The Arc Experience Podcast

Grab the Keys to a Good Life: Person-Centered Thinking

Lisa Pugh and Stacey Ramirez Season 1 Episode 26

What is the “good life” for people with disabilities and how can we get it for ourselves or secure it for our loved ones? Why should you think beyond the  services you receive? 

You might be surprised to learn that the life you've been  planning won't get you the good life– and you could be to blame. Stacey Ramirez – a Mom and national leader in person-centered thinking, challenges us to take some risks in our vision of the good life. She shares her own story of moving out of her comfort zone and the tools that got her there. She leaves us with some words of wisdom you don’t want to miss. 

Stacey Ramirez has led The Arc Georgia since 2015 and recently started her own consulting firm, Crimminz and Associates. She is a nationally known trainer with significant experience in person-centered planning. She has a steadfast belief that every person has gifts and the capacity to exceed the often-arbitrary expectations that our society imposes. She is a mom to 3 sons, one who has autism.

Contact Stacey Ramirez: 

Phone: 678-313-3177

More on Person-Centered Planning:
Balancing Dreams With Support 

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