My ME Story

"Do It Well or Not at All!" with Cathy Zion, Zion Publications

Denise Jerome Season 1 Episode 9

Imagine leaving a secure and prestigious position in the corporate banking world to pursue your dream of a new business in journalism and realizing you may have to fold after only a few months.... How do you continue to do your best, when your best seems to be inadequate?

Cathy Zion faced just that when she purchased "Today's Woman". Nearly 25 years have passed since she laid her best plans in place for success, and then was faced with an unexpected dilemma when her primary vendor checked out with no notice. Fast forward to 2020 when Today's Woman is producing their biggest issue of the year for Derby, ready to go to print, and now a completely unexpected Derby cancellation forces a massive magazine re-do! Does it ever get easier?

Companies are continually faced with adversity, but Cathy's philosophy is that you must continue to do your best or don't do it all. As an entrepreneur, it is difficult to maintain 100% quality when you face mountains and valleys with a changing world. 

Cathy talks about her challenges and how her parents instilled her drive and ambition to be the best you can be, even on your toughest day. While some are folding during this crisis, others are standing tall and refusing to be distracted from their goal! Cathy's message is simple, but necessary to hear in today's world!