Inspired with Nika Lawrie

Embracing Big Dreams: Nika's 39th Birthday and Reflection on Defining Her Purpose of Revolutionizing Women's Wellness

July 02, 2024 Nika Lawrie Season 2024 Episode 81
Embracing Big Dreams: Nika's 39th Birthday and Reflection on Defining Her Purpose of Revolutionizing Women's Wellness
Inspired with Nika Lawrie
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Inspired with Nika Lawrie
Embracing Big Dreams: Nika's 39th Birthday and Reflection on Defining Her Purpose of Revolutionizing Women's Wellness
Jul 02, 2024 Season 2024 Episode 81
Nika Lawrie

Ever felt overwhelmed by your own dreams? On this special solo episode of Inspired with Nika Laurie, I celebrate my 39th birthday and share the monumental journey of defining my purpose. This past year, as I approached the end of my 30s, I realized the importance of solidifying a clear vision for my future. My mission is bold: revolutionize health and wellness for women, providing them with the tools, education, and resources to lead vibrant, empowered lives. It's been a challenging path filled with moments of unease, but also profound growth and clarity.

Join me as I reflect on embracing these big, audacious dreams and the process of committing to them. Hear about the significance of taking downtime, reading transformative books, manifesting, and discussing my vision with loved ones. These steps were crucial in gaining the strength to move forward. If you're grappling with a big goal or dream, this episode serves as a heartfelt reminder that sometimes stepping back is essential for moving forward. Tune in for an inspiring exploration of how space for breathing and healing can ignite your passions and lead you toward achieving your most ambitious goals.


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*This podcast and its contents are for informational purposes only and are not intended to replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult your physician or a qualified health provider for any questions concerning a medical condition or health objectives. Additionally, the advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for every individual and are not guaranteed for business, personal, or wellness success. Use discretion and seek professional counsel when necessary.

*Some of the resources and advertisements shared throughout the podcast episodes may contain affiliate links. If you use these links to buy something, I may earn a commission.

Show Notes Transcript

Ever felt overwhelmed by your own dreams? On this special solo episode of Inspired with Nika Laurie, I celebrate my 39th birthday and share the monumental journey of defining my purpose. This past year, as I approached the end of my 30s, I realized the importance of solidifying a clear vision for my future. My mission is bold: revolutionize health and wellness for women, providing them with the tools, education, and resources to lead vibrant, empowered lives. It's been a challenging path filled with moments of unease, but also profound growth and clarity.

Join me as I reflect on embracing these big, audacious dreams and the process of committing to them. Hear about the significance of taking downtime, reading transformative books, manifesting, and discussing my vision with loved ones. These steps were crucial in gaining the strength to move forward. If you're grappling with a big goal or dream, this episode serves as a heartfelt reminder that sometimes stepping back is essential for moving forward. Tune in for an inspiring exploration of how space for breathing and healing can ignite your passions and lead you toward achieving your most ambitious goals.


I would love to hear from you! Please record your question or topic request to be featured in a future episode:

*This podcast and its contents are for informational purposes only and are not intended to replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult your physician or a qualified health provider for any questions concerning a medical condition or health objectives. Additionally, the advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for every individual and are not guaranteed for business, personal, or wellness success. Use discretion and seek professional counsel when necessary.

*Some of the resources and advertisements shared throughout the podcast episodes may contain affiliate links. If you use these links to buy something, I may earn a commission.

Nika Lawrie:

Hey and welcome to Inspired with Nika Laurie. I, of course, am your host, nika, and, as always, I'm so grateful to have you here today. So today I'm going to do things a little bit different. I'm actually doing a solo round in honor of my 39th birthday.

Nika Lawrie:

My 39th birthday is kind of a big milestone for me. I know it's weird because most people think like 40 or 30 is the big milestone, or 50, whatever, but for me, 39 coming up on this date has been very much a moment of like okay, this is the last year of my 30s. Like I really want to kind of figure out my path and direction for the future and really kind of solidify my vision going forward. It's something I've been working on for several, several years now. I've had this really great idea and, well, kind of multiple ideas I've been trying to bring into one unified vision and I really finally achieved what that vision is. I've brought all of those ideas together and built out this really clear roadmap of what I want to build out, coming into, you know, my last year of my 30s and really moving into my 40s. So I'm super excited about that. You guys will see more and more and learn more about that as we move forward. I don't want to drop too many pieces now because I'm really trying to work on it going forward. But don't worry, you will see more, you will learn more. I will explain more as we're going forward, but the one thing I really want to say about it is the key.

Nika Lawrie:

The foundation to this vision is to revolutionize health and wellness for women. I want to bring education, resources, tools, services, everything I possibly can to women to help them be empowered, to help them feel emboldened to take charge of their own health and wellness, so they can live vibrant, healthy lives, so they can make positive impacts in the community and change the world in their own unique way. But they need to have that health and wellness, that really great, optimal health, as the foundation to be able to do all the rest, and so I want to make that as easy and as comfortable and as kind of luxurious as possible. So you'll learn more, you'll see more in the coming months and coming years. So I'm super, super excited to share it with you guys. But I just wanted to kind of announce that that is the goal going forward. I know this is kind of a generic explanation of what it is, but I really do have this very clean, worked out vision, which, again, you guys will see in the coming months and years.

Nika Lawrie:

The one thing I wanted to really drive home with you guys, though for this very short, quick episode, was that, coming up to my 39th birthday, I felt uneasy about the vision because I knew what I wanted. I knew how big of a deal it's going to be when I make it happen now, but I was scared to commit to it. I was scared to make the decision that I was going to really put in the effort to build it and create it going forward. Very big, scary dreams can be hard to want to jump in and decide to do, and so the last few weeks leading up to my birthday, I really decided to just kind of take some downtime. I did the work I had to do, I kept up with my clients, did the podcast, those kind of things, but otherwise I really tried to just really do a whole lot of nothing. I read a bunch of really important books, I worked on the vision, I thought about the vision, I kind of manifested around the vision. I talked to my mom a bunch about it, I talked to my husband about it. You know, I spent some time with my daughter and really just kind of let myself sit and heal and that was kind of the key that I needed to really make space for the vision and for it to come into my life and for me to feel strong and empowered enough to commit to it.

Nika Lawrie:

Moving forward, to encourage you for whatever it is that you want to do, whatever that big goal is, whatever that big dream or vision is, give yourself a little bit of space. If you're feeling uneasy about it, if you're feeling scared about it, if you're feeling overwhelmed by it, take some time away from it, just spend a week or two, whatever you can, just kind of let it go, let it sit. Tell yourself, I don't have to make a decision one way or the other, it's just, it is what it is for now. Give yourself a few weeks, give yourself a deadline to decide by and then, when that deadline comes, make that decision with the whole heart, with, like you know, that fresh, clear perspective on it, when you've taken space from it, and then you can make the decision from your gut, from your intuition, to know whether or not it's the right decision for you going forward the one key factor I'll say with that, though, is do not let fear talk you out of your goals and dreams.

Nika Lawrie:

Fear is the most powerful tool to end dreams and goals and visions, and so do not allow that to happen. The way you build confidence to overcome that fear is by taking action. The more action you take, the more confidence you will build and the less fear you have towards whatever that thing would be. So, again, give yourself that space, give yourself some time to think and feel fresh, and then come back to it and then make that decision and then take action, one baby step at a time. Focus on the step in front of you, not the entire staircase. It's one of my favorite sayings. If you focus on that step in front of you and accomplish that, that'll boost your confidence just a little bit more. And then do the next step. It'll boost it a little bit more, and then that fear subsides, time after time after time, until you don't feel that fear anymore, and it's a great way to work through that process.

Nika Lawrie:

The last thing I want to share is the thing that I really took away from the time that I took off was I came back with a little saying that I have been using up till my birthday and plan to use after my birthday. That saying is only good energy and the idea behind only good energy is to really focus for the next year and ideally into my 40s and 50s, to focus on only things that bring good energy into my life and to alleviate or remove as much as possible the things that are bringing good energy into my life and to alleviate or remove as much as possible the things that are bringing bad energy into my life. So that could look at food. Is there food that's making me feel good and healthy and energized? Is there food that's making me feel lethargic and bloated and yucky? So let's bring in the good energy food and let's remove the bad energy food. Is doom scrolling on TikTok making me feel good or making me feel kind of blah and lethargic?

Nika Lawrie:

So making that decision good energy, bad energy, bringing in the good energy, removing the bad energy you know, if there's friends that are toxic in your life or in my life, are they bringing good energy or are they draining me when I'm around them or interacting with them? And really trying to make that decision to clear as much bad or negative energy from my life as possible and to bring in as much good, positive energy as possible, and that's in all aspects of my life. So that's the thing I'm telling myself every day going forward through 39 and probably beyond. Maybe at 40, I'll have a new saying for the year of 40, but we'll see when I get there. But the thing that goes with that is that I want to ask myself this question If I'm not sure if this is good energy or bad energy, I'm going to ask myself and I made a little sticky note on my computer screen over here I have two monitors, so you can see it on my left side but is this a feeling I want more of in my life?

Nika Lawrie:

If the answer is yes, then I'm going to keep that good energy thing. If the answer is no, then I'm going to do what I can to reduce or remove that bad energy from my life. So I'm going to tell you that again, because I want you to use it in your life too. Is this a feeling I want more of in my life? If the answer is yes, you know what to do. If the answer is no, you also know what to do.

Nika Lawrie:

So with that, my friend, I want to say thank you and just tell you how grateful I am always for you tuning in and listening to this podcast. I know there are like 500,000 podcasts out there, so you definitely have options, but I appreciate that you come and listen and that you celebrate this health and wellness journey in your life and in my life. I love that you want to learn from the amazing experts I have the privilege of bringing on the show. I'm so grateful for the continued support that I receive through the podcast, through the comments, through social media, through emails. I receive all of those things. I'm so grateful for it. I look forward to your support in the future, so I want to say thank you for that as well. With that, I wish you the happiest, healthiest hustle and, of course, I will see you in the next episode. Have a great day.