Enthusiastically Spiritual: Uplifting Conversations on Trust, Intuition & Spiritual Perspectives

Finding Clarity: Solutions to Confusion

April 30, 2024 Teresa Shantz Season 4 Episode 18
Finding Clarity: Solutions to Confusion
Enthusiastically Spiritual: Uplifting Conversations on Trust, Intuition & Spiritual Perspectives
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Enthusiastically Spiritual: Uplifting Conversations on Trust, Intuition & Spiritual Perspectives
Finding Clarity: Solutions to Confusion
Apr 30, 2024 Season 4 Episode 18
Teresa Shantz

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Tom and Teresa discuss the topic of confusion and spiritual freedom. They define confusion as a lack of understanding or uncertainty in one's mind. They emphasize the importance of gathering one's own perspective and accessing clarity through your inner guidance. They explore how confusion can affect the way we think and how we can be influenced by others' energies. They also discuss the different zones of consciousness around earth and the role of your Spiritual Helpers (Angels) in navigating confusion. The episode concludes with the reminder that there are always solutions and the importance of being patient and compassionate with ourselves and then it naturally flows to others.

  • Confusion is a state of uncertainty or lack of understanding in one's mind.  Fear is usually involved.
  • Accessing inner freedom requires gathering one's own perspective and accessing clarity.
  • We can be influenced by others' energies and it is important to be aware of the impact they have on us.
  • There are different zones of consciousness and confusion can be experienced in different ways.
  • Spiritual helpers can assist in navigating confusion and finding clarity.
  • Being patient and compassionate with ourselves and others is key in overcoming confusion.

In this FREE MASTERCLASS you will learn about:

  •  Your ability to just know things
  •  Your ability to see with your inner awareness
  •  Your ability to hear from spirit 
  •  Your ability to feel from your gut instincts

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Click here for info on ReAwaken series free short videos and booklet "You, Your Purpose, and Your Intuition." 

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Hi! Iā€™m Teresa. I have created this podcast to support "unseen" aspects of your life. You can call this the spiritual side. The podcast offers interviews of authors, healers, and thought leaders, for a positive higher spiritual perspective. Including ourselves! Our mission is to stimulate your inner wisdom, meaning, and enthusiasm for your unique journey.

My husband Tom and I are also certified Spiritual Educators, and Consultants, who help make spirituality practical. We work spiritual awareness and sensitivity in all areas of our life for positive living. Through TNT ( Teresa n' Tom :) SpiritWorks, we can help you tap into your own Inner Guidance system on a daily basis, create a healthy balance between Thought and Feeling, and discover a stronger connection between you and your personal Spirit Guides through your Inner and Outer communication system: your Four Spiritual Gifts.

Unlock ways to make the spiritual part of life practical. Connect with us at TNT SpiritWorks today!

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Tom and Teresa discuss the topic of confusion and spiritual freedom. They define confusion as a lack of understanding or uncertainty in one's mind. They emphasize the importance of gathering one's own perspective and accessing clarity through your inner guidance. They explore how confusion can affect the way we think and how we can be influenced by others' energies. They also discuss the different zones of consciousness around earth and the role of your Spiritual Helpers (Angels) in navigating confusion. The episode concludes with the reminder that there are always solutions and the importance of being patient and compassionate with ourselves and then it naturally flows to others.

  • Confusion is a state of uncertainty or lack of understanding in one's mind.  Fear is usually involved.
  • Accessing inner freedom requires gathering one's own perspective and accessing clarity.
  • We can be influenced by others' energies and it is important to be aware of the impact they have on us.
  • There are different zones of consciousness and confusion can be experienced in different ways.
  • Spiritual helpers can assist in navigating confusion and finding clarity.
  • Being patient and compassionate with ourselves and others is key in overcoming confusion.

In this FREE MASTERCLASS you will learn about:

  •  Your ability to just know things
  •  Your ability to see with your inner awareness
  •  Your ability to hear from spirit 
  •  Your ability to feel from your gut instincts

Book your seat here!


Click here for info on ReAwaken series free short videos and booklet "You, Your Purpose, and Your Intuition." 

Support the Show.

Hi! Iā€™m Teresa. I have created this podcast to support "unseen" aspects of your life. You can call this the spiritual side. The podcast offers interviews of authors, healers, and thought leaders, for a positive higher spiritual perspective. Including ourselves! Our mission is to stimulate your inner wisdom, meaning, and enthusiasm for your unique journey.

My husband Tom and I are also certified Spiritual Educators, and Consultants, who help make spirituality practical. We work spiritual awareness and sensitivity in all areas of our life for positive living. Through TNT ( Teresa n' Tom :) SpiritWorks, we can help you tap into your own Inner Guidance system on a daily basis, create a healthy balance between Thought and Feeling, and discover a stronger connection between you and your personal Spirit Guides through your Inner and Outer communication system: your Four Spiritual Gifts.

Unlock ways to make the spiritual part of life practical. Connect with us at TNT SpiritWorks today!

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Gathering your own perspective of how life works for you is really key. And so in this episode of Enthusiastically Spiritual, Tom and I have a subject we really wanna talk about and it's the word around confusion. Now this may seem like what? They're gonna talk about confusion. But what I really wanna emphasize is we wanna talk a bit about accessing freedom in your life.

Or accessing a confused intellectual way of life. So let's. Well said Teresa. Oh, and I'm telling you guys this, you know, when Tom and I prepare for these episodes, we do our, we do our, you know, connecting with Spirit. We tune into what's been going on out in the world. Cause lately I've seen a lot on social media about confusion. And then we

gather our thoughts and then we sit down and I'll tell you what this episode has been has taken us a while to cultivate because this is a really big topic. So buckle your seats, buckle your seatbelts, wherever you're at, relax and get ready to get some clarity on having inner freedom and moving away from confusion. Sounds good. Ready to go Tom? Here on Enthusiastically Spiritual. Is your

just the definition of what confusion is. Okay. So confusion on the, on my little iPhone says the number one is lack of understanding or uncertainty or the state of being bewildered or unclear in one's mind about something. So that second one is the one that really, I wanna really emphasize because

Tom and I've done a lot of work in the last few years. Well, Tom's done in decades with the Wayshores College and getting a bigger understanding of what is confusion. So I would love for Tom, if you wouldn't mind Tom, to share what is your definition of confusion? Well, a lot of what I've put together is through a program called Astro Soul, which means universal soul. And confusion to me is...

I am not clear about what's going on. And my intellect can have a concept about things. And for example, one of the concepts that floats around a lot these days is, this is the only way that dogmatic idea or being really judgmental.

you know, about other souls' circumstances or their situations or where they're at spiritually. And in terms of spiritual growth, you know, it really doesn't, you know, work the same way as we sometimes think, you know, we all have equal opportunity to grow spiritually and it takes a step at a time. You know, by the inch, it's a cinch. And-

So that requires that I'm patient with myself. And when I'm patient with myself, I'm patient with others, that I have some compassion for myself, and that I'm compassionate towards others and kind. And when I move from that perspective, from my true feelings, you know, feel that way. They feel patient, kind, loving is another word that people use, you know? So whenever I get impatient,

you know, there or my cage gets rattled, it's usually because I have a concept that's not fitting my true feelings. And so to me, probably a spiritual definition or another way of looking at confusion is, I have a concept about things that doesn't match the true feelings I have in terms of my unlimited freedom as a soul. What do you think about that?

Dun dun dun. That was damn big Tom. Just what came to me folks. That was really big. That was back to that channeling stuff, huh? From Spirit. Well, um, yes. So when I think of confusion and I think of how confusion affects a lot of people, it affects them through, like you're saying, um, you know, having concepts, but it affects their, their mind. It affects the way they think. So I know for myself when

I may have a confused energy move into my essence, I don't think right. I think I'm not in my true feelings. I'm really more in my head. So understanding for myself that I really have to do my work. I have to do my inner work and I have to understand and heal some areas around having triggers or having concepts that affect me still.

because then I won't draw in that energy. Am I saying that right? Well, that's one way to put things. You know, there's all sorts of psychological language these days, but for me, I know that I'm confused when I'm, like I say, my cage has been rattled and I begin to react a lot emotionally, or I begin to have those conversations in my head, like, well, they should have done this and I could have done that, and well, you know, they have to learn this, you know.

as a soul, like attracts like. So whether you're in a physical body or you're not in a physical body, you can attract confusion. So let's say that I'm having a really down day and I'm feeling very sorry for myself. I'm very impatient with myself. I can attract souls that are already passed on that are still thinking about things here on planet earth.

who are really very impatient with themselves or really dogmatic about what they were trying to accomplish. And it's a normal thing. It's the easy way you can change it is just by changing your concepts or getting back into your true feelings. And we also work with healing techniques, that spiritual cleansing technique that we talk about all the time. So...

I guess a real sign that I'm confused is that I'm not sure, I feel bewildered, I'm not sure what direction I wanna go in. So if I'm trying to be too perfect at something, or I think this is the only way, then there's a lot of variations of that. One thing, we see this a lot in politics lately, and I suppose this is one of the reasons that I know you wanted to talk about this is that

know, we're in this place where people are kind of more aware of their confusion than ever before. You know, from even a couple of hundred years ago, 150 years ago, you know, people were more concerned about survival. And today we have a lot, you know, provided to us. So, you know, but one of the clear indications of confusion for me is when something becomes an end in itself, rather than a means to an end.

Because spiritually, the way Spirit looks at these things and the way we grow spiritually as souls is every opportunity is a means to an end. But when I make something an end in itself, that's when I can make the job, the end in itself. I become a slave master and I really don't respect when I'm in that mode, we've all been there once or twice. And the...

lose that respect for ourselves and for other people because one, we put ourselves under pressure and two, we put the people around us under pressure. So another solution is to have clear boundaries, you know, know what I need to be involved with, when I need to be involved with it, where I need to be involved and why I need to be involved. And, you know, the why for me is opportunity is there for my spiritual lessons, my spiritual growth. And sometimes through those

experiences we have with all the different wavelengths of consciousness or wavelengths of energy here on planet Earth, we can get confused. I think you had one of the recent questions come in from a listener about whether your energy can be tainted. Rebekah Borucki Or influenced by others. Rebekah Borucki Well, I can take that one on board. Dr. Dan Okay. Why don't you take that one on board? Rebekah Borucki Because this happens to me quite often.

especially with those close to me and especially when people like, I'll just say my mom, you know, I might go over there and something, you know, just something she might say or an action or energy that might be around her or it might influence me because I have something like she's like, we're all mirrors, right? And so,

I can become tainted and so and come home with that with, you know, like a lot downer than I was when I went over there. And then immediately because Tom and I are very in tune with one another. He's like, hmm, what's going on here, Teresa? And we usually, you know, talk about things and work through stuff. And I can many times move through that energy and get back to my true my true feelings and who I really am that, you know, usually grounded, more inner enthusiastic kind of person.

versus coming home and feeling heaviness and feeling a weight on my shoulders and taking on by being, what we said, tainted or affected by other people's energies that might be around them. And so, and you know, this can happen anywhere. This can happen, honestly, I'll tell you, it can happen to me when I go to the store, when I, not just going to see, you know, loved ones, but it can happen anywhere. So it's just being aware of

when something moves in energetically, like Tom's talking about boundaries, can be really, it can be for myself, a lifesaver in the sense of being able to walk around and discern what I'm feeling and what I'm picking up on or what I brought home with me. So that's something too is like, what did I bring home with me? And I would love to share, the confused energy we're talking about, like Tom had mentioned, it could be people that have passed on.

souls that are still on the planet and well off the planet but thinking that they're on the planet right exactly so they're no longer in physical bodies correct they're back in their essence but they are still we'll say bound to the earth because of the way they're thinking or the way they were thinking when they passed on or things like that so what the master jesus referred to is uh unclean souls right unclean souls so

those kind of influences in the aspect of confusion. Earthbound souls as well. Right. Earthbound. Those confused energies can also be, you know, they can obviously affect us as we're talking about, hello. So another example I wanna share with you is that years ago I went into a clinic to have a mammogram. So it was a clinic that specialized in, obviously women's things, cancer, et cetera.

So when I went into this clinic now, of course, I'm a highly sensitive person. I'm empathic person, as you all probably know by listening to a lot of our podcasts and what I share about. So when I, when I entered this facility and this was back in the days when I was not, I didn't cleanse. So I didn't know how to, I didn't have a technique or I was really unaware of energy to a certain degree. I mean, I was actually, it was when I was a massage therapist. So I was somewhat aware, but not fully like I am today.

But what happened to me is I went into this clinic, I sat down into a chair and I felt like an energy. I'm like, huh, and I didn't think anything of it. Went through, had my procedure, came home. And at that time my daughters were very psychic and aware and could see a lot of things. So my one daughter said to me, Mom, you brought a lady home with you that died of cancer. I'm like, what? I mean, I was like, okay.

And so I worked with that and this person, this soul went on, but I'm just sharing this because this soul might have been confused and I may have somehow attracted it either through something I might have been thinking at that moment when I went into that clinic like, oh my God, you know, if I'm here, I mean, like, do I have something going on with me? Am I, you know, do I, am I, am I, you know, because we go and get mammograms, you think we sometimes think the worst, right? Like, oh Jesus or

or there are people in the air there thinking the worst because they have cancer or they have something going on, they found a lump in their breast. And so anything like that I was perhaps thinking about that moment drew that soul to me and I brought it home. And so that's just one example of, many times this has happened to me, but that was a real prevalent one because of the fact that I felt it, one thing.

I was aware of the feeling that there was like a zzz, like an energy. And then my very aware child said to me, mom, there's a person in the kitchen. I'm like, okay. And so in looking back at the situation, which a lot of times that's how things are for us. We look back at how things lined up or what happened and go, wow, that's what occurred. So that to me was a time when I picked up a confused energy and brought it home with me.

What's your thought about that, Tom? That was kind of a, that was an interesting situation. It's normal. It really is. You know, there's folks that, you know, feel a lot of pressure at times and almost lose themselves, you know, because they're so sensitive and they'll pick up those, those energies, you know, and a lot of times when souls pass on, you know, they're still aware. So they think they're still in physical bodies and they're

They've, you might say they brought their intellect with them to the other side. And it's, you can't use your intellect. You really just work from your feelings. It's like trying to bring a TV set into the jungle. I think that life is one of these situations where we constantly learn, you know, become aware of what concepts that we have that limit us. And when you have a concept that you don't, you just,

seem to have a hard time kicking, you know, or a fear that tends to move in, you may have some help with that. So not only can you attract souls and without physical bodies, because their energy and there's a joke, you know, where did dead people go? Well, wherever they want to. And, but they don't have a physical body to anchor them here anymore. We have physical bodies to anchor us here to planet Earth so we can learn and grow.

grow in our awareness, we have a desire to become more aware and evolve. And all those souls that made it here had that same desire, but they get confused. So again, there's no bad souls are just confused. And, you know, that soul just forgot the bigger picture. They just, they've been so, they're

trying to, you know, and probably concerned about leaving something behind or some unfinished business. So in other words, they were making the mission or the job an end in itself. So, you know, when I do things like that, or I get impatient with myself, you know, I'm going to attract that kind of energy. And not only souls that don't have physical bodies, as I was saying, but also souls with physical bodies.

And one of my favorite examples is you ever notice that, you know, if you're at work and everybody likes to gossip around the coffee machine, you know, or those who like to bitch and gossip about what's going on or, you know, try to out think the, you know, the soap opera of the job, they tend to attract each other. You know, they tend to be the ones that always attract each other and find time to have those conversations.

And if you're more focused on, you know, what am I getting out of this opportunity and how can I be of service? You know, a person has less time for that. So, you know, like attracts like, energy is energy. You know, we're all souls, we're all energy and we're here to learn and grow. We have a physical body temporarily. And, you know, when time to go back to the universe to get regrouped and, you know, planet Earth's like a big school.

and it's like an advanced school in our galaxy system because you can come here innumerable times. And you know, I've read and I've heard and I felt that the other planets are available, but you know, you may only be able to do one or two lifetimes there because the lessons are different. So we're here on purpose. You know, we're here to learn and grow. We're here to grow and awareness and to evolve because it's a blast. I mean, we're and so whenever

I'm off that whenever I'm caught in the game of life, instead of just realizing it is a game and then, you know, I can get confused. So what do you think about that Teresa? Well, I agree with you. And I also feel that, um, yes, that question earlier you had about

Can we be tainted or influenced by other people's energy or like, like we're talking about with other souls that have passed on. Absolutely. So what was coming to me also where you're talking is why is confusion right now such, it's, it's very prevalent. And in my understanding and what I was picking up from Spirit while I was, you know, listening to you talk is that it's because right now we're in a special place energetically where there's more awareness.

through awareness becomes more clarity. And so there's more awareness with the fact that yes, there's a lot of, of souls that are still attached to the earth that are that are not that are still here and that are affecting many people at this time. Yeah, and they're not really here. They're just thinking about things here. And now that was really interesting, because as we're

you know, you ask yourself a question or you call your guidance close as you're listening and you get insight into, you know, what's the way you need to understand it, you know, the, what's, what's more relevant for you. So we're, we're here to learn and grow by sharing with each other, you know, by all these different levels of consciousness, I often say, and you know, one day I was checking with my guidance, you could check it with your guidance or get some insight or meditate on it. You know,

many levels of consciousness are here? Well, like, the number I always get are like, it's like a thousand. I mean, it's no wonder. It's lots, you know, and I don't want to pin a number down, really. I agree with you. I think there's a greater awareness because we're on the verge of clarifying at least a wave of us or souls that are here on the verge of really clarifying and uplifting, you know, their evolvement

And it's not really a big deal. It's all part of the rhythms and routines of the universe. So what do you feel about that? Well, I feel that I want to go back to what you said a minute ago about putting what we're putting together. So yeah, I mean, the big thing about, especially what we're doing in the last couple months in this podcast is really sharing different perspectives of different things that are going on right now. So that way you can get clarity for yourself.

Because what Tom and I have experienced is it's my journey, it's Tom's journey, it's not your journey listener. But you may be able to resonate with something that we share, like confusion. You may go what, and you may even get confused about listening to this episode, honestly. And that's okay, because it may stir up something that goes, oh yeah, that time I, or just recently when I was.

didn't feel so right in my head or something was off or I came home from a place and felt really strange. It's like, like starts the ignition of some of an understanding and an awareness that can really start you on a whole new path of clarity. Like I said earlier, when that when I had that episode at that clinic, I was not aware like I am today about Spirit, about energy, how to work with my energy or any other energies that are not mine.

And over time, I've just got more and more clear about it. And also, of course, being with Tom and living in this, having our day-to-day existence as we do as being what we call, being practical with our spirituality or that spiritual part of us, really has helped me so much because as we go through things where I come home whacked out after being somewhere out with someone or at a place.

I'm able to clarify and really get down with talking to Tom as far as what's going on. So having other people also to converse with or to, you know, bounce things off with really helps also. Yeah. And to give a bigger picture perspective is that, you know, so we're all, we all chose to be here. We're here to learn and grow. We have a unique purpose and a thrust. We have spiritual helpers or angels to help us. We can learn to communicate with them.

so they can help clarify those concepts that we have or those limiting thoughts, the limiting concepts, the limiting thoughts that we have and tune us back into our true feelings, get back into the big picture, remove some of those fears, remove that anxiety and that confusion and we're free. So spiritual freedom for me is just being able to think and communicate with Spirit in the way that I choose.

and grow in my own timing and my own understanding, rather than being told how to do it, because being told never works anyway. No, you have to get that yourself. You have to get the experience. Absolutely. And we're here for experience, so it's important to be involved. But if the soul is confused when they pass on, whatever your state of consciousness is, if you're under pressure and really dogmatic about things and you pass on and...

you're still thinking about completing that job or whatever your tax returns or anything. You might find that you're still reliving that. You're not there, but you're sort of playing it over and you're, they're confused. So the next, some of the key words for that energy are bewildered, belligerent, bully. Those are a few of the key words.

And if you've ever bewildered, if you ever feel that way, you know, that's, you know, that's a B zone, we call it. And that's an area that's like zero to five miles, I guess, outside of, you know, planet Earth. And then the next zone is C zone. And that's some of the key words for souls in that area of confusion are like cautious, conceited, confused, over competitive, you know, that

Yeah. And they have more of a sitting on the fence vibration, more of a limbo state of consciousness. So, you know, sometimes when souls pass on, they, if they didn't take enough time to really work on some self awareness, you know, they'll, they'll take that. They just, you know, stay in that state of consciousness. And then for souls who know knew a little bit more, but just kind of sat on the fence.

that limbo, I'm not going to commit, they're kind of an opportunistic vibration, waiting for the big ship to sail in, rather than getting out and getting involved in life and making decisions. So then we have a zone a little further from the C zone, which is D zone, we call it D zone. And keywords for D zone are delight, destination, direction. And that's where our spiritual helpers are our angels. That's the level that they rise to.

So that's a very clear, you know, get a feeling for that decision, delight, destination, determination. Those are positive feelings. So if you're not feeling that, uh, you may be in a little bit of confusion. So we're not always in confusion and we don't always attract confusion, you know, but things can stimulate us. And it's great because it's a little lesson. Oh, I have a concept in that area.

And when you learn to cleanse and work with your guidance and start, you know, the key thing is to be patient with ourselves, be patient with others as they grow, you know, be compassionate, kind and caring, but not do so much for others that we become a mama or papa goose. So it's important that we respect everybody's opportunity to learn and grow from experience. And- Well said, Tom.

Well, anyway, there's solutions. And, uh, you know, if you want to know more about that kind of work and, uh, for any kind of confusion, you know, they just, all they have to do is their spiritual helpers or their angels will always wait for them once they pass on. And all they have to do is follow the lights and go with spirits and they can go back home and, uh, regroup and

and go on a little vacation. So that's the bigger picture. That is a very big picture. If you want to know more about those kinds of programs, the Wayshower College offers programs and healing events and things like that. We have some free videos on Reawakened series that, you know, we talk about in the links in this episode.

And which is a really good place to go. It's a good place to get started and have, have an, you know, get it. If you want to know more about this sort of thing that we're talking about. Well said. And also there's my book, the so quick survival guide, which also has those 12 spiritual awarenesses that can give you more insights into the spiritual part and you're the unseen part of who you are. And being able to move through things a little gently as, because that's the thing too, about understanding and having a clear, a clear.

perspective on things and you know, for yourself, it really enables you to, to understand how to work through situations in life like maybe being confused and how to access more freedom for yourself. Yeah, don't wait for the soul quake, the earthquake, to do it before the soul quake, start learning how to work more with your spiritual helpers, gaining those insights into everyday experiences. And that's the best buffer.

for confusion, you know, and absolutely, you know, it's great when you discover something that puts you under pressure because now you can, you get a chance to heal it. And, uh, just remember that life is already ready to go there. Not to be enthusiastic about your unique journey. And thank you all so much for listening into another episode of enthusiastically spiritual, right? Tom.

There are solutions.

I just felt like it.

TNT SpiritWorks (41:02)
Oh, did I already started already started it. It's the song in session.

Introduction: Accessing Inner Freedom
The Impact of Others' Energies
Personal Experiences with Confused Energies