167 - Trading Capital Gains for Charitable Gains
Poised for Exit
Poised for Exit
167 - Trading Capital Gains for Charitable Gains
Nov 01, 2023 Season 1 Episode 167
Julie Keyes

Trading Capital Gains for Charitable Gains

Today we had the privilege of speaking with Tyler Van Eps, a Charitable Giving Strategist for the National Christian Foundation

Tyler's lifelong interest in converging ministry with the marketplace eventually lead him to NCF's Twin Cities branch, where he works alongside the advisors of business owners and the owners themselves in constructing ways for the owners to live out their desire for being generous, while utilizing tax saving strategies at the same time! 

The IRS provides various tax incentives within the tax code for owners who wish to give a portion of their wealth to charity. Utilizing NCF's "Gift Illustration" services can be extremely beneficial for owners to understand what their options are based upon the types of assets they own, with scenarios that show how they can maximize their gift and minimize their tax liability in a creative, innovative way. 

Many Entrepreneurs tend to be givers, and adding value to the world seems to be an innate trait that many owners possess, which could be why so many wish to continue producing work after they're 'supposed to be' retired. 

The National Christian Foundation does not operate in a silo, but collaborates with other advisors on the owner's team as kind of a silent partner. They're in the background working with the other advisors to customize a giving plan that resonates with what's really important to the owner, utilizing hard earned equity dollars for purposes that can do so much more than overpaying to Uncle Sam. 

You can find Tyler Van Eps @nationalchristianfoundation 

and here.

Connect with  Tyler Van Eps here and Julie here

Thank you to our show sponsors! Dayta, JAK, Sunbelt Business Advisors and Trust Point

Connect with Julie Keyes, Keyestrategies LLC
Founder, Consultant, Author, Pod-caster and Instructor