me&my health up

Unleash The Empowered Woman In You With Creatrix Healing

May 02, 2023 me&my wellness / Chelsea Webster Season 1 Episode 156
Unleash The Empowered Woman In You With Creatrix Healing
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Unleash The Empowered Woman In You With Creatrix Healing
May 02, 2023 Season 1 Episode 156
me&my wellness / Chelsea Webster

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Are you feeling trapped, living a life based on duty rather than design? Ready to rediscover your true self and passions? 

In this empowering episode of the me&my health up podcast, Anthony Hartcher interviews Chelsea Webster about her journey to unleash the empowered woman within. Chelsea shares how she overcame burnout, domestic violence, and a loss of confidence and found healing and happiness through Creatrix therapy.

Tune in to learn more about this life-changing method that works on an epigenetic level to remove limiting beliefs and negative emotions without reliving past traumas. Discover how Chelsea now helps other women to reclaim their power and live authentically through her unique combination of Creatrix therapy and results coaching.

About Chelsea Webster:

Chelsea Webster is a registered nurse with 20 years of experience in neonatal intensive care, research, ethics, governance, and managing Victoria's only Breast Milkbank. She holds a Master's in Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing and has authored a thesis based on her independent research study. After facing challenging work environments that left her burnt out and overwhelmed, Chelsea decided to focus on emotional healthcare.

She gained qualifications in this field and founded Create Your Glow to help empower women who are experiencing similar struggles. Chelsea is passionate about uncovering and eliminating limiting beliefs and emotions, enabling women to live their best lives and find their inner glow

Connect with Chelsea Webster:


About me&my health up & Anthony Hartcher

me&my health up seeks to enhance and enlighten the well-being of others. Host Anthony Hartcher is the CEO of me&my wellness which provides holistic health solutions using food as medicine, combined with a holistic, balanced, lifestyle approach. Anthony holds three bachelor's degrees in Complementary Medicine; Nutrition and Dietetic Medicine; and Chemical Engineering.

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Any information, advice, opinions or statements within it do not constitute medical, health care or other professional advice, and are provided for general information purposes only. All care is taken in the preparation of the information in this Podcast. [Connected Wellness Pty Ltd] operating under the brand of “me&my health up” here for more

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Are you feeling trapped, living a life based on duty rather than design? Ready to rediscover your true self and passions? 

In this empowering episode of the me&my health up podcast, Anthony Hartcher interviews Chelsea Webster about her journey to unleash the empowered woman within. Chelsea shares how she overcame burnout, domestic violence, and a loss of confidence and found healing and happiness through Creatrix therapy.

Tune in to learn more about this life-changing method that works on an epigenetic level to remove limiting beliefs and negative emotions without reliving past traumas. Discover how Chelsea now helps other women to reclaim their power and live authentically through her unique combination of Creatrix therapy and results coaching.

About Chelsea Webster:

Chelsea Webster is a registered nurse with 20 years of experience in neonatal intensive care, research, ethics, governance, and managing Victoria's only Breast Milkbank. She holds a Master's in Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing and has authored a thesis based on her independent research study. After facing challenging work environments that left her burnt out and overwhelmed, Chelsea decided to focus on emotional healthcare.

She gained qualifications in this field and founded Create Your Glow to help empower women who are experiencing similar struggles. Chelsea is passionate about uncovering and eliminating limiting beliefs and emotions, enabling women to live their best lives and find their inner glow

Connect with Chelsea Webster:


About me&my health up & Anthony Hartcher

me&my health up seeks to enhance and enlighten the well-being of others. Host Anthony Hartcher is the CEO of me&my wellness which provides holistic health solutions using food as medicine, combined with a holistic, balanced, lifestyle approach. Anthony holds three bachelor's degrees in Complementary Medicine; Nutrition and Dietetic Medicine; and Chemical Engineering.

Podcast Disclaimer
Any information, advice, opinions or statements within it do not constitute medical, health care or other professional advice, and are provided for general information purposes only. All care is taken in the preparation of the information in this Podcast. [Connected Wellness Pty Ltd] operating under the brand of “me&my health up” here for more

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Chelsea Webster:

I would work quite hard as everybody did, and then had then got quite burnt out and didn't realise all burnt out until I was, it was probably pointed out to me from my kids. I am a single mom of two children and I've had domestic violence and pretty have a shitty situation in life, which I'm not the only one to have gone through things like that. It started finding that I really had lost a lot of confidence, didn't know who I was anymore and was realising that I wasn't living the life. For me, I was living life for everybody else, and would really do as they say. So choosing different career paths because it didn't suit them, not necessarily what I wanted to do. And also as most mums and dads, but a lot of mums you've put your life kind of on hold for your kids or for those around you. And I really discovered that I had done that. And I was living their life, not mine, and probably had lost myself a lot. And I know that that sounds quite cliche, but I had I didn't know who I was anymore, didn't have didn't know what I enjoyed, and held a lot of resentment to people to myself and to the world. I was a pretty bitter woman, Anthony now I think about it.

Anthony Hartcher:

That was Chelsea Webster. And you've landed on the me&my health up podcast. I'm your host, Anthony Hartcher. I'm a clinical nutritionist and lifestyle medicine specialist. The purpose of this podcast is to enhance and enlighten your well being. And today Chelsea Webster will be doing that for you. She is a woman empowerment coach. And we're going to be discussing how to empower you with create tricks therapies or create tricks healing. And so before I'd met Chelsea, I had not heard of create tricks healing. And so Chelsea introduced me to this topic, and I thought what a fantastic topic. This would be to introduce to the listeners of me&my health up. Yes, Chelsea is a registered nurse. And she's also a woman empowerment coach. And she shares her story of how she was a disempowered women to how she turned around her life to become an empowered women. And now she's empowering women to live the best life that they can live. So without much further ado, I'd love to welcome you into the discussion I'm having with Chelsea Webster. Welcome on the me&my health up podcast. How are you Chelsea Webster?

Chelsea Webster:

I'm good. Anthony, how are you?

Anthony Hartcher:

I'm fantastic. And really, really great to have you on I'm really looking forward to this conversation about unleashing the empowered woman within you. It's for those women out there that really want to be empowered, to be magnificent and to shine to stand out. So this episode is for you and Chelsea is going to be sharing her journey. And what's helped her on her journey on being the empowered woman she is today. So Chelsea, please share your backstory of how you have arrived at what you're doing today.

Chelsea Webster:

Sure, and thank you for having me on Anthony. So my background. I am a nurse. And I still nurse I'm in Melbourne. And as everybody is aware, Melbourne was hit with a little bit of a situation over the last couple of years that we won't focus on that. But found during that period of time I would work quite hard as everybody did, and then had then got quite burnt out and didn't realise I was burnt out until I was it was probably pointed out to me for my kids. I am a single mom of two children and I've had domestic violence and a bit of a shitty situation in life, which I'm not the only one to have gone through things like that. It started finding that I really had lost a lot of confidence, didn't know who I was anymore and was realising that I wasn't living the life. For me. I was living life for everybody else and would really do as they say so choosing different career paths because it didn't suit them not necessarily what I wanted to do. And also as most mums and dads but a lot of mums you put your life kind of on hold for your kids or for those around you. And I really discovered that I had done that and others living their life not mine and probably had lost myself a lot. And I know that that sounds quite cliche, but I had I didn't know who I was anymore didn't have didn't know what I enjoyed and held a lot of resentment to people to myself and to the world. I was a pretty bitter woman Anthony now I think about it.

Anthony Hartcher:

Well, I can understand when you're you know you're giving so much and essentially you're sacrificing yourself and and not living out who you truly are and and not expressing your needs and yeah, just living out the life that you want to live. So I think there's plenty of listeners out there and I can certainly relate to the journey that you've been on. I'm sure most of us have had this experience where we'll certainly growing up, were living out our parents values, and we're doing as we're told, and we go to school, and we're doing as we tell, we go into the workforce we're doing, as we're told, and essentially living that life by duty, as opposed to designing the life and creating the life that we want. So what was it for you that turning point, that light bulb moment where the flick just switch and you said, not enough is enough?

Chelsea Webster:

Yeah. And that's a big one I was talking about change today. I had got to a point where, like I said, I resented pretty much everything that the world had to offer. And I was realising that I was blaming everybody, I hated the word victim. And I still am not a fan of the word victim, particularly coming from domestic violence. I didn't like to be put in that, I guess, box. And I was really ashamed of who I was and where I was in life. And I think I just woke up one day, and I got to a point where I was like, nothing is going to change. And I'm not going to change if I don't make that change myself, because nobody can do it for me. And it has to come from me. I wasn't ready to do that beforehand. And anytime I had tried to start a process, I would say it didn't work. It didn't work, because I didn't put the work in and I didn't want to make that change. And I didn't have the commitment. But I really got to a point. And it was mid last year. So it's not even 12 months ago that I was like enough is enough. I could see the impact. It wasn't not just having on me, but also having on my kids, my friends, my family, everyone around me, I wasn't, I wasn't a nice person to be around, I would go to work, put a smile on my face and do what I had to do. I was very much black and white. And that's the way it's going to be there. But then I would come home and just crumble. And I didn't want to live that life anymore. I actually wanted to be happy. I want and I know that that sounds quite extreme, just to be happy. But I did. I wanted to be happy again. And I always wanted to get back to that little girl that I was when I was, you know, the happy smiley one who was always told you always happy always smiling, always bubbly. And I had lost that person for many, many, many years. And I wanted to get back to that. And I did. Yeah. So that's, that's essentially that I did. And that's me today now.

Anthony Hartcher:

Wow. And how did you go about finding that inner child?

Chelsea Webster:

Yeah. So. And I know, people say do inner child work, I didn't know inner child work. I'm just gonna put that out there. But I found that little girl who was who was happy and loves life again, and love people. I hated people. I worked as a nurse and hated people, which doesn't sound right. But I did. I didn't want to be around people. I had done lots of other kind of life coaching, not myself, like I had been the client. I'd been to psychologists and I was finding that every time I was doing that I was having to relive my past. And it was probably just bringing me down again, moments where I thought, Okay, I'm over this. Two weeks, two months later, I was back down there. And then I came across actually just heard somebody speak about this creatrix thing. And I just went Oh, I wonder what that is. So I looked into it a bit further did one session and never looked back. And from then I was like, how? How can I help people do this? I know it's made such a difference to my life. It's made such a difference to those around me. I want to be able to give that gift back and help other people.

Anthony Hartcher:

Yeah, incredible. And the first time I heard about creatrix was when I met you essentially, you mentioned the word creatrix. And I thought never heard of it. I've come across many different healing modalities throughout my journey been creatrix was a new one. So it really intrigued me and I thought the listeners are certainly going to be intrigued about hearing about Creatrix. I've set since had subsequent meetings and I've raised it in meetings and some other people have heard about it. So it is out there making inroads in terms of a new therapy and and how would you best describe Creatrix?

Chelsea Webster:

Yeah, so it's working on an epigenetic level. So I'm not going to go into the big science about that because we're just going to lose people. But basically we are passed on through our DNA and the environment, epigenetics and things that are in there that you don't realise that you're passed on. So that little thing where you go, Oh, I never want to say that like my mom or my dad always says that. I'm never want to be like them, and you find as you grow up, you're saying that exact same thing, or you're behaving in that manner, or you're attracting the relationships or the situations that you never wanted to attract. Sometimes there's nothing you can do about it well, until now, there was nothing you could do about it, because it was actually in your epigenetics and, and it's there until you become aware of it, and then you start noticing it. So it works on the epigenetic level, we don't relive the trauma, as much as I would love to hear the stories of the women I'm working with, I don't want them to bring it back up. Because I know for myself, every time I did, it just really put me into a more depressive state. So we don't go through that. We have a laugh and a joke, which sounds a bit ridiculous when you might be talking about a limiting belief or emotion that's quite extreme. For instance, one of the ladies I was working with had a real fear of abandonment, and it was huge. It impacted her entire life, her husband, her kids, everyone around her her business, her business was struggling because she had this fear. And when we did our session, and that was one of the things we worked on, were both laughing, and you wouldn't think that you can laugh and get that kind of big shift, she had a big shift, she no longer has that fear. And we were laughing. So it's really good to see that you can have fun and get rid of some really negative crappy things that have been holding you back.

Anthony Hartcher:

And so who would you say that best suits? Is there sort of like a avatar for that person? Or is it sort of give it a go see if it works? Yeah. How would you then think this is? You know, who works really well with?

Chelsea Webster:

Yeah. And so that's a big point, Anthony. And, again, I'll speaking about this today, I go through a process and I will have a 15 minute chat, which we'll talk about a little bit later with somebody to see, everybody says they want to make change. Or if you say to somebody, how do you feel about change, they might be a little bit uncomfortable. If there's a situation going on in their life that yeah, I want to change it. But when you actually get down to the nitty gritty, a lot of people don't want to change it. And they want to hold on to that we call it secondary gain. So they, they get benefit from not changing and from having that there. So I go through a really thorough process and just working out, do they actually want to change because if they don't, I'm not going to work with them. And that's not to say that I'm abandoning them, if that's one of their issues, it's actually because they won't commit, they're not going to make the change, because they don't want to or they're not ready, and that's okay. I'm always going to be there later. So for me, a lot of people that I work with a lot of women, they're going through life changes. So it could be that they've just had a baby, although sometimes they're a little bit busy for that. They may be leaving the workforce, and they just kind of don't know where they sit anymore. They've been working their entire life. And for them, that's who they are as a person, and they no longer know, what am I going to do? Who am I going to be? What's my purpose? And what's my value? Women who might be going through separation or divorce. So they kind of lost themselves a while, as well. And, or when you're in that transition of children who are starting to move out of home? And it's like, what am I going to do next? So really working with those women who are in that next stage of their life, no matter which stage it is, because there's many stages who are in the next stage of their life, and they're starting to realise this isn't the person I always dreamt I would be I don't want, I want to find out who I really am inside. And that might sound very vague, but you'd probably know as well Anthony, once you realise what your passion is, and who you want to be the life you the world just opens up that everybody around you is impacted as well. You do lose some people. Some people don't like that change. They liked the previous view. And you have to be prepared to to know that that will happen as well. Does that sound?

Anthony Hartcher:

Yeah, it does. It does. I was just wondering, like with all the therapies, there's, you know, certain people it's not for like, you know, particularly for supplements. It's, you know, for not for pregnant women, not for children under the age of x. So I'm just thinking What about teens, kids that end of the spectrum, that younger generation?

Chelsea Webster:

I wouldn't do. I wouldn't work with kids. You can work with teenagers but they have to be prepared to I think actually want to do it and not be pushed on it to do it that my mum or my dad has said I need to do this. It has to be their choice and they have to want to do it. I did do a session with my daughter. I would never recommend it. Do sessions with your own family, because she wasn't going to listen to me and take me seriously. So I have set her up with somebody else to work with her. So teens can definitely do at any age really. Above the teenage years, I would recommend, I think you need a little bit of life experience. To be fair, it's not to say that they can't do it, I think that they want to do they need to want to do it has to be their choice.

Anthony Hartcher:

Absolutely. You're saying before that the person has to want to change themselves. If they don't want to change, they're getting what you said secondary benefits, they really quite addicted to the secondary benefits they're getting they're receiving from being the person they are, then essentially, then it's not for them. So there's plenty of modalities and therapies out there for they're not willing to change. It's like nutrition, the client is not willing to change their nutrition. Well, the nutritionist can't help them.

Chelsea Webster:

Absolutely. And I think and you would hear it as well, Anthony would with the nutrition side, there's when you start to hear people say, I'll do that when like, there's always going to be something else. Well, they're probably not the people I'm going to work with, and you may not as well. Because when is that? Or When's that going to happen? And is that going to make you happy? Probably not. Because when you achieve it, there's always going to be something else. So they really need to need to be ready and want that change now, and be prepared to do the work.

Anthony Hartcher:

Yeah, so when you say be prepared to do the work, I'm just thinking, is this something that's done in face to face or online? And what sort of tools do you use to help the person like, there's a lot of talk about hypnotherapy? And people, you getting hypnotherapy to get over addictions and things like that. And there's various forms of life coaching, NLP, where does creatrix fit into this hypnosis, this area of sort of helping people progress through change? What how would you best classify?

Chelsea Webster:

Yeah, so and that's, that's an interesting thing as well. So it, it's basically a story. And we go through zoom sessions, just in sessions, and usually it's between, I'd say, eight to 12 sessions, and we're done. And we do give a 365 day or one year guarantee, whatever you would like to call it on the work that we do, and the limiting beliefs and motions that we go through. So essentially, I, we have a little interview at the start to see, can we work together with the right people or not, might not be the right fit for them? And that's okay, as well. I used to I probably would have taken that personally before. Now I don't. It's like, that's okay. There's plenty of people out there. We go through a process. And there's a lot of listening. So I used to think was active listening. It's actually me passively listening, and just listening to words that keep coming up, that you're, you don't even you're not aware that you're saying all the time. And then we go through just a process where they will write things, and then we'll work out what is that? What are those big, big things that are really holding you back right now. And I guess you don't realise so many of them are actually linked, let you find one. And it'll get rid of 10 or 20. And then we just go through lower the layers. I don't use the onion analogy, I use a cobweb analogy, and I think it was because one day I had just been doing some work on myself, I regularly have sessions for myself as well, I'm not perfect, I'm never going to be perfect. And I find that when I work with a client, we're normally quite aligned. And something that might be a thing for them is a thing for me to do. So I learned so much from my clients. But I'd had done a session and I had gone outside after and I just saw these massive big cobwebs everywhere that I hadn't seen before. So I cleared them off. And then I went back out later. And I found those tiny little really pesky ones. And that's kind of what I find. Actually, we do. And I do with my clients as well. We get rid of those big cobwebs to start with probably those nice nice ish ones that they don't really want to dig deep at that time. And then once we get rid of those, it those underlining little, little little nasty cobwebs that are just sitting there that are hard to clear. They're the ones that rise to the top. And once we get rid of those, we just find everything else just seems to drop off. So it's just a zoom session two hours, probably about two hours a week for eight to 12 weeks, depending on what's going on for somebody. And that's pretty much it. I do send them a little bit of homework to do because I want to make sure that they're committed. And the homework is basically just rewrite what we've done. And let's see where you sit. So there's not a lot but we do need to make that have that commitment that people will do what they need to do. The other part too, is though, you start to find, Once you clear stuff, when you're walking around your normal world after that, previously, something that would annoy you, or you put up with, you no longer can because your body is screaming out to you that you are out of alignment. And this is not okay anymore. And that's where I'm saying you have to do the work, because we can work on everything, and clear everything from your body. But if you're not prepared to take the action and make those changes that are actually needed, you are constantly going to feel like you're just, I don't know, on edge, because you're not prepared to take those next moves. And that may be I don't know, saying to a friend, how you really feel or it may be walking out of a job. I'm not saying do that. Don't do that. But I'm just saying if if that's something is really causing a problem in your life, we can work on everything. But if you're not willing to take the action to get the end result, your body's always going to scream out, and you become more aware of it.

Anthony Hartcher:

And in terms of the secret source, or what's underlying, you know, like so there's there's hypnotherapy and it's about getting someone in that sort of trends state and working with the working with the subconscious. In terms of like, this creatrix. Is it a questioning process? Or what sort of process do you take your client through?

Chelsea Webster:

Yeah, so that's a great way of putting it I'm not sure I can give too much of it away, Anthony. But it is essentially, it's a closed eye process. And I will read some stuff out and they will go into some character. So it's like a story. And then they will answer and they get all these learnings. And it's learning that you don't know that it sounds stupid, it does not make sense, I can assure you, it doesn't make sense. And the images that might pop up for you might sound ridiculous. And I don't have a good imagination normally, and some of my images might just be a line. And then all of a sudden, it all makes sense of what comes back and what your learnings are. And I've had one which is absolutely ridiculous where it was just gone. And but that's gone, had these brilliant learnings and cleared some stuff. So that's where it does get quite funny. So I really let people know it's not grammatically correct. And if you are really bang on with your English, you might get triggered, because it's not grammatically correct. So it is just sitting there and listening and then just responding and it's what comes up first, I always really remind the clients that I work with, you need to put your logical brain aside and not think it's really what comes up. And that's when you get the transformation. So it's easy, it's an easy process. And I have to say I feel like the laziest coach around because I don't do any of the work. The client does all of the work, and they don't even realise that they're doing it. And I think that that's the beauty in it. They don't ever know that. That that's happening. But it's it happens and and they change.

Anthony Hartcher:

So sort of is working at that subconscious level.

Chelsea Webster:

Yeah, it's Yeah, definitely.

Anthony Hartcher:

Yeah. It's it's not there essentially. Like if you switch your conscious brain on and then got fixated on the grammar, or that's incorrect. And the process wouldn't work, because she was too you too stuck in that conscious part where I think what this allows is just to let go of your sort of conscious thinking and sort of allow things to flow, like you said, it's gone. Yeah, good for you. And if you don't mind me ask you, you don't have to share this. But what did this gone represent for you?

Chelsea Webster:

What did this gone do you know what was so long ago? And I can't even remember, I can't remember it, then it'd be really interesting to go back and find find notes on that. Because who? My friend who was doing the session, she'd have the notes I should find out because it was weird. I just remember it's gone. Like what? Hilarious. So that was the picture that came into your mind when that narrative was being read to you, essentially. Yeah, and, and this gone had all these incredible learnings. And that's the other thing that you find, you go into it, and you've got these limiting beliefs, and you've got these limiting emotions. And you've got these scenarios that have happened in your life that have you. You think about and it causes you that anxiety and that trauma. And once we do this, I say with one client in particular, it's not immediate for her, she'll still have a little bit of a rating and then I'll say, right, let's rewrite it in a week. And then it slightly drops down and over the course of the next two weeks. They dropped down even more. She is a thinker, so I think she actually thinks that Add a little bit too much, but that's okay. But you essentially don't feel and have that connection to whatever that scenario was or that limiting belief or emotion beforehand. So something can happen and you just kind of look at it and go, Ah, okay, you might get a little bit of a thing, but it's not to the extent as it was before, and I have a personal scenario yesterday, I decided to add a little bit of a paint job to my car, let's just say, and normally, this happened a few months ago, as well, where I had accidentally bumped into somebody, there was no damage, but I was beside myself, I it really triggered me. Yesterday, I looked at it, and it was actually its fair bit of damage. And I'm like, Oh, no. All right, that was just a bit silly. concentrate a little bit more. Whereas I would have lost it last year, I would have been probably in the fetal position, crying, not wanting to drive, really loss of confidence. And just reflecting on that yesterday was like, Oh, that that's a massive change for me. And last year, I would have tried to blame someone else, they would have been someone else's fault. Even though there was no one around apart from me in this poll, it would have been someone else's thought I would have found a way in this time, it was like, Nah, I did it stupid. Okay, move on. So you start to really catch that, your old ways. And once you recognise that, and that is a big thing. Anyway, I think in anybody's life, once you start to hear yourself being negative, or going back into those old ways, and you become more conscious of it, and aware, you can start to make those changes with or without creatrix, that's just something in life, to start picking yourself up on those things that you're saying to yourself, or when you can say that you're blaming other people for something, and then they're not even around.

Anthony Hartcher:

So it's essentially it's accessing that part of your mind that you're, you're blinded to, or you know, you're not aware of that's essentially running you. And it's essentially bringing it to the surface. So you're more aware of it of its impact in terms of limiting belief, or it's, you know, your self depreciating based, you know, based on some historical thing, or reacting to the environment based on historical experience. And it's essentially making you more aware of that, and allowing you to move forward like that clears in some some way. I don't know how it clears. But there's some, certainly some secret source behind that.

Chelsea Webster:

It's hard and because I'd love to be able to explain it. And then I think it because we work with the epigenetics and actually resets. What was going on before and what what you had there? And I know it sounds ridiculous, and it sounds weird. It sounds stupid. I'm living proof. That's all I've got to say. And I've seen changes in other people as well. But yeah, it kind of resets. And it's not to say you're never gonna get triggered again, you can never, I personally believe have a zero on some things. You always and that's that's also a safety part of our life, isn't it, you need to have a reaction to some things because it keeps you out of danger. So I'm not saying everybody's going to be zero and walking around like zombies, because that would be awful. So you have to have some reactions, but you tend not to have that, you know, zero to 10,000 and then fall in a heap.

Anthony Hartcher:

You got more of that?

Chelsea Webster:

You Control? Yes. Yeah,

Anthony Hartcher:

That's fair to say that you've got that that self governance, essentially, as you're saying, you know, in the past, if you had a had that accident, and then you'll be blaming someone else and this person's fault and getting really angry, whereas it happened, you looked at it and go, Okay, what's happened? Move on, you know, it's life. It's part of life. It's just a car. Yeah. And you took the learning from it, essentially, better pay more attention, you know, when I'm, I guess, maneuvering the car around the car parking lot, or something like

Chelsea Webster:

That's right. Yeah. And I know that, you know, I should have learned that a long time ago. But you know, sometimes it just takes that you haven't learned your lesson. Learn it now.

Anthony Hartcher:


Chelsea Webster:

And that's what I was saying. When you're out of that kind of out of alignment. You're doing things that your body and your mind and everybody's saying, Hey, you don't do it. Well, that happened yesterday to me, didn't it?

Anthony Hartcher:

Well, and as you said, if you're constantly blaming someone else, there's no learnings from it because it's someone else, it's someone else's fault. And but where you are at the moment is you realise you've got that awareness now, and essentially that react like you used to and essentially, you take learnings from it so that you can go forward and be a, you know, be more I guess, present when you're driving so to speak.

Chelsea Webster:

Yeah. And present in life. Absolutely. Not to say I don't have moments Believe me, I have. I have moments and just Last my children, I have many moments, and not to the extent that I used to and not with, not with everything in the heat of the moment, it may not go so well. But now I've learned to actually go okay. All right. And I can apologize to them. As before. Oh, no, no, no, no, I would say sorry. Sorry, sorry. Sorry about other things that didn't. want a sorry. But I would never give an apology because it was like swallowing my pride. And now I can

Anthony Hartcher:

Certainly, you can you get a sense that you're, you're liberated, like I can sense I'm talking to someone who's been been very liberated from what was holding them back. And because you're very open, you've got that real open heart about you. So certainly, I can sense that that the works had a major impact on you, even though it was just not that long ago, when you actually started the work. And it's had a profound impact on your life. And, and you're, you're radiant with energy and vibrance. So as, as you said, you'll start to attract the things into your life that you're essentially want. As opposed to the things that you don't want, in terms of what else is really complemented the Creatrix work that you've done, that's really helped give that you that holistic element to that self healing, empowerment in your life.

Chelsea Webster:

Yeah, so I've actually also become certified as a results coach as well. So that's not just for women, but I still mainly work with women. So we do the empowerment with creatrix, but also then come in and kind of round it up and go through, it can be an eight week program, or we can actually change it to what they need. And that's really working through those extra little things that like working on values, you know, where, where are your values? What are your values, and I know that there's a lot of talk about the values out there. And to be fair, I think, I always get asked what my values were, and I'd look at him like, I don't know, and make something up, or they provide me with this list of 100. And you go that, that that and that. But it's actually through different methods is actually really working out what your values are and where you hold them. But then under that it's it's this secondary values that we call them shadow values that you don't realise they are your true values. And that's what really comes out. And that's what's playing on in your life. And when things, things start aligning. So I'm incorporating that in with the creatrix work to really get like a whole package together. And through that we really look at what are your actual goals? What do you want to do? So the creatrix will get rid of those limiting beliefs and emotions. But we want to be able to take that next step, what are you going to do with that? So we set goals. And actually again, and this is going to sound like I'm the laziest coach, I don't do a lot, because when we go through the process, the client is the one who works out what those goals are, I can't set goals for somebody, they have to set them themselves, because if I set them, they're not going to do them. So they set the goal to hunker down or work out what's actually achievable for you. And we'll go through that process. So once we've done the creatrix, and if people choose to do that, that's only like a 45 minute phone call a week for eight weeks, and we start to work through that. So it's really having that end goal, which you don't know at the start you think you do and we work through to really work out what that is, there will still be some shifting or things that we need to get down. And somebody particularly who may have gone through trauma or a PTSD episode. And we don't really deal with that as much and creatrix we do in this aspect. So we shift that there. There is a slight bit of reliving that, but it's it's over and done with within 20 minutes. And then we kind of shift it so yeah, I've kind of I've kind of made it more of a wholesome package. Were moving on from just the limiting beliefs and emotions. I shouldn't say just because it's huge. Really working out what purposes what your dreams are finding that and then making it happen

Anthony Hartcher:

In terms of how can the listeners best connect with you Chelsea?

Chelsea Webster:

Yes. So they can go to my website, that's


// and that's create spelt out. That's dot com. And you can book in for a 15 minute clarity session, there are a clarity call and that's where we actually work out. Is this something that you want to do? Do you want to make the change? Will we work well together and there has there have been a few instances where I've spoken to people and gone this is this is not going to work? I'm here if you want to do it later, but right now this is not the process that I believe you should be going through or you're ready for so we go through that because I don't want people to sign up to something that's actually not going to work for them. Yeah.

Anthony Hartcher:

And for the listeners, I'll include those that link to Chelsea's website in the show notes. So you can just go directly to the show notes and click on the link, and you'll be taken to her website, where you can book your discovery session. And Chelsea, your concluding words for this podcast today?

Chelsea Webster:

Oh, a big one, I'd say just to take simple actions. So if you want to make the change, and you're ready for it, reach out to me might not be me, it might be somebody else. And it might be a different modality, but actually commit to making that change. Look at what goals are most important to you, and what matters most to you, not other people, stop giving your power away to other people and actually take it back. So really focus on what that is, and don't hold back anymore. Just become the person that you want to do. I'd say I help empower women think feel glow. But really, you want that inner glow, because you have that inner glow. And the world sees it so yet make the change. Be prepared to make the change and go for it.

Anthony Hartcher:

I love it. I love that. I help empower women think, feel and glow. Is that right?

Chelsea Webster:

That's it! think, feeling glow

Anthony Hartcher:

That's it! think, feeling glow. So for the women out there that want to think, feel and glow, then please reach out to Chelsea, and thank you for tuning into another insightful episode of me and my health up anyone you know, that maybe struggling in their life with a bit of disempowerment or that victim mentality, please share this episode with them because they could really be enlightened and empowered with what Chelsea's had to share today. And thank you so much, Chelsea for joining us.

Chelsea Webster:

Thank you, Anthony. It's been an absolute pleasure. Thank you so much.

Anthony Hartcher:

You're welcome. Podcast disclaimer, this podcast and any information advice, opinions or statements within it do not constitute medical healthcare or professional advice and are provided for general information purposes only. All care is taken in the preparation of the information in this podcast. Connected Wellness provides you unlimited operating under the brand is me&my health up does not make any representations or give any warranties about his accuracy, reliability, completeness or suitability for any particular purpose. This podcast and any information advice, opinions or statements within it are not to be used as a substitute for professional medical, psychological, psychiatric, or any other mental health care or health care in general. me&my health recommends you seek the advice of a doctor or qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Inform your doctor of any changes that you make to your lifestyle and discuss these with your doctor. Do not disregard medical advice or delay visiting a medical professional because of something you hear in this podcast. This podcast has been carefully prepared on the basis of current information. changes in circumstances after publication may affect the accuracy of this information to the maximum extent permitted by the law may or may healthhub disclaims any such representations or warranties to the completeness, accuracy merchantability or fitness for purpose of this podcast and will not be liable for any expenses losses damages incurred indirect or consequential damages or costs that may be incurred as a result of the information being inaccurate or incomplete in any way. And for any reason. No part of this podcast can be reproduced or redistributed, published, copied or duplicated in a form without prior permission of me&my health up.

The burnt-out feeling of living life for others.
Introduction to Chelsea Webster.
What was the turning point that made you realise that enough is enough?
How Creatrix works on an epigenetic level and how does it work.
Who would you say is the avatar that works best?
How do you best classify your work?
Working with the subconscious in terms of hypnosis.
The importance of being aware of your limiting beliefs and limiting emotions.
If you’re constantly blaming someone else, there’s no learning from it.
How can the listeners best connect with you?