Spiritual Enthusiasm: Uplifting Conversations on Trust, Intuition & Spiritual Perspectives

Angel Connections with Michael Andre Ford

Teresa Shantz Season 3 Episode 9

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Have you ever had an encounter with an angel or other being? Chances are you have and just didn’t know it. Michael Andre Ford is an angel intuitive who helps people connect with angels. He talks about this as well as how to better connect with the universe. Tip- it is easier than you might think. Tune in to hear about how we need to judge less, open our hearts more, and listen to the voices around us in order to truly live. 

Michael Andre Ford is an American Angel Intuitive who helps people meet, hear & see angels, plus many other loving figures. Michael has been a guest speaker at The Shift Network and also held a 3-day event at Omega Institute last year. He is the host of the Angels, Positivity & Love podcast. 

Connect with Michael:

  • Website = www.MichaelAndreFord.com 
  • Instagram = https://www.instagram.com/MichaelAndreFord/ 
  • Amazon Author Profile = https://www.Amazon.com/author/angels 
  • YouTube = https://www.youtube.com/@MichaelAndreFord 
  • Facebook = https://www.Facebook.com/AngelsWhisk 
  • LinkedIn = https://www.linkedin.com/company/michaelandreford 
  • TikTok =  https://www.tiktok.com/@michaelandreford 
  • Twitter = https://twitter.com/SeeHearAngels 

Listen in as Michael speaks about:

  • His first encounter with an angel at a sandwich shop in New York City and how that interaction changed his life.
  • The angels we each have act as our secret service agents protecting and guiding us in this life.
  • How we can disconnect from the rat race and tap into more peace, and more bliss by being present at the moment. This starts with judging others less and greeting them openly. We may never stop judging completely but we can start by doing a little less judging every day.  

Episode Transcript Link = https://drive.g

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But when you label that person, you're not really helping them out or yourself out you're generating negativity and if you could only see the vibration, the flows the energy, then you would pause immediately and be like, Why am I generating negative light and putting it on myself. And here's a newsflash you can actually see that energy. So you can see light, consciousness itself love, and you can see it flicker and dim. If you're actually kind of mean, it's gonna happen. We're all going to keep thinking and judging. But if you just did 7%, less daily or a week, that's what angels have said, is the Olympic gold medal for us all for just letting go not taking ourselves situations or other so seriously, and recognizing, as Teresa just said, the bigger side of all of us. 


Whether you are a seasoned spiritual seeker, or just starting out on your spiritual path, this podcast has something for everyone. The mission is to inspire enthusiasm for the spiritual part of your journey through unique perspectives around mind, body and spirit. Join me and other enthusiastic souls as we share weekly episodes of how amazing life is when you embrace the spiritual parts of your journey. This and all episodes can be found on my website, TNT spirit works.com. And if you'd like to watch the episodes, please check out TNT Spirit works YouTube channel. So grab your favorite drink, sit back and relax because another enthusiastic episode starts now. Welcome back to enthusiastically spiritual podcast. I'm your host Teresa. So today I am so excited about my guests because we are going to embrace spiritual helpers, guides, Master souls, spirit angels, whatever you personally call them. My guest today is here to shed some light on how to directly connect with them for your healing and support for your journey. His name is Michael Andre Ford. And Michael is an American Angel intuitive, who helps people meet here and see angels, plus many other loving figures. Michael has been a guest speaker at the shift network and also held a three day event at omega Institute last year. He is a host of angels positivity and love podcast and get ready listeners because this mini mortal episode is filled with some good angelic vibes for you. Welcome, Michael. 


Thank you, Teresa. Good to see you again. Thanks for having me on the show.


Oh, it is such a pleasure. Yes. So we did this as a trade. I've been on your amazing podcast. And I'm so excited to have you on the show you with my listeners, because you've got some stuff going on with those angels. And so let's get into it. Michael, I want to talk a little bit about how you came down this path. What brought you to work the work you're doing in the world right now? 


Sure, well, look, I've always had a lot of energy been super enthusiastic. And I'm from the East Coast, maybe 25 to 40 something moves depending on how you kind of move parents in the military and was in New York City for 20 years, happy as a clam but didn't know there was something bigger in life. So I talked to everybody doormen, cab drivers, I think in New York, everyone thought I was from California. I'm not shy, wasn't unhappy or anything, but also just, you know, I couldn't have probably stayed through an entire Super Soul Sunday episode. I definitely didn't finish my Plato reading back at Middlebury, and you can meet Plato. So I wasn't really with it on the whole philosophical, spiritual getting here, I wouldn't have been able I would have failed every exam. So something happened along the way. And then I kind of popped and then I was still scared for a long time. I'm like, Whoa, what's going on? But pretty quickly, I think I've owned some of my skills, and it keeps expanding and I help others ever since. 


So what was the first real angel encounter that you personally had that got you on this? Whoa, there's something more than going on here in this world. 


Well, looking back I had Angel encounters during that time where I wasn't maybe as aware I had folks come in I worked for the Nantucket Police Department for example. My first job out of college I didn't want to do the corporate thing straight off. I wanted to live in Nantucket, lifelong home family members who run businesses there, but I never spent any official time there and I picked to a summer of recession to try to get a job everything was tied up. I landed a police department job trying to get a parking permit and it was more meter made you know you're sworn in stood on the top of Main Street answered a tourist questions. But long story short, they did not pay you a lot. I was eating out of cans every third night. And to get a brownie at Henry sandwich shop was a really big deal. I'm in line up paid for my sandwich. And you know I'm there somehow still in line and the owners Henry looks like a thin Santa Claus. Now somehow angels can show up full on in human form Hollywood casting. They've got the best wardrobe the best look, they say just the right thing. So if you've ever had anything like that, check that box you've probably met an angel, but Henry comes up winks grabs a brownie and stuffs it in my bag. He's the The owner He can do anything in his own shop. But it was really an angel named Dale. And so I remember still to this day, that was 1990 a lot of years ago, munching on that brownie. And it might have happened twice that summer, munching under a

tree, having the best moment in life, which is about all you can expect the little terms of life or everything, munching on that brownie. And then the backstory got filled in much later by angels they can fill in why you made the decision that you made way back when or why that relationship went this way why you went that way. And so that was just a beautiful little moment where it was interaction with an angel. Somehow I have a feeling the real Henry was back at the house, or something else. So 


that's so amazing. And I just love what angels show up in the most like unusual places. I had a friend who said she was getting non pumping gas one morning, California. And this guy came up to her who looked homeless, and said the most profound things to her and had the eyes of an angel. They were like crystal blue. And she was like, I just saw an angel and I swear I'm filled with chills I say that Michael is just amazed due to its isn't it just like profound the way they show up in these amazing places. So in the sense of showing up. So I believe that we all have a team of our own personal you know, personal guides that come we come in with, we contract we come in with and work with a whole lifetime. But then there's also all these other angels. And so I'd like you to share a little bit about the angels that you personally work with. And then also those that have shown up for you and I know you have quite a few of them. So pick your like maybe top three, that might be hard, don't don't offend any angels, Michael. 


Sure. And everyone's got a stretch limo they're in, you know, your secret service agent or your bodyguard is your guardian angel. They never leave your side, you got different angels that come and go as your life stage changes or your needs. And you have a driver for the life stage. So some of my favorite angels, there's ape, which took me a few years to realize that's the Abraham of old from the Bible days. He'll tell you he was a little bit of a jerk as a human back then. But he's also very different than all the other angels. He's a masculine energy grandfatherly on everyone's team. He's down on the ground a lot helping and so if you want to think of it this way, he hands out fish, he doesn't teach fishing. Now a lot of angels want to help instruct and help you open up and just be present and experience more. But he's the opposite. He really is the type that would show up at the gas pumps and sparkly eyes or be in a parking lot homeless and be like, Can I get a ride? So that's one angel. There's another angel named Joy who's the ambassador communicator for all of us if you want to let go instead of just getting the routine getting your version of life your version of reality right now she's here to just help you let go more get to hear she's the emotion Joy pink bowl light, sparkly fun Hi, peppy voice. If you go to see her, you can see her as a 28 year old blonde. But at omega last year two peoples jointly saw her about a football field away as a brunette. So I never tried to predict that would be a second angel and a third. Let's just go ahead and do Charlotte. She's more like a school teacher. I've been around the block if you want to think Audrey Hepburn sister elegant older in her 50s Santa Fe New Mexico garb, white outfit, turquoise jewelry. Now I saw her in a Starbucks before I really started getting into this. And she kind of bookmarked it for me. So when I look back, she showed up a woman just drinking coffee facing the wrong direction when you're at the window, staring at me as I'm meeting with my book editor the entire time. Now ask the important questions is the important questions, big picture stuff when angels are here? Do they really drink the coffee? And the answer is yes.


Yes, they really do. Wow. Not to get the caffeine probably because they just enjoy the taste of it or 


yeah, they're in the moment, I think as well. There's sort of a house rules thing. And they're not here to interfere. That's the big message I would have is if there were five big messages meeting as a guest. I know Teresa tells us that on the show all the time, you have to ask for the help. And I would just add that everything is fantastic as it is now. Depending on what perspective you take. 


So you've been doing this having clients come to you and work with you with the angels for quite a few years. So have you ever had someone not believe in angels and you had a shift around what you've shared with them? 


I've certainly come across tons of people who are either skeptical 5050 Not sure hesitating. But they can ask for signs from the universe, you know, a dream and that just happened for somebody in Wales. They were coming in just saying hey, I'm a bit skeptical, but they just had an amazing dream. So they've loosened up and they had to push everything back a couple of weeks. It's really what will you allow for and let's get the angel topic out of the way. What are you allowing for in life and living because you're up here and we all know stress, fear, fear, worry, reacting, judging, knowing to the preclusion of possibility. We also know we have to pay the bills. It's just not practical to be happy for no reason at all. It's not practical to be here. We come into the house with an iPhone We're a conversation going on and we skip the kids, we skip the dog, we don't take a breath enough, you know or smile enough or we don't get here enough. So there's a million ways to be out of the game of life and not live. And there's a million ways to get to your heart, a breath, a smile, a laugh, wave to the stranger validation, compassion to others. And so taking the angels out of the equation, it's really what are you already allowing for the person who's skeptical and not going to allow for something beyond human thinking, which is caused a little bit of harm over time, violence and destruction, self judging, lack of worth, or lack of self love? How is the person living now so they might not be ready, and everyone's good at the consciousness level that they're at now? So, so for the person who's skeptical, I say, be skeptical, be be you. And then I love Joseph Campbell's final bit of advice here, which is just follow your bliss. If you happen to want a little more openness, or opening openness or joy, or just that you're not sure, but you could spare 5% of your day. That's what we're pointing to here. A little more here. A little less there. Huh? 


I like that, as you point to the heart, I think about his love. And now obviously plays a big part in this right? Is that love vibration?

this right? Is that love vibration? 


Yes, absolutely. If I had to go out on thin ice, and I'm going to get pegged. And this is going to be the t shirt slogan. It's Love is the fabric of the universe. Where think of love, actually love is all there is or whatever the Beatles song is. You can. Yeah, all you need is love. That's what I was trying to get to. And you can love more and allow more anytime you decide to get started, try not to get stuck in the decision making in putting most of us put it off for a decade or a few years or a few months, or we get stuck. And that's just welcome to being human. 


Yeah, you know, what I liked about what you're talking about, Michael is the practicality because like you said, I mean, we're, you know, we're living in this realm. In this third degree, this third was probably Fifth Dimension now. But third to fifth dimension, depending upon you know, where you're at. and above. And the fact that we have, like you said, we have to pay the bills, we've got to get up every morning, we've got to deal with the kids or the dog or whatever situations and understanding that all these unseen aspects and parts of us are part of what if we understand them and work with them, they can really benefit what we're doing as far as being practical and being human. So how do you work with the angels and in your practice everyday to help you move through what we're doing and what you're doing in life? Michael? 


Sure. Well, it's basic listening. And that basic listening means for the especially for the skeptical person out there, or the person who's not sure they could do any of this, to do what Theresa does, or to do what so and so does. And again, it's what Teresa says in her shows, it's not about the comparison, and so on, but you have it all already within, you have the ability to do basic listening. So think of your favorite person, you run into them at the supermarket, you're able to get into a conversation and you're not worried about the laundry list, or the supermarket list. You're not worried about something else, you're actually focused on the person and hanging on every word. That's all we're talking about. For basic listening. You can have any answers to any questions for absolutely any topic in your life, health, career issue jobs, how to let go of something you can get support, you can just get general feelings of love, warmth, sparkle. So again, it's back to what will you allow for and then you have to put yourself out there you have to be able to ask, it's going to feel scary, the part of you that's like, Oh, I better not, or worries, or stresses or reacts, isn't gonna want to let go the control factor. But you know, if you've been able to give a hug to a dog, or look at a sunset, sunrise, appreciate flowers, spring flowers, you can do this. It's just dropping to your heart for a few seconds, letting go taking a breath not being tight and frozen, and let angels do their jobs. I love telling Americans get out of your head into your heart and simply let angels do their job basic listening. 


Let them love back and support us because that's what they're here to do. Right? Yes, absolutely. And so one way that I found that was interesting for myself, and looking back at my

life before I really got in tune with my guides or other angels, or, you know, honestly, like I used to channel you know, Pleiadians and half doors and other beings. So there's a whole realm of all kinds of help on the other side and in the galactic realm. But before I really understood about all that, I look back and there were connections that I recognize spirit angels put in place for me to be in the right place at the right time. And so have you noticed that in your life that's also happened for you, Michael? 


Yes. And the Nantucket job absolutely was one of them. I literally no more jobs left on the island. It was musical chairs, no more chairs. I had restaurant experience. There were no restaurant jobs, landscaping jobs, not happening. My parents had said two weeks later, you're off the island if you don't have a job. And I was optimistically getting that parking permit sticker when a bunch of doors slammed and a guy quit. And it was the first time I was publicly funny. I jerked a thumb up. It had been a peaceful lobby. Then the guy came in, quit slam the door and it was a little heavy. I jerked my thumb up and I said, Hey, does that mean there's a job opening here? And everyone burst out laughing and the dispatcher was like, Are you serious, and I was interviewing at the police chief half an hour later. Now there's many other examples, there are really no accidents. Now for the person who's not so sure about this, again, I have photos of angels you see with your eyes, you know full on you can meet your relatives, you can meet light beings, guides, a few fairies, a jinn and elemental who's beautiful. It goes on and on and on. But just trust that you're heard trust that you're not alone trust that the universe is far bigger than any one person's version of reality. You have to find a way though, to bridge that gap to be okay with a little more love and support. So it's fantastic to tell you can have any answers to any questions. But really, the question is, what do you really want to have happen? What do you like, pretend that you have it all already, which you do. That's the message number two for today. What happens if you do get out of your own way a little less thinking a little letting that rule the roost, what happens if you start living a little more, you're gonna find that you're a whole new person. And it's the part of you that you never lost as a kid. In your teens last week in your 20s You've touched on it, you adult it a little too much, too much. adulting too much thinking too much seriousness, seriousness, or too much drama that stuck with you. How what you know what happens if you're ready to let go and transform just a little bit, then the real ride in life begins and lead angels assist with that. And you have a higher self. And I know Teresa loves talking about the soul, the soul journey, the development, and that's where I would just add that angels can help alter your path, it's a perfectly good path, you have a unique, fun, exciting ride ahead, only have to get started living 7% extra day, no huge transformation, just baby steps. But after that, if you want to accelerate that journey, the learning everything is growth and expansion, you know, it is change. And that's what's so scary for our ego, we'll do everything we can to resist it, and stick to routine and what we know, to kind of, you know, thumb, our nose at the universe and love and sparkling us. 


Well, and so what I also liked about this conversation is that there are people like us, and especially like on your podcast, having this conversation over and over with other people and really spreading the word around the entire globe, about the fact that we've this unseen realm of you know, of support from our angels and how important it is. So I'd like you to share a little

bit about your podcast, and you know, how you got started and what's going on over there because I was on it recently, and I absolutely had a blast, and you have had other amazing guests on? 


Well, we've had 10 episodes recorded. I think we're airing number seven this Sunday. So it's every Sunday, it started January 22. With an amazing 2020 Coach of the Year out of California, the show doesn't have a time limit. So often it goes two and a half hours. But it's healers. Authors show hosts themselves, many of them. They're from all over the world, South Africa, Germany, France, Ireland, Portugal, Canada, US India. People share select life moments and the lessons they learned that apply to us all. So you're hearing somebody who's in your shoes that's talking to the audience right now. And they've been there and they've had that opportunity to open up it's gonna feel like you're jumping off a cliff, little things could be just relationship stuff. You went through a health crisis. You went through turmoil, the usual ebb and flow of life, but you've watched them and through them telling their journey, their story, you kind of can take heart now what's interesting is they've all met heard felt seen angels with me and guides and so on Mother Teresa, Mary Jesus, Muhammad, whoever, you get your answers, get your hugs, you see philon, and there's photos of angels. But what's fun is they've also had their own experiences. So there's a 50 year meditation expert, he talks about his visions he's had since 1969. He taught at the mega his mindfulness teachings are in 48 public schools, 48 states, public school systems, big time in LA and Atlanta. So he's been there and done that. And he's fun. And he's also cool as a cucumber. He's like, got it. What, what's next, so people will enjoy that episode coming up. Now, what's special about the show is the latter half of the show goes really big picture of the universe and you get to watch the guest put their hand out to a photo of an angel through two screens, or smell sage through two screens. The point of this is you really have no limits their time and space isn't quite what we think it is. None of this is about thinking. Which is why when you're up thinking and resisting or you're saying, hey, Mike's a really enthusiastic or sparkly guest, it's way over the top for me. That's okay. But it's still thinking there's a million trillion consciousness layers. You're good. Absolutely right where you are right now. Everything's your instruction. And you only have to ease up on the judging thing and get to your heart. If you want to just feel your heart. You want to go to a mirror and say I love you 100 times till you're either crying or laughing hysterically at the exercise, the point of this is the universe is ready to step in full force and deliver anything you put your focus on, you only have to allow for the possibility that there's more to living loving, it's less routine, and it's more fun ahead. So that's where this really lies. It's not about the photos of angels, seeing angels meeting your guardian angel or loved ones, or about these guests, but it is awfully fun to watch them do it on air. And for you to participate. I just had an audience member type in, oh my god, I'm sensitive, and you don't have to be sensitive. And I would argue everybody's already a healer full on. And by that I mean, when you simply wave to a stranger, give a little bit of compassion, love kindness, you haven't judged them on their politics, or they wrote for the New York Jets, the NFL football team, and you're a New England Patriots fan. You're not judging people when you wave wink, smile, laughter a few words of encouragement just like an angel did for your friend at the gas pump. There's just something more that we can all do for each other a little more love, kindness and gentleness. And I would say that's what this is all about mankind in the big picture is ready for a little less rat race, which isn't the corporation's or global warming. It's just a little less thinking and judging and a little more peace in the heart.


And what I hear you saying also also being present, like getting out of our scenarios, getting out of all, like you said, you know, the neighbor's issues and the family issues and what's going on politically and whatever else, but really be present. And what I hear you saying too, is treat each other like we are you know, you know, the Namaste, right? That light in me honors light noon. I mean, that's might be cliche to a lot of people. But it really is the truth. Like, you know, what I see in you, I see and me, but really honoring all of our journeys. And then also honoring the support that we have on the other side. That to me is like, so exciting is knowing that, you know, I'm not alone, no matter how alone, I might have felt through different times in my life and different events. But none of us are alone, there's always support on the other side. 


Love is an amazing, big constant. And the only thing that pulls us out of that flow, a big global Slipstream, joy, enthusiasm, all those sub variants. The only thing that pulls us out is a little bit of thinking, nature is fantastic. You're fantastic. Everyone else is fantastic. And I love Christmas Carol. It's a 79 page book. And we only think of Scrooge at the beginning as being kind of a jerk. So you can relate to this because you've got a co worker, a boss, a neighbor 10 doors down that you just don't agree with. But when you label that person, you're not really helping them out or yourself out, you're generating negativity. And if you could only see the vibration, the flows the energy, then you would pause immediately and be like, Why am I generating negative light and putting it on myself. And here's a newsflash you can actually see that energy. So you can see light, consciousness itself love, and you can see it flicker and dim, if you're actually kind of mean, it's going to happen. We're all going to keep thinking and judging. But if you just did 7%, less daily or a week, that's what angels have said is the Olympic gold medal for us all for just letting go not taking ourselves situations or other so seriously, and recognizing, as Theresa just said, the bigger side of all of us, we just might not be as connected and the person suffering or we're suffering. If you can give yourself a break there's help immediately from the universe, you just have to start with your breathing are smiling. That's why meditation, mindfulness, there's so many ways into the heart, and there's so many people willing to show you the way 


beautiful so in you working with your own god angels and guides, Have you received any messages lately, like for the collective as far as like, you know, where things are at or the additional support they're bringing in because it does seem like there's a lot of people right now channeling and bringing in, you know, different beings and different, you know, support from the other side, like, you know, like what you're doing and like what I'm doing with sharing about, you know, our personal team of spiritual helpers. So, have you had any kind of, you know, insights or any type of messages that have come through just recently that you might want to share with the listeners? 


Sure. I mean, there's two ways to go about this. Mary, big Mary said love isn't everything open your eyes to see love and I love that for its simplicity. So it's not about any one calendar year or

your eyes to see love and I love that for its simplicity. So it's not about any one calendar year or this group or the big shift you hear a lot of speech that way. Also, I think the other one I'm mean to my view is everything is good where it is right now the Power of Now heaven on earth, all that stuff, you have it all it's up to you to pump the brakes a little on what you think your routine your life situation is how you're so limited. You can't do this. You can't do that. You're a full on loving human being but you have to find a way into your heart and through the world. You know, I'm quoting Seth now from the 1970s Jane Roberts and you can meet Seth a light being you mean other light beings, they're like whales, angels are like dolphins but what you're looking for what you're for your transformative journey for that unique life path. It starts with understanding the difference between thinking, and your heart awareness, consciousness. Love is love. And most of the details people would focus on tends to be just more egoic thinking, I'm not knocking it, it's just we got to talk and we've got to talk concepts. 


Definitely, you know, it's funny, what's coming to me to Michael about us specifically. And like, you know, my husband, Tom, and there are a lot of normal men that are out there in the world sharing. I mean, like, you know, I really don't like the word woowoo. I don't know where that came from. I don't know who brought that word into the metaphysical, spiritual, but I was talking to someone yesterday, I said, you know, when we talk about, say, religion, you don't go religious woowoo you'd like religion is religion. That's goddess thing. And it's like spiritual work, or metaphysical or talking about angels. It's like that woowoo connotation comes on over that every, I mean, a lot of people talk about it. So what is your perspective on you know, on woowoo, and being a normal man walking in today's world, really sharing what you're sharing with, you know, from the angelic realm? 


Well, with 8 billion people now there's a lot of versions of reality and a lot of thought forms. So 40 trillion thought forms more. So everyone roles the way they roll. And this is the most important message you're good where you are, keep all your beliefs. But if you started to look, you went up to like, Teresa, you have such a broad perspective and incredibly loving, supportive perspective for us all. If you went up a little bit and started to look at all the thought forms, you'd find a lot of them cancel each other out. The New York Jets are the best team. Now the New England Patriots, bam, those are gone. And what you're left with is a lot less shirty and a lot more love. There's a huge vibration, huge consciousness. Every time you get a hug, give a hug a real one, every time you celebrate you laugh, your laugh is hope and healing for others. So there's something going on far bigger than all the words we can use in the world. And you can share, participate in it and spread it around a lot more. That's the big message. And so all of us are here or at school, most of us are here to keep the expansion going to learn something. And it's less about the details more about being in the heart. 


I love the way you explain that. And yeah, it came to me like every what, 2000 or so years, a whole bunch of this come back on to go okay, it's being shaken up again. And here we are. Right.


Yeah, it's look, I think people have had a lot of past lives. I think there's a lot of people here to help out. I think again, it's what will you allow for what will you it's isn't Pema children, Pema children. She did her last speech at omega last year publicly, she's gotten up there. But she talks about the feeling of letting go of what you know. And then it could feel like just this going into oblivion, ultimate destruction. Buddhists do it really well. Death by 1000, you know, infernal fires or something like that. So it's gonna be scary to let go to go from here to here, and a lot of us put it off for a whole lifetime, you only get a touch of it on that last breath when your whole life flashes before your eyes. Or we put it off for a week, a year, a decade, if we have an injury, a car wreck, a huge messy divorce. But resilience and the heart the heart knows no limits. You have to get back to trusting the world, the universe, you've gotten visible helpers like you wouldn't believe. What do you think half your intuitions been? The good half. You're a golfer, you're on a golf course, it would be really weird. If your Aunt Martha came in and said smack that ball, John, and you're in the middle of attorney, and you're a good player. And you were really looking forward to hitting a hole in one but you just freaked out because Aunt Martha came in? No, you have to hear it as your own voice. And it's angels. And it's other guides helping you out and even lending some energy. So back to the practical for the person out there. Yeah, you can continue to do the one way you're constantly putting energy out to the universe. It's constantly responding to it and giving you exactly what you're asking for. Or you can discover a broader interaction that lets you get to where you want to go. It's understanding the difference of unconsciousness versus consciousness or generating love versus unLove. And so as soon as you figure out that there is a huge difference of waste of energy and actually living you get started and off to the races for your unique life path and then you get to you know, I just frustrated Geronimo the Native American Chief has been with me since 1970 unconditional love figure steals the show you think marriage Jesus, Mohammed, Mother Teresa and some other figures with the big names but people really love Geronimo. I just had him literally put his head in his hands or say sweet Jesus, Mike. Yes. Because I have to be unlike everybody else I got to hear at 1000 times 100 times before I'm kind of accepting it. I was like, am I a good manifester? I was using that word. Look people have dreams they have ideas of where they want to go can be real estate moving jobs career soulmate. Let the universe step in and help you with actual concrete actionable steps helping you Your decision making. And so yes, I mean, I'm the quintessential slowest learner on the block. If I can do any of this, you can do it. And I'm a really fast teacher. So I would have to compliment myself to offset the other thing. If someone is in my presence and they're stumbling a little I can touch their shoulder and they let go. It's a high vibe, and everyone can share in that high vibe, you've do your own high vibe, sing out loud, or do the Cha Cha Cha in the kitchen. As you're cooking your favorite meal with people waiting for their favorite meal because they love your cooking. You're in the flow. Do Esther Hicks, the vortex, whatever you want to call it, you're doing it half the day, when you love a task versus mowing the grass, you might like mowing the grass if you put the music in, and then you won't mow over the flowerbed by accident. The point of this is you're not giving yourself any credit for how amazing you are. So start with just loving yourself more complimenting yourself more, what do you do really well. And here's the crazy thing and elite athlete, major league baseball, football. We know they're incredible at what they do a violinist at some symphony, Boston Pops. Most of us can equate amazing violin playing with all the other quadrants of our lives, all moments really can be the same. And let's throw one more hand grenade into everything that will totally throw off our thinking. You can be happy now in this very moment for absolutely no reason at all. Forget angels, you can just be happy now for no reason at all. We're not doing enough of it.


I totally 100% agree with that. And I think the key for that for what you just said was just really trusting and just allowing and so I know that's hard because believe me I work on it everyday too. And the fact that you know, like someone I've been working with lately has been talking about mastering the mundane. Like that's key for you know, moving forward. But you know, it's just mastering and then like you said, manifesting working with your angels and knowing that, I think Oh, my thing is letting go of what's the final outcome and what's it going to look like, but knowing that my team and the angelic realm, they got my back, the universe has my back and they can make it look like more than I can ever even imagine in my life. What would you have to say about that, Michael? 


There's a million timelines a million ways to get there. Stop worrying about the how, and I'm quoting the New Zealand healer, who's currently up on my show. She's amazing fun. Let the universe worry about the hell let the universe deliver the goods, you only have to discover the right way to be to laugh to tap into your presence, the flow of life, the vortex if it's Esther Hicks, and so on, it's getting out of our own way is probably the number one thing we can do as a society. It let's pick global warming. I'll I've asked a couple big questions over 11 years, there's been like 50 60,000 answers when people go to listen, you know, the record is 48 pages of answers by an Australian and nine hours I only check in every two hours. I'm not holding anybody's hand for nine hours straight. They can do their own listening, you're already doing your own listening. What do you think half that intuition again, is not the voice that told you to get into the JAG that's not yours and go 110 miles an hour. But the point is, there's just something bigger going on, you've tapped into it before Community Soccer when you're kicking the soccer ball, you've actually never skipped a beat last step. And you only have to remember that it's that basic. It's always simpler than we think it is. The second you think you're done, and you're like, oh my god, I'm amazing. Um, start all over. Because it just doesn't stop the amount of allowing, laughing being in the flow nature. Loving your relatives, loving your dog loving yourself. 


Good stuff. Yeah. So I would love for you, Michael, I know on your show, your podcast that you do. And we you know, you and I went back and forth with some angel readings and some of the cards you have and some of the amazing guys that you work with. So I would love you to pick one. And I'd love for you to showcase this the energy of this, this angel and what this angel is about, and I almost said he or she because I don't know what you know which one it's going to be but I'll let you just pick one and just kind of showcase one of your beautiful angel cards. 


Sure. An angel named Joy. She's the emotion joy. And she's the ambassador communicator here to help us just let go get out of our head into our hearts. Hi, Pepe voice if anybody wants to put their hand out like it's a fireplace, except instead of feeling heat, you could feel sparkle in your toes or on your palm on your fingers feel a high vibe. Allow allow allow My only rule or

structure is this quick saying for those who feel like they need a little extra help. And by the way, you can get up and do a little jig a dance to a circle Do the hokey pokey anything that breaks your structure. So you go What the heck, why am I getting out of my chair and turning around? But that's exactly what the point of the exercise is. Get out of your routine. Get back to your heart. Your heart already knows what to do. So here's the one sentence or phrase, angels get me out of my head into my heart make this nice Amen rock'n'roll. Thank you if you're from India, Omaha rom com You can leave your eyes on her and ask her a question. I always do the dumbed down question for 11 years now, Hey, Joy silently in your heart, don't get caught at the supermarket. Hey, Joy, what do I need to know in life right now, it could sound like your little voice just saying Breathe, relax, if you're freaking out about this. But if you want to play this over, go back to her broadcast, do it again. Do it after you took a shower, walk the dog and you came back from a sporting event or your team just won. When your vibe is higher, and you're not really caring anymore. You're like, whatever, I just would love to hear an Angels voice. And you hear the sweetest Hi Pepe voice Joy saying relax, breathe, you got this, we're here. Trust more, allow more. If you've already done this, you've had a couple of years, it doesn't take near death experiences to experience this. But if you've already had some moments in life that have shaken you up and make you live more are giving you the opportunity to grow into that more, you're probably gonna be off to the races, you can kind of be like, Hey, what are we making for dinner next Thursday? Or where are we going for vacation? I think those are the fun questions. Where am I going for a better cup of coffee? This gets back to the quintessential mankind has been asking this question for, you know, 5000 years. How do you know a good cup of coffee is a good cup of coffee. As a scientist want to come in, or, you know, consents, McKinsey and Company, that consulting firm, you could spend millions of dollars and have hundreds of PhDs come in to evaluate the good cup of coffee. Or you could just say yum, I definitely have another one of these cups of coffee. They're really good. It's the world's best cup of coffee. You already have a guidance system that knows what works and what doesn't what leaves you dancing in your back lawn, or on your balcony, or hugging your dog going life is so beautiful. It doesn't have to be a Disney film or a vacation in Hawaii, you've already got that fire within. But let's switch that you've already got that high vibe that sparkle within. And when you connect to your higher self, there's a soul. And you can see your soul in the sky. It looks like the Aurora Borealis let angels just help you out. Angels can help you with your tennis swing. They can help you with your running. If you've got an injury, you can get healing colorblind people have seen color. That's a lot to allow for but just allow for it. The point of this is the universe will help you with your expansion. Don't worry about the hell just invited in. It's nighttime university classes, if you sleep for eight hours a night, go to bed making the requests like yeah, I could use a little more help. I can use a lot more humor and amazing people around me. And a lot more guidance and clarity. So I feel like I'm owning me and stick your elbows out thump your heart. If you have to feel your heart. If you have to sing in the shower, try to find ways to get out of your routine. And then watch what gets delivered to you. And sometimes very humorous. And if you want to see an angel in human form, ask for it right now pause and just be like hey angels, I could use a really sparkly eyed stranger crossing my path. See what happens. Give it three weeks. Make the request if you don't ask you don't get just like a vacation date. Raise, you know the usual 


you gotta ask? Absolutely. Right. You got to ask. So Michael, um, if someone is watching this and goes, Gosh, I really resonate with him. And I want to connect. Talk a little bit about the process you go through with people and how you guide them with connecting with their angels and getting messages.


Sure, and I always suggest people look at that little book listening to angels on Amazon. It's only 499 Less than a price a cup of coffee. It's absolutely written by angels. And it's 15 minutes read. I help people Lecco again long enough to get their answers get their hugs and to take little baby steps. Now some people they need to hear it 75 Baby steps, but it's not necessarily 75 concrete actions. One act of letting go could be 20 of those steps, you've been doing the same letting go your whole life, little activities around the house that are actually really complex. Flipping a light switch brushing your teeth falling asleep at night, you have complete faith and trust in those activities. But when it comes to something big that we're talking about on the show, that's where the thinking kicks in and says Oh, I better not. Now the best example of the you've already got this skill on all of it is driving as a kid. You were like, Oh, I'm not sure about driving, or you're really excited because your big brother was already driving. You got to drive for two weeks, you're really excited jingling the keys. But look what adults do to a lot of activities or lack of trust, we get stuck in traffic in LA as a 40 year old and we're upset. We're not seeing the red tailed Falcon or red tailed hawk fly by or saying I'm appreciating this moment. We're tucked up in here not living doing routine. Little bit of neutral and negative energy. So there's something available to us all angels are ready to do assist guides, light beings and so on. Your relatives are here. You only have to crack that door open and let the universe do the rest. 


Open up that door. Knock Knock open it up. Exactly. Well Michael, this has been so much fun today and I just adore your work and you and all the team you work with. So thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much and I will have everything of how to connect with Michael. Get in touch with his beautiful Wildcat Haven watch the episode that I was on, which was so much fun. And that all be in the show notes so you can definitely connect with them there. But thank you so much for coming on today, Michael, 


thank you very much for having me on Teresa. 


Well, everyone I hope to receive and filled that beautiful angelic presence that was around this episode and all the angels that came in to support and back what Michael came forth with and what we chatted about for your journey, because this podcast is all about supporting you and your journey. So a big thanks for Michael for coming on today and sharing all about what he does what is put together with the angelic realm and how they can support you. So if you've not subscribed to this podcast, please make sure you do please make sure that you hit like, Please also feel free to share with your friends and family. Maybe there might be someone out there that might need to get a little angelic and vibe going for themselves. Please feel free to

share this episode. And also I'd love it if you'd leave a comment of how you enjoyed it. And so until next week, please make sure that you remember that life is too short to not be enthusiastic about your unique journey.