The Good Mood Clinic Podcast

75: The Lasting Impact of a Close Friend's Death

Gemma Gladstone

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Welcome to another episode of The Good Mood Clinic Podcast!

TRIGGER WARNING - This episode talks about death, dying, grief and breast cancer.

In Loving Memory of  Astrid von Lojewski-Wilson 16/11/76 - 11/12/19, a beautiful human being, greatly missed every day.

In this podcast, Gemma talks about the profound impact of losing a close friend through death.  She describes her own experience of grief after the death of her close friend from cancer. 

Gemma then discusses 5 ways that can help as you navigate your way through the grieving process.

1. Honour your feelings & the reality of your own grief. The death of a friend can sometimes be a form of disenfranchised grief (not acknowledged by others).
2. Keep up the connection with your friend somehow - keep a continuing bond with your friend via rituals or other ways to celebrate and remember their life (eg, photos, talk to them, write them a letter).
3. Consider their LEGACY. What have they left behind in terms of impact and gifts to your life.  How did you learn from them? How can you internalise their wisdom into your own life?
4. Grieve in YOUR OWN way. There are many myths and unrealistic expectations out there about grief and the grieving process - they are not helpful.  There are no defined rules or time periods with grief. 
5. Remember them with others. Grief can be an isolating experience. Talk about your lost friend with the mutual friends you have. Discuss different memories of them and what you most valued about them. 

Also there is a recommendation for seeking out your own professional support if you feel you need some extra help with your grief.

For resources and support in Australia visit:-

Blog Post mentioned, the study is cited in this post:-
The Profound Significance of a Close Friend's Death


The Good Mood Clinic podcast focuses on our passion for Schema Therapy and how it transforms lives for the better. We talk about all things to do with Schema Therapy so you can become your own pattern-breaker and change your life for good. We think the whole world would be a better place if everyone healed their schemas!

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Please note: This podcast is for information and entertainment purposes only and is no substitute for professional or relationship advice from a registered therapist. Please seek advice that is tailored to your specific needs from a mental heath or relationship expert.

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