Stupid Boys Club

13 - Nina Nesbitt joins Stupid Boys Club

Nina Nesbitt Season 1 Episode 13

We have the absolute pleasure of interviewing real life POP STAR, Nina Nesbitt - Scottish singer/songwriter and owner (pawrent...) of Prince Timmy, a former sex addict Pomeranian!

The normal episodes of this weekly podcast feature long-time friends Jonesy, Alex & Toby, 3 "grown-ups" who haven't quite yet figured out how to be adults. Join each week as we discover the art of adulting and 'therapize' times when we really could have done a better job, like childhood embarrassments, teenage cock-ups and adult faux pars.

During season one Alex & Toby uncover the incredible amount of precision that Jonesy takes to raise Cookie right and see how well his OCD and spreadsheet-led approach to 'parenthood' really works.

cookie insta: @cookiethecavapoouk

Marketing 101 (Alex's marketing consultancy/podcast/blog)
DJ Toby Lawrence
DJ Alex Ryan