Inspired with Nika Lawrie

Empowering Wellness from Pregnancy to Parenthood with Dr. Kate Wong

September 08, 2020 Dr. Kate Wong Season 2020 Episode 3

Embark on a transformative journey as Dr. Wong, a chiropractor with a passion for the brain and nervous system's natural healing potential, shares his transition from psychiatry to chiropractic care. His intriguing insight into the developmental challenges of children and the incredible impact of targeted chiropractic adjustments illuminate a path to enhanced well-being. Discover the profound effects of holistic preconception care and how mothers and their children can experience significant benefits from chiropractic interventions during and after pregnancy.

We then examine the intricate dance between nutrition and fertility, where Dr. Wong uncovers the lesser-known roles of non-sweet sugars in conception and cellular communication. The conversation is tailored to those seeking knowledge on how to navigate the ever-changing nutritional landscapes of pre-conception, pregnancy, and postpartum life. You'll also learn practical self-care strategies for new mothers, empowering them to put their health at the forefront to benefit both themselves and their children.

Rounding out our discussion, we explore the critical connection between digestive health, mindful eating, and the value of self-care in the parenting journey. Dr. Wong and I share personal anecdotes that underscore the importance of prioritizing your health for a more fulfilling life. Through this episode, you'll grasp the power of chiropractic and holistic care, the adaptability of science in addressing stress, and the nervous system's role in our overall health, ultimately leading to a greater sense of empowerment and well-being.


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Nika Lawrie:

Welcome to the Inspired with NicaLori podcast. Dr Wong, thank you so much for joining me. I'm so excited to have you here today.

Dr. Kate Wong:

Thank you for having me excited for our conversation.

Nika Lawrie:

Yeah. So how are you doing today? Doing good, I'm doing good, good, good, hopefully staying safe. Everything that's going on is kind of crazy, yeah, yeah. So can you tell me a little bit about what compelled you to become a chiropractor? Like, how did you get started walking me through that?

Dr. Kate Wong:

Yeah, it can give you the short version or a long version, but I'll stay with the short version.

Dr. Kate Wong:

Whichever you're comfortable with, just to help it out there. So in a sense I started wanting to be a psychiatrist, wanting to for the goal of taking people off of medications, because I just saw there's so many different mental disorders, behavioral disorders, that people are put on medications too much at certain times and that tends to be kind of overwhelming. And so I want to be the type of psychiatrist that did not give so many medications, it just helped people along the route of the natural sense. And then, lo and behold, I was going through medical, applying for medical school. It's a long process and I met few chiropractors who were so convincing of two individuals and they were like asking me so what about chiropractic? I'm like, what in the world is chiropractic? I never heard of it, I never knew it existed.

Dr. Kate Wong:

And then they showed me the school, the philosophy of how basically the brain, nervous system, everything function better on its own by simply aligning the spine, and that blew my mind because that's kind of exactly what I wanted to do in the first place, but I didn't know the concept, like there could be an ultimate route, and so that's kind of how it started. And then the pediatric postpartum fertility route started a little bit after chiropractic when I started working more kids. And then I started working kids with a lot of different issues, a lot of different, just a big range. And then I met another chiropractor who is a teacher of my mentor of mine, who kind of introduced me to the concept of preconception If we could start from zero to help those kids, yeah, and that would be a better, greater start than basically where they're at, when they're suffering so much. And that blew my mind as well.

Nika Lawrie:

Yeah, absolutely, that's amazing. I love that. Yeah, so you mentioned you primarily work with mothers and then some with kids and stuff. What do you find that they're struggling with most and how does your service, how does that, help them overcome that?

Dr. Kate Wong:

So typically when they come to me, it's more on the symptom base. They are crying a lot, also known as colic. When they're crying for three days, three weeks, all these different threes or they're constipated, they can't focus, they have certain things like sensory processing disorders, a whole big range of symptoms. That's usually what they come to me as, and so for me, I literally look at the full body of the child, because a lot of times I'm usually the last one, last practitioner that they go to. If they tried, everyone else underneath the sun and they, you know, maybe, maybe you can help with your magic hand. Yeah, throw it in there, I'll see what I can do.

Dr. Kate Wong:

So I never promise anything because every child is so different. Sometimes it takes the first adjustment. You see a big change. Sometimes it takes months and then things happen when the toddlers, as you probably know, they fall, they bump at random things. Yeah, you know, there's a lot of bumps and bruises on the way, and so usually I hear results such as you know, oh, they're able to sleep for the rest of the night when they weren't able to for the longest time, they're able to go to the bathroom. You know, regularly meaning, you know, after every meal. That's their normal. They can focus now when they're somehow more calm than usual, certain things like that. I always wow myself. I'm like, oh really, that's so cool, but everybody's so different, every person is so different, yeah, and so I can't be like, when someone comes to me for certain kind of issues, I'm like, oh yeah, I can definitely help, but it really depends on the person's body and what they want to do first, right, right.

Nika Lawrie:

And so I'm like I'm seeing mothers have you, have you worked with them and seen things? Or even moms who recently give birth.

Dr. Kate Wong:

So I do the Webster technique some certified Webster practitioner and so I work with you know pregnancy, you know women Very beginning to the very end, and recently one of the moms actually there was a story before she was 37 weeks pregnant and she came to me.

Dr. Kate Wong:

A lot of people come to a lot of Webster technique Practitioners thinking they can turn the baby, and that's exactly what we don't do, because we don't practice obstetrics.

Dr. Kate Wong:

We focus on the mom, and so our goal is making sure that pelvis is aligned there, their bodies online, making sure that you know, you know center of gravity is shifted. Yeah, they go, yes, certain things like muscles get taught, certain things it pulled, and then your whole body is kind of twisted and kind of Sensation when you're literally gaining more weight. And so a lot of moms come to me like this is icky, this is painful, the sharpness goes down my leg always different things. And so one of the moms came to me for one of those reasons About the baby's head wasn't down, and so when she came to me the next day, she's like you know what it feels? Like I'm not pregnant, I'm not really and she said like no, no, no, no, I'm still pregnant, it's just that it's doesn't feel like I have that big belly In front of me. Pull, because you can feel the sensations of pulling absolutely Awesome.

Nika Lawrie:

I wish I had known about being able to do something like that. When I was pregnant, I had really bad sciatica for probably Seven plus months throughout it, and so I sat crooked like this all the time because oh no.

Nika Lawrie:

It's kind of crooked inside and so it was really difficult and I wish I had gone and gotten kind of realigned or had somebody look at that. I think it would have made a huge difference. Yeah, so you talk a little bit about the importance of preconception and making sure kids get a healthy start. You mentioned that earlier. What does that look like for someone who may not know? And how can you know I'm expecting mom or somebody who is planning and getting pregnant? Prioritize that. What would they do so?

Dr. Kate Wong:

If I had my ideal client, you feel cool. My goal, like let's scream big here so my vision is when the couple literally first decide to get married. From that point on, that's when they at least start the recovery mode of their bodies, whether they were birth control, whether you know, they were, you know, having a little bit more fun during the early 20, whatever age range, party hardy. And that is that kind of the first step to recover. Making sure, not only because a lot of times people who start with the fertility aspect preconception, you know, journey they kind of start, you know, at the fertility clinic. They are mainly focus on the sex hormones and what's happening to the sex hormones, right, and then what's wrong with the egg quality of the person.

Dr. Kate Wong:

And so I urge your viewers and your listeners to dig a little bit deeper, because there's a test called the AMH, supposedly tests for egg quality. Oh, okay, oh, the egg quality. A lot of times they're not told because they Google, search, whatever it is, as much as they can, obviously, to make sure what they know, what's going on. But the egg quality can change actual mm-hmm. A lot of people don't know that, right. And so when you're giving a certain result and that, like quality isn't low or, you know, not ideal, then they kind of chase after the blood results, mm-hmm and a lot of time. That result of the egg quality, of the not only a quality of a sperm quality as well, right can change within 120 days for the egg and within 90 days for the sperm so are there things that they can do, like self-care and Holistic approach they could do to improve the quality of eggs or improve the quality of sperm?

Dr. Kate Wong:

Yeah, there's so much you can do. It depends on what works for the person, because a lot of time when I work with couples, if the the spouse you know, I don't eat green vegetables, little hard to like, you know say the importance of health, yeah, my new jeans, always different things right, and so sometimes the capsules are usually better for that person, you know, if they want to go towards that level. And the number one thing is like sleep, sleep in general number, even if there's something going on that interferes with anyone's sleep. That's the number one thing that you want to figure out what is wrong with that. But what is being interfered in general? And the cause of root cause of that, mm-hmm, because if you don't sleep, go ahead, go ahead. Because if you don't sleep, you don't, you don't rest, you don't digest, you know, absorb.

Nika Lawrie:

Right, I hear a lot sometimes that, like women who are struggling with infertility, they end up like adopting a kid and then the stress of not having a child has gone away and so they're able to get pregnant after that. Does stress play a big factor in infertility and are there ways to minimize that?

Dr. Kate Wong:

Yeah, stress plays a big role. Yeah, and so I've seen different memes, different Social media aspect about. You know, don't stop telling me to relax, it's not gonna work all these different things, because that basically makes the person more stressed. If you tell them to relax, it's just answered up. So there's ways to help with that, but the main thing is find the root cause. What is really causing the stress? Yeah right, is it the financial issues? Is it Thinking that you're not good enough, thinking there's something wrong with you?

Dr. Kate Wong:

Finding the root cause is usually the main thing, because when a lot of times is it hears so many stories. You know when they stop trying, when they stop, you know thinking about that thing. Imagine that lift of stress is off their shoulders, off their back, off everything Right, and that literally interferes with your hormone levels, mm-hmm, and so it's almost like a teeter-totter effect to it. And so, despite you know certain things may amp up certain people's stress when you tell them to relax, but in reality the body will not Let you have a baby, as a female will not even want to do that and make it stay if you're stressed, because it's not a hospital environment, it's not a safe environment for the baby, so the baby in your body will know. You know, this is not a good time, so let's do it at a different time. I prefer you yourself, the mother, to be good before anything else, right that?

Nika Lawrie:

will prioritize you. Do you have any suggestions for women, or you know hopeful parents that are trying to get pregnant, that are struggling with infertility? I mean I think there's like over 6 million people in the US that are dealing with that. Do you have any just kind of tips? I know everyone's different, but do you have any kind of general tips other than relieving stress and watching your sleep routine, just a holistic approach to help them kind of maybe move along in that process or get their bodies more prepared for it, or something along those lines?

Dr. Kate Wong:

So there's two things I would want to kind of input to suggest. So the first thing is knowing that it can change. So, for example, the 120 days I mentioned for the egg quality, that changes. So if you imagine, if you had your menstrual period literally this week, if it's a bad period, if it had a lot of pre-menstrual PMS, all certain things that were happening, low back pain, all these different things that looked back four months prior, what did you do? What happened during that time and that affected that egg quality and that phase? Ok, so if you can kind of be aware of that and tracking, ok, this month is actually pretty good, like what happened. I was like, oh yeah, I took care of myself in February. It was Valentine's Day or certain things like that. I gave myself certain things and that helped. And then you kind of get an idea of like, ok, this is kind of what my body needs.

Nika Lawrie:

So I'm just like doing a journaling or a tracking of kind of what you're doing throughout the months to kind of keep an idea of stressors or positive lifestyle changes, things like that.

Dr. Kate Wong:

And adding to that part the journaling. If you do journal, I don't. I'm very inconsistent with my journaling.

Nika Lawrie:

We all are.

Dr. Kate Wong:

And so if you are one of the listeners that are journaling, look back four months ago. How are you talking to yourself? How are you staying? Certain things, and so that can differ from that. And the second thing that I want to kind of suggest to if you are the type of person that looks at blood tests, look at numbers, all these different things, look at the change from not just your sex hormones but your insulin levels, your HPA1C, all that, and also your vitamin D levels as well. Why vitamin D? Because the thing is, your body doesn't really function at its best when you're depleted, and so other things kind of basically kind of hang on a string to try to keep you moving on, and that takes a toll on so many different parts of your organs, right, and so if you're barely functioning in your survival mode, imagine what else is happening in your new body.

Nika Lawrie:

Right, right, I also. I've heard that there was some studies that kind of recently come out over the last couple of years with regards to your insulin level or just sugar in your body in general and how your body is processing sugar and potential infertility. Do you have any insight on that?

Dr. Kate Wong:

Yeah. So this is one of the trends too, like how sugar is bad. Everyone literally is saying sugar is bad. I get it, Sugar. We find sugars, candy that are literally different colors, different diet. Yes, they're not good for you. I think you can tell me, even to your kid. They get hyped up in. Certain things are going about. The thing is, the sugar that is actually good for you are the ones that aren't sweet.

Dr. Kate Wong:

So things like aloe, things like seaweed, you don't think they're sugar, but there's literally eight essential glycone, nutrient sugars that your body literally needs in order for it to sell, for the cells to communicate with each other. So think of an egg and a sperm as a cell. How do you maximize that communication? It's to make sure they have the most nutrition, most things that it needs on the outside, especially the outside, because they have the best things. Ok, this is not a good sperm, this is not a good egg. There's so many different sperm. When it goes towards the egg, the egg needs to have what do you call it? The selectiveness Right, which sperm is actually going to take in? And it needs that information from what you have as a nutrition for those four months that you have when your egg matures, to decide that, to know that.

Nika Lawrie:

So that kind of leads into another question I had was I was going to ask about holistic or natural tips as you go through the pregnancy process. But are there maybe different nutritional things we should be looking at when we're pre-conception and then during pregnancy and then postpartum as well? Are there different nutrients and different foods we should be eating during those different periods?

Dr. Kate Wong:

So it really depends on the person, and so if you're looking at pre-conception, the goal is making sure you're not in survival mode. You're more of a nourishing mode, and so that's where I would ideally want people to be couples both couples to be and then when you're in pregnancy mode and making sure that you have that nutrition. There's so many different things that can be list. I can share that with you or the viewers if they want to look on my website. I'll share that with you in the future soon. Recent time Regarding exactly what is that mean? Is it so many prenatals or how do you say this? The quality, is it always the best?

Nika Lawrie:

Yeah, yeah.

Dr. Kate Wong:

Because something just came out recently, yeah, and regarding they say it's good, and then recently saying there's lead in them, there's all these different things in them that yeah, when you look at the vitamin count or even just what's in them from label to label, they are drastically different.

Nika Lawrie:

I mean, some don't even include omega 3s like DHA or something like that. I mean it's pretty stunning, when you look at the labels, how different some of the prenatal vitamins are.

Dr. Kate Wong:

Yeah, so that's why it's really hard to say exactly oh, take this one and take that one, because so many different people, different walks of life, but the goal is to make sure that it's the weight of yourself that usually takes into consideration, and also so the weight. And then also there was something else that I completely forgot, don't worry. Don't worry. Well, weight pressure is one of those things that you want to take into consideration, because a baby who is 20 pounds is it going to be having the same vitamin D level as a 200 pound person, right?

Nika Lawrie:

Should you? I mean, is that something you should consider shifting as you gain weight, as your pregnancy increases, or the period of time?

Dr. Kate Wong:

Yeah, for sure, because the thing is there's so many different hormones that come go about when you're pregnant. There's estrogen levels that's like 30 times your level pre pregnancy. All these different things to go a bit more work Right versus pre your post.

Nika Lawrie:

So going back to the chiropractic care, are there any risks for mothers coming in? Is there anything like if they want to go visit a chiropractor in their city or town? Are there questions they should be asking, or there anything they should be aware of ahead of time going in?

Dr. Kate Wong:

So if we focus on the, the pregnancy, if you were, you're pregnant, preferably going before your life 30 weeks pregnant usually is best cut and if you've already been under chiropractic care, which is usually best as well, because I tend to have a lot of moms who come to me when they're they find out their baby is, you know, not head down and it's their first time ever going to chiropractor. That I don't prefer, recommend because that just amps up the be unknown for them right certain things out and they question what's going on, versus they already understand chiropractic, you know it's gonna help them realign their pelvis, it's gonna help them making sure that they can actually support that way that they can actually, you know, have those nerves that go to the u-risk, go to certain things, that they can actually communicate with each other. So when it's time for birthing and labor, that they can actually have the brain and their body communicate with each other very effectively. So they know what to do one to stop, one to breathe, one to, you know, know the certain construction, right.

Nika Lawrie:

Right, yeah, so for moms, especially new moms, a lot of us sometimes struggle with putting our self-care needs first. You know we think about our baby and then, often times, our spouse or, you know, going back to work happens very quickly for some of us. So what are some tips or things that you would suggest for for moms who may need to Readjust their approach to their own health, or or who want to implement a self-care kind of program but don't even really know where to start?

Dr. Kate Wong:

Yeah, so this is one of those things that all Majority, 95%, all moms I work with, they always put themselves last. Yeah, you can bend the persuade at all. Anything that says I try to do you know certain to bits, to an education to help along. You know the mindset that. You know you're important too, because that your baby depends on you, mm-hmm, and if you're tired, if you're, you know you can't, you know be alert, then let's you know it's dangerous, not only for the baby before yourself as well, absolutely and so doing. Let me meet things. But for a person, I do two different examples. For a person who thinks, like they have no time, you know no, nothing that they can feel like they can do, stop what's? Just breathing, mm-hmm, take 10 seconds, you know 10 seconds, even like a minute.

Nika Lawrie:

People get stressed out about.

Dr. Kate Wong:

I think 10 seconds. You know they breathe. The four counts three belly and four counts down and that's a second to reality. But for moms who are like thinking I'll have a little time, now I have, you know what can I do exactly? Start focusing on how your vitamin D levels are, you know, because a lot of times we're postpartum, so many things happen to your hormones afterwards. Yeah, um, fargic, you feel all these different things like you, this lack of sleep, always different things.

Nika Lawrie:

Right, I'm making sure that you have a sufficient out of survival mode can help a lot with that, and do you recommend just getting vitamin D from walking outside and being in the sun, or is there another way that you would recommend getting that?

Dr. Kate Wong:

Yeah, I recommend both. If you can't get out of the sun, you know 20 minutes, you know arms bare, light and bare, making sure you get that through the skin. And then also vitamin D. If you don't have the enough absorption in your stomach in order to process that when you eat certain things, then you don't convert it. That's the reason why being having not just relaxing but making sure that you can rest in digest and to test that a really quick, fun way to test that is the beat test. I don't know if you've ever heard about that, no, what's that? So what are you going to beat? And then you could chop it up, whatever it is, blend it up and just drink that, or the beet juice as well, and then we'll then move in with the next or next to your rotation to see if there's actually pink in your urine. If there's any sign of pink or darker pink, that means that you're not digesting as well. Oh, wow.

Nika Lawrie:

That's good to know. It's a super simple test anyone could do, so that's why Are there ways to kind of approach that? If you do see the pink that people could, what's the next step? Do they need to go see a physician, or maybe take probiotics, or what's your thoughts on that?

Dr. Kate Wong:

Yeah. So probiotics? I'm always kind of weary on those things. A lot of times when people push probiotics too much, sometimes in my back of my mind I was like why are you pushing it so much? Yeah, there are certain reasons for that, and so you might want to work with a functional medicine practitioner to see exactly what's going on. What is it that you need? Sometimes lacking, sometimes deficient, or a lot of times when you're able to give a little bit more of a time to relax when you eat eat about 35, 36 chews before you swallow. I am very inconsistent with that.

Nika Lawrie:

I know I'm counting in my hand like that seems like a lot, but it doesn't help with digestion and breaking down my foods Definitely.

Dr. Kate Wong:

So it only does it start at the saliva aspect, initiates that from your brain and then letting your body know okay, it's coming. Now prepare for that.

Nika Lawrie:

Interesting. That's good to know. So, going back to kind of the self-care thing, just to add kind of my own story of that too is that I have a five-year-old daughter and when she was born it was pretty stressful and we went through the first several years. It was a very stressful situation and I did not put my health and priority first. And what I found after a couple of years, when she was about three, I really started to focus on my own health my own, you know, just self-care needs. I became such a better parent. I just engaged with her different. I was so much more focused on her, I had more energy. So I just love that you are teaching your clients and just women around the world that self-care really is a priority and it's a way that you can be an even better mom, because that's what we're all trying to be as a great mom to our babies. So I love it.

Dr. Kate Wong:

Yeah, that's awesome, that's. That's so inspiring. For me. It's like hopefully these, like dominoes, will just kind of, you know, the ripple effects.

Nika Lawrie:

That's what you always want to get. Yeah, totally Totally so, for women and men too. How can we use chiropractic care and holistic care as tools to empower ourselves? You talk about empowering women. What are ways that we can use that to, you know, feel better, feel stronger, feel more empowered.

Dr. Kate Wong:

So so I never say, you know, chiropractic is the one that heals, because in reality your body is the one that heals.

Dr. Kate Wong:

There's certain things that go on that interferes with certain things in your body that your body adapts to and it kind of, you know, gets a little wonky because it's trying to adapt to like a trauma that happened and it's like another trauma and another trauma.

Dr. Kate Wong:

And so being aware of what's going on in your body is the first thing, and then the second thing, if you find a practitioner, even if it's not chiropractic, even someone else that you know fits better with your philosophy, certain things like that but if it's chiropractic, making sure that you find a practitioner that gets you, because every you choose a doctor, not because you know, you know some person in the street but you're like, oh, there's a name and that's it Right and that understands you, who gets what you view of what health is, wellness is, and to make sure that you know you communicate with them because you hire them. A lot of times people get intimidated. They can't feel like. They don't feel like they can ask a doctor any questions or, you know, dig a little deeper, like, why should you adjust that? Like what's going on in my body Holistically. What? What effect does that make? Ask all your questions, Because that's why they're there.

Nika Lawrie:

Yeah, and you're playing for them, so you may still get your value out of it.

Dr. Kate Wong:

Yeah, right, I tend to attract people who ask so many questions, or scientists, just like one of those things, because I love doing it myself. I question everything. I love that.

Nika Lawrie:

I mean, I think knowledge is power. The more you can learn, the more control you have over your life and the more empowered you are. So Exactly.

Dr. Kate Wong:

And then you need to be able to filter the good information and then not so good on the changing information, because science has never settled. You know, there's something like me come up like oh wow, this is this is what I learned, like you know, 10 years ago. But then now it's changed. Okay, so how do I adapt to that? Right, Right, Be sure to test when you go to the chiropractic tune. The goal is for your nervous system to be able to adapt to any kind of shelter.

Dr. Kate Wong:

So, for example, for me, I didn't know this could happen when I was in chiropractic school. I was getting adjusted very regularly, which I never did because I never knew what kind of project I was going to do. And so I had this awful crazy congestion all the time and I thought, you know, I was my family's from Hong Kong and everyone takes, you know, these, you know allergy medications, as if it's like the candy to prep you before you know it happens. But it only goes so far and you think, okay, when is this one going to stop working? Like, oh, that's not what I do to get this one to like, oh, I'm going to get this one to like work, and you guys switch it up, thinking, okay, which combination best for this thing?

Dr. Kate Wong:

Right, and then I noticed like for me, about a year of chiropractic consistent chiropractic I didn't have this congestion. I'm like one of those people in bed back then I would be just rolling around trying to find a composition to make sure, like certain things flow yes, how do I get this away? I can breathe one, Okay, I can breathe one. And then I'm like then in the tunnel and then get the other side of the switches like, oh no, and so that was my own thing.

Nika Lawrie:

It wasn't like crazy miracle story, chiropractic story, it was that that's a huge I mean to feel better, to not have to deal with congestion all the time is a big deal. It improves your life. You know. You're just the way you feel in general, so it is a big deal. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Are there other things? Because I think most people when we think of you know a chiropractor, we think about you know we got in a car accident and our backs out of line and we need to be kind of straightened out. Are there other things that you wouldn't think of, that you've seen people overcome or heal from chiropractic?

Dr. Kate Wong:

Mm-hmm, besides what I mentioned with regards to the kids, because babies and kids just like get so much more benefit, just like that Like, because they've only been alive for a long time Before talking to you, I actually didn't even know that babies could get right to care, so it's kind of amazing to learn this.

Dr. Kate Wong:

My youngest so far on the record is seven days old, and so you know they're so cute, I loved it. So it's not like they were in pain, because the babies only tell you they're in pain, either they cry or they get uncomfortable in a react. And so what happens is the mom was breastfeeding left and right side and noticed that one of the sides wasn't as range of motion, wasn't as much as the other side, and so she brought him in to see exactly what was going on, and then basically, it was that misalignment towards the neck, because a lot of times when they come out of you know, the womb, whatever it is, they get pulled up from and things get misaligned, and so that's one of those things I've heard, that they can see a little better. What else that one of those things is, a lot of times when they have certain things like certain disorders, sensory disorders, certain things where they can't speak as well, that they get a little bit more quicker, faster in their speech. More words come out when they get consistent care.

Nika Lawrie:

I wonder if that has something to do with, like the spinal fluid, like the flow of the fluid and that kind of thing just helping connect the neurons faster.

Dr. Kate Wong:

Yeah, there's a lot of different research in regards to that. Like, just imagine, like what's the most amazing part is when I do adjust kids and babies. I barely put in enough pressure. I just, you know the feeling of a tomato, like a ripeness of a tomato. That's already how much pressure I put. Oh my gosh.

Dr. Kate Wong:

And then we kind of like oscillate, just you know, to help out along. So usually what I do when I do that, I see their body do almost like an oscillation to kind of work itself out and I just hold it and I watch them go kind of oscillate, and so that's what we kind of want our bodies to do. But when we get older, imagine like get things that you had to do, things get all squished up and all these different things you don't really see much of that oscillation. You can still see it for some people, but then more acceptable to it, but that's what you want your body to do when you're breathing. But if you don't breathe, if you get stressed, you're breathing from your shoulders, everything just like kind of like right here, right below. If you sense other people's spine or it gets tense, you feel things just don't move.

Nika Lawrie:

That's interesting that you say you know from here up, because I think it like we don't tend to think about like below chest level, about our body, so that much, unless our stomach's giving us problems, it really is like our attention tends to be like shoulders and up. It's interesting if you kind of think about how your body feels most of the time.

Dr. Kate Wong:

There was one of the podcast interviews. I did it with one of the forget what she was, but she is struck the chakras. So when she mentioned chakras and she explained it, she explained all these different parts to it and I was thinking that is exactly where the spine is, oh my gosh. So you want the breath, you want awareness to all of them and so, looking at that, a lot of times people just don't focus anything less than the shoulders down, right, right, and so I'm working with the whole thing just to kind of.

Nika Lawrie:

Yeah, it didn't mean it's all one system, Everything's intertwined, and you know that's. I love functional medicine because it really is about the whole system and that approach. So love it. Well. Dr Wang, how can my listeners connect with you online? How can they engage with?

Dr. Kate Wong:

you, I'm best on Instagram, so that's like number one place if you want to. If I were to have a phone call for, like you know, numbers sent out to everyone, that would be the exact place where you find me like directly. Perfect. Or, if I'll allow, my website. Email is one of those other other ones avenues, but Instagram is usually, and I'll link to everything.

Nika Lawrie:

I'll link to everything in the show notes too. But just what is your Instagram handle so we can find you? Yeah, it's at Dr Kate. Well, perfect, okay, my last question for you today. So what advice would you have for someone who either wants to create change in their own life, in their community or somewhere around the world?

Dr. Kate Wong:

I would say be aware of what's going on right now, presently. So there's things that we want to change in the past, there's things we want to do in the future, but unless we realize what we can do right now, I mean you can't do anything else.

Nika Lawrie:

Yeah, now is all we have. I mean, you got to live in the moment.

Dr. Kate Wong:

Now is the only guarantee we have.

Nika Lawrie:

So, yeah, awesome, I love it. Thank you so much. I truly, truly appreciate just your time and your knowledge and your experience. It's been eye-opening and I'm very grateful for it. So, thank you. That was the wish one.

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