The Good Mood Clinic Podcast
A Psychology and Schema Therapy Podcast by Drs Gemma Gladstone and Justine Corry, two schema therapists from Sydney, Australia. In this podcast we take an in-depth look at the common issues their clients bring to therapy and offer listeners new ways to think about their own lives and the people around them. With a mixture of conversations, meditations, case studies and interviews, these two experienced psychotherapists & coaches bring you plenty to think about and loads of valuable ideas and practical tips. Dr. Gemma Gladstone, Advanced Certified Schema Therapist, Trainer and Supervisor (ISST). BA (Hons) GradDip (Psychotherapy); Cert (Clin Hypnosis); PhD (UNSW). Dr. Justine Corry BSocSc (Hons); MSocSc; MPsychol(Clin); PhD (UNSW). Artwork by Nigel Sanft
The Good Mood Clinic Podcast
106. Healthy Adult Daily Practice: An Intentional Reflection Tool
Healthy Adult Daily Practice: An Intentional Reflection Tool
In this episode, Gemma introduces a practical tool called Healthy Adult Daily Practice, designed to help you strengthen and nurture your Healthy Adult mode. Building on the foundational features of the Healthy Adult mode discussed in the previous episode, this episode walks you through a simple, intentional practice that can be integrated into your daily life to promote emotional resilience, self-awareness, and healthier relationships.
What You'll Learn in This Episode:
- What is the Healthy Adult Mode?
- A quick recap of its foundational characteristics: mindfulness, self-compassion, emotional regulation, and more.
- How embodying the Healthy Adult mode supports wiser, more compassionate decision-making and self-management.
- Healthy Adult Daily Practice Tool:
- Set Your Intention: Choose one Healthy Adult quality (e.g., patience, empathy, gratitude, self-care) to focus on for the day.
- Daily Embodiment: Actively embody this quality in your actions, thoughts, and interactions throughout the day.
- End-of-Day Reflection: Evaluate how you embodied this quality, reflect on challenges, and identify lessons learned for future growth.
- Why This Practice Works:
- The importance of intentionality and repetition in developing new neural pathways.
- How this practice builds emotional resilience and integrates Healthy Adult traits into your personality over time.
By engaging with this tool, you'll build greater self-awareness, foster healthier relationships, and develop the emotional resilience to face life's challenges with confidence and clarity.
Reflection Questions for Healthy Adult Daily Practice:
- What Healthy Adult quality will I focus on tomorrow?
- Why is this quality meaningful or important to me right now?
- How do I plan to incorporate this quality into my daily life?
- How did I embody this quality today?
- What challenges did I face in practicing this quality?
- How did this practice influence my interactions, decisions, or emotions?
- What did I le
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