Awakened Conscious Conversations

The Transformative Power of the Infinity Wave: A Spiritual Journey with Hope Fitzgerald

July 24, 2024 The Gentle Yoga Warrior Season 16 Episode 9
The Transformative Power of the Infinity Wave: A Spiritual Journey with Hope Fitzgerald
Awakened Conscious Conversations
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Awakened Conscious Conversations
The Transformative Power of the Infinity Wave: A Spiritual Journey with Hope Fitzgerald
Jul 24, 2024 Season 16 Episode 9
The Gentle Yoga Warrior

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What if a simple wave symbol could transform your emotional state instantly? Join us as we uncover the spiritual journey of Hope Fitzgerald, a visionary who brings profound insights into dowsing, inner guidance, and the mystical power of water. From her early fascination with spirituality to a life-changing visit to Findhorn in Scotland, Hope shares her remarkable experiences. She recounts a difficult year in 2010 that led her to sound healing workshops, where she received a vision of a gigantic wave symbolizing an evolutionary leap for the planet. This episode delves deep into Hope’s spiritual surrender, inner clarity, and the magical connection between water and higher wisdom.

Curious about intuitive dowsing and its various applications? Discover how Hope integrates the infinity wave—a figure-eight symbol of flowing water representing 10th-dimensional love and compassion—into her practice. You'll learn how this symbol can elevate your emotional state quickly, bypassing the need for lengthy meditation. We also offer practical meditation tips, emphasizing the importance of connecting with nature through a guided exercise focused on observing a tree. This episode is packed with spiritual insights and practical wisdom, making it a must-listen for anyone on a journey of inner growth and connection with the natural world.

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What if a simple wave symbol could transform your emotional state instantly? Join us as we uncover the spiritual journey of Hope Fitzgerald, a visionary who brings profound insights into dowsing, inner guidance, and the mystical power of water. From her early fascination with spirituality to a life-changing visit to Findhorn in Scotland, Hope shares her remarkable experiences. She recounts a difficult year in 2010 that led her to sound healing workshops, where she received a vision of a gigantic wave symbolizing an evolutionary leap for the planet. This episode delves deep into Hope’s spiritual surrender, inner clarity, and the magical connection between water and higher wisdom.

Curious about intuitive dowsing and its various applications? Discover how Hope integrates the infinity wave—a figure-eight symbol of flowing water representing 10th-dimensional love and compassion—into her practice. You'll learn how this symbol can elevate your emotional state quickly, bypassing the need for lengthy meditation. We also offer practical meditation tips, emphasizing the importance of connecting with nature through a guided exercise focused on observing a tree. This episode is packed with spiritual insights and practical wisdom, making it a must-listen for anyone on a journey of inner growth and connection with the natural world.

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Speaker 1:

Hello everybody, I'm your host, the Gentle York Warrior, and shortly joining us today will be Hope Fitzgerald to speak to us today on dowsing, tapping into your inner guidance system and the magic of water. I am intrigued to hear from this guest today. I know some of her work came to her in a vision and, looking at her resume, she has got an abundance of experience and I'm super intrigued to know how all this fits together. And yeah, water is a magical substance and there's been a lot of work done by different people with water and I know the quality of water has a mass impact on our life. But I have a feeling that we're going to go a lot deeper today with Hope Without further ado, as promised, here is Hope Fitzgerald. Hello, Hope, welcome to the show.

Speaker 2:

Hi, jane, thanks, so much. Happy to be here.

Speaker 1:

I'm very excited to have you to the show. Hi, jane, thanks so much. Happy to be here. I'm very excited to have you on the show because I think you're going to teach our listeners so much from your wonderful work, and I themed the show today about dowsing, tapping into your inner guidance and the magic of water, and looking at your work, you know a thing or two about water. I just wonder if you wouldn't mind sharing a little bit about your life's experience so far, your journey and your path to where you got to today.

Speaker 2:

I really was always very interested in spiritual things from the time I was a kid, and so I went down many rabbit holes here and there and everywhere I looked into healing, learned how to do that I. I looked into different philosophies and religions I was basically just scanning the landscape and I learned. I went to Findhorn, you know, which is in Northern Scotland, and that was a real turning point for me. But when I came home and started to very excitedly talk about it, people mostly rolled their eyes and thought that maybe I had gone off the deep end. So I learned to be very quiet about my spiritual journey and so fast forward. I had run some sound meditations in my home for five years, but it was still a very small group and I was still keeping my life on one track and my spiritual life on another track. And then I had a really tough year in 2010. At the end of it, or towards the end of it, I was so exhausted on every level that I knew I needed to, you know, get put some gas in the tank, because I was probably going to be vulnerable to illness if I didn't. And I went to two sound healing workshops back to back weekends in the northwest of the US, in Washington State, with the wonderful sound healer, tom Kenyon, and during that, those two workshops, I went into quite a uh, quite a pursuit to clean out what I kept having this image of cleaning out my inner bowl and every practice I was just scrubbing and scrubbing, taking away story, taking away attachments, taking just. I just wanted to be squeaky clean and that's all I could. That's the only language. I had to explain it at the time. Now, when I think back on it, I would call it a whole bunch of things, but at that time I was just, that was my mission. And on the very last practice of the last day, just that was my mission. And on the very last practice of the last day, I had come into really clear understanding about so many things and I but I had one lingering question about why that 2010 was such a horrendous year and such dramatic events that happened to me or that I was at least involved in. And I went into the last practice and I got my answer and it was so dramatic. It was a dramatic answer, a big turnaround that I was so grateful for that understanding that in my mind's eye, I went prostrate on the floor and out of me sprang the words I didn't do this in reality. It was in my head I am a willing vessel, do with me what you will. In other words, I completely surrendered. Now, that was that came out of me, wasn't mental right? That was all very well and good.

Speaker 2:

For three days I was delightfully empty. I literally could have called me any name and I would have answered. And I came home and had a friend over and I was starting to tell her about this situation and I was walking through my living room and all of a sudden, in front of me is this gigantic wave, huge, 10 stories, turquoise, gorgeous, but it had a. There was kind of a byline underneath it and it said this wave represents a push of evolution that is coming to the planet. It's going to anchor in at the end of 2011 and if you choose to resist it, things will go more difficultly for you. If you choose to resist it, things will go more difficultly for you. If you learn to swim it or surf it, it'll go much more easily. Then the wave turned on its side. It became a great big letter C, curling letter C of water, like a surfer would be on, would be on. And it said as the water pulls away from the shore and deepens into the seabed to get its energy to create that crest. That's how the physics works. So should you leave all your knowledge, all your book learning, on the shore and go to the earth, and go to the wisdom keepers of the earth for your information, for your knowledge, and then mix that with whatever this incoming push was. And then the water, that letter C, didn't just fall down into the ocean like it normally do, but it turned into a figure eight of flowing water like this, and there was no byline and I didn't know what it was Um by that. So that stayed with me for about three days.

Speaker 2:

Now, I was not in the habit of having visions. I didn't know what you know, but these things were, were clear, uh, I could kind of see through them, but they were very clear to me. And this figurative flowing water kept out in front of my face for about three days and finally I sat down with my dowsing rods. So I had been dowsing by that point for about 15 years and I had a way of asking questions. I had a way of asking questions that I had developed, and so I started asking what is this thing and why is it hanging around me?

Speaker 2:

And over a series of dowsing sessions, I was told that this thing is called we could call it the infinity wave, and that it represents an energy, a very high frequency of love and compassion, 10th dimensional love and compassion, and it was here to help us with the times that were ahead, the evolutionary push that would be upon us. So then I was told that I needed to teach about it and I said no. And they said but you said you were a willing vessel. You said to do with you what we will, and so you can't really say no. So I said okay, but I wasn't happy about it Because I didn't want to teach about spirituality. I didn't want to, even though I taught many things and been a leader and been a director and a producer and all kinds of things.

Speaker 2:

Spirituality was a different. It was my private place and I and I and I also considered myself and still do a student, and so why would I get in the front of a room? And they pretty much put the foot in my back and pushed me forward because I did not want to do this and I doused about how to create these workshops. And they said one full workshop will be one weekend a month for three months. I said what am I teaching? I don't even know what this thing is.

Speaker 2:

And they said, well, it has to do with evolution. And that was pretty much all they told me. So I sat down every week with my friend Thank goodness I had a friend who witnessed this whole thing and I sat down every week and I got my dowsing rods out and I said, okay, I'm just going to ask questions so I can see what I'm supposed to teach about, because I have no clue. And I would open my mouth and then out would come this deep, slow voice and these practices would come spilling out, and and so I would do them. When we got to the weekend, I also cobbled together a theory of evolution that I learned at Findhorn and I kind of mixed it with the latest science that I was looking at.

Speaker 1:

And anyway, I created these workshops, terrified to do so that's, that's amazing, that's what an evolution like a like on many ways that you're like a personal revolution, and and then the ability to take it from, like you said, the the spirit child being a very personal thing and to bring it to, to, to, so so many people find that, and also the fact you said you don't normally have visions, and it must've been like wonderful but also terrifying at the same time.

Speaker 2:

The visions weren't scary for some reason. It was afterwards, when I was being told I was supposed to teach that I became terrified. And part of it is, and I think this is very relatable. You know, we all I mean people who are on a spiritual path. You know, we're looking to reach something. We're looking to have connection with direct connection, let's say, with source. We're looking for those moments where we can know without a doubt that there is something bigger than us and that we're in it and that this isn't random. You know, these are the kinds of things that we kind of yearn for as we're studying and, uh, unfortunately we we rarely get there without something dramatic.

Speaker 2:

Some people, you know, they have a terrible accident, or they have a terrible illness, or they have a loss of a beloved or something like that, or something very scary In my case, and that's what jogs them out of our normal everyday reality. That's what jogs them out of our normal everyday reality. In my case, it was this sincere desire to have gnosis, to have this. I wanted that knowledge that was so deep in me, that was unshakable, and up until that point it had been a lot of belief, but it hadn't moved into that head to the heart, as Buddha said.

Speaker 2:

You know, the longest journey is from the head to the heart, and sometimes we're pushed out of it, as I said, in a dramatic situation. But if we're not pushed out of it that way, we're going to be pushed out of it another way, and that is scary. I call it. You know, a lot of us have our toes curled around the cliff of the known world and we were looking out and we want to go there, but we don't want to jump, because when you jump you don't know where you're going, you don't know what's going to happen, you don't know if anything will catch you and and. But that is where all the that's where it all lives, that's where all the benefit is. It's in letting go that we find out we actually are caught by a loving universe.

Speaker 1:

Beautiful and so true, and I had a real strong vision of standing on a cliff edge with my toes going back with the reluctance to jump off. But it is true, when we get into those moments of flow and surrender, how things happen For our listeners. Would you explain what intuitive dowsing is and how it can help one discover one's inner guidance?

Speaker 2:

Yeah Well, all dowsing to some extent, I think, is intuitive in my case I. So let's just talk about dowsing for a minute. There are many, many different dowsing tools and there are different uses, so a lot of people will know oh, yes, uh, you take a, a particular kind of willow, twig or other kind of branch and you can walk on the earth and the branch will point down when you've come to some water source. If you're looking to drill a well of some sort, or you can be looking for energy lines, energy frequencies that are in the earth, and if there are four or more of them in a row, we call them a lay, and so you can douse the earth for all kinds of things. You can also douse for just about anything else. You can douse for what foods are best for you, what colors are best for you, what location is best for you, and all that kind of thing, and there are. You can use a pendulum, you can use L rods, as I do most of the time, but, as I said, there are other dousing tools.

Speaker 2:

So in my case, I learned to douse by myself. I learned it through feng shui originally, and but after that I was self taught because I learned at a time when I had two little babies and I couldn't go trundling off. There was no internet. I couldn't go trundling off to the library, you know, to look for dousing books where I lived and with my two little kids it just little kids, it just didn't happen. So I taught myself and because of that I developed a relationship, and I believe this is true for anybody who dowses.

Speaker 2:

You develop a relationship with what it is that's answering. Now, in some cases, maybe the earth is answering. In some cases, maybe your higher self is answering. Now, in some cases, maybe the earth is answering. In some cases, maybe your higher self is answering, maybe your guide team is answering, maybe a planet, a star, maybe it's the universe itself. In my case it's the universe itself, but I didn't know that for a very long time.

Speaker 2:

In developing this relationship for me, I kind of came upon my own way of asking questions and once this infinity wave came in and I started to do the workshops and the infinity wave came to help us spiritually evolve. So, as I did spiritually evolve through teaching these series of workshops, I found that my dowsing improved, and part of how it improved was that when I started to douse. I also started to hear words and see images, and it opened up my intuition to a great degree. So the infinity wave is a big part of what expanded my dowsing capabilities, and if I hadn't had dowsing I wouldn't have known what the infinity wave was. So the two of them worked very much hand in hand once.

Speaker 1:

So they, the two of them, worked very much hand in hand, especially in the beginning. That that's. That's really interesting, because I guess dowsing I always think of like dowsing for water. And then I was. I was reading that about how you pioneered what we're talking about the infinite wave and um, how it can tap into our love, compassion and flow, and I thought flow is something that can be so blocked in so many people. I've had that myself where the floor isn't is blocked and they're trying to kind of maneuver, maneuver around it. It's almost as if there's like a brick wall in the way. If I'm a listener today, listening to you, hope, how can you help them through this infinite wave? That's my first question, and what steps can they take?

Speaker 2:

as a second one, so the infinity wave is a figure eight made of flowing water. The place where the figure eight comes together, in the middle, they're not touching. Those two planes are not touching, so that the water is infinitely flowing in that geometry. So that's one thing to remember and it's a symbol of an energy that is love and compassion. Now, if you're, let's say, you've just come out of a meditation and you're just feeling that beautiful connected. Now if you're, let's say, you've just come out of a meditation and you're just feeling that beautiful connectedness, you're feeling love, you're feeling all those you're feeling at one, let's say, with the universe, you're going to be in a state of flow. Right when you're in love and compassion, you are in flow. So what we're talking about is how can we get quickly into a state of love and compassion without going and sitting down and meditating for an hour and going to a cave and doing all the things that have been done forever and all good things, but we just don't have the time anymore. We need something that is going to help us quickly to shift. That's the infinity wave. That's exactly why it's been given to us. It's a loving tool from the universe to help us through chaotic and challenging times, which, of course, we've been in and are in. So the beautiful thing about 10th dimensional love and compassion is it's not emotional. It's such a high, high distilled version of love and compassion that it doesn't even come close to the sea of emotion that we have in 3D. Right, we've got dense emotions here. When you invoke this 10th dimensional love and compassion, it has a way of boosting 3D right up. I don't know where it goes, but it's not in 3d anymore. Okay, so it's like a um, it's like putting something in an elevator, distilling it into a higher form. Like if you boil water, it turns into steam. Right, it's like adding the element that will boil and turn, turn the element of emotion into a higher form. So, and it, and it does it very quickly. So I can get many examples of, for instance, shifting emotional states.

Speaker 2:

I'll tell you the first one. That happened to me when I was embroiled in a typical teenage mom conversation where I was having a an argument with my teenager and it was ramping up and ramping up and and I knew that if I, if I let it go too far, I was really you know, it's not going to be good for me. So I, uh, I left the room and went into my bedroom and I was just tight, you know, my, my gut was all tight. I was tight. I was like so bad, you know. And uh, and I'm sitting there and I'm thinking, look, I got to calm down. And I went wait, wait, wait, I've got the wave.

Speaker 2:

So I took the wave, took this imaginary, figurative flowing water, and I stuck it right in my gut, vigorata flowing water, and I stuck it right in my gut and I just imagined it like a rushing river just working its way on the place that was most tense in my body and I started to relax. And as I started to relax and I'm only focusing on the wave right now a little window popped up in my mind and it was like I was looking at the movie of the conversation that I just had. And as I was seeing that movie, I realized I saw what I did and said that was not helpful to the conversation. That, you know, caused it to ramp up even further. And I'm just watching it dispassionately and noticing the next thing I know, and again I'm focusing on my belly and just letting the wave relax me. So then the little picture, the little movie, changes and now I'm seeing myself saying and now I'm seeing myself saying to my child what needed to be said to counterbalance and to calm down and to resolve the situation. And then I saw myself laughing with my child about the whole thing and how ridiculous it was.

Speaker 2:

Now, by that point, my body was calm, the wave had just completely drained all the anger out and to the extent where I was chuckling and I opened my eyes and I thought, oh, I've probably been sitting here for half an hour. It had been five minutes, five minutes. I had gone from raging to laughing and it was genuine, it was an authentic journey. It wasn't like I tried to get there or I worked, you know. It just changed my state and I thought wow, this is.

Speaker 2:

This was early days of the wave and I didn't know yet all the ways to use it. I went oh boy, this opens up a whole new kettle of fish. This is amazing and I've used it and other people have used it that way many, many, many times. At this point, you can use it just out in the world when people are stressed, or just to. You're going to go out and do a bunch of errands, pave the way with the wave. Take your infinity wave in your mind and just put it out over your town or wherever you're going to be that day and just let it deliver flow, a flow state. Everything's going to be easy. Everything's going to be easy, everything's going to be timely. You're not going to be stuck in traffic. You know all of these things are going to and you are in a state of flow automatically along with it.

Speaker 1:

That's great. It's great so it kind of dissipates any blocks, the ego and anything that's kind of stopping us from being who we are. It's such a fascinating subject, If I'm a listener, and I would like to learn about this. What is the best step that I can take today?

Speaker 2:

Well, I mean, I recommend reading my book because it's a handbook on how the infinity wave came to be, but how to use it, and it's written for both the newcomer and somebody who's very experienced. So that would be my number one thing For people on your side of the pond you know I do weekly meditations. Most of them are free and you can get those on my meditation library, which is at spreadinfinitehopecom. I've got a lot of free content there and I've got a lot of YouTube interviews. I've got a lot of YouTube interviews. So you know there are lots of ways to tap into the infinity wave.

Speaker 2:

And hear about dowsing and you know I use it really to help people make decisions in their lives and to understand why that decision is the right one for them. Is the right one for them? When we make decisions just from our literal minds, we don't always understand the nuances and we don't understand if this is in my highest physical good or am I just doing this because I'm emotionally attached? We take all that apart. We look at the whole thing and then make decisions that are truly well-informed thing and then make decisions that are truly well informed. So that's what I use the uh, the dowsing for, for people.

Speaker 1:

So those are you know, those are the main things excellent. I. I read like the sample on on Amazon and it's going to be on my reading list list for my holiday. It's just I don't know. It just sounds like it's such a gift and, like you said, people don't have time to do like to go in a cave for like half a day, and so this is going to help them a lot. And, um, your, your energy is amazing and water is, is such a heat. I think water is such a healing thing and the fact you've you have this vision and you've been able to bring this work to the world, and it's been a real grace to have you on the show hope and um. I will put details in the show notes for all our listeners, just before we say goodbye. Is there anything that you wish we had covered today?

Speaker 2:

oh, just you know, we're all here to. We come in with nothing, we leave with nothing, so what we get to do is polish our beautiful souls in that journey. So I feel like that's our responsibility and that's our opportunity.

Speaker 1:

So I just hope that everybody can use this tool to help with that. Oh, fantastic, I absolutely agree and thank you so much Hope. So, dear listeners, do stay tuned. As always, there's a meditation inspired by today's show, but you very much hope Fitzgerald for joining us today. Top tips for the meditation is either sit nice and cross-legged on the floor with a nice straight back always nice to sit on a block or a cushion, or that's not available for you. You sit in a chair with the back nice and straight. The important thing is you're not slouching, and if you're doing something that requires you concentration, all you need to do is just pause this and you can reconvene the meditation at a time that is good for you.

Speaker 1:

If you're doing the meditation, let's begin. So if you look at the tree in front of you either that is a physical tree or a tree that you've imagined after seeing in a book and you just have your gaze in one spot and you just allow that tree to move, you allow the branches of that tree, as you look at it, to move in the breeze, the reverberation as the wind hits against the leaves, casting a green and magical breeze like a sea in the air, and just think that wind is blowing away all your cares and you're just allowing yourself to be. Imagine that you're as perfect as can be, as beautiful as you are in the moment. Allow, allow and be. Watch as the leaves move and they dance and they sing and they prance in the wind, and the gentleness of the breeze helps to illuminate a sense of ease within your being. Perhaps today has been a little bit more difficult to navigate than other days. Meditation may feel a strain, but if you look at the tree it can help. You feel this breeze, this sense of ease. As you inhale through the nostrils and you exhale and you let it all out, you allow yourself to be yourself, to be free within this moment. Allow yourself to be the greenery. Why it resonates with the sense of self-love inner love, outer love, love for others, love for ourselves.

Speaker 1:

Nature is so godly in the sense that it is beautiful, it is there, it is resilient. It's not that nature never has a care for. It can be difficult for nature to navigate who's eating who, who's feeding off who, but within it, nature is in the moment, nature is in the now. Nature is so beautiful. Nature just knows how. Nature is so beautiful. Nature just knows. How can you be in line with that nature? Take a calming, deep breath and just allow yourself to gently listen to the tree as it moves so gracefully in the breeze. And if your mind pops off somewhere, don't Just come back to the breath. Breathe deeply as you take in that tree, just allowing yourself to feel completely and utterly free. Allow, allow, take a calming, deep breath in and out through the nostrils as you inhale, exhale, as you slowly come back into the moment, come back into the room.

The Evolution and Magic of Water
Inner Guidance With Dowsing & Infinity
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