Arrowhead Promotion’s Bud Schneider: Pointing the way toward a new generation of leadership!
Today’s episode featured the long time leader of a family business in its 3rd generation. The Arrowhead Promotion Company is going strong and looking to the future, as Bud Schneider mentors and guides the new leadership to take over. As a non-family member of a family owned company, Bud truly embraced the role as leader and steward of the family business and its legacy more than most in his position. The family and its ownership have a strong affinity for him as well.
Arrowhead’s work is what Bud would call ‘quiet’ in that it works behind the scenes to connect brands with their desired consumers and does so from most any vertical. For example, if your company has a new product to launch and you’ve built strategy and goals for its successful growth, Arrowhead comes in to implement the strategy and achieve the results you’re looking for with proven and creative tactics that have earned them long term relationships with some of the biggest brands in MN.
Bud spends his time working alongside a leadership team that has become the driver of the business over time. His guidance and advice have been integral in the transition of leadership and they’re not in a hurry to have him gone, but Bud says ‘soon’. The transition planning process all started with their CPA firm advising them that they should get the process of delegation and succession started at least 5 years out, so three years ago, they got serious about it and have remained focused on the success of passing on the torch since then.
Bud plans to spend time in the future doing more of what he loves in the ways of leisure, but still wants to stay productive. That may mean he stays engaged in some way with Arrowhead for years to come; who knows?
Listen to the episode here
Connect with Julie Keyes, Keyestrategies LLC
Founder, Consultant, Author, Pod-caster and Instructor