Spiritual Enthusiasm: Uplifting Conversations on Trust, Intuition & Spiritual Perspectives

Reflections on Impact and Connection

June 04, 2024 Teresa & Tom Shantz Season 4 Episode 29
Reflections on Impact and Connection
Spiritual Enthusiasm: Uplifting Conversations on Trust, Intuition & Spiritual Perspectives
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Spiritual Enthusiasm: Uplifting Conversations on Trust, Intuition & Spiritual Perspectives
Reflections on Impact and Connection
Jun 04, 2024 Season 4 Episode 29
Teresa & Tom Shantz

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The Enthusiastically Spiritual Podcast celebrates its four-year fan anniversary and looks forward to the fifth year. The hosts reflect on the journey, the impact of the podcast, and the experience of connecting with listeners worldwide. They discuss the difference between in-person events and podcasting, the purpose of the podcast, and the importance of being in relationship with others. They also explore the concept of becoming a better person, the role of Spiritual Guidance, and the challenges of personal growth. The hosts share their plans for the fifth year, including deeper subjects, interviews, and fan events.

  • Celebrating the four-year fan anniversary and looking forward to the fifth year of the Enthusiastically Spiritual Podcast.
  • Reflection on the impact of the podcast and the experience of connecting with listeners worldwide.
  • Exploring the difference between in-person events and podcasting, and the purpose of the podcast.
  • Understanding the importance of being in relationship with others and the concept of becoming a better person.
  • Sharing plans for the fifth year, including deeper subjects, interviews, and fan events.

We are excited to share that we have shifted the name of our podcast to hopefully draw in some more listeners and keep sharing the enthusiasm around the world.

Ready to cleanse your energy field, your environment and the world? Check out this new video with Teresa and start feeling the energetic clearing today! Link to video here!

Support the show

Hi! Iā€™m Teresa. I have created this podcast to support "unseen" aspects of your life. You can call this the spiritual side. The podcast offers interviews of authors, healers, and thought leaders, for a positive higher spiritual perspective. Including ourselves! Our mission is to stimulate your inner wisdom, meaning, and enthusiasm for your unique journey.

My husband Tom and I are also certified Spiritual Educators, and Consultants, who help make spirituality practical. We work spiritual awareness and sensitivity in all areas of our life for positive living. Through TNT ( Teresa n' Tom :) SpiritWorks, we can help you tap into your own Inner Guidance system on a daily basis, create a healthy balance between Thought and Feeling, and discover a stronger connection between you and your personal Spirit Guides through your Inner and Outer communication system: your Four Spiritual Gifts.

Unlock ways to make the spiritual part of life practical. Connect with us at TNT SpiritWorks today!

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The Enthusiastically Spiritual Podcast celebrates its four-year fan anniversary and looks forward to the fifth year. The hosts reflect on the journey, the impact of the podcast, and the experience of connecting with listeners worldwide. They discuss the difference between in-person events and podcasting, the purpose of the podcast, and the importance of being in relationship with others. They also explore the concept of becoming a better person, the role of Spiritual Guidance, and the challenges of personal growth. The hosts share their plans for the fifth year, including deeper subjects, interviews, and fan events.

  • Celebrating the four-year fan anniversary and looking forward to the fifth year of the Enthusiastically Spiritual Podcast.
  • Reflection on the impact of the podcast and the experience of connecting with listeners worldwide.
  • Exploring the difference between in-person events and podcasting, and the purpose of the podcast.
  • Understanding the importance of being in relationship with others and the concept of becoming a better person.
  • Sharing plans for the fifth year, including deeper subjects, interviews, and fan events.

We are excited to share that we have shifted the name of our podcast to hopefully draw in some more listeners and keep sharing the enthusiasm around the world.

Ready to cleanse your energy field, your environment and the world? Check out this new video with Teresa and start feeling the energetic clearing today! Link to video here!

Support the show

Hi! Iā€™m Teresa. I have created this podcast to support "unseen" aspects of your life. You can call this the spiritual side. The podcast offers interviews of authors, healers, and thought leaders, for a positive higher spiritual perspective. Including ourselves! Our mission is to stimulate your inner wisdom, meaning, and enthusiasm for your unique journey.

My husband Tom and I are also certified Spiritual Educators, and Consultants, who help make spirituality practical. We work spiritual awareness and sensitivity in all areas of our life for positive living. Through TNT ( Teresa n' Tom :) SpiritWorks, we can help you tap into your own Inner Guidance system on a daily basis, create a healthy balance between Thought and Feeling, and discover a stronger connection between you and your personal Spirit Guides through your Inner and Outer communication system: your Four Spiritual Gifts.

Unlock ways to make the spiritual part of life practical. Connect with us at TNT SpiritWorks today!

Follow us on:

šŸ’ Facebook
šŸ’ Instagram
šŸ’ YouTube
šŸ’  Tom on X (formerly Twitter)
šŸ’ Website

TNT SpiritWorks (00:00)
So starting this episode yesterday was our four year fan anniversary party and just want to give a big thanks to all of those out there in the world who joined us and we had such an amazing time, right Tom? yeah, we had an amazing time. And it's hard to believe that now we're starting this day into the fifth year of Enthusiastically Spiritual Podcast. Number five. What a journey and what an experience it's been. I guess the big takeaway for me has really been about connecting with other

people around the world. I see. As far as not only energetically but really I've connected with some amazing guests. I've connected with other souls around the world and made friends and it's been an amazing adventure when you do do something of this nature where...

You don't really see people as far as we're in a room right now doing this recording. And that's really how it's been the last four years. So understanding that, here we are putting this out into the wavelength, so to speak, but you guys out there around the world are listening in. And that just really, that really fills me up so much. How about you, Tom? Yeah, well, I love it. It's great to share with people. And one of the...

key things is we get to share what we're putting together for ourselves or what's going on with us spiritually is usually the topics that we tend to highlight at the time. I've been getting insights from my guidance at that time and it's really been a great journey. Starting out in the middle of Australia, all the way up in New South Wales near Bathurst in the middle of...

of some big open space with kangaroos and parrots and all kinds of critters, you know, flying around us. And all of a sudden, Theresa had this, we talked about this, you know, in the fan anniversary party, but she had this big insight, hey, let's do a podcast. And the rest was her story. Now it's our story. And it was so funny because, you know, we use scripts and things and someday we'll put together a bloopers.

Video where you can see how awkward we look and what we're saying. Yeah, that yelling at each other and stuff like that would be good and so the other thing too I want to kind of touch base on is that this past weekend Tom and I actually spent a day retreat out at the way shores college and just wanted to just talk a little bit about the difference between Obviously being in person like we were this weekend and then being here on the airwaves and listening week after week to people It's such a difference. yeah

I mean, so for myself, I found that coming together with other people, which of course is an amazing experience because you know, you have the energy, you've got the, you know, the situations prepared for what's going to happen during that event. But we also do the same thing for these podcasts. So whether you're in Africa or you're in Malaysia or the middle of Australia, wherever you're at, we do set the energy, we do set the tone, we set the, you know, we work with our backing

to really get out the inspiration, the enthusiasm for you out there listening. So that's to me the benefit of, well, the podcast is so we can reach so many more people versus being in person. How about you, Tom? Yeah, well, it's great. Like I say, it helps me consolidate what I'm putting together for myself spiritually. And as I've always said, our mission is to, excuse me, our mission is to...

really help inspire, stimulate that reawakening within yourself, remembering, you know, trusting your true feelings and trusting yourself.

I, you know, anything I share, I don't mean it to be, you know, the gospel truth or anything. It's my perspective on my experience, the way that you share it and the way that you experience is going to be different. You know, we all have different spiritual thrusts. So we're sort of all working on different things. You know, the overall...

system is set up that we're here to learn and grow and we have a spiritual thrust, mine is to be happy and free. And so a lot of what I'm putting together for myself this lifetime is around that and yet that's part of what I have mastered. So when we share with each other, as we've said in previous episodes, you know the penny drops. I have to say one thing, you know, there is nothing like being in person.

It's spring here in the middle of Iowa. So we may be experiencing some things in the air. Okay, Tom. What he's talking about, for those of you that cannot see the video on YouTube, is that I have my allergies are kind of kicked up a little bit today. So I was sneezing a little bit without into the mic. And that's why Tom mentioned that. Because if you're watching this on YouTube, you're seeing me go achoo, achoo. But so also,

The thing that hit me yesterday too with being with a group of people live is that like Thomas talking about being authentic and our own having our unique thrust is that no matter what these people that came together there were like nine of us right I think nine or ten of us that we all have our uniqueness and we're all really came together for that moment to

express the, you know, and really embrace working with spirit on different levels, interacting with one another, and then going back to our homes and our, you know, residences and our businesses and doing it the way we authentically are doing our businesses. Because, you know, when we came together with the people at The Way Showers, we all have a foundation. Okay, so we all believe it's what's the foundation of The Way Showers. Tom, I'll let you say it.

Well, it's all about that you're a soul with physical body. You're here to learn and grow. You have a spiritual thrust and a purpose. Bingo, bingo. And you have spiritual helpers to help you with that and that you're free. So yeah, we've said that many times, but it's good to reiterate it, right? And just say it again. I think the big key with the work that we've been doing is that we really all work with our personal spiritual helpers, guides, angels. But there are higher souls who have

been here innumerable times. They've mastered the lessons they don't need to incarnate here anymore. And they can help us in those areas that we're still refining. So I wanted to share how when I'm with others and we work with those healing techniques, whilst things work nicely over the internet to a certain extent, there's nothing like being in person and really feeling that positive energy.

Well, and so I will have to disagree with you there because I have had some of the most profound healings over the internet. And for some of the people that I work with, even in Australia, like it's like, it's if we're in the same room, but I do feel what you're saying because I was there yesterday and I do know that, you know, there is a difference with being in person with people, but I again have had some profound healings over the internet. Well, great. So.

No need to disagree, just share what works for you. That's what works for me is that it all works for me, D, all the above. Yeah. And so also being with people yesterday, it really just heightened our energy as far as like we're saying, the key components we all had together are these, I guess, universal truths, right? That you're still in a physical body, you've got guidance, yada, yada.

But, and so having that as a basis and coming together with like -minded people, no matter where we're coming from, no matter what our ages are, no matter what our experiences is, it really just amplified my love for what I'm doing, truly. It really, it increased it, so I really go, yeah, I mean.

there are other people out there that understand what I'm about and what my beliefs are, and yet I'm going, I'm coming back and I'm doing the podcast, maybe going out and doing keynote speaking, doing whatever I'm doing, the way that I want to bring forth that information and knowledge. What about that, Thomas? How about you? How do you want to bring it forth, Tom, in this fifth year of a duty -ass -free spiritual? Well, like I said, it's great to communicate over the internet.

But is on my mind is just the need for us to connect with other individuals and be involved in life. And there's nothing like being in the same room with somebody. So it's all good. It all works. I just found and what I would encourage folks to do is get involved with other folks that are like -minded. Absolutely. So we shared a lot about that. And if...

You know, if you're halfway around the world and it's a little hard for you to fly over here and see us, I understand that's why we do this podcast. That is why we share through the ethers, we'll say. It is amazing. I mean, the way that, you know, spirit works and the ideas we have about time and space are probably different than, you know, what it's like in the fifth dimension.

But the overall purpose for all this is to, as we say, we come to evolve, learn, and grow to become a better person and to find personal fulfillment.

Yeah, and also to be in relationship. So whether like we're saying, whether that be through, you know, a zoom group or over the internet or a neighbor or coming together with like minded people at an event, it's being in relationship with others because that truly is the way we expand and grow even in.

going through, you know, confrontations with people or issues with others, it all helps us because when we can understand how to expand ourselves and really when things come at us, we know how to work with it in a different way. If we're working with that spiritual part of who we are. Well, let me ask you a question. What does a better person mean to you? What does that mean to you? A better person? Well, becoming a better person to me, becoming a better person means someone that's

showing up every day, someone that's moving through life at their pace, because I don't believe that anyone's, everyone can do it their own way, right? You can do it fast, slow, you can do whatever, but really showing up, that's the key for me to become a better person, because if we don't get out of bed, if we don't get off the couch, if we don't show up for things in life,

there's really nothing to, there's no part of even being here. So what about you, Tom? What does that mean? Well, for me, it's all about the opportunity to be of service, to be involved in life is where the fulfillment is. And as I, we all, when I'm in my true feelings, I love that love energy, that positive feeling, that being of service energy.

And you know, there is confusion on the planet because what's is a confused idea is that I don't put myself first. I need to put myself first, be of service to myself. In other words, be in the right place at the right time, follow through at the right time, be involved. That's what I'm here to do. And I bring that up because, you know, the thought of just going through the motions of sort of doing the right things and, you know, being accepted.

there's not a lot of fulfillment in that. So am I really being a better person just by going through the motions? I don't think so. You know, I think as I evolve, then people evolve around me. And all I mean by that is I'm more loving. I'm more on my timing. I'm helping out more.

And but if I don't have that reverence and care for myself first, it's it's hard for it to flow to anyone else. If I don't care enough about me being in the right place at the right time, how can I really help anybody else? Yeah, I totally agree. I totally get that. And and, you know, from doing our own work, whatever it looks like for you out there listening, because again, everyone's at different levels of consciousness and going through different things this lifetime. So, you know, not not just

judging what you're going through and what Tom and I have gone through or anyone around you has gone through because you have your own unique journey while you're here and only you know what that is, no one else does. So exploring that and understanding that however it looks for you, it's okay. I think that's a big thing too because coming in with this group yesterday, again, we all, you know, we're all coming from different places, you know, we all live in different parts of Iowa and have, you know, have different lives. But yet we came together, the commonality we have.

is that we are really honest about ourselves with our spirituality as well as working with our guidance and expanding ourselves to the next level of what we're here to to step into. So that's the commonality that I see and that you know that was a big part for myself yesterday. Yeah for me you know that I really after being involved in that you know I really am all about I'm going to work with my spiritual

guidance, my spiritual helpers. And it's great to get inspired by somebody else's channeled messages, but to apply it to my situation, you know, I know there's universal truths, but.

I have my own attack and I have my own areas that I'm working on and that's not there's no greater than or lesser than about that. It's just differences in experience and a difference in a focus as to what I've come to do. You know, when I say what areas I've come to master, but I love working with the higher spirit. There's nothing like it. They love and respect us so much that they...

They know us too well to do it for us. And that's the...

That's the key, the universe is really a benevolent place, I often say, when I tune into that fifth dimension reality, that spiritual part of me. And I kind of bring this up because rather than use it as an escape, or rather than use it as, I want to find somebody to tell me what to do, that's never gonna really work. I mean, you might find something that will tell you what to do.

But if I ask my spiritual helpers, you know, how do I discern better what's best for me at this time? How do I feel my direction more clearly? You know, if I work at it from that point of view, because they respect our free will, high souls always do. Right. And, you know, the other thing is that,

everybody's got their areas of mastery. And we did a great technique where we tuned into the person as a soul. And there's also, everybody's got their areas where they have pitfalls. And once we work that out, it really helps me accept myself better and everybody else around me and just see the beautiful parts and work with the strengths.

and work with that positive part of everyone. Absolutely. So with that information and that expansive, enthusiastic vibes for you guys out there in the listening realm and the ethers, I just wanted to now talk a little bit about moving into this fifth year. And so, because, you know, where do we go from here, Tom? Yes. Where do we go from here? Where are you going? There's a song about that, but I won't sing right now, but you know,

This year's been interesting 2024 because as I moved into it, I was kind of burnt out, which I've shared this on the podcast before. And I did almost three and a half years or three and three quarter years nonstop every week. And it was a lot. So, you know, having Tom step in the last few months and really come together as a co -hosting team has been wonderful. And it's been really a breath of fresh air. And it's given me it's really uplifted me because I was again, a little burnt out. So.

Moving into the fifth year of this podcast, I hope to explore...

you know, some deeper subjects that we can talk about that Tom and I can share about. I also have some interesting, like once a month I'll have an interesting interview with someone that's, you know, a different perspective and around, you know, again, the mind, body, spirit, because we're, you know, it's all one part of us. And so that's what I'm looking forward to. And I'm just looking forward to, you know, keep it going. I hope to connect more with you guys out there. I would like to, I wouldn't even mind maybe quarterly doing, you know, a fan party or something, just to, you know, to, you know,

to get to know you guys out there. So. And you love parties. I damn love parties. I can get behind a party. Let me tell you. Let's get behind this. No, no. But it's a party. Yes. Theresa can get behind a party. So that's something I definitely like to do is have a quarterly event where we just offer a.

you know, a live sharing and a Q &A and just kind of get to know you guys a little bit better. So that's something that I'm inspired to create. Sounds good. That sound good? Well, one of the things I've been doing is, you know, down in the corner of the videos. So this might be some incentive to look at the YouTube videos and the rumble videos as well as listen to the podcast is I'll have a little picture or two, or I'll throw in a picture of a symbol from...

the presentations that I give to help people relate to what we're talking about. In other words, you know, we talk about the fact that we're a soul with a physical body. And so at times when we're talking about energy or spiritual healing, you know, that symbol might show up or I start sharing about getting insights from guidance, you know, so I put up a symbol up for the, you know, the spiritual helpers.

The other day, not so long ago, we were talking about religious concepts. So I put up the symbol of science, religion, and society. So if you folks are wondering what that is, it's just to give a little bit of a pivot for that area of life that we're sharing about. But I guess, you know, the main thing that's really coming to me today to share is that the purpose for all this is for, number one, for me to regroup what I'm putting together for myself, and then...

By doing that, I know that I stimulate ideas and feelings in others, help people feel a bit more reassured that there is a bigger picture for why they're going through their challenges. That's something that we covered at that retreat that we went to was, you know, there's always going to be some challenges. We don't evolve without some of those challenges. So get used to it. It is what we heard this weekend too, get used to it. Well, you know, get...

find that way that you can move through these challenges in these areas to expand your consciousness and put some purpose behind all this metaphysical, mumbo jumbo kind of a thing. That's what we're about is making it a way of life. And we still get stimulated and we still get triggered, but that's the point. And I think one of the...

recent changes in my attitude is, you know, I used to want to avoid when I got triggered by other folks, or I wanted to avoid certain people. And I'm learning more and more that, you know what, go for it, embrace it, you know, find out what is that concept that's stimulating me? What am I going to replace it with? Absolutely. And give myself some time. And that's where working with my guidance, like these personal spiritual guides really helps me.

I agree, Tom.

So with all of that listeners out there, just wanted to also mention one thing is every so often check the show notes because we do offer some free videos. We do offer, I usually have a free chapter of my book down there. So please make sure that you look in our show notes and check out all the freebies and all the things that we've got that we're offering for you because we're really doing this to be of service with spirit for all of you guys out there listening. Yeah. I thank you for mentioning that because those symbols, you know, that, that I show,

in the corner often are the sort of thing you can get more information on and those free videos that have been published by the Way Showers College and it's called the Reawaken series and we've got them available, the free videos on the YouTube channel. You can also go to the Thinkific site and download those videos and so forth. So...

And when we talk about spiritual lessons and spiritual opportunities, you know, we have profiles to help you pull that together. Because I find with sharing with other people, it, you know, as I've said time and time again, you know, that helps the penny drop. Or sometimes I'm so close to a situation that I need a little assistance and someone who's a little bit more detached to work closely with their guidance to give me some of those keys to help me.

Put things together Absolutely. So cheers to the fifth year. We're entering Thank you all so much for being on board whether you're listening to this podcast or you're watching it on our YouTube channel We thank you so very much and just want to say that, you know, we're excited to be moving into the fifth year Yeah, and until next time remember that life is too short to not be enthusiastic about your unique


Celebrating Four Years and Looking Forward to the Fifth
In-Person Events vs. Podcasting: Purpose and Relationship
Becoming a Better Person: Spiritual Guidance and Challenges
Reflections on Impact and Connection