Mojo for the Modern Man

Crafting Hope: From Troubles to Treasures with Hawi James Ouma - Act 2

May 07, 2024 Episode 161

In the second act of my chat with Hawi James Ouma, we dive into his incredible journey from being wrongfully arrested to becoming a role model for young boys in Kenya's juvenile system. It all started with eight days in a police station that left him with a new perspective on life: find the treasure in your troubles. Now, Hawi is the driving force behind Life Song Kenya, where he mentors boys who are often stigmatized by society. Hawi’s story story is both heartwarming and jaw-dropping, and his parting words challenge us all to focus on what we have, instead of what we lack – inspiring, to say the least!


About 1 in every 4 boys in Kenya is unfathered, underfathered or misfathered.

Growing up without a father or a father-figure causes a boy to feel unappreciated, unloved and unprotected. Therefore, they become more vulnerable to juvenile delinquency, gender based violence, sexual assault, bullying, crime and conflict. They also become prone to dropping out of school, lacking an appetite for life or lacking respect for their mothers or the authority.

Through my work, I help create an ideal environment where boys become more aware of who they really are. Together as a co-partners, I’m the catalyst that helps to remind boys and young men of the infinite treasure they possess. When I was being interviewed for a TV Production job, which I wasn’t qualified for, I said that life becomes a beautiful lifesong.
