CHP TALKS: Ken Drysdale—Inside the National Citizens Inquiry

Rod Taylor

My guest this week is Mr. Ken Drysdale, Chairman of the team of Commissioners who conducted the National Citizens Inquiry across the country this past year. The NCI held hearings in 8 cities from Nova Scotia to British Columbia. They held 24 days of in-person hearings as well as 3 days of virtual testimony. They heard from over 300 witnesses, including expert witnesses, speaking primarily about the impacts of government actions, edicts and policies in regard to covid on the lives of Canadians—economic costs and health impacts on individuals and families. The NCI Commissioners have now produced their Final Report of 643 pages with analysis and 400 recommendations (see shownotes for url links to the Report). In addition to the report, there are over 4000 pages of transcribed witness testimonies. The actual video footage of the witness testimonies is also available on the NCI site. We owe a debt of gratitude to Mr. Drysdale and the other Commissioners for their important work.

 To access and download the NCI Final Report:*

 *The 4000+ pages of witness transcripts are found in Volume 3. Video recordings of the hearings are found under the menu heading: “Hearings”.