A Man, a Prison Cell and Safe Harbor: Jamie Robins - Act 1
Mojo for the Modern Man
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Mojo for the Modern Man
A Man, a Prison Cell and Safe Harbor: Jamie Robins - Act 1
Jul 27, 2021 Episode 50

Jamie Robins grew up with working class roots, learning that the mark of a successful man was his capacity to bust their knuckles working hard.  His calling, though, was to break from the traditional path and head in a different direction.

With his father’s blessing, Jamie - after a couple years of hard partying and going to a potentially addictive, dangerous edge - went off to university to study design.

 Jamie loops us into the importance of being of service and shares a tale of wrestling with a deeper second calling and “getting out on the streets” for change.

Then came an overnight stay and an epiphany in a prison cell…

 You can learn more about Jamie and his work at https://jamiecoach.com and find his Safe Harbour podcast, in partnership with Phil Askew, on Apple podcasts.