Spiritual Enthusiasm: Uplifting Conversations on Trust, Intuition & Spiritual Perspectives

Waves of Spiritual Energy Revealed- A New Spiritual Tool

Teresa & Tom Shantz

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Teresa and Tom introduce the energy pattern calendars called "La Familia Nuestra" (LFN), a program available through their affiliate, the  Wayshowers College.  It reveals the different waves of energy organized by Spirit that influence everyone's  lives, whether they realize it or not. The calendar consists of seven energy bands: Family, Friendship, Regrouping, Orientation, Direction, Ambition, and Action. 

Each energy band has its own meaning, power, and influences.   Being aware of each Energy helps in doing the right thing at the right time.  It allows you to be more of aware of the lessons you will face on a daily, weekly and monthly basis.  It is a feeling of the wind in your sails for smoothly moving through your day.  By  aligning oneself with the positive energy of each band, individuals can  grow faster spiritually and accomplish more with less effort and more fulfillment.

The hosts give personal examples of how they have experience the energy bands and how they work with the calendars.  They announce future episodes which they will explore  a  correlation between the LFN Energy Bands and Astrology, and announce their collaboration with an Evolutionary Astrologer, Mr. Chiron Yeng.

Energy Calendar link here!

Click here to watch FREE VIDEOS around your journey from The Wayshowers College

Ready to cleanse your energy field, your environment and the world? Check out this new video with Teresa and start feeling the energetic clearing today! Link to video here!

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Hi! I’m Teresa. I have created this podcast to support "unseen" aspects of your life. You can call this the spiritual side. The podcast offers interviews of authors, healers, and thought leaders, for a positive higher spiritual perspective. Including ourselves! Our mission is to stimulate your inner wisdom, meaning, and enthusiasm for your unique journey.

My husband Tom and I are also certified Spiritual Educators, and Consultants, who help make spirituality practical. We work spiritual awareness and sensitivity in all areas of our life for positive living. Through TNT ( Teresa n' Tom :) SpiritWorks, we can help you tap into your own Inner Guidance system on a daily basis, create a healthy balance between Thought and Feeling, and discover a stronger connection between you and your personal Spirit Guides through your Inner and Outer communication system: your Four Spiritual Gifts.

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TNT SpiritWorks (00:03)

A desire that we all have while we're here that I can really attest to and I hear a lot of people talk about is feeling that you can move through your day relaxed, maybe more balanced, understanding what you're feeling throughout your day. And I know for myself, throughout the years, I call myself a hot energetic mess at times and understanding and having tools to work with that.


have really helped me a lot. So today we're gonna talk about a specific tool that Tom and I have been working with for many years. And so I wanna welcome Tom. Hi Tom. Hello Teresa. So this tool I've personally been using for about seven years now and Tom has been using for decades, right? Well, maybe, yeah. Yeah, decades. Well, for a while. Like 20 or 30 years. I've been aware of it, yes. So for myself as what I call a hot energetic mess through the years,


I recognize that there's been often times when I even these days when I get up and you know, I've checked the calendar. Okay, what day of the what day of the month is it? What day of the week is it? I might know some astrology of what's going on. But but then I'm like, Okay, so what am I really feeling? So what Tom and I work with on a very regular basis, actually every single day is what I call an energy pattern calendar.


It's developed by the Wayshower College and the name of it is actually La Familia Nuestra, which means La Familia Nuestra. The New Family. The New Family. That's Spanish for the New Family. That is Spanish for the New Family. And so this calendar has been developed really to assist people in understanding what energy waves come onto the planet that we may be affected by, influenced by every single day. So,


I'd like to just, so that's why I want to share today. I'm real excited about this because again, this has helped me really get more in tune with my energy and what's going on and the bigger picture that I am affected and influenced by every day. Yes. So planet earth is a school where souls come to learn and grow and the higher spirit has, works with waves of energy to sort of highlight lessons in certain areas of our life.


And so there's actually seven separate categories of bands of energy that are influencing planet earth at any given one time, usually one at a time, one of the time these right now, for example, as we're recording this podcast, we're in family energy. And so we'll share with you a little bit, you know, what some of these energy bands are, but.


You know, La Familia Nuestra for me is just a tool to help me clarify what's me, what's not me. And we work from the philosophy that, you know, you are already perfect. It's just that we have some concepts and attitudes that, you know, are around planet earth that we have bought into. And some of those attitudes are that we're not perfect or that we put pressure on ourselves with some of those ideas.


So this is a way to clarify, you know, what concepts work for me, you know, the positive ones and what don't what doesn't work for me. Yeah, you know, I like what this to Tom is that there's all kinds of tools and keys out in the world, right guys, all you listeners out there. And so it's really just choosing and picking which ones you resonate with. And the reason why I resonated with this one so dearly to my heart is because it's simple. It's not complicated. It's it's it's


And I really could feel the different energy bands and waves of energy, which we're going to talk about in a few minutes here, and how I am getting an influence by them. So how have you noticed in your life, Tom, that this calendar has this calendar and tool has benefited you? One of the key areas is that I'm helps me do the right thing at the right time, you know, when the energy is there. So for example, when it's action energy, I know that's a time to


just work with that momentum, usually on those days, you know, it's easy to get a lot of things done that it might've been piling up or answers come, business comes towards me. And in contrast, there's times like when family energy's around, you know, there's not as much positive pressure to move forward. It's more of a time of, well,


people group together a feeling of kinship with people united for a common goal. As in business, the larger family of mankind can stimulate feelings. And so I had an experience in fact, just yesterday because we were in family energy, where I had some goals, but my energy was a little low. And I felt like I got stimulated. And I wondered, you know, at first, like, why, why am I all of a sudden so tired?


And it's funny, because a few man family members had reached out to me about a couple of issues. And I went, wow, you know, I must have a concept around this, because it's affecting my energy. So that was a way that I began to realize that, you know, there was an influence because in family energy, I should honestly, you know, if I'm the real me, or the true, my true self is feeling.


you know, united with others. And even in business, you know, feeling that family kind of feeling like we're we're all here together with a common goal. Does that make any sense? Yeah, absolutely. So let's go through the energies. And then we'll also I'd like to share what energy is going to be on the planet whenever we are when we release this. So whenever you guys listen to this on the specific day, which actually be June 20, 25 2024. That's when most people listen to some people might listen to it later down the road, but


on that day, it's going to be what we call orientation energy. So as we go through these, you know, you can just get a flavor and get a feel for the energies and then we'll again, touch base a little bit on on the orientation energy so that you can get a kind of tune into that day and okay, well, how does this energy feel for myself knowing what you know from what we're sharing. So let's start with the different energies, Tom and want to go from one range to the other. Sure. So there's,


The energy accelerates, you might say, from the order that we're going to read it in. And then we're going to read family, friendships, regrouping our orientation, direction, ambition, and action. And you don't have to memorize those things. But from family through to action, there's an accelerating energy is a really good way to say it. So what we'd like to share is that part of mastering yourself,


includes mastering your energy and understanding the impact of those we live and work with. There are seven distinct energy bands or frequencies moving through the planet at any given time. They are separately named and color coded for easy identification. Everyone is experiencing these energies at one level or another, whether they realize it or not. By aligning yourself with this positive energy,


you can accomplish more with less effort. So I think the main thing I wanted to share about that is that, again, there's all kinds of tools out there and people talk about, you know, the energy of like the planets for astrology, right? And so the these really were came this came down through with from spirit. And this again, was developed a couple decades ago from the founder, Dr. Francisco Cole at the way shores college. And he what he does, he had there's a group people that come together every year.


and they tune into what energies on specific days are coming onto the planet, which are flowing in. And so this to me, like, you know, even just saying that like a group of people get together and, and they, you know, they find out which energies are coming in, but. Well, they check with spirit. They know how to check with their guidance. Yeah, they check with, they check with guides, they check with spirit, but I'm telling you this calendar for myself has been so accurate with what I'm feeling for the last seven years. So it's been pretty.


pretty amazing. That's why we're I'm excited to share this with you. Yeah, and you get it, you know, you can purchase these calendars. After September, then the new one comes out in the new spiritual year. But what's great about it is it gives you a heads up, it gives you advanced notice of the energies that are you're going to be working with later in the year or later in the week. Right. So let's go through the energy. So. So first off, we started with family energy. How about I read a couple and you read a couple? Sure. Okay.


So family energy again, which is the energy that we're actually taping this in recording this in. So for me, family energy is really about the feeling of, you know, uniting for a common goal. Like Tom and I are doing this podcast to share with you listeners out in the world and to collaborate with that energy of, you know, being of service. So that to me is a real good example of family energy. The next energy after that is what we call friendship energy.


And during friendship energy, there's a sense of a feeling of belonging, a feeling of wanting to maybe help a friend, a feeling of doing or wanting to back someone through actions. And I noticed for myself, when friendship energy is on the planet, I swear people are nicer. Have you noticed this, Tom? Yeah, I've noticed things like that. Yes. Yeah. Or that I might be talking to a business colleague and I just feel akin ship or a friendship with them.


And it just feels like something. And so one would say, well, you know, how do I apply that? I always, you know, talk about business because it's a focus for me. How do I apply that in life? And, you know, that's the day where if I'm visiting with a client or I'm talking to a colleague where there's just more of a relaxed, it seems like the relaxed opportunity show up for some reason to have a cup of coffee or to.


just discuss something that they're interested in getting to know people. And then that usually helps me later in my business opportunities, you know, when we're setting direction, for example, in the business, you know, I just, I feel a friendship, you know, with that person that so there's, that's one way I've experienced it. Regrouping our, O -U -R, regrouping our.


time of consolidation and putting things together before moving on, finding exactly where you are. So you know where you're going, learning or gaining insight through your experiences. And one of the things that occurs to me on that is that often people think, it's time to, you know, meditate and regroup. True. But sometimes regrouping for me is like, you know, I'm working on a physical project outside like,


something that really requires consistent effort and energy is something that I don't normally do. You know, like I don't put in pheasant pose very often, for example, but whilst I'm in action, and I'm, I'm, it's funny, ideas will come to me as to what an experience was about. I interpret, you know, my involvement in an experience. Yeah, the putting things together before moving on. I think that's kind of what you're what I hear you saying is that.


for my and I've noticed that also like I have to kind of it's a time I don't have to do anything right okay but it is a time during regrouping energy where I can look at kind of like where I've been what I've put together for myself and it's like you're saying even in action like you know as I'm moving through my day of working and doing things I can recognize okay well how you know where am I at with that project or how do I want to move forward with things so it's really a time of just


for myself of that consolidation of just really recognizing where things are at. So that's regrouping. I also noticed that when I don't regroup, if I don't take a moment to, you know, accept those insights as they come or evaluate what's working or what's not working, I lose my enthusiasm. You know, if I do regroup, I find that all of a sudden the next day,


you know, I'm ready to get into action again, and I feel highly motivated. So for me, it's a little bit of a flag that when I've lost my motivation or enthusiasm, you know, my energy, it feels like it's hard work, everything I'm doing, that I need to regroup something. So that particular timeframe, you know, over those days, you're going to be doing other things, but you know, you'll you'll find ways you experience it.


Yeah, and the next energy is called is what we call orientation. And that may be exactly what it sounds like. It's a time of knowing where you're going, feeling the newness of a situation, finding out where you are, understanding your directions and getting the facts organized. And it is a slower energy when you're first moving into a new situation. So I I really enjoy orientation energy because it gives me the sense of new.


And you know, like, okay, there's some new things going on, or there's new things surfacing. What about you, Tom? Yeah, I think what strikes me about that is it's a time of knowing where I am going. So I usually feel secure with my direction, I need to know where I'm going. But it does feel new. And when I've noticed that there'll be the day to say that some new class starts or school starts or a new job starts.


And all of a sudden I look at the calendar and I go, my God, my first few days at work, our orientation energy, isn't that interesting? So, you know, how I stay relaxed with that is that as I am getting oriented to the new scenario or my new situation or new friends or new, whatever, I stay relaxed because I go, that's right.


I'm going to feel the newness of this. So it's important that I stay relaxed and really I'm clear about what are the facts? What do I need to do next getting it organized? And I have found it slower when I'm moving into a new situation. If I'm not moving into a new situation, I don't notice it as much, you know, it's kind of a thing. Direction, this energy focuses on where you are going. It could be physical or spiritual.


That's an important point. It could be physical or spiritual. Knowing where you are going before you begin is important during this time. In leadership, it is a time to sense in what direction you are leading people. So what does that mean to you, Teresa? Yeah, well, for myself, it's really that that momentum of moving forward of, you know, of making this the steps and the things I've been doing to really get it going into something. So, and again, I,


you know, I really want to emphasize with this calendar and this sharing that we're doing today. This is just really it's about making spirituality practical, which Tom and I are all about. So, you know, an understanding, you know, energy, no matter how it looks or doesn't look right, because you can't see energy, but but you can feel energy. And so by making it practical and for myself in direction energy, it gives me that again, that momentum to to actually accomplish what I've come to do, whether it be spiritual or physical.


How about you, Tom? Well, it's one of my favorite energies. You might say I feel comfortable when it's there's direction energy in play. And I,


there's some, we're beginning to accelerate the energy where we've, we've come down the list to number one, two, three, four, five, and there's only two more to go. So, you know, if I'm, in, I have good direction or I'm moving along in that energy, it's important that I know where I'm leading. Cause I can find myself really far down the road. You might say with a project or something and go, wait a minute, we're, we're heading off in the wrong direction.


So I love it. I mean, I think most of us were raised in an environment here in the States and in planet Earth, where we like having direction, we like moving with direction, we like getting things accomplished. You know, it's part of our achievement as part of our culture. So you know, I resonate a lot with direction energy. Yeah, so the next energy after direction is what we call ambition energy. And this energy focuses on your wants and inner desires.


It is a strong feeling of commitment towards a direction, something you want with sincerity. It's a time to do more with what you have and future ideas can appear. So I really love ambition energy because ambition energy, it kind of, to me, it backs my spiritual thrust, which is the fall through my heart's desires. So how about that one? So I can really, really move through with a lot of things and it,


and you know, momentum with it. Well, there's that word again, momentum with ambition, energy, by just I really like ambition, energy a lot. What about you, Tom? Well, what strikes me about that is something that I want with sincerity, because if I'm moving from others desires, you know, which I think I want, but because mama or papa wanted that or somebody around me, stimulates that, then I really have to tune into what are my inner desires and inner wants and really the soul moves by desire.


So I know we've talked a lot about that. It's more fun and more, I feel better and things are more positive when I work from what do I desire rather than putting pressure on myself as to what I should do or shouldn't do or, you know, that kind of thing, you know, or what my pain points are, you know, if I'm, if I'm working more from the positive of what I desire and I'm truly desire it, I find there's a lot of motivation in that.


And then my enthusiasm's high, so I really enjoy things. It's funny that we do this show called Enthusiastically Spiritual, but I keep coming back to, when I'm in balance and positive and aware of these energies, I notice that that's a big flag. If my enthusiasm wanes a bit, it means I'm not clear about something. But we've been taught that we're supposed to suffer through everything. Right. And...


really, you know, if you can refocus to what your inner wants and desires are, it's, it's, you know, I've often thought if I really want something, if I have that inner desire, it's amazing, nothing stops me from getting it, you know, nothing stops me from accomplishing it. It's only when my wants and inner desires come from just my intellect or my, you know, first seven years, my programming or other people's ideas, that I can be moved easily, you know, off track from those desires.


I like what you said. Yeah, I like what you said, especially around enthusiasm and that, you know, there's so many people sharing in different realms around shadow stuff and around, again, like the trauma and, you know, relationship stuff. And, you know, it's all there's a place for all of it. But for what we're sharing, it's really about those desires and stepping into more of that enthusiastic self and that enthusiastic inner soul that you have within you.


to access. And again, you know, there's layers, there's, you know, peeling back the onion. So that's for other people and other work in different, different realms. But for what we're doing, it's really about helping you become and feel more enthusiastic to live through your days, day to day, because it's, there's a lot going on while we're here. Yeah. And you know, we're already perfect. Boy, that's a weird one, huh? How many people think they're already perfect? Right? You already have all the answers within.


we've just accepted concepts that don't work for us or attitudes or pressure. Really we've accepted pressure to, you know, move off our true feelings. And with this tool, you can help uncover where you've accepted pressure. And we do that in a, in kind of a subconscious unconscious way. You know, it's like I said about family the other day, it's like something was sort of bugging me. I had lost a bit of enthusiasm for the day.


And then I realized, you know, I must have a concept around family members and, you know, to be, to be fair, you know, there's a little bit of, my God, the burden of my family and you know, all, and you know, which is not true. It's just a game. But if I moved more from my solution was to really tune into the love and the perspective of, you know, well, that person just needs to, you know, go through this, you know, look beyond the symptom or the,


and tune into where that more that loving from a loving vibration, what where the spiritual need is, that doesn't mean I don't have boundaries, I'm going to maintain my boundaries. But you know, with ambition, the other thing that strikes me is that, you know, there's times where one might say, and I know, I've said this, I don't know what I want, what do I really want? I don't know, you know, and if I'm in the middle of regrouping our friendships or direction, it's probably not I'm not going to get, you know,


I'm already in a different energy. So it's going to be more apparent. You can always tune into what you want at different times, but it's a real time to recheck. You might say, what's coming to me is it's a time to really recheck. Is that my sincere want? Or I've, you know, and that's the energy to do that in. Right. Perfect. And so then rounding out the different seven,


waves or energy that come onto the planet is action energy. So you want to share about that one? Action. Another one of my favorites. I often say it's my favorite because things happen. People make decisions. I, you know, I business comes in, contacts happen, all kinds of, you know, I always talk from that business perspective, but it seems like accomplishment happens. So, this energy action, this energy is directed and moving. It can also be a time to be alert.


because through action, you are successful. By being focused on your direction, you can move through the challenges and accomplish the fulfillment of tremendous success. Yeah, this is one of my favorites too. And it's interesting because I'm already a pretty fast person. I don't hold back too much. I'm kind of like a go getter person. And so during action, though, sometimes it's physical, sometimes I get like a


crap load of stuff done. But then sometimes also it's action in say my spiritual, like I might be more tuned in or might be more able to get the downloads or the you know, the things coming through that I need to move with that insights and support. Absolutely. So I find it quite interesting that the different areas and of course, all of these energies, you know, you can use them in the physical and the spiritual, they come in through different ways. So it's just, you know, giving you some, we have physical opportunity to


know, grow spiritually. Right, exactly. But the when you were talking about, you know, being successful. And, you know, if you find yourself, you know, feeling a bit lazy during action energy or wanting to sleep, you know, that's usually a sign that there's a little bit of a fear of success. So, again, we don't like to talk about it from the point of view of like, you have a fear and negativity. It's more like,


Wow, I must have a concept in that area. I wonder what that is or let me regroup and tune into those answers within myself or work with some tools or some folks who can help you do your 50 % so you can uncover what's holding you back from what you really want and need. Right. Exactly, Tom. So all of these energies, each of these energies will influence you differently based on your own unique energy patterns, which I thought was interesting.


By discerning and being aware of your experiences to each energy unit, you can better understand how it deals with with how to deal with it as it flows through again. And that's been something I've learned over the years too. And working with these is that I know that, you know, the friendship energy feels a certain way. So when I see it coming up on the month ahead, I'm like, okay, I have already have a recollection in my memory bank and in my my being of what that feels like. So I have a


have a kind of an intuition about what's kind of, you know, gonna be maybe, you know, I felt through that time for sure. Yeah. And what strikes me, you know, about having my own answers and my true nature is that, you know, every day is an opportunity for me to tune into those answers. And that's what I love about this is that this is a bit of a guide for me to, you know, spirits done their 50%. They've given us an idea.


know, they've given us a clear information as to what you might be, you might say is being highlighted at the school of planet earth that particular week. And so it's, it's just wonderful to be able to ask myself, no, what's the, so how can I work with orientation positively? You know, I'm anxious for some orders, so I want action energy to be happening. Well, what, you know, what is it there that I can work with?


And usually different things hit me at different times. But if I don't do my 50%, I'm not gonna grow. It's important that I learn, but that I also grow by turning that into wisdom through experience. Interesting. Okay. So, I just want to talk a little about that growing thing because I truly believe for myself that everyone's growing.


Everyone's in different places. I guess the way I would for myself, the way I would say that is, is that it gives me more of an understanding of what I'm growing through. Right. That just came through me. Yeah. I got chills on that one. Give you some clues, but I have to, I'm like when I felt funky in family energy, I have to sit down and regroup a bit with my guidance. And because it's going to hit me a little differently. That's why.


know, when we look at astrology and some of these things, you know, it's, it really depends on the individual, they're just, they're just energy patterns, it's just influences. So I can either ride the wave of energy. You know, right now we're in family, so I need to, if I'm, if I'm on that wave, I can move through that smoothly. And, yeah, so we go, we want to share that these calendars do come out in a form of every single month.


So our, what we believe and we've been working with several years now, the spiritual year is September through August. So these calendars come out the beginning of every September. They have a theme of them for the entire year, an overall concept that's influencing our whole year. And we'll talk about that in a minute of what we're currently in. And then each month has a theme of the month.


and also some keywords that go along with that theme of the month, which can kind of give you also an overall influence of what the feeling of the whole month is going to be. And throughout these months, the exciting thing I'm excited about with this is that starting in August of 2024, August, July, what am I saying? August, July of 2024, we're coming together with in a collaboration with Chiron Yang, who is our, we call our in -house evolutionary astrologer and heart and heart quest.


expertise and expertise in that and we're gonna come together each beginning of each month and share about the astrology of the month ahead as well as using these energies of what energy are we working with during different transits of the month so it's super exciting and we just recently recorded the first episode for July and I think you guys are really gonna like it because it's very insightful and has got a lot of good


Good stuff in it, right, Tom? Yeah, we're gonna explore the correlation between astrology and the La Familia Nuestra energy calendars. Yeah. So what else do you wanna say about the calendars, Tom? Because they're pretty awesome. Well, the main thing is by aligning yourself with the positive energy of that energy, you know, bandwidth or band, you can accomplish more with less effort. And I'm all for accomplishing more with less effort.


I'm all about keeping it simple, man. Keep it spiritually simple. There is so much stuff out there. And so we thank you all so much for listening to this episode. And we hope that you might have gotten some insights about a different tool that you might want to check out. And if you want to check it out, you can check out the link in our show notes because we work directly with the Wayshores College. It will take you to their site because we're an affiliate. So that is who we get the calendars from. And like I said, we've been working with them for quite a while now. And


and they are just really amazing. So if you want to check that out, that'll be in the show notes. Yeah, I've always been shocked at some of the, the, there's a little bit more than the energy bands that are available, some symbols and some concepts to work with and so forth, which we can cover later. And we're looking at doing a master class and giving people a better orientation at that.


Absolutely. Yeah, we'll do one of those probably late August and that'll give you because there's different levels. So we're really just talking about level one, which is just the energy and just the overall aspect of those seven bands of energy that come onto the planet. Yeah, which is a great place to get started. It's a good place to get started. So, so thank you all again so much for listening or watching on our YouTube channel. Another episode of enthusiastically spiritual. We appreciate you so very much.


We hope you enjoyed the show links below or the show notes the links below. Yeah. And what else do you want to say, Tom? Well, remember that life is too short to not be enthusiastic about your unique journey.