What's Your Ecomm Stack?

The Apps and Email Flows You Need as a Wholesale Ecommerce Brand with Vira Sadlak and Alissa Taggart from Flowium

Powered by Smile.io Season 2 Episode 3

The team at Flowium knows ecommerce emails like it's their job. It's literally their job. Alissa and Vira share some of their must-have app picks for brands that are getting into ecommerce wholesale channels, as well as some of the email flows they've seen work the best at driving sales and retention. 

Alissa and Vira's recommendations: 

Recommended Email Flows:

  • Welcome 12:52
  • Exit Intent 15:50
  • Abandon Cart 18:14
  • Post-purchase 18:55
  • Win back 22:20
  • List cleaning/sunset 22:50