Soul Loveth w/ Shan

Embracing Change...

Shan. Phillips Episode 28

Hey Lovelies!

It's been a minute... I haven't forgotten about the pod - but y'all know life be lifin'! We've really been focused on building the wellness program for at risk youth, it's been a year in the making, navigating the environment, working with the government, and still maintaining the salon and daily life needs.

What I've learned since the pandemic is to not get too attached to anything. Be fully present, do the work - yet know when it's time to shift, or move on to the next thing. Time is moving fast.  

In this episode I talk about change and embracing the sometimes uncomfortable thoughts and feeling that come along with it.  I also update you on the happenings with the Soul Loveth Wellness Project.

Thanks for tuning in.

Until next time,