Spiritual Enthusiasm: Uplifting Conversations on Trust, Intuition & Spiritual Perspectives

Minding Your Business

Teresa Shantz Season 3 Episode 12

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After the past few turbulent years, people have stepped into new businesses, finding new roles and work that is more heart-centered.  This month we are diving into the connection between spirituality and business, specifically the business of me and how you can grow spiritually. Like most sought-after goals, your relationship with yourself and your truths needs to be nurtured. Tune in as Tom and I discuss the business of me including 3 loyalties you need to have, the importance of patience, and how your spiritual growth ultimately depends on you. 

Tom and Teresa Shantz started TNT SpiritWorks to help others along their spiritual journey.  Connect with Tom and Teresa at TNT SpiritWorks:

Listen as we talk about…

  • The importance of being patient. As you grow spiritually, you need to not only be patient with others but also with yourself. When you are patient with yourself, it's easy to be patient with other people. 
  • Why you need to show up for yourself. When I show up for myself and do my 50%, my team of angels and guides show up to help me along my journey completing that other 50%.  This is when doors start to open and moments align bringing opportunity. 
  • How challenges can be fulfilling and not daunting. Every opportunity provides a chance for growth, personally and spiritually. When we are solution-orientated, we grow in ways beyond measure. 

Episode Transcript Link = https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TEULUNDkjSlnUq0ySp-tctesgytwnd9I/view?usp=sharing

NEXT FREE Intuition NOW Masterclass with Tom & I for an exploration into your 4 psychic abilities for more clarity, trust and timing to get your own answers. Check out the link here for the next right timing to join us.

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Hi! I’m Teresa. I have created this podcast to support "unseen" aspects of your life. You can call this the spiritual side. The podcast offers interviews of authors, healers, and thought leaders, for a positive higher spiritual perspective. Including ourselves! Our mission is to stimulate your inner wisdom, meaning, and enthusiasm for your unique journey.

My husband Tom and I are also certified Spiritual Educators, and Consultants, who help make spirituality practical. We work spiritual awareness and sensitivity in all areas of our life for positive living. Through TNT ( Teresa n' Tom :) SpiritWorks, we can help you tap into your own Inner Guidance system on a daily basis, create a healthy balance between Thought and Feeling, and discover a stronger connection between you and your personal Spirit Guides through your Inner and Outer communication system: your Four Spiritual Gifts.

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The feeling I get is that when you're loyal to yourself first, you're in your feelings, your true feelings rather than your emotions. So, you know, my emotions are like programmed responses I have to things. But being loyal to myself all that means is I'm going to tune into my true feelings. And then my true feelings are that good, kind, loving sharing part of me, you know, that part of me that's expansive, that wants to rise to the occasion that loves fulfillment, it loves accomplishment. And so when I tune back into that part of me, now I can really move forward. 


Whether you are a seasoned spiritual seeker, or just starting out on your spiritual path, this podcast has something for everyone. The mission is to inspire enthusiasm for the spiritual part of your journey through unique perspectives around mind, body and spirit. Join me and other enthusiastic souls as we share weekly episodes of how amazing life is when you embrace the spiritual parts of your journey. This and all episodes can be found on my website, TNT spirit works.com. And if you'd like to watch the episodes, please check out TNT Spirit works YouTube channel. So grab your favorite drink, sit back and relax because another enthusiastic episode starts now. 


Welcome back to another episode of enthusiastically spiritual I'm your host Teresa and Tom is here again for another episode of TNT Spirit work. What's up spiritually? Welcome, Tom. What's up? What the well, you know, it's another month, it's actually may now so woof, the years flying the years flying by? That's another there's a whole nother episode they're going we're gonna talk about the year flying by Don't worry, folks, we're not going to talk about time is speeding up and all those esoteric sorts of things. But I do notice that when I'm having more fun, the time does go by a bit faster. Have you noticed that Teresa? Absolutely. And one of the reasons that I think that's true is because I've been involved with industry. And I've been involved with 


business. And what am I talking about here? What I'm really talking about is the business of

business. And what am I talking about here? What I'm really talking about is the business of myself. I love that the business is without no narcissism. Yeah, removing the ego. Well, your business of yourself, Tom, the business of myself, I'm so glad you asked is really just looking at my spiritual life from an organized perspective. In other words, I need to make it a focus of why I'm here and what I'm doing, to be aware of that spiritual part. So the business of me is growing spiritually, because frankly, that's all we're going to take with those, you know, we're a soul, we're energy. And what we learn here the wisdom that we gain or our experiences and, and what we learned through experience, that's what we take with us. We don't take anything else with us. We all know that. And you can set up your continuity for the future if you like. But that's another episode. But today, I want to talk about the business of me. And for me, it's knowing what my spiritual focuses every day, every month, and ideally in every situation. And you know, when I say that, I don't mean like, it's a big deal. It's just, you know, what is a little area that I can gain some growth in or gain some healing. You know, that's, I think another word for growth, for me would be healing. But what does industry and business of me mean to you, Theresa? Well, thank you for asking me that Thomas. 


So when I think about the business of me, in the realm of my I have a personal a business initial a social side of me. Oh, yeah. So the business of me is about like Thomas saying, my journey. And when I look back at my life so far, and I'm about midway, halfway, I'm in the 


third quarter, I'm in the third quarter. Yeah, right. We're in the I'm in the third quarter of my of my life of my of my team time here while I'm on the planet. And so looking back, I recognize that as I moved along, in my journey, there were times when the business of me needed to move a different way. I needed to go down a different path I needed to shift right shift left. And so the business of me has been very busy my whole life but definitely there's been times when I've noticed that was spirit's backing and where I needed to go to head for the next next off ramp also to say keep it like a little car thing is that I really have been 


You know, working the business of me and my whole life, you know, and when I'm aware of sort of the key energies are the key words for the month for me and for in for my spiritual growth from that perspective. 


It's really uplifting, it's a feeling of like, oh, let's be involved in this, this is fun. So, rather than looking at situations as drudgery or obligation, or, you know, because there are some things we need to do, you know, to stay here on planet Earth and keep these physical bodies in shape, and,


you know, be of service and pay as we go and all that good stuff. 


And through that, through that opportunity, we can learn a lot about ourselves. So it's one thing to focus on the material as they say, you know, and, and yet everybody that's really rich and really wealthy says God doesn't Money doesn't buy happiness and, and Paul McCartney and John Lennon, of course, said Money Can't Buy Me Love. But, you know, we hear that kind of thing. Now, there's nothing wrong with money, it's great to have money, because for me, money just means freedom. And resources have energy for me to do the things that I really need to do and want to do in life and more opportunity to be of service and that kind of thing. But moving along, whatever opportunity I'm involved with, you know, even if it's something that I really love, you know, if I don't keep in perspective, what I'm learning or gaining from that opportunity, spiritually, it can become drudgery, you know, or it becomes it become a little bit of a now I'm carrying away every day, you know, I become I enslaved myself by not knowing, you know, getting in that robotic mode, you might say, not knowing what am I gaining out of every experience, and I don't mean, it's got to all be for me, but I at least need to know that, oh, here was an opportunity for me to be a little more patient with someone, or, which really is all about me being patient with myself. Because once I'm patient with myself, it's easy to be patient with other people. What do you think about that? Well, yeah, well, it comes up to me also about the business of me is that I need to show up. So that's a big part of being here, in this physical body is showing up. And when I show up for myself, and what I'm here to do, and experience and, you know, move through, I do my 50%. And then I have my wonderful personal team of spiritual helpers, or angels, or masters souls that move in and support me, when I decide to show up. I mean, they're always going to work with me irregardless, so like, you know, even I'll say this, even like someone, you know, a homeless person on the street, they have angels, everyone has angels, everyone has backing. But when I do my 50%, and show up in the way that I need to show up for myself, I call them in and they really helped me they had that other 50%. So then 100% of my energy goes towards what I've come to do in a very, very supportive way. Yet, for me, you might say, that's the areas they can help you the most, you know, if I'm in the right place at the right time, I'm really in that flow of spirit, then I find the opportunities, open up doors, open the relationships, I get involved with the people I get to know, it all becomes a wonderful, you know, heaven on earth kind of experience. And, you know, I play in a country western band, as you know, and I never played in the country and western band before in my life, I've been a drummer and some cover bands and a little bit of in some original bands, and also in a James Brown tribute band when I was in Australia. And so in recent times, you know, I've met some country, Western fellows, and I've really, I really enjoy it, you know, I just love playing and I love sharing with people spiritually, but I also love that little sideline as well, you know, and, but I noticed that even as I love it, and you might say, like, and this could be true with like any new job, you know, or any new relationship, there's always this honeymoon period, where, you know, everything's wonderful, because it feels good, you know, our angels backed us to get into that situation. We're in the right place at the right time. And so now I'm, I'm in my feelings, I'm feeling really ecstatic and happy and free and blissful. And then over time, you know, little experiences show up to stimulate me and might be this fellow said that or, you know, Boy, I've got to lug all this stuff in or, you know, various all the typical life experiences that happen. And but if I don't look at it as an opportunity to wait, wait a minute, what am I getting stimulated about? Or, you know, why am I having this emotional reaction to something and half the time that people don't you


meaning when they say something or, or do something. 


If I don't take a look at that spiritually, like, What's the concept that I have that's limiting my full enjoyment of that. And I can work with my guidance and recheck that and just find ways to regroup with other people, so that I can release some of those old thought patterns you might say. So even when we're involved in things we love, it's funny how those challenges can show up again, unless I take a look at the spiritual side of life. That's, that's what it means to me. How would you say it? 


Well, I love what you mentioned about, about the different moving into different situations and how there's a newness at first and then it kind of subside, like you know, of relationships, and then how you kind of go, Oh, now things are stimulated me. And it what came to mind is how they I've heard people say things like, when you're with your family and friends was specially really family, like moving in to a situation with your family. And especially we're talking about, you know, the business of me and my business and moving in with the situation with a family who has all of their own business, that about, you know, first it's like, great, we're all together, we're enjoying each other. And then over time, it's like, Ooh, boy doesn't feel quite as good as that first day, maybe day, two and a half, like, um, three days is max, that's what I've always heard is three days is like, then stuff starts really kind of moving back in the concepts of beliefs, right, the old habits, but just remembering and just, you know, really embracing the fact that as a soul and a physical body, we are here to be in business of ourselves. And I want to really step into the loyalties. So there's three loyalties that we work with in our in some of our workshops, and in our beliefs. And then the loyalty of loyalty to self, which is loyalty to me, the business of me, then there's loyalty to those close around me, which is my loved ones and those that I live within my environment, then there's a loyalty to the third loyalty is the bigger picture. So how do I work amongst things outside of my environment? And me? So would you like to share a little bit about how that how you work with those loyalties? Tom? Well, what I love about that is that it's not me first, second, and third, it's me first. So I know where I'm at, you know, if I, if I don't have my rudder still in the water, if I if I can't control that, that ship that I'm on, and I'm flowing right in the right river first, I can't help anybody else. So you know, there's, we talk about that all the time, you know, get that oxygen mask, when you're in the airplane, put it on first, then you can be of service. So there's no, you know, that's an old idea. Well, I shouldn't say old, it's a classic spiritual truth that's been around in many forms, for a long time. And that's how that's what I hear you saying, you know, is it but I'll always be okay, if I can maintain that loyalty to self. And what that means is, I'm going to stay into my true feelings, I'm going to live within my thrust to be happy and free, you know, have that feeling inside, no matter what I'm involved with, I might be lugging drum equipment from my truck, you know, a block and a half because I couldn't get parking or, you know, I never parked that far away. But


all day, but this extension could happen, you know, and 


I'm going to say, well, you know, I learned I needed to trust my first impression when I needed to get there half hour earlier, you know, or something like that. And I picked that up real clear, but I talked myself out of it, you know, so why am I finding myself in this situation where I have to suffer? So if I, if I'm loyal to myself first, at least on that spiritual part, what am I getting out of the situation? What What can I gain, so that I can be more of service so that I can be that loving being? And that's what makes the challenges, you know, the challenges aren't so bad, the challenges can be really fulfilling? I mean, many people that do hard work, or, or do dangerous things are what we consider brave things, you know, like being in the service. I mean, folks love that stuff, because it's a challenge, and they have to rise to the occasion. But it's great, as long as you know, what you're getting out of it, you know, and working with your guidance better or, or communicating better on a team, you know, so there's some wonderful spiritual growth is is often very practical. You know, that's, that's one area that people can improve, for example, is just communicating better with each other. And one of the ways they can do that is finding out about the four types of perception, which is a profile we offer, and also we do readings at many of the events that we're at. So it's interesting as we're going through this conversation about industry in this in this timeframe is May of 2023. 


kind of tuning in like, Okay, guys, why are we what is up with this, you know, this keyword of industry and this, this major concept that we're working with. And the insights I really received is that fact that what we've all been through in the last couple years, a lot of people have been shaken to the core and opened up, and a lot of people are stepping into new business. So I really want to emphasize that as far as you know, wherever you're at in your journey, and if you are also in that place of new businesses coming in new businesses current is being created. Or maybe you're creating it over the last couple of years, which, honestly, is what Tom and I have been doing. I mean, we met in 2017. But by 2020, we were trying to start get things going and then COVID hit so in which you know, a lot of you guys understand the fact that, you know, we the whole world was kind of shut down, so kind of was shut down. And so really coming back into what is the business of me? And how do I want this business to look. And other cue that's coming to me is, is from your heart, from your heart, like that heart centered business. And I feel that a lot of people are really moving more into that, because it's kind of the the way to move forward. Do you understand I'm saying calm, am I am I rambling here 


the feeling I get is that when you're loyal to yourself, first, you're in your feelings, your true feelings rather than your emotions. So, you know, my emotions are like programmed responses I have to things. But being loyal to myself, all that means is I'm going to tune into my true feelings. And then my true feelings are that good, kind, loving, sharing part of me, you know, that part of me that's expansive, that wants to rise to the occasion that loves fulfillment, it loves accomplishment. And so when I tune back into that part of me, now I can really move

forward. In fact, you know, the more that I change my thinking, and that, you know, you folks out there can change your thinking to be more positive and solution oriented, that's the business of you being more solution, or solution oriented, say that three times solution oriented, solution oriented, that's good. 


And is important. Because there's a lot of prestige and suffering, you know, there's it's unfortunately, in our culture, you know, and that's, it's great. You know, there's also a lot of prestige, and just rising to the occasion, and being of service. And I prefer that, and the fulfillment of that. Now, that's being loyal to myself, because if I'm loving to other people, I actually get a lot out of it. Yeah. And that's also showing up for yourself, which is so important. Like we like as a mom, when I was a real mom, you know, had the kids little, I showed up for them all the time. So it's important, as you know, what parents are working with other people, like, you know, you need to show up for yourself, and what are your needs for today? How, what happens when you get out of bed in the morning? And, you know, what do you need to take care of before you work with your husband work with the kids work with the animals, like, that's part of the business of me also. Yeah, I hear that, you know, the, 


that I've got to take care of my physical, I've got to maintain my health, so I can keep this vehicle for my soul, operating smoothly on planet Earth. And, you know, when it comes to spiritual growth, the unfortunate or fortunate truth, really, the beautiful truth of it is, it's all up to you, no one can grow spiritually for you. No one can save you. You, no one can save me. And what that means to me is just, actually, every time I say, and I feel like good, because I really, in my soul nature, I want to do it for myself, I'm excited to be here, I want to be happy and free. And that's what we're talking about. If you can tune into those true feelings. There's a wealth, it's a reservoir of renewable energy. I like to call it you know, renewable for yourself. And when you know, you have a lot of energy and you feel good about yourself, you know, you're in your feelings. 


I can, I can feel that. 


That feels so good. So industry can be really fun. industry can be fine. If it's the industry of you, industry of you that business of me. So everyone out there listening, I hope that this episode gave you some little gems on the loyalties on how to really, you know, understand who you are and what you're here to do and accessing that business part of you. Yeah, and, you know, please, if you'd like to share what it means to you, there's no right and wrong answers. We'd love to hear from you. But, you know, just make sure you share what you feel. And any positive insights, you know, keep it positive, because that's where that's where the aha moments are going to come from as you regroup what it means to you, your angel


This can give you more insights. And once you've sort of established a level of insight, it's funny how much more they can give you. And we all need to outflow that. That's one of the reasons Teresa and I share because as I share about the industry of me, little words of wisdom come from my spiritual helpers to give me a bigger picture or me a better idea of how I can live my life in a more smoother, more fulfilled, and more relaxed, more energetic, and be have the opportunity to really enjoy that accomplishment of being here and achievement on planet earth. Because you This is why we're here for our accomplishment, achievement action. Those are some of the key words for being here. There's no mystery to it, folks, you have the answers within. But yes, we do need a little help with each sharing with each other. And we just want to share some of the tools and techniques that have worked for us. So please put some comments in Yeah, you can go to pod inbox in the show notes if you want to leave us a message or a comment pod inbox in the show notes. And just want to thank you all again for listening into another episode of enthusiastically spiritual calm and I love sharing every single month and hopefully inspire you to you know, just live your best life. Just admit keeping it simple to do kiss, keep it simple, spiritually, and just really, I just love that. And you know, just do what you have to do while you hear it. Enjoy it really get the most fulfillment out of it. Yeah, any any comments on YouTube are always welcome as well. And please like and subscribe. Yes. And also, this is May so my new book called The soul quick Survival Guide, reviving your connection to spirit and earth shaking times, you can go on to the to the show notes also get on the early bird list. And you can find out more information about when that's going to be coming out in June, I'd love to share that with you. So you can check out that in the show notes. Anything else? Well, what I love about that book is that you really help guide people into finding their own steps, you know, to awareness of how they can work with spirit through some of those challenges that we all come across. Because we all get hit once in a while with something or have been in our lives with something we didn't quite foresee. And, but there's Solutions, and I'm gonna say it again, there are solutions. And there's more solutions. And your anyways, it's a great book, it's not 


something to take lightly is, you know, once I've found that I've, I've learned something from experience. I don't tend to face it as often anymore. That's nothing I can prove to but maybe I just don't notice it because it's something I can handle. I've mastered it. And the book will be 

available in audio as well as in a book form. So that'll be pretty fun too. So if you're if you're an audible person like to listen in, you can definitely do it when the book comes out. 


So until next week, please remember that life is too short to not be enthusiastic about your unique journey.