Spiritual Enthusiasm: Uplifting Conversations on Trust, Intuition & Spiritual Perspectives

Unveiling the Meaning of Life and True Happiness with Nathanael Garrett Novosel

Teresa Shantz Season 3 Episode 13

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In this thought-provoking episode, join us as we dive deep into the profound mysteries of existence with renowned philosopher and researcher, Nathaneal Novosel. Drawing from years of extensive research and contemplation, Nathaneal shares his unique perspective on the meaning of life and the pursuit of true happiness. Tune in as Nathanael sheds light on various cultural and spiritual perspectives that shed new light on the quest for meaning and happiness, including challenging traditional notions of happiness. 

Nathanael Garrett Novosel is a professional researcher and advisor with over 20 years of experience studying individual and group behavior. He spent much of his career using the insights from this research to help the world’s leading executives solve their most pressing organizational challenges and create their strategic plans. Noticing the common drivers of success in all areas of life, he decided to devote his research, problem-solving, and advisory skills to helping people live the best lives possible.

 Listen in as Nathaneal talks about:

  • How a traumatic childhood experience led him to question the meaning of life at age 6.
  • Why you can’t hack happiness and why what you think is happiness may be something else.  
  • How having Asperger’s syndrome has helped him dive into the meaning of life from a very logical, problem-solving perspective.

Connect with Nathaneal Novosel:

  • Website: www.yourmeaninginlife.com
  • The Meaning of Life Book: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B082RHWM63/
  • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LifetheBook/
  • Twitter: https://twitter.com/LifetheBook
  • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/themeaningoflifebook/

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So how do you hack happiness, drugs, promiscuous sex, 


gambling, social media, we keep doing, there are ton of ways you can hack your brain to get dopamine hits to make you feel fantastic, but you're not actually getting the growth, that that happiness is supposed to be indicating, like eating good food or having a, you know, romantic relationship that leads to children and taking care of growth for the family and that sort of thing. That's the, that's what the reward is supposed to be doing. But if you say the meaning of life is happiness, and then you go seek happiness, that's why everyone makes the mistake of, of going after pleasure and temporary highs, and they don't realize that growth is the real point. And so they should be looking for things that make them happy, that also make them grow, because those are the ones that are can sustain themselves in long term. 


Whether you are a seasoned spiritual seeker or just starting out on your spiritual path, this podcast has something for everyone. The mission is to inspire enthusiasm for the spiritual part of your journey through unique perspectives around mind, body and spirit. Join me and other enthusiastic souls as we share weekly episodes of how amazing life is when you embrace the spiritual parts of your journey. This and all episodes can be found on my website, TNT spirit works.com. And if you would like to watch the episodes, please check out TNT Spirit works YouTube channel. So grab your favorite drink, sit back and relax because another enthusiastic episode starts now. 


Welcome back to enthusiastically spiritual podcast. I'm your host Teresa. Well, my guest today is here to share about the meaning of life with us. His name is Nathaniel Garrett Nova Sal, and he is a professional researcher, and advisor with over 20 years of experience studying

individual and group behavior. Over that time, he has researched psychology, evolutionary biology, organizational best practices, leadership decision making business, technology, finance, and philosophy to understand how the world as we know it works and why 


Nathaniel spent much of his career using the insights from this research, to help the world's leading executive solve their most pressing organizational challenges, and create their strategic plans. Noticing the common drivers of success in all areas of life, he decided to devote his research, problem solving and advisory skills, helping people live the best lives possible. Welcome, Nate. Thank you so much for having me. It's a pleasure. And so let's get to it the meaning of life. This is a really big subject. What made you choose this subject? 


Yeah, it's a it's a long story, the short version is that when I was five, my dad disappeared in the middle of night. And turns out, he moved to California, 


by himself. 


And so we went out there about a year later, when I was about six. And when I came back from that, I don't remember what it was like when I was five, because it's too young for memories. But when I was six, I remember clearly we went out for three weeks in two days, I cried on the flight there. Because it was first time I was away from my mother and my whole life. But then nothing could have prepared me for when I came back, everything was fine. And then I went to bed. And I've never felt such pain in my entire life. It felt like someone ripped my heart out of my chest. I guess somewhere unconsciously I knew. You know, one thing you see my father for a long time, and it knows when right? And so I felt like it was like hopeless and worthless. And everything was just terrible. And in that moment, like a lot of people who have that kind of, you know, moment in their lives, I asked myself, but I'm six, ask myself, like, what is the point of all this, if we're just going to suffer, that's a pretty common thing turns out that people ask themselves in that moment, but I'm a little bit different. So I found out decades later that I like right on the cusp of the autism spectrum. So like the Asperger's, I don't like these word autism, because I'm not like, on the far side of autism, but like, I kind of think about things logically and kind of like, you know, socially awkward and stuff. So I have, there's a part of my brain in the back of my mind. That's going that's a fascinating question. I wonder if you can answer that. Meanwhile, I'm bawling my eyes out as a kid so it's just like a weird dichotomy. So, you know, decades go by and I study everything I can get my hands on psychology, it might be a little bit because I was like, I don't understand human beings. So let me let me study it understand how to fit it. But it's also a little bit of just fascination with the brain and and how everything works and philosophy and so forth. And I was switching jobs. I advise executives for a living you know, switching from one company to another and


I was thinking about LEGO, what would I say for my goodbye speech? I didn't end up giving anything fancy or anything. But I was like, oh, what would I tell people? So well, you know, the successes this sounds kind of listen to some of the things. And that that memory for when I was a kid about asking myself that question kind of popped back in my heads and wasn't a huge studied this for decades. 


What's the answer? What's the point? Not? What's the just the key to success? And I said, Well, the point is growth. And I was like, Oh, crap, like, like, it just kind of like popped in my head. And because I was saying all these, like desire and belief and all these other things. And suddenly, I started going, Wait a second hold on, the point of life is growth. And then you need desire and belief to strive toward growth. And I was like, Wait a second, this is a, this is kind of a universal formula formula for how a human being finds meaning in their existence. So is at that moment, I said, I gotta write this down. I started writing a book, it took about seven years, it got published in 2020. And so yeah, it's just a very scientific view of how life works, why it works, the way it does, how someone finds meaning in their lives, and what they could do to inject their lives with more meaning if they're not feeling like it, it has, has as much as they'd like, you know, what I like about your approach, Nate is that it's, it is analytical. So I believe that there's space for everyone. And there's people that are going to resonate with the analytical approach, which is wonderful. And then there's people going to resonate with the, the woowoo approach and the other approach. And so there's a space for everything. And your book is a beautiful, I would say it's a pathway is what I would say, as I was reading it now hold it up here. And I'm, obviously the people on YouTube can see it. But it's a wonderful, wonderful pathway into really understanding these key areas of who we are as being and but it's more analytical, and it's more, you know, I mean, you have a lot of just, it's packed full of, you know, good insights in there, for sure. 


Yeah, it's, it's the thing that I really wanted to get, right, because there were a lot of things I noticed about people writing, whether it was a self help book, or philosophy book, or a religious texts or whatever. There were a lot of things that bothered me, the biggest one that bothered me was that they conflate ethics with meaning. And so they couldn't tell you give you advice about how to live your life optimally, without giving ethical recommendations. And I was like, Well, you know, I don't know, you know, I don't know the person who's reading it. I don't know anything about their lives. So I don't know the right ethical approach to take, nor should I be recommending ethics, then there can be in a culture where they have a completely different set of ethics and may so I wanted to separate the ethics and meaning and the goal and all these other components that people just kind of mash together into one unified philosophy of the world. But the other thing is, is I wanted to be able to I know if you kind of try to shoot for everyone, you shoot for no one, I get that. But I'm I tilt at windmills. So I said, Well, why don't they get people whether you're an atheist or your religious or your spiritual, these are unifying, this is unifying some principles that every philosophy has to address. And every philosophy does address them in their own way. Because these are the drivers of meaning. And you can't

have a philosophy that gives you meaning in your life without addressing the eight concepts in the book. So that's what I love about is you can be spiritual and use these eight concepts. You can be religious and use these eight concepts, you can be an atheist and use these eight concepts. And they work regardless because they're, they're literally how the mind works, how humans evolved, how biology works, and, and how philosophy works to come together to give someone a feeling that, yeah, my life has significance in the universe. And so through all you're studying, and you're living life, because that's a lot of it to write, we walk our talk, you've obviously noticed that there's a lot of patterns and people. So I'd like you to share a little bit about your discovery of that. 


Yeah, I noticed a lot of things. And you'll notice that the introduction is kind of a hodgepodge. There's this long list of things I studied. And that's intentional, not just to give you a tongue twister, although that is kind of amusing. But, and all serious. And this, the, you'll see, it's like finance and psychology and philosophy and business, like what are those have to do with each other? Well, it turns out that a lot of a lot of different groups, a lot of famous people in history, they actually figured all this out, but they didn't put it in the way that I did. They didn't articulate in the way that I did. And I think that was important to be explicit about what they were saying. I mean, there are some classic, you know, sayings, everyone says, like life is a journey, not a destination. That's true. It's a growth journey. That's the journey. And so they don't actually define it in that cute little saying, but that's, that's what they're trying to say. HR, in businesses, actually. They literally capture the meaning of life in how they hire people. It's really bizarre. But if you look at a resume, what is the resume have the very top and objective that's your goal. It has what a list of experiences that's what you've done in the past that have led you up to attain that goal. Like it's just like insane how like 


They really need to, in order to find the right person for the right position at the right time to do the thing they need to do to achieve the goal as an organization, they optimize exactly the same components that my book has as the How To Hire person, but it's not just HR, then you've got over on philosophies, you know, law of attraction, I notice you're talking about like cocreation stuff, that's a lot of language used in the Law of Attraction type modalities. And, you know, they talk about you need desire, believe receive, those are two of the key concepts of the universal eight that you need to actually, you know, live a meaningful life. So all these philosophies either address the points, or embody the points, they may disagree on certain parts of the points, like ethics, I mentioned, everyone would disagree about that. So what I did in those circumstances, or in those situations is I said, Well, this is what it means that, you know, ethics or desire, belief, or whatever. And here's how it works. From evolution. I went, I know, it's kind of boring for some people. But I went back to single celled organisms that single celled organisms actually do exhibit very rudimentary forms of all eight of these concepts, and then work all the way up to humans, and then say, Okay, this is how it applies to you. But I stopped at the point of starting to recommend, you should want this or you should have these ethics, or you should believe this. That's the point at which I stop. So that I don't 


inject my own personal beliefs onto someone else, which I believe in just in the way I was trying to do it. I believe that's unethical to, you know, not tell a person you're like, hey, look, I want to give you actionable advice. And so I'm going to tell you how I do it. But it's not might not be right for everyone. Most people say, you know, thou shalt do this, or thou shalt do that. And this is the right way because I said so. And it's like, 


that was a little bit of the wrong way. So I wanted my book to be different. So it stops, stops short of saying you should do this precisely. I'd say here's how you figure it out. Right, right. Just the pathway. Yeah. Yeah. So let's talk a little bit about the word happiness, because I know you've written down that happiness is an indicator, not a goal. And I'd love you to share a little bit about your discovery of what will happen. This is, yeah, so there's a biological side to it. And then there's a conceptual or logical side to it. And I think the problem is that people don't know, either, in terms of how it works. And so they assume that the goal or the meaning of life is to be happy, because that's what it wouldn't seem to be shooting for it. Right. But when you think about how happiness works, I mean, what is it emotion, and emotion is a it's a, you know, biochemical reward system. So it gives you feedback. It's a feedback mechanism. But it's also of course, a motivator, right? So it's a reward for afterwards, it's moding factor driving factor forward. 


And it kind of works as both to that. And so, if you eat food, you're happy, right? You sleep you feel better, right? So you feel good when you do growth, enabling things. And when you experience harm, or you're afraid or anticipate harm, you're either afraid, or you're hurt, or you're in pain, and you're getting feedback, say, Hey, this is no good stop. 


And so that's how emotions work. So emotions are a feedback mechanism, an indicator of how of your relationship toward growth and harm. And because of that, it can't it's not a goal. Because the goal is whatever it is, you're trying to do, like you need to eat the food is the goal to nourish yourself to grow. And the motion is saying you grew Good job, you know, you're happy now you add food. So what happens in the here's the trick about indicators, is that indicators, especially when you try to make the indicator, the goal, you can hack any indicator. And I joke about this in my professional life, because I say like, anything you can measure, they say what you can measure you can manage as a business thing about what I say is what you can measure will be gained. And so I say so if you measure my productivity based on how long I've been sitting in my office chair, the first thing I would do is learn how you measure that. And let's say it's the weight of the chair, in the chair, and I'll say okay, so I'll go by cinderblock. When I have to go the bathroom, I'll get up up with the cinderblock in the chair, I'll go bathroom, do whatever, come back date December cinderblock off and sit down. So what were you trying to measure? What was the goal? Productivity? What did you actually measure time and see, I hacked the measure, you didn't get the goal of productivity, you got the measure, and happiness is just that. So how do you hack happiness, drugs, promiscuous, sex,


gambling, social media, we keep doing there are ton of ways you can hack your brain to get dopamine hits to make you feel fantastic, but you're not actually getting the growth, that that happiness is supposed to be indicating, like eating good food or having a you know, you know, romantic relationship that leads to children and taking care of growth for the family and that sort of thing. That's the That's what the reward is supposed to be doing. But if you say the meaning of life is happiness, 


And then you go seek happiness. That's why everyone makes the mistake of going after pleasure and temporary highs. And they don't realize that growth is the real point. And so they should be looking for things that make them happy that also make them grow. Because those are the ones that are gonna sustain themselves in long term. So that's why it's so important to know, it's an indicator, not a goal, your goal is growth in the areas that matter to you. And happiness is an indicator, when you seek growth, you will get happiness, if you seek happiness, you will get, you know, temporary pleasures that don't fulfill you ultimately. And I know that that's obviously one of your chapters in your book. 


Well, it's emotions. Yeah, it's that because the overall category, that's what is it? 123. It was a fifth the fifth chapter. I think so yeah. Yeah, the emotions. Yep. Yeah, what's really cool about it is I created a formula for it. Because I once said, Nate, you're really in touch with your emotions. And I'm like, okay, because I think of everything analytically. So I know exactly why I feel anything. Because I'm be like a robot. I try and understand, like, Well, I wanted to do that. Well, that happened, then that happened. Okay. But not everyone's like that, right? They got deep seated 


pains and things from childhood. 


And so the thing is, though, that there's a formula for all emotional states. And I don't know why no one's ever figured this out before. Maybe they didn't, I don't know about it. But I wrote down, it's really cool. So all your emotional states equal a combination of following three components. And not coincidentally, the three other components of the meaning of life of the VA, it's a desire, plus belief, plus experience. Now, why are those three things and why are they combined? Well, as we just talked about, emotions are a feedback system. So the basic biological, psychological state is the, what they call stimulus response, they call that and, and

the scientific fields. And the experience is you experience a stimulus, and then your emotion is the response in this in this example, there are other responses you have, but the motion was when we're talking about 


ETs, okay, so that you need stimulus response. That's core of all biology. And so what else? So why the desire and belief? Well, we're human beings with advanced brains. So 


we don't just have the we don't just relate to experiences that are happening. We we react to everything things we're thinking about, and all this other stuff, right stuff that's not happening, but you're thinking about, those are combination your desire and your belief, what you want, and what you believe. So if you add, I give an example a jealousy, for example, is my favorite one, because it's pretty clear and obvious. So you want a person or thing that's the desire, you believe that you deserve that person or thing. More importantly, there's probably someone else that you believe does not deserve that person or thing. 


And then you experience you see that person that you don't think deserves it with that person or thing you want. And now you get jealous. And what's cool about it is why the formula is so well, I mean, it's perfect. It's on. I'm like I invented the formula that exists, and I just identified it. But the reason why it's so perfect is that well, how what would you do to get rid of your jealousy and people actually do these things. So the first thing is to look away, that change your experience, you're no longer looking at the thing causing you the pain, the jealousy, you can change your beliefs. And people do that all the time. Everyone knows that in an Aesop's Fables, they call it sour grapes, because the fox is going after the grapes. Although that's technically a belief changing a belief that changes your desire, right? So he was saying it's set, those grapes are sour anyway. And so now he doesn't want the grapes, because he's convinced himself that the grapes are bad. So in this case, if you like, oh, well, that person's, you know, a bad person anyway, I was gonna say some bad stuff. Anyway, I won't say that. But that person is no good. So I don't like that person anyway. So you squash your desire with a new belief. Or you can change your belief in another way. So you could say, actually, that person is a really good person, they deserve that person. I hope to have someone like that person. It's just not that person. All of a sudden, now your jealousy switches to like admiration of that person. Oh, I hope I have someone like that too. That's great. What a great person what a great couple. You know, now you're, you're switching your emotions to admiration. So that's why I love about the formula. And it helps you to hack your own emotional state at any time because you can say okay, well why do I feel this way? Well, I want something I believe something and I am experiencing something well, how do I change one of those three variables to to feel better? Wow. So in your journey, Nate with having come obviously full circle with this the meaning of life book and you know, what you've come through as a soul and your experiences. So how how are you with the healing? How have you been with like your, your dad and the situation that happened when you were younger?


Yeah, that's an interesting question. So 


you know, I don't know 


I, it's hard because like, 


even though I've done all the studying, and I understand how everything works, that doesn't necessarily make me great at being a human being. It's kind of ironic. But let's like, you know, Tom Brady, I don't know, he just retired, but he had a, he had coaches for years. He's the best who ever played the game and the position of quarterback. But he had plenty of coaches who gave him great advice, right. But those coaches weren't better than Tom Brady. So like, it was all you're telling me how to do my job as Tom Brady, and you're, and you're just some, you know, Coach, right. But that's not how that works. You know, people will give advice and coach they can, they can see things that the person who's doing it can't. So I'm kind of one of those people like, I can analyze, I can tell you everything's going on, I can help make help other people make good decisions. But in terms of my own social interaction, it's just really difficult, because I just don't have a lot of the stuff that people like a lot of pleasantries and things that people do, and the social lubrication as they call it, I just don't understand it, I don't have the tolerance for it, and so on, so forth. So like, for me, you know, I was raised to, you know, be honest, and be responsible and do good things, and this sort of thing. And, you know, don't be selfish, and all these other things. And I'll just use my dad's example. But it isn't a lot of people in my life that I'm plenty of examples of. But with my father, it's like he, he's always been a very selfish person. I mean, like borderline what you might call it a narcissist, because he only cares about himself, when he's done some crazy things. I just abandoned my my stepmother, and just left and just took an Uber home and didn't tell anyone, and they thought it was kidnapped or something or killed or something. They didn't say anything. And then he got and then they got home, he was there. And he's like, Oh, I just didn't feel like being there. And it's like, you didn't have any, you know, consideration for any other person's emotions like anyone else. And so, you know, I just, I saw I turn to his face, because I don't I don't have that I just like, 


you know, I don't think you're a really good person. So and so he got super offended and told me it was my fault. And I was too sensitive. And that, and even if it was his fault, he was gonna change. He was too old to change or something. And I said, Okay, so I was like, okay, whatever. So I stopped talking to him. And it's just like, that's it. So, I mean, like, in terms of, like, healing,

I always have the problem is the problem is, you know, how you like you can attach to things that people get attached to their anger and stuff, I totally get where people are coming from that. I mean, I hope like you can let go of stuff like anger and things that are holding you back. 


But and maybe it's because for better or for worse, I kind of like, I always have a chip on my shoulder, it's like, always got to prove myself. 


You know, I should probably get over a lot of that stuff. I don't know if I ever will. Because I always feel like, oh, I need to prove everything. But I kind of like it though, too. Like, I kind of like because it's like I could do the work. And it pushes me to work hard. And it makes me who I am. I couldn't have written the book if that all didn't happen to me. So it's one of those things where like, can you really regret something that happened? If it led to something good? It's one of those hard things you can never figure out? So yeah, I don't really have a good answer to your point about that. I just tried to, you know, 


accept the like, you know, he did his thing. Maybe you know, you can take speaking change your emotional state, you're changing your beliefs, I can accept the beliefs that my life was better without. I mean, could you imagine how bad having a narcissist in your life, your entire life would have been? Probably would have been a lot worse. So maybe I should be grateful. Or who cares? I'm living my life now. So what's the difference? Like, that's the that's the tip that I take I usually make is cuz I don't have the kiddies actually call when I was younger. And I used to not really talk to him. And he'd be like, Yo, what's going on? Like, not much, like, how are you doing? Like, fine. And he was like, okay, you don't want to talk. I'm like, I in my head. I never said this to his face. But in my head. I was I was like, Well, you know, if you were here, you know the answer to all these questions. This is kind of like, I met that matter of factly not like in a 


non that kind of way. But literally, I was just like, well, you know, why do I need to answer all these questions for you here, you just know it all. And I wouldn't have to, we wouldn't be having this conversation. So like, I've just always kind of had that kind of attitude toward it. So yeah, I wish I had a better answer for you. But you know, it is what it is I talked to because I like I you know, I study all kinds of modalities. So I did talk to people with like the can see energy and psychic stuff and, and they said, Oh yeah, I see a lot of like, negative energy right behind you like stuff you put in put behind you. 


Like yeah, like that. I got.

Like yeah, like that. I got. 


Yeah. And they're like, Well, you know, you you can address that whenever you like, I was like, what what am I what am I gonna do? There's other? 


Yes. So, I always like to say that, you know, because even from myself doing my spiritual work and my energy and whatever I do, I still go through stuff like we're human. And we're gonna go through things and we have situations that have come up with other people that we can either you know, work on healing this lifetime or maybe not because it also does depend upon the other person too. So it's not just about Nate, it's about his you know, your dad and his energy and where he's at as a soul too. So he may not not this lifetime being built, you know, be able to be me 


Go there with you. So, you know, but the fact that you've gotten to a place where you know, you've written this amazing book, you're obviously helping people out in the world with your service and what you're offering. That's beautiful. So you're Hey, you know, you're I always like to say, doing the best we can do right now. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And I like that is what I like to do. I like to solve problems, I like to analyze things, I like to understand stuff. I do run into a problem, because I'm kind of obsessive with, like, I gotta figure this out and solve it. I just say, it's took me seven years to make that book the way I wanted it to. And I finally just set my give myself a deadline and, and went after it and completed it. But 


But yeah, it can be difficult, because, you know, there are so many competing perspectives on reality and everything like that. And, you know, when it comes to something, and you work so hard to rigorously be able to scientifically prove everything you put in there. So I have all the evidence and all the data behind it and stuff. And I cited 150 sources, and like, I went through all that. And then so what just go no, that's not this is something else. It's like, no, no, you don't understand this is this is legit. This is like, you know, universally applicable and stuff. And I'm not trying I'm not telling anyone what, like, I don't answer the big questions like what whether God exists or anything like that, in fact, the if the only time I mentioned God is to say, Can we please put that conversation side? Because you can't answer it until you till you die? And then you'll figure it either happened or on? I don't know. But I said, Look, can we talk about the things that in this life that we do know? And if you are religious, I'd like to stay long for it. Because Because in your I would say like, Hey, monotheistic belief, that's like, look, God gave you all these abilities, I'm gonna explain these abilities to be real. And you'll know how like God gave you. And if you don't believe in that, well, then these are just things that exist. And that's fine, too. I matter to me. So. So yeah, it's a tough one to kind of fight though that there there are, there are plenty of subjective opinions what's right, what's wrong, all this other stuff. So it's

kind of hard, like, especially in the social media age where we can just scream, you know, whatever they feel like, at the time to go and look at people going, No, you're wrong. And, and not to get sucked into it. And to try to like, I gotta do my social media posts and say, Hey, I read a blog, and this is the point today, but yeah, it's hard to get sucked in. But you just got to try to, you know, stay, you know, put it aside once a while and take a deep breath. And, and the best we can do right now, do the best we can do. So let's talk about how you support people and what your offerings are, what are your services? Well, you're not so good question. I, I mean, I've just basically, I tried to keep it as simple as possible. I mean, if you're interested in the eight drivers, of which, by the way, I should mention them just so you know, I'm not trying to hide them or anything. 


So that the eight drivers meeting in someone's life, we talked about most of them, but I'll list them out. Growth, experience, desire, belief, emotions, ethics, support, and choice, I think support and choice were the only two we hadn't talked about thus far. So those are the eight in each chapter. It's really cute. Each chapter is one of the eights it's one word, it's like, very easy to to keep in mind. And then it goes through a long explanation of evolutionary biology and psychology. And then it tells you what to do with that information. So I have the book, my I wrote a chapter as a multi author book, The X Factor, this spiritual secrets of successful executives and entrepreneurs, I think I got that, right. 


And I wrote a chapter on how to find more meaning in your job, and how to find what you really want to do in your job. So I wrote a guest chapter on that. So that's on sale, and all the proceeds of that go to charity. So I don't see any of that. 


I think it still goes to Penn State Dance Marathon. That's my alma mater. And it's great. My my co Ed business attorney, that was their big thing was to donate a thon every year. So So yeah, all the proceeds still go to that. As far as I know, it goes to charity. I think it still goes to that one. 


But then my book is the only thing I really like, effectively profit off of everything else. I have a blog that's on the site, it's freely accessible. I don't put any ads on it or anything I just don't want ads are ugly, and I don't want them on there. 


And then and then the


social media pages at life, the book and the meaning of life book, their life, the book is the most common one. But if I couldn't get that I got the meaning of life book. And yeah, I mean, that's pretty much pretty much I do some videos on YouTube and rumble. So you know, views count toward that. But yeah, I don't do like personal like one on one coaching or anything like that. I do, I do for a living. So I still do my executive advisory role. So I just don't have I basically write in my free time and that's about it. One day, I would like to be able to switch over and kind of do it full time. But yeah, I just have not like, because I did so I was so obsessed with getting answers. I didn't really because you know, most people channel that into something useful like Oh, I'm going to be a you know, clinical psychologist or like 


Don't learn some sort of field to help someone else with it. I'm like, no, no, I just want to be able explain it and be able to write down and then tell everyone about it. And so that's the skill set I have is a research advisor. That's all I've got. That works, that works. So I'm gonna write, I got more books in the pipeline that I one day I will finally be able to get through. But But yeah, it's really the book if if anyone wants to support didn't go and check out the site, check out the book, you know, like videos and stuff, you know, all that stuff that doesn't cost anything, actually, it goes to the algorithm and gets me seen by more people, and it helps more people. Great. And I will have all those links in the show notes. So they'll know how to get a hold of the book, get a hold of your website, check out, you know, what's your, what do you have offering on there and your blogs, and I appreciate you so much coming on today, Nate. It's been a pleasure. Yeah, thanks so much. And if if anyone has questions, and they'd send them over to you, and you need any answers, just let me know. Happy to help in any way I can. Okay, wonderful. Thank you. 


Thanks for listening in to another episode of enthusiastically spiritual, and a big thanks for Nate for coming on this week and sharing his book The meaning of life a guide to finding your life's purpose. And again, all the information to find his book and him his website will be in the show notes. So until next week, please make sure that if you've not subscribed to this episode that you do hit subscribe so that you don't miss any of the upcoming episodes. Please make sure you Like I'd love to hear a comment. And also please feel free to share this with your friends and family. And also, if you'd like to support this podcast, please make your way to the show notes where there is a link to pod inbox where you can support you can also leave a message for me. You could also pay for an upcoming shout out on one of the upcoming episodes and get a Hey for me, and you can also find other ways in the show notes to support this podcast. Thank you so much again, and until next week. Remember that life is too short to not be enthusiastic about your unique journey.