Soul Loveth w/ Shan

The Price of Authenticity...

Shan. Phillips Episode 35

Hello Beautiful People...

I must say this one is good good! I had to replay it a couple of times - and I'm sure I'll be led to revisit it again in the future. You know - we hear the word "authenticity" a lot lately, and most view it aestheticaaly or surface - not realize that it encompasses the core of who you are, and the audacity to "show up as you" in the a world that's constantly programming you to conform. Whew... Sit with that for a minute.  

This episode I peel back more layers as I talk about the "Price of Authenticity." It's going to take some work and constant maintenance of facing yourself and honoring the commitments you've made to yourself in order to live healthy, happy and whole.  I hope it resonates with you.

Until next time, 

***Soul Search/ Creative Reflection:
~How did you honor the commitments you made to yourself this week?
~In what environments do you find yourself code switching?
~List 3 moral codes that you stand on.  
~When those codes are challenged - what are some examples of how you've stayed true to them?