess that’s up to her, Thyme. Maybe she’ll talk when she has somethin’ ta’ say.


Well, she laughs an’ she weeps an’ she moans. An’ that's ‘bout it. I wouldn’t even call it a laugh … jus’ a little chuckle here an’ there.  Lizzie makes her smile and sometimes even a little giggle comes outa her when Lizzie comes over an tells her one of her dirty jokes. I swear, Lizzie mus’ know ‘least a hundred dirty jokes. I donno where she gits ‘em, but she knows ‘em … an’ Mama’s eyes always light up when Lizzie arrives. I read ta’ her from the Bible, but git no reaction from her at’all. I can’t even tell if she’s listenin’ … she’s so far away.


Yeah, Maybelle Quinn. One of the lost souls.


You think she’s lost her soul, God?


No, Thyme, You can’t lose your soul. You are your soul.  That’s who you really are. Your soul. Sometimes it can just get misplaced. It’s like losin’ a sock in  the dryer. Ya’  know ya’ put it in there, but for the life of you, ya’ can’t find it. I mean it just didn’t get up on it’s own an walk outta the house now, did it? It’s here someplace. One day you’ll find it … under the bed or often in the unlikeliest of places.


Man, you are good at gittin’ ta’ the heart a’ the matter, ain’t cha? Comparin’ yer soul with a lost sock …


Well, sometimes the most difficult of problems need the simplest of answers.


I guess I gotta be more patient, huh?


Well, you know, one day the wall was up and the next day it came down. Nobody ever expected that.


What in the world is ya’ talkin’ ‘bout now, God?


The Berlin wall. One day up an’ the next day they started tearin’ it down. 


You made that happen?


I made it possible.  People made it happen.


So there’s hope fer Mama?


Always, Thyme. Always …


I ain’t feelin’ so frustrated no more.


I know.


Sure am glad we have these talks. Makes livin’ worthwhile.


For me too, Thyme, for me too.


Well, I’m gonna go back home now an’ see if I can find ma’ lost sock.


You do that, Thyme. Don’t forget to check in the kitchen. It may have wandered out there when no one was lookin’.


You’re a funny God, ya’ know.


I try, Thyme. I try.